Rosemary's Double Delight (9 page)

Read Rosemary's Double Delight Online

Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General

BOOK: Rosemary's Double Delight
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Chapter Seven

Wes held the door for Rosemary as they left The Dancing Pony.

Evan’s big pickup truck was pulled over to the curb, waiting for them.

Her palms went damp, and she frowned, not ready to face him yet.

As she stopped on the sidewalk, Wes asked, “Is your car here?”

Rosemary shook her head. “No, I rode with Kathleen and Bernadette.”

“Come on, baby. It’ll be fine,” Wes encouraged her quietly. He opened the truck door and helped her climb in. There was country music playing in the background, and the dome-light came on, revealing Evan’s stoic countenance.

That was something Rosemary always had difficulty with. Evan was hard to read because he tended to hide his feelings, unless they happened to explode like today. Wes’s emotions showed in his eyes, but Evan had a mask he could throw on in a heartbeat. He wore it now.

Wes pulled the door closed, and they headed toward the house.

The darkened interior of the truck was quiet except for the radio. Wes held her hand on the seat between them, stroking her palm soothingly with his fingertips. They rode in silence.

Rosemary’s nerves were stretched to their limit by the time they pulled up to the house. Evan shut off the engine, climbed out, and held out his hand to help her from the truck. Normally, she’d have climbed out on the passenger side with Wes, but Evan was making the effort, so she wordlessly went to him. Maybe that would communicate something to him, encourage him to doff the mask he was still wearing, but he simply helped her then released her to walk

over to the porch on her own. Her shoulders slumped a little, and she braced herself for whatever would come from this conversation.

The house was cool compared to the high temperature outside, even though the hour was late. Wes turned lights on in the kitchen and living room. Evan sat down at the kitchen table, and she joined him.

She sat with her clammy, icy hands clenched together in her lap once Wes joined them. He took one of her hands in his.

“Baby, your hands are like ice,” Wes murmured and rubbed it between his warm, callused ones. She still had no idea what to say that would make a difference. She was utterly stumped and looked at Evan and Wes, her eyes brimming with tears. It shouldn’t be this hard.

Chin wobbling, she finally spoke. “Maybe it would be best, if we…let each other go. Left each other alone. We keep hurting each other, Evan, and we hurt Wes in the process. My
keeps getting me in trouble with you. It—it shouldn’t be this ha–
.” Along with the sob that escaped, a dull ache began in her chest. “I guess I can’t make you happy. I upset you and hurt you, and you
me, and maybe we’re not good for—for each other. I can’t live like this.” She paused her babbling, unable to catch her breath through the hitching sobs in her chest, and looked into Evan’s eyes in time to catch the crumbling of his mask.


* * * *


Evan was ready for their little firecracker to come out fighting.

It’s what he’d expected the moment she’d climbed in the truck. Her silence on the drive home was unusual. She was always one to take the bull by the horns. What he wasn’t prepared for was the forlorn hopelessness in her eyes and the defeat in her voice.

No, no, baby
don’t say that.” Evan didn’t care how he looked as hot tears overflowed, and his shoulders slumped in defeat as his inner resolve left him. He reached across the table for her other


hand and placed it against his cheek and kissed it. “
don’t leave me. You were
. It’s no wonder I’m divorced. I don’t deserve you if I can’t keep my emotions in check better. When I saw you on that ladder, I didn’t stop myself when I should’ve. I know better than to yell at you and embarrass you like that. There has to be a way we can make this work, Rosemary.” He went to her and knelt by her chair, looking into her eyes with desperate hope. “You’re the only woman that can make me feel alive. I love you. Please forgive me.”
Oh god,
please don’t leave me.

“We say we love each other, and then we hurt each other and we hurt Wes, which is even worse because he’s always in the middle.”

Evan looked at Wes and saw him wipe his eyes. Wes knew what this meant. If they broke up now, it included Wes, and it was going to be for good this time. Evan knew Wes wanted Rosie even if Evan wasn’t in the picture, but she’d made it clear she couldn’t be happy without both of them. If that had been a possibility, they would’ve gotten together years before. For her, it was all or nothing, and Evan wanted to give her what she wanted. He wanted it for Wes, too. Wes had earned her trust, and he deserved her more than Evan did.

“Please, baby, please don’t think that breaking up is the answer. I love you so much. I adore you,” Wes whispered, his voice cracking.

love you and have wanted you
so long
. Forgive Evan, for all our sakes. I’ll keep him in line myself. I’ll shove my fist down his throat if I have to. We just got you back. We need you and want you in our lives so much.”

Evan swiped his tears away with the back of his hand and said,

“Rosemary, I’ll let Wes beat the crap out of me, rather than hurting your feelings again. I only want to love you and take care of you.”

Judging by the doubtful look on Rosemary’s face, they were not making much headway, and Evan couldn’t blame her. He’d promised to hold his temper in check and not yell at her or embarrass her after the sunbathing incident. His track record was not impressive so far.


Verifying his thoughts, she asked, “How are you going to make these changes? It’s obvious they aren’t going to happen because we wish them to.”

“What if I talked to Ethan, Jack, or Adam and asked one of them if I could meet with them and start working stuff out? I imagine they could help me get my head on straight about you. ” At this point, he’d be willing to start seeing a therapist if it would prove to her he was sincere.

Rosemary nodded. “Yes. But if you’re going to do it, you’ve got to put your heart in it because I’m
warring with you. When you get like you were at the store today, the bitch in me comes out with her claws bared. Having Wes watching us go at each other like that makes it even more painful. I don’t see how we can ever be happy the way we’re going right now. Something needs to change.”

Evan felt hope kindle in his heart again. “So you’ll give me another chance?”

Rosemary shook her head. “No. I’ll give
another chance because I’m just as responsible for losing my temper. We have to change something. I know it was love that motivated you this morning, but it was love mixed with pride. I let my mouth run wild right back at you because of my injured pride and embarrassment. We were both wrong.”

“Rosemary is right. Sometimes it’s like we’re still in fifth grade.

We’re supposed to be in love.” Wes gestured between Evan and Rosemary. “
supposed to be in love.”

Rosemary sniffled and nodded then released their hands and rose from the chair. She searched through the cabinet above the coffee pot for some acetaminophen and took a couple then made her coffee.

Observing her, Wes asked, “You have a headache, baby?”

Returning to her chair, Rosemary nodded. “Yes, since lunchtime.

It was better earlier, but now it’s pounding again. The coffee might help.”


Wes stroked her shoulders and neck, catching Evan’s eye. She closed her eyes, and he rubbed more thoroughly. “It’s the stress. Why don’t you let us rub your shoulders and back? I’m sure it will help your head. If you stayed the night, I know you’d sleep well on your new bed. You’d feel all better in the morning.” Wes leaned forward and kissed her temple, gesturing with his chin for Evan to come closer. Evan wasn’t so sure this was good timing, but she seemed receptive.

Rosemary’s eyes popped open, and she chuckled. “You want me to stay so you can take advantage of me.” Wes scooted closer on his chair and drew her into his lap. Evan took a position on her other side.

Wes kissed her temple again. “I won’t deny that we want you, baby.”

As Evan swept the hair from her neck and kissed the hollow behind her ear, he murmured, “Let us love you like men instead of boys, and I’ll bet some things would change between us.”

“You make a fine argument, Evan,” Rosemary murmured.

His self-discipline was rapidly fading as he nuzzled the silky spot beneath her ear. Her resolve seemed to be fading, too. Was that what she’d waited for? That realization?

Evan wanted to be sure she knew she had options if this progressed farther. “At least let us rub your back and shoulders, see how it goes from there. If you don’t feel right about it, just tell us and everything stops.” Rosemary looked at him and appeared a little surprised. Yep, Wes wasn’t the only one who could be the voice of reason.

Her eyes slid closed as he brushed his lip along her jawline and sighed. “I suppose I could,” she replied, and Wes smiled with triumph and relief at Evan over her curly-topped head.

Wes tilted her chin up and kissed her tenderly. “You remember what it was like the first time? We love you even more now, if that’s possible. We’re more experienced, and we’d make you feel good, baby.”


Evan’s cock swelled in eager agreement, and he was grateful that Wes had brought it up. Making love to Rosemary was and had been tops on his fantasy to-do list for years. Rosemary moaned as Evan pressed his chest against her back and stroked her hips.

“Good is an understatement. But don’t remind me you’re more experienced. You’re mine
and I don’t want to share anymore.” The steely tone of her voice was different, new to them, almost dominant.

Wes’s nostrils flared, and Evan’s cock grew even harder against her at that utterance. If she wanted to claim them for her own, they were more than willing to oblige her. She looked from one to the other. “I’d like that back rub, if you wouldn’t mind, but I want to shower first.”

Releasing her, Wes said, “We’ll meet you in your bedroom.

There’s massage oil in your bathroom.”

Rosemary tilted her head at his statement. “You bought me massage oil?”

Evan nodded, glad she seemed pleased. “Yes. We got you some things from Madeleine’s in case you needed them.”

Her eyes twinkled mischievously. “Oh? Just in case, huh?”

Evan grinned. “We believe in being prepared.” He thought of the bottle of lubricant and naughty little toy in her night table drawer that she probably hadn’t seen yet. Yeah, they were a couple of Boy Scouts, always prepared.

“All I have here is a robe.”

“Wear it if you want to. We’ll only uncover what you want us to rub, and you don’t have to take it off until you’re ready.” Evan kissed her shoulder, hoping to reassure her. “We want you, Rosemary, all of you. But not unless you’re really ready for us.”


* * * *


An ache had been growing and intensifying in Rosemary’s body, their words and the timbre of their voices doing magical things to her insides. Evan’s words made the muscles in her pussy draw up as if


they’d been plucked by unseen fingers, and his touch drew a rush of moisture there. Evan and Wes retreated quickly to their bedrooms to shower as well. Walking down the hall to her bedroom, she felt the dampness spreading to her outer lips. Hearing the showers come on in the men’s bathroom, she stripped her clothes from her body. She’d held off from making love with them, waiting for the right time. Now, she finally gave herself permission to live in this moment, however it turned out.

The hot shower felt so good on the tense muscles of her shoulders.

Standing under the spray for at least five minutes, she reveled in the sensation of all the jets in the multiple shower heads. There was motivation enough right here to move in tomorrow. The shower was big enough for three with enough shower heads so that no one was left in the cold. Rosemary heard a knock at the bathroom door, and Evan’s dark head poked in.

“You okay in here? Need anything?” Evan asked.

“Actually, I could use shampoo and a bottle of body wash. I didn’t look before I got in.”

“Can I come in? I’ll get it from the linen closet for you.”

“Sure. But I’m
,” she replied with a giggle.

“Mmm, you tempt me, woman.” Evan’s resonant voice sent a bolt of heat straight to her clit. At this rate, they’d have the robe off and her legs spread before she even got to the bed. He brought it to the foggy glass door of the shower and tapped with his knuckle.

“Here you go.”

Sliding the door open, she could see that his hair was wet, and his lean hips were wrapped in a bath towel. The towel did nothing to hide his stiff cock, which stood at attention. Biting her lip, she slid the shower door open farther, taking in the sight of him as she offered him the same courtesy. At his groan of appreciation, she glanced up into his bedroom eyes and absently took the bottles he offered. His turbulent brown eyes were half closed, and she’d have to be blind not

to see the love and desire that glowed there. The muscles in his jaw looked tense, like he was gritting his teeth together.

Rosemary watched, entranced, as he reached a hand out to her. A whimper escaped her when the back of his knuckles traced the underside of her breasts, stroking from one to the other over her damp skin. Turning his hand, he cupped her left breast and stroked his callused thumb over her peaked nipple. His raspy touch sent fiery tingles from her nipple straight to her cunt. Even with the hot water running over her, she felt the heated rush of moisture that flooded her pussy, causing her lips to swell in eager arousal at his touch. He removed his hand as if he’d awoken from a trance.

“Sorry, I’ll let you finish.”

Shakily, she whispered to him, “I’ll be done in a few minutes.”

“We’ll be in the bedroom.”

Before she slid the glass door closed, she said, “You’re good for a girl’s ego, honey.”

“My pleasure,” he murmured and exited the bathroom. Closing her eyes, she felt the magnetic pull from the bedroom. She moaned as she recalled his touch, and her body flared with aching desire. Her hands shook as she poured the shampoo and smiled at the slow, burning anticipation that flared between her legs.

When she was ready, she stepped from the bathroom into the walk-in closet and slipped into the sheer, black lace robe she’d placed in there earlier in the day. Feeling sexy as she went into the bedroom, she saw the interest flash in her men’s eyes. Maybe they were expecting a robe that actually covered her up? She savored the sight of them lying diagonally on her bed, both their hips wrapped in towels, their twin erections unmistakable underneath.

The thought of being penetrated by both at the same time sent a spear of raging lust to her pussy, and her inner muscles clenched in need of being filled.

A bath sheet lay flat in the center of the mattress, where they wanted her to lie down.


“How does your head feel?” Wes asked as he patted the towel and helped her into position.

“It’s a lot better. I love that shower so much.”

Wes replied, “I’m glad it helped. We have showerheads like those in our shower, as well. They really help on tense muscles.”

“I think talking things out helped, too. I’m so relieved I’m practically euphoric,” she said as she climbed onto the bed.

Wes chuckled. “Hmmm. Evan and I haven’t even gotten started yet. Let’s get this pretty thing off.” Wes stroked her breast as he slid his fingers under the lacy edge of her robe. She nodded, kneeling between them. They untied the robe and pulled away the lacy, ruffled edges over her shoulders, revealing her naked flesh underneath. Her cheeks grew hot at the dreamy, appreciative smiles on their faces, and she heard one of them growl low.

“Wes, look at her bare little pussy.”

“I’ll bet she’s as smooth as silk. Baby, that’s the prettiest sight. I love your pussy waxed bare.”

“I prefer it that way, too. Glad you approve.” More heat blossomed in her pussy as she watched their eyes glaze over a little with lust. Self-consciously, she licked her lips.

Wes’s erection twitched beneath the towel around his hips, and she heard him groan in response.

Evan drew the robe away from her and whispered, “Why don’t you lie down and get comfortable?” She noticed he bit his lower lip as he looked her nude body over.

Both men lay down on either side of her and stroked her with their soothing, work-roughened hands. As his hand caressed her abdomen, Wes murmured in her ear, “Baby, with you naked like this, we’re going to be hard pressed to not make love to you tonight. Are you sure you want this?”

“I still want my massage,” she said, giggling playfully as she turned onto her stomach. “But I want more, too. I won’t expect you to stop. You, too, Evan. I love you, and I want to be yours tonight.”


“You’re trembling,” Evan murmured, his hand smoothing over her shoulder blade and down her back, setting off a flurry of shivers.

“Are you sure?”

She nodded then replied, looking up into Evan’s eyes, “It’s a big step. Once I have you, I don’t see how I could give you up. If I lose you, it’ll break my heart, and that scares me.”

Evan leaned forward and brushed his full lips against hers. “We’re yours, Rosemary, now and forever. We only want to love you and make you happy.”

As Wes kissed her shoulder, he whispered, “Get comfortable, baby, and let us rub your back. We’ll see what happens.”


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