Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (526 page)

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Authors: Jeffrey J. Schaider,Adam Z. Barkin,Roger M. Barkin,Philip Shayne,Richard E. Wolfe,Stephen R. Hayden,Peter Rosen

Tags: #Medical, #Emergency Medicine

BOOK: Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult
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  • Inflammation, infection, or infiltration of the pericardial sac surrounding the heart:
    • Pericardial effusion may or may not be present.
  • Acute pericarditis:
    • Rapid in onset
    • Potentially complicated by cardiac tamponade from effusion
  • Constrictive pericarditis:
    • Results from chronic inflammation causing thickening and adherence of the pericardium to the heart
  • Idiopathic (most common)
  • Viral:
    • Echovirus
    • Coxsackie
    • Adenovirus
    • Varicella
    • Epstein–Barr virus
    • Cytomegalovirus
    • Hepatitis B
    • Mumps
    • HIV
  • Bacterial:
    • Tuberculosis
    • Staphylococcus
    • Streptococcus
    • Haemophilus
    • Salmonella
    • Legionella
  • Fungal:
    • Candida
    • Aspergillus
    • Histoplasmosis
    • Coccidioidomycosis
    • Blastomycosis
    • Nocardia
  • Parasitic:
    • Amebiasis
    • Toxoplasmosis
    • Echinococcosis
  • Neoplastic:
    • Lung
    • Breast
    • Lymphoma
  • Uremia
  • Myocardial infarction:
    • Dressler syndrome
  • Connective tissue disease:
    • Systemic lupus erythematosus
    • Rheumatoid arthritis
    • Scleroderma
  • Radiation
  • Chest trauma
  • Postpericardiotomy
  • Aortic dissection
  • Myxedema
  • Pancreatitis
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Amyloidosis
  • Drugs:
    • Procainamide
    • Cromolyn sodium
    • Hydralazine
    • Dantrolene
    • Isoniazid
    • Penicillins
    • Doxorubicin/daunorubicin
  • Chest pain
  • Fever
  • Mild dyspnea
  • Cough
  • Hoarseness
  • Nausea
  • Anorexia
  • Chest pain:
    • Pain radiating to the ridge of the trapezius from phrenic irritation
    • Central or substernal pain
    • Sudden onset
    • Sharp
    • Pleuritic
    • Worse when supine or with cough
    • Improved with leaning or sitting forward
  • Previous episodes of pericarditis
  • History of fever or infection
  • History of malignancy or autoimmune disease
  • Tachypnea
  • Tachycardia
  • Odynophagia
  • Friction rub:
    • Heard best at lower left sternal border
    • Very specific
    • Triphasic rub is classic
    • Can have any of these 3 components:
      • Presystolic
      • Systolic
      • Early diastolic
    • Intermittent and exacerbated by leaning forward
  • Beck triad with the accumulation of pericardial fluid:
    • Muffled heart sounds
    • Increased venous pressure (distended neck veins)
    • Decreased systemic arterial pressure (hypotension)
  • Ewart sign:
    • Dullness and bronchial breathing between the tip of the left scapula and the vertebral column
  • Pulsus paradoxus:
    • Exaggerated decrease (>10 mm Hg) in systolic pressure with inspiration
  • Constrictive pericarditis:
    • Signs of both right- and left-sided heart failure
    • Pulmonary and peripheral edema
    • Ascites
    • Hepatic congestion
  • ECG has 4 classic stages
  • Stage 1:
    • Concave ST-elevations diffusely except aVR and V1
    • PR segment depressions with elevation in aVR
  • Stage 2:
    • Normalization of ST and PR segments
    • T-wave flattening
  • Stage 3:
    • Diffuse T-wave inversions
  • Stage 4:
    • T-waves normalize, may have some persistent T-wave inversions
  • Atypical changes may include localized ST-elevations or T-wave inversions
  • Myocardial involvement suggested by intraventricular conduction delay, new bundle branch block, or Q-waves
  • Pericardial effusion suggested by electrical alternans
  • CBC:
    • May show leukocytosis
  • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein:
    • May be elevated, can follow for resolution
  • Cardiac enzymes:
    • Helpful in distinguishing pericarditis from myocardial infarction
    • May also be elevated in myopericarditis
  • CXR:
    • Most often normal
    • May show enlargement of the cardiac silhouette or calcification of pericardium
    • No change in heart size until >250 mL of fluid has accumulated in the pericardial sac
  • Echocardiography:
    • Diagnostic method of choice for the detection of pericardial fluid
    • Can detect as little as 15 mL of fluid in the pericardial sac
    • Bedside US good screening tool
  • Chest CT:
    • Useful for the detection of calcifications or thickening of the pericardium
    • Can help rule out other etiologies
Diagnostic Procedures/Surgery


  • Pericardial fluid can help determine underlying etiology.
  • Fluid sent for protein, glucose, culture, cytology, Gram and acid-fast stains, and fungal smears
  • Acute myocardial infarction
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Pneumothorax
  • Aortic dissection
  • Pneumonia
  • Empyema
  • Cholecystitis
  • Pancreatitis
  • ABCs, IV access, O
    , monitor
  • Consider fluid bolus if no crackles.
  • ABCs
  • Emergent pericardiocentesis:
    • For hemodynamic compromise secondary to cardiac tamponade
    • Removal of a small amount of fluid can lead to a dramatic improvement.
    • US guidance if available
  • Treatment dependent on the underlying etiology
  • Idiopathic, viral, rheumatologic, and post-traumatic:
    • NSAID regimens effective
    • Corticosteroids reserved for refractory cases
  • Bacterial:
    • Aggressive treatment with IV antibiotics along with drainage of the pericardial space
    • Search for primary focus of infection.
    • Therapy guided by determination of pathogen from pericardial fluid tests
  • Neoplastic:
    • Treat underlying malignancy.
  • Uremic:
    • Intensive 2–6 wk course of dialysis
    • Caution should be used if using nonsteroidal medications.
  • Expected course/prognosis:
    • Most patients will respond to treatment within 2 wk.
    • Most have complete resolution of symptoms.
  • Few progress to recurrent episodes with eventual development of constrictive pericarditis or cardiac tamponade.
  • Ibuprofen 300–800 mg q6–8h for days to weeks depending on severity:
    • Can also be tapered to prevent recurrence
    • Improves coronary blood flow
    • GI prophylaxis with 20 mg omeprazole
  • Aspirin 800 mg PO q6–8h × 7–10 days:
    • Taper off over 3–4 wk
    • Omeprazole as with ibuprofen
    • Colchicine 1–2 mg × 1 day, then 0.5–1 mg daily × 3 mo
  • Colchicine alone: 1–2 mg × 1 day, then 0.5–1 mg daily × 3 mo:
    • Combination with aspirin decreased recurrence rate
    • Lower doses may also be effective.
  • Indomethacin 25–50 mg q6h:
    • May restrict coronary blood flow
  • Prednisone 0.2–0.5 mg/kg daily × 2–4 wk with taper:
    • Used for refractory cases
    • For use if aspirin/NSAIDs contraindicated
    • Associated with increased rate of recurrence
    • Also beneficial in uremic and autoimmune pericarditis
Pregnancy Considerations
  • NSAIDs and aspirin are not teratogenic in 1st 20 wk of pregnancy
  • Glucocorticoids may be used during pregnancy.
  • Avoid aspirin and high-dose steroids when breast-feeding.
  • Colchicine is generally contraindicated except with familial Mediterranean fever.

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