Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (176 page)

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Authors: Jeffrey J. Schaider,Adam Z. Barkin,Roger M. Barkin,Philip Shayne,Richard E. Wolfe,Stephen R. Hayden,Peter Rosen

Tags: #Medical, #Emergency Medicine

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  • Chronic hypoxia
    • COPD
    • High-altitude dwellers
    • Sleep apnea
    • Chest deformities
      • Kyphoscoliosis
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Interstitial lung disease
    • Scleroderma
    • Systemic lupus erythematosus
    • Mixed connective tissue disease
    • Sarcoidosis
    • Pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis
    • Neurofibromatosis type
    • Lymphangioleiomyomatosis
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Severe anemia
  • Obesity
  • Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease
  • Pulmonary vascular obstruction secondary to tumors or adenopathy
  • Increased blood viscosity:
    • Polycythemia vera
    • Leukemia
  • Increased intrathoracic pressure:
    • Mechanical ventilation with positive end-expiratory pressure
  • Idiopathic primary pulmonary HTN
  • Exertional dyspnea
  • Easy fatigability
  • Weakness
  • Exertional syncope
  • Cough
  • Hemoptysis
  • Exertional angina even in the absence of coronary disease
  • Anorexia
  • Right upper quadrant discomfort
  • Wheezing
  • Hoarseness
  • Weight gain
  • Hepatomegaly
  • Ascites
  • Peripheral edema

End-stage cor pulmonale

  • Cardiogenic shock
  • Oliguria
  • Cool extremities
  • Pulmonary edema secondary to intraventricular septum impairing left ventricular diastolic function
  • Exercise intolerance
  • Palpitations
  • Chest pain
  • Lightheadedness
  • Syncope
  • Swelling of the lower extremities
  • Jugular venous distention:
    • Prominent A- and V-waves
  • Increase in chest diameter
  • Crackles and/or wheezes
  • Left parasternal heave on cardiac palpation
  • Splitting of the 2nd heart sound or murmurs of the pulmonary vasculature may be heard.
  • Hepatojugular reflex and pulsatile liver
  • Pitting edema of the lower extremities
  • Pulse oximetry or ABG:
    • Resting PO
      40–60 mm Hg
    • Resting PCO
      often 40–70 mm Hg
  • Hematocrit:
    • Frequently elevated
  • B-natriuretic peptide:
    • When elevated, is sensitive for moderate to severe pulmonary HTN, and may be an independent predictor of mortality
    • Elevated level alone is not enough to establish diagnosis of cor pulmonale.
  • Other lab tests are not generally useful.
  • CXR:
    • Signs of pulmonary HTN:
      • Large pulmonary arteries (>16–18 mm)
      • An enlarged RV silhouette
      • Shows abnormalities in >90% of patients in the detection of cor pulmonale, but does not indicate the severity of disease
      • Pleural effusions do not occur in the setting of cor pulmonale alone.
  • EKG:
    • Right-axis deviation
    • Right bundle branch block
    • RVH
      • Dominant R-wave in V1 and V2
      • Prominent S-wave in V5 and V6
      • Small R-waves and deep S-waves across the precordium
    • Right atrial enlargement
      • Tall, peaked P-waves (P pulmonale)
    • S1Q3 pattern with acute cor pulmonale
    • Transient changes due to hypoxia
    • Right precordial T-wave flattening
  • Echocardiography
    • The noninvasive diagnostic method of choice
    • RV dilation or RVH
    • Assessment of tricuspid regurgitation
    • Doppler quantization of pulmonary artery pressure, RV ejection fraction
  • Chest CT, ventilation/perfusion scans, or pulmonary angiography:
    • Useful in the setting of acute cor pulmonale
  • Magnetic resonance imaging
    • Superior to echocardiography for assessment of right ventricular size and function
  • Pulmonary function tests
    • Impaired diffusion capacity due to pulmonary HTN
  • Right-heart catheterization:
    • The most precise estimate of pulmonary vascular hemodynamics
    • Gives accurate measurements of pulmonary arterial pressure and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
  • Primary disease of the left side of the heart
    • Mitral stenosis
  • Congenital heart disease
    • Eisenmenger syndrome
      • Left to right shunt caused by a congenital heart defect in the fetal heart causes increased flow through the pulmonary vasculature, causing pulmonary HTN
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Cirrhosis
  • Supportive therapy:
    • Supplemental oxygen
      • To an endpoint of 90% arterial saturation
    • IV access
    • Cardiac monitoring
    • Pulse oximetry
  • Treat bronchospasm from associated respiratory disease:
    • β-Agonist nebulizers
  • Caution:
    • Vasodilators and diuretics do not have a role in the field.
    • Severely hypoxic patients may require endotracheal intubation.

ED therapy is directed at the underlying disease process and reducing pulmonary HTN.

  • Supplemental oxygen sufficient to raise arterial saturation to 90%:
    • Improving oxygenation reduces pulmonary arterial vasoconstriction and RV afterload.
    • The improved cardiac output enhances diuresis of excess body water.
    • Care must be taken to monitor the patient’s ventilatory status and PCO
      , as hypercapnia may reduce respiratory drive and cause acidosis.
  • Diuretics, such as furosemide, may be added cautiously to reduce pulmonary artery pressure by contributing to the reduction of circulating blood volume:
    • Be wary of volume depletion and hypokalemia
  • Patients should be maintained on salt and fluid restriction.
  • There is no role for digoxin in the treatment of cor pulmonale.
  • Bronchodilators:
    • Bronchodilator therapy is particularly helpful for those patients with COPD
    • Selective β-adrenergic agents such as terbutaline 0.25 mg SC may be useful.
    • Bronchodilator affects and reduces ventricular afterload.
    • Theophylline may play a role to improve diaphragmatic contractility and reduce muscle fatigue.
    • Anticoagulation may be considered for those at high risk for thromboembolic disease.
  • Acutely decompensated COPD patients:
    • Early steroid therapy
    • Antibiotic administration
  • In general, improvement in the underlying respiratory disease results in improved RV function.
  • Furosemide: 20–60 mg IV (peds: 1 mg/kg may increase by 1 mg/kg/q2h not to exceed 6 mg/kg)
  • Terbutaline: 0.25 mg SC
Admission Criteria
  • New-onset hypoxia
  • Anasarca
  • Severe respiratory failure
  • Admission criteria for the underlying disease process
Discharge Criteria

Patients without hypoxia or a stable oxygen requirement

Issues for Referral
  • Close follow-up as long as the underlying etiology has responded to acute management
  • The need for a sleep study to assess for sleep apnea should be coordinated by the patient’s physician.

Ensure home oxygenation in patients with chronic hypoxia

  • The physical exam is unreliable for detecting cor pulmonale in patients with COPD, as hyperinflation of the chest obscures the classic findings.
  • Vasodilator therapy should only be considered after conventional therapy and oxygenation have failed.
  • Benza R, Biederman R, Murali S, et al. Role of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in the management of patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension.
    Am Coll Cardiol
    . 2008;52(21):1683.
  • Chaouat A, Naeije R, Weitzenblum E. Pulmonary hypertension in COPD.
    Eur Respir J
    . 2008;32:1371–1385.
  • Han MK, McLaughlin VV, Criner CJ, et al. Pulmonary diseases and the heart.
    . 2007;116:2992–3005.
  • Jardin F, Vieillard-Baron A. Acute cor pulmonale.
    Curr Opin Crit Care
    . 2009;15:67–70.
  • Luks AM. Can patients with pulmonary hypertension travel to high altitude?
    High Alt Med Biol
    . 2009;10:215–219.

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