Rosemary's Double Delight (3 page)

Read Rosemary's Double Delight Online

Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General

BOOK: Rosemary's Double Delight
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Chapter Two

Rosemary wasn’t even out of her car before Wes and Evan were out the front door of their house. She paused, memorizing this moment. It had been a long time since she’d seen Wes’s face radiate only joy in her presence. Before, it was always tempered with sadness and longing. Now his green eyes sparkled as he gazed at her.

Prior to that morning, she hadn’t seen Evan’s dimples in years.

Evan was always reserved, much more likely to hide what he was feeling and thinking. What he felt now was plain in his dark eyes as she sauntered slowly to the steps. The glimmer of desire she saw there did her heart a world of good.

Stopping at the foot of the steps, she looked up at them. For the first time in a long damn time, she remembered what it had felt like to be their third, the one that made them complete. They met her on the steps. Wes drew her into his sinewy arms, and kissed her for the first time in forever, it seemed. His kiss was tender but tinged with a bridled fierceness, promising lovemaking that would bring her to utter dependence on him. She’d never hold herself back from him again after that happened.

Tears came to her eyes as she thought of the patience he’d had with her and Evan. Wes’s kiss lingered, caressing not just Rosemary’s lips but her very soul. Wrapping his arms around her, Wes lifted her to all six feet three inches of him. At a petite five feet three inches, she felt like she was climbing him as she wrapped her arms and legs around him and held on tight. She caressed the short, silky blond strands at the nape of his neck, loving the way his arms felt around her. She sighed contentedly when Evan brushed her long, curly black


hair aside and rained wet kisses down her neck and onto her shoulder, his work-roughened hands caressing her back and her arms. Finally
. Sandwiched between the two of them, something broke loose inside her, and the dam burst on an ocean of tears.

Mutely, Wes carried her into the house. Rosemary wept as Wes sat down and turned her in his lap. She reached for Evan as he sat beside Wes, and he held her so she was lying across Wes’s lap, reclining in Evan’s arms. They didn’t shush her, just let her have her cry. Sniffling and hitching, she looked at them, and the agony she saw in their eyes renewed the flood of tears.

Evan’s face crumpled as he cuddled her and shook with his own emotion. He held her like he’d never let her go. “I’m so sorry, Rosemary. So sorry for what I put you through. I can see it all there in your eyes. I can remember what I said, what Rita said, and how much we must’ve hurt you. I’ll regret that forever.”


* * * *


Senior year of college…

Wes’s Christmas break was turning into a real disaster. It was the
senior year of college for all of them. The last time Evan had talked to
Wes on the phone, he’d said he had news for them. When she’d talked
to Wes, Rosemary had said she thought something was off. Wes had
attributed it to the stress of finals. Now they both knew what the news

Rosemary turned to Wes and sobbed into his shoulder as soon as
they were alone. He’d seen the devastation in her violet eyes, and it
damn near killed him. He held Rosemary close and stroked her back
as he watched Evan’s truck disappear down the curving driveway.

Rita, Evan’s new girlfriend, sat so far over the middle of the bench
seat she was practically in his lap.


Wes had taken an instant dislike to Rita’s possessiveness of Evan.

She’d made a nasty remark to Rosemary, insinuating that she’d have
a catfight on her hands if she thought she’d be getting Evan back now
that Rita was around. Evan’s surprise visitor had certainly taken Wes
by surprise, and her comment had really broadsided Rosemary.

Rita had excused herself to use the restroom, and Evan had turned
to them as if nothing were wrong. He had a big, shit-eating grin on
his face, and he winked at his brother. Instantly, Wes knew what this
was about. Pussy. Rosemary had held out on them all this time, and
Evan had gotten tired of waiting.

“She’s really something, isn’t she?” Evan had asked.

No, in fact, she wasn’t. Wes couldn’t believe Evan would throw
away what he had with Rosemary over someone so trashy. Sure, her
jeans were as snug as her top was revealing, but in the looks
department, Rita was nothing compared to the angel sitting at his

“Yeah, she
is. So are you, asshole,” Wes had muttered,
putting his arm around Rosemary when she’d started to tremble.

“What? What did I do?”

“What did you do?” Rosemary had whispered. “You
stupid boy
what did you do? You ruined everything. You told her about the three
of us?” Rosemary’s fingers had been stiff with tension and cold in
Wes’s grasp. He’d felt her shaking against him as she’d quietly had
her say.

“I’m a senior in college, Rosemary. I have needs.”

Wes felt the immediate need to kick his brother’s stupid ass. Evan
had made a promise to her the year before. Now, with just a few
months to go, he was springing this girlfriend on them.

Rosemary had grown still as his insinuation struck home. “Stupid,
. I wanted to wait for
wedding night
. But now you’ve
got all the free pussy you want. I hope she rips your heart to shreds.”

Right on cue, Rita had strutted back into the room. “Well, now
that y’all got
little talk out of the way, Evan honey, I want to go


dance. I want to meet all your other friends. That is, if you were ever
permitted to have any.”

Evan had chuckled like he was amused by her sass and said,

“Yeah, let’s go, baby. Catch you later, Wes. Later, Rosie Posie.” Wes
had felt the tremor quake through her as Evan had cruelly used their
pet name for Rosemary.

Now Wes stood on the back deck with his arms around her while
she cried her eyes out, her dreams shattered.

“Honey, his head is straight up his ass right now, and someday
he’s really going to regret doing this. I can’t speak for him, but I love
you, and this doesn’t change anything. I’m still yours. I always will
be, no matter what.”

Rosemary hugged him then pressed her fingertips to her forehead.

“I know, Wes. I love you, too. I need to sit down,” she whispered as
he helped her to a chair under the covered patio. “I must be in shock.

I feel light-headed.”

“I’ll get you a glass of water,” Wes offered.

“Could I get some aspirin, too? My head hurts,” she said, holding
her head in her hands.

Wes retrieved what she needed, and she downed the pills with the
entire glass of water. He sat down next to her and rubbed her
shoulders. Rosemary sat with him in the porch swing as more tears
fell. Wes’s parents had gone out earlier and were planning to stay
overnight at a romantic, new bed and breakfast in Morehead. They
weren’t expected home until the following night and didn’t know yet
about Evan’s new girlfriend being down for a visit.

The following afternoon, Rosemary called the house and asked
Wes if she could come over. Five minutes later, she was standing on
his front porch. They sat down in the den and had a heart-to-heart
talk. When she asked him to make love to her, right then, Wes could
find no strength in his heart to turn her down. He knew it was
probably not the smartest thing to do, under the circumstances, but

they were both hurting, and he gave in to temptation. There no longer
seemed any reason to wait.

After taking Rosemary to his bedroom, Wes helped her undress
and made love to her the way only a man soul-deep in love with a
woman can. What he lacked in skill and experience, he tried to make
up for with tenderness and utter adoration. Wes did his best to love
her enough for both men.

They had the house to themselves, and Wes took his time with her.

He talked to her, whispering love words to her, stoking the fires that
had been smoldering for years between them. Drawing on every bit of
knowledge he’d acquired on the subject, he’d done his best to prepare
her, bringing her to climax after surprising climax, before she ever
even saw his cock.

When he finally took her virginity, losing his own in the process,
she was so ready for him she came twice more before he finally found
his own release. Wes lay there with her, holding her precious little
body close, stroking her as she came down from the sensual high.

After several long minutes, he carefully withdrew and pulled a sheet
over their quickly cooling, sweat-soaked bodies. When he asked if she
was all right, she answered him with a kiss as she snuggled closer.

That was the moment Evan chose to barrel through his bedroom
door, which Wes had unfortunately forgotten to lock. They’d barely
even caught their breath, and the scent of sex was heavy in the air.

Evan stood there in silent shock for a few seconds before his dark
brows drew together over his eyes.

Wes jerked the sheet to Rosemary’s shoulder. “What the fuck! You
don’t know how to knock?”

“I came to ask if you wanted to shoot some hoops. Looks like you
were shooting something else, though. Wow, what a liar you are,
Rosie Posie. Thought you said you were waiting for our wedding
night. Nothing but a lying slut. Why did I waste all that time when you
two have probably been fucking for months,
no, years
, behind my
back?” Evan smirked cruelly before continuing, “Well, now is as


good a time as any to tell you the good news. Rita and I are getting
married after graduation. You can go back to fucking now.”

Evan turned and slammed the door behind him, but not before
Wes heard Rita’s irritating laughter from the hallway. Rosemary
cringed as Evan also slammed the front door on their way out. At
least they hadn’t stayed.

Wes held her trembling body in his arms. “I’m so sorry, honey. I
should’ve remembered to lock the door.”

Rosemary put her hands over her face and sobbed until she was
hoarse. Wes soothed her, but he couldn’t find it in his heart to feel
bad for making love to her. Sinking into her honeyed heat had been
the most amazing, satisfying experience of his life. Rosemary
completely captivated him with the way she responded, the way she
touched him and loved him. All the waiting had been worth it to share
that experience with her. He wondered, as he held her, where they
went from there.

Lost in the moment as he and Evan held her, Wes recalled that they’d done the only thing they could do. They’d limped through the Christmas break then returned to school. Wes had finished the final semester with flying colors. Rosemary had done the same thing, graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration.

Rosemary didn’t attend Evan’s wedding, and Wes had attended but refused to be Evan’s best man.

Evan had remained in Lubbock with Rita, and Wes had been grateful. Rosemary had devoted herself to the store and her uncle, proving what an asset she’d become to the operation since graduating.

Wes had seen Rosemary on a regular basis but it had never felt right after all the time the three of them had spent together. Their history had been as a threesome, no matter how innocent.


Chapter Three

When Rosemary was all cried out, she sat up in Wes’s lap. Wes stroked her hot, damp cheek and said, “We’re together now, and that’s what counts, baby. We have a lot of lost time to make up for, starting now. I know there is plenty to talk about, but let’s start with the simple things. Evan is going to grill the steaks for us, and I want to show you the house.”

“How do you like your steak?” Evan asked, patting her hip before he rose and went to the kitchen. She watched admiringly as he walked away. Evan caught her ogling him, and she smirked and mimed taking a bite. He lifted the plate the raw steaks were on and waited for her response, eyebrow arched in amusement.

Finally finding her voice, Rosemary replied, “
Medium-rare, please.”

Rosemary turned to Wes, snuggled up to his muscular chest and reveled in his strength.

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