Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (793 page)

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Authors: Jeffrey J. Schaider,Adam Z. Barkin,Roger M. Barkin,Philip Shayne,Richard E. Wolfe,Stephen R. Hayden,Peter Rosen

Tags: #Medical, #Emergency Medicine

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pediatric, 406–407

diagnosis, 406–407

treatment, 407

tube complications, 408–409

diagnosis, 408

treatment, 408–409

Felon, 14

Femur fracture, 410–411

diagnosis, 410

treatment, 410–411

Winquist and Hansen classification, 410


adult, 412–413

diagnosis, 412–413

treatment, 413

dengue, 298–299

hemorrhagic, 506–507

pediatric, 414–415

diagnosis, 414

treatment, 414–415

rheumatic, 984–985

See Scarlet fever

Fever of unknown origin (FUO), 412

Fibrillation, atrial, 114–115

Fibrinolytic therapy, 964–965

Fibrocystic breast changes, 416–417

diagnosis, 416

imaging, 416

risk factors, 416

treatment, 417

Fibromyalgia, 418–419

diagnosis, 418–419

mechanism, 418

treatment, 419

Fibular fractures, 1134–1135

Figurate erythema, 946

Flail chest, 420–421

diagnosis, 420

imaging, 420

treatment, 420–421

Flavivirus, encephalitis from, 364–365

Flexion compression fracture, lumbar spine, 1060–1061

Flexion distraction, 1060

Flexion injuries, 1054

Flexion teardrop fracture, 1054–1055

Flexor digitorum profundus injuries, 1114

Flexor digitorum superficialis injuries, 1114

Flexor tenosynovitis (FTS), 1118

Flumazenil (romazicon) toxicity, 887

Fomepizole toxicity, 887

Food-borne botulism, 154

Fall on outstretched hand (FOOSH)

Foot fracture, 422–423

diagnosis, 422

imaging, 422

tarsal–metatarsal injuries in, 422

treatment, 423

Forearm and wrist flexor injuries, 1114

Forearm fracture, shaft/distal, 424–425

diagnosis, 424

intra-articular classifications, 424

treatment, 424–425

Forearm tenosynovitis, 1118–1119

Foreign body

corneal, 270–271

ear, 426–427

esophageal, 428–429

nasal, 430–431

rectal, 432–433

Fournier gangrene, 434–435

diagnosis, 434

risk factors, 434

treatment, 435


alveolar bone, 300

ankle, 68–69

Bennett, 1130

blow-out, 150

carpal, 196–197

clavicle, 240–241

coccyx, spine injury with, 1058–1059

distal phalangeal, 1130

facial, 400–401

femur, 410–411

fibular, 1134–1135

foot, 422–423

forearm, shaft/distal, 424–425


humerus, 546–547

larynx, 646–647

mandibular, 678–679

multiple rib, 420

nasal, 734–735


flexion teardrop, 1054–1055

wedge, 1054–1055

open, 436–437

pediatric, 438–439

pelvic, 816–817

pelvic, bladder injury with, 148–149

penile shaft, 822–823

proximal phalangeal, 1130

rib, 986–987

Rolando, 1130

sacral, 996–997

scaphoid, 196, 1004–1005

sternoclavicular joint, 1074–1075

thoracic spine, 1062–1063

thumb, 1130–1131

tibial, 1134–1135

tibial plateau, 1132–1133

tillaux, 68

Toddler, 1134

tooth, 300

triplane, 68

zygomatic arch, 400

Friction burns, 168–169

Frontal sinusitis, 1034

Frostbite, 440–451

deep, 440

diagnosis, 440

mechanism, 440

superficial, 440

treatment, 440–441

Functional dysphagia, 344–345

Functional hypoadrenalism, 34.
See Adrenal insufficiency

Fever of unknown origin (FUO)

Fussy infant (baby).
Irritable infant


Galeazzi fracture, 424

Galerina marginata
poisoning, 726–727

Galerina venenata
poisoning, 726–727

Gallstone ileus, 442–443

diagnosis, 442–443

imaging, 442

site of impaction, 442

treatment, 443

Gallstones, 234

Gangrene, 444–445

diagnosis, 444

Fournier, 434–435

treatment, 445

Group A
-hemolytic streptococcus (GAS)

Gastric decontamination, 890–891

Gastric outlet obstruction, 446–447

diagnosis, 446

imaging, 446

treatment, 447

Gastric volvulus, 1228–1229

Gastritis, 448–449

acute, 448

chronic, 448

diagnosis, 448

treatment, 448–449

Gastroenteritis, 450–451

diagnosis, 450

treatment, 451

Gastroesophageal reflux (GER), 1234

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), 452–453

diagnosis, 452

treatment, 453

Gastrointestinal bleeding, 454–455

diagnosis, 454

treatment, 455

Giant cell arteritis (GCA)

GC tenosynovitis, 1118

Generalized tonic–clonic seizure, 1014

Geriatric trauma, 456–457

diagnosis, 456

imaging, 456

mechanisms, 456

treatment, 456–457

Gestational hypertension (GH), 904

-Glutamyl transpeptidase, 630

GHB poisoning, 458–459

diagnosis, 458

treatment, 458–459

Giant cell arteritis (GCA), 460–461

diagnosis, 460

treatment, 461

Giardia lamblia

diarrhea from, 318

astroenteritis from, 450–451

Giardiasis, 462–463

diagnosis, 462

treatment, 462–463

Gitelan syndrome, hypokalemia in, 588

Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) scoring, 248

Glaucoma, 464–465

diagnosis, 464

treatment, 464–465

Globe rupture, 466–467

diagnosis, 466

treatment, 467

Glomerulonephritis, 468–469

diagnosis, 468

treatment, 469

Glucagon toxicity, 888

Glucose toxicity, 888

Glycoprotein IIa inhibitors, 964

Glycoprotein IIb inhibitors, 964

Gonococcal disease, 470–471

diagnosis, 470

treatment, 471

Gonococcal pharyngitis, 854–855

Gout/pseudogout, 472–473

diagnosis, 472

treatment, 472–473

-host disease, 1152


diagnosis, 474–475

treatment, 475

Granulomatous, 370

Greenstick fracture, 424–425

Group A
-hemolytic streptococcus (GAS), 854–855

Guillain-Barré syndrome, 476–477

in ataxia, 113

Bell’s palsy and, 134

diagnosis, 476

polyneuropathy and, 898

treatment, 477

Guttate psoriasis, 920


Hereditary angioedema (HAE)

Haemophilus influenzae

epidural abscess from, 372

Hallucinations, 478–479

diagnosis, 478–479

treatment, 479

Hallucinogenic toxidrome, 892

Hallucinogen poisoning, 480–481

diagnosis, 480

treatment, 481

Hamman crunch, 876

Hand-arm vibration syndrome, 199

Hand infection, 482–483

diagnosis, 482

treatment, 482–483

Hand tendinitis, 1116–1117

Hand tenosynovitis, 1118–1119

Hospital acquired pneumonia (HAP)

Hazmat, 484–485

diagnosis, 484

treatment, 485

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)

Headache, 490–491

cluster, 492–493

diagnosis, 490–491

migraine, 494–495

pseudotumor cerebri and, 918

with subarachnoid hemorrhage, 1086

treatment, 491

Head trauma

blunt, 486–487

diagnosis, 486

treatment, 486–487

penetrating, 488–489

diagnosis, 488

treatment, 488–489

Health care associated pneumonia (HCAP), 878

Heart blocks

atrioventricular, 118–119, 158

bundle branch blocks, 166–167

complete, 118

Heart failure

cardiac testing for, 184–185

chronic, 256

congestive, 256–257

diastolic, 256

right-sided, 256

systolic, 256

Heart murmur, 496–497

diagnosis, 496–497

treatment, 497

Heat cramps, 572

Heat edema, 572

Heat exhaustion, 572

Heat stroke, 572–573

Heat syncope, 572

Heerfordt–Waldenström syndrome, 1000

HELLP syndrome, 904

Hellp syndrome, 498–499

diagnosis, 498

treatment, 499


retro-orbital, 976–977

subdural, 1088–1089

Hematuria, 500–501

diagnosis, 500–501

treatment, 501

Hemolysis, 64

Hemophilia, 502–503

diagnosis, 502

treatment, 502–503

Hemoptysis, 504–505

diagnosis, 504–505

treatment, 505


adrenal insufficiency and, 34

caudate, 612

cerebellar, 612

class I, 508

class II, 508

class III, 508

class IV, 508

intracerebral, 486, 612–613

intracranial, 502

lobar, 612

muscle, 502

pontine, 612

postpartum, 900–901

putamen, 612

retinal, 18

subarachnoid, 214–215, 1086–1087

thalamic, 612

variceal, 238, 1204–1205

vitreous, 1226–1227

Hemorrhagic diverticulosis, 332

Hemorrhagic fevers, 506–507

as biologic weapons, 140–141

diagnosis, 506

treatment, 507

Hemorrhagic shock, 508–509

diagnosis, 508–509

treatment, 509

Hemorrhoid, 510–511

diagnosis, 510

treatment, 510–511

Hemothorax, 512–513

diagnosis, 512

treatment, 512–513

Henoch–Schönlein purpura, 514–515, 935

diagnosis, 514–515

treatment, 515

with vasculitis, 1206

Hepatic encephalopathy, 516–517

diagnosis, 516–517

treatment, 517

Hepatic injury, 518–519

diagnosis, 518

treatment, 519

Hepatitis, 520–521

diagnosis, 520–521

treatment, 521

Hepatopulmonary syndrome, 238

Hepatorenal failure, 238

Hepatorenal syndrome, 522–523

diagnosis, 522–523

treatment, 523

Hereditary angioedema (HAE), 66–67

Hernias, 524–525

diagnosis, 524–525

treatment, 525

Herniated disc (HD), 1008–1009

diagnosis, 1008–1009

imaging, 1008

risk factors, 1008

treatment, 1009

Herpes, genital, 530–531

diagnosis, 530

treatment, 531

Herpes simplex virus (HSV), 526–527

diagnosis, 526–527

encephalitis from, 364–365

erythema multiforme from, 388

treatment, 527

Herpes zoster, 528–529

diagnosis, 528

treatment, 528–529

Herpetiform aphthous ulcers, 82

Human granulocytic anaplasmosis (HGA)

Human granulocytic ehrlichiosis (HGE)

Hiccups, 532–533

diagnosis, 532

treatment, 532–533

Hidradenitis suppurativa, 14

High-altitude illness, 534–535

diagnosis, 534

treatment, 535

High-flow priapism, 910

High-muzzle–velocity gunshot wounds, 398

Hip injury, 536–537

diagnosis, 536

treatment, 536–537

Hippel–Lindau (VHL) disease, 860

Hirschsprung disease, 538–539

diagnosis, 538–539

treatment, 539

HIV/AIDS, 540–541

diagnosis, 540–541

treatment, 541

HIV encephalitis, 364

HIV-induced psoriasis, 920

Human monocytic ehrlichiosis (HME)

Hordeolum, 542–543

diagnosis, 542

treatment, 543

Horner syndrome, 544–545

diagnosis, 544

treatment, 545

Hospital acquired pneumonia (HAP), 878

Human bite, 146–147

diagnosis, 146

treatment, 146–147

Human granulocytic anaplasmosis (HGA), 358–359

Human granulocytic ehrlichiosis (HGE), 358–359

Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) roseola, 992–993

Human monocytic ehrlichiosis (HME), 358–359

Human papillomavirus (HPV)

warts from, 1240–1241

Humerus fracture, 546–547

diagnosis, 546

treatment, 546–547

Hutchinson fracture, 424–425

Hyperviscosity syndrome (HVS)

Hydatidiform mole, 548–549

diagnosis, 548–549

treatment, 549

Hydrocarbon poisoning, 550–551

diagnosis, 550

treatment, 550–551

Hydrocele, 552–553

diagnosis, 552

treatment, 552–553

Hydrocephalus, 554–555

diagnosis, 554

treatment, 555

Hyperaldosteronism, 588

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, 556–557

complications of, 557

indications for, 556

mechanisms of action, 556

Hyperbaric oxygen toxicity, 888

Hypercalcemia, 558–559

Hypercalcemic crisis, 558

Hypercyanotic spells, 254

Hyperemesis gravidarum, 560–561

diagnosis, 560

risk factors, 560

treatment, 560–561

Hyperkalemia, 562–563

Hyperleukocytosis, 654

Hypernatremia, 564–565

definition, 564

diagnosis, 564–565

treatment, 565

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