Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (746 page)

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Authors: Jeffrey J. Schaider,Adam Z. Barkin,Roger M. Barkin,Philip Shayne,Richard E. Wolfe,Stephen R. Hayden,Peter Rosen

Tags: #Medical, #Emergency Medicine

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UTIs in children may be difficult to diagnose without lab confirmation.

  • Often nonspecific
  • Neonates:
    • Manifestations of sepsis
    • Feeding difficulties
    • Irritability, listlessness
    • Fever, hypothermia
  • 1 mo–3 yr of age:
    • Fever
    • Irritability
    • Vomiting, diarrhea
    • Abdominal pain
    • Poor feeding, failure to thrive
  • Hematuria
  • In girls <2 yr, an increased risk is associated with those having ≥3 factors (<12 mo old, white, temperature ≥39°C, absence of other source of fever, fever ≥2 days)
  • Children >3 yr of age:
    • Dysuria
    • Frequency
    • Enuresis
    • New onset of urinary incontinence
    • Pain: Abdominal, suprapubic, back, costovertebral angle (CVA)
    • Fever
    • Hematuria
    • Malodorous cloudy urine
    • Systemic toxicity: High fever and chills with CVA tenderness
  • Complications:
    • Recurrent UTI
    • Pyelonephritis
    • Chronic renal failure:
      • Scarring probably may be reduced by early detection and intervention
    • Perinephric abscess
    • Bacteremia/sepsis
    • Urolithiasis
  • Vital signs, esp. temperature and blood pressure
  • Toxicity
  • Growth parameters
  • Abdomen: Tenderness, esp. CVA pain
  • GU: Genitalia
  • UA with microscopic RBC and WBC counts and Gram stain for bacteria:
    • UA alone has low diagnostic sensitivity in infants.
    • Causes of pyuria besides UTI include chemical (bubble bath) or physical (masturbation) irritation, dehydration, renal tuberculosis, trauma, acute glomerulonephritis, respiratory infections, appendicitis, pelvic infection, and gastroenteritis.
    • Leukocyte esterase correlates with presence of pyuria.
    • Positive nitrite test indicates presence of bacteria capable of fixing nitrate. False-negative tests common
    • Gram stain of urinary sediment is more reliable than dipstick methods of diagnosis and superior to traditional UA.
    • Up to 80% of UAs in neonates with documented UTIs may be normal.
  • Urine culture:
    • Specimen should be cultured within 30 min or refrigerated.
    • False-negative results may be caused by dilution, improper culture medium, recent antimicrobial therapy, fastidious organisms, bacteriostatic agent in urine, and complete obstruction of ureter.
  • Clean-catch and bag specimens
    • Clean catch in cooperative male children
    • Plastic bag collection adequate for UA (70% contamination rate).
    • Clean the perineum (females) and glans (males) before application.
    • Can be used as a screening tool to rule out an infection if patient is not placed on antibiotics empirically and follow-up culture possible if the initial assessment is suggestive of infection.
  • Catheterization is the preferred technique to obtain urine because contamination is common with bag collection and clean catch:
    • Bladder catheterization:
      • Acceptable in all infants
      • Higher success rate than suprapubic aspiration
      • Aseptic technique essential
      • Discarding the 1st 1–2 mL of urine before collecting specimen reduces contamination.
  • Suprapubic aspiration is used on rare occasion and does provide a good specimen:
    • Most useful in infants
    • Full bladder optimal
    • Uncommonly used
    • Ultrasound may be useful adjunctive measure to improve yield.
  • CBC and blood culture for young children with fever or nonspecific symptoms and no source on exam. Consider additional evaluation as appropriate.
  • Electrolytes, BUN, creatinine:
    • Check if there is dehydration, pyelonephritis, or recurrent infection.
  • Children requiring radiologic evaluation:
    • Infants <3 mo of age
    • Males (increased association with anomaly) with 1st UTI
    • Clinical signs and symptoms consistent with pyelonephritis
    • Clinical evidence of renal disease
    • Some suggest that girls <3 yr of age with a 1st UTI should be studied.
    • Females >3 yr of age
    • 1st UTI in patients who have a family history of UTIs, abnormal voiding pattern, poor growth, HTN, urinary tract anomalies, or failure to respond promptly to therapy
    • 2nd UTI
  • Voiding cystoureterogram (VCUG):
    • UTI is often associated with VUR and other genitourinary abnormalities and identified by VCUG. The importance of identifying VUR has been questioned.
  • Renal/bladder ultrasound (US):
    • Ultrasonography is useful in excluding obstructive lesion and identifying children with solitary/ectopic kidney and some patients with moderate renal damage/scarring:
      • Renal/bladder US is indicated to identify anatomic abnormalities. Should be done in children <2 yr with 1st febrile UTI, children with recurrent febrile UTIs, children with a UTI and family history of GU disease, poor growth, or hypertension as well as those children who do not respond as anticipated to antibiotics.
      • Nuclear cystogram (DMSA) may be substituted for VCUG in females. Its role is being clarified.
    • Further evaluation with nuclear medicine studies depends upon the grade of VUR and response to treatment
  • Infection:
    • Vulvovaginitis
    • Viral cystitis
    • Urethritis (
      Neisseria gonorrhoeae or Chlamydia trachomatis
    • Glomerulonephritis
    • Appendicitis
  • Trauma:
    • Chemical irritation/cystitis
    • Perineal
    • Sexual abuse
    • Genitourinary
    • Masturbation
    • Foreign body
  • Nephrolithiasis
  • Diabetes
  • Treat infants <3 mo old presumptively for sepsis if febrile and/or toxic until blood and other appropriate cultures are final.
  • Airway intervention for septic/acidotic infants with depressed respiratory drive
  • Bolus of 20 mL/kg 0.9% NS for dehydration, hypovolemia, or sepsis; may repeat
  • Initiate IV antibiotics in all febrile infants <3 mo with UTI:
    • Ampicillin and gentamicin in neonates
    • Cephalosporins after 4–8 wk of age
  • Outpatient oral antibiotic for 10–14 days for children discharged. Should reflect local resistance patterns. Once sensitivity is known, antibiotic may need to be changed:
    • Amoxicillin
    • Amoxicillin/clavulanate
    • Cephalexin
    • Trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole (TMP–SMX)
    • Many suggest 3rd-generation cephalosporin (cefixime, cefdinir) as 1st-line drug in treatment of children without GU anomaly because of changing resistance patterns. Oral therapy is generally adequate although close follow-up is essential to monitor clinical response and sensitivity of the etiologic organism.
    • Recent UTI may provide information related to sensitivities in children with recurrent UTIs
    • Length of treatment in children with afebrile UTI may be shortened to 5 days in children >2 yr. The short course is still not generally recommended in children with febrile UTI.
First Line
  • Amoxicillin: 40 mg/kg/24 h PO q8h
  • Amoxicillin/clavulanate: 40 mg/kg/24 h PO q8h
  • Ampicillin: 100 mg/kg/24 h IV q6h
  • Cefdinir 14 mg/kg/24 h PO QD
  • Cefixime 16 mg/kg/24 h PO on 1st day followed by 8 mg/kg/24 h PO QD
  • Ceftriaxone: 50–75 mg/kg/24 h q12–24h IV or IM
  • Cephalexin: 50 mg/kg/24 h PO q6–12h
  • Gentamicin: 2.5 mg/kg/dose IV q8h if full-term and age >7 days; 2.5 mg/kg/dose IV q12h if full-term and age 0–7 days (special dosing regimens in infants <36 wk postconceptual age)
  • TMP–SMX (Bactrim or Septra suspension): 5 mL liquid (of 40/200 per 5 mL) per 10 kg per dose PO BID
Admission Criteria
  • Infants <3 mo
  • Dehydration
  • Ill appearance/toxicity/sepsis
  • Suspected pyelonephritis
  • Urinary obstruction
  • Vomiting, inability to retain medications
  • Failure to respond to outpatient therapy
  • Immunocompromised patient
  • Renal insufficiency
  • Foreign body (indwelling catheter)
  • Pregnant patient
Discharge Criteria
  • Sufficiently hydrated
  • Low risk for sepsis or meningitis
  • Nontoxic
  • Able to take oral antibiotics; compliant
Issues for Referral
  • Patients needing admission often require a pediatrician, urologist, or infectious disease consultant, esp. if there is VUR, renal anomaly, impaired renal function, recurrent infection, or hypertension.
  • Good follow-up is mandatory.

Monitoring of urine for sterility, further evaluation for underlying pathology, and following growth pattern

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