Rosalind Franklin (46 page)

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Authors: Brenda Maddox

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‘never telling her': Crick says he doesn't recall ever actually telling Rosalind how crucial her work was to their discovery because he thought it was obvious (FHCC to author, 17 Dec. 2001). JDW in conversation with author acknowledged that with hindsight not telling her was a mistake, but once they had made the discovery, the model proclaimed its own meaning and it was clear that they hadn't needed her data. Working out the function of the base pairs was the essential step.

‘public platforms': see below: Watson in person and Crick on video. At the dedication of the Franklin-Wilkins Building, King's College London, 22 Mar. 2000, Crick's words were, ‘We could never have proposed the model but for what they [Wilkins and Franklin] told us of their results.'

‘the real tragedy ‘ : David Harker, in R. Hubbard, ‘The Story of DNA', Marjorie Senechal (ed.),
Structures of Matter and Patterns in Science.
Also, author's interview with David Sayre, I Oct. 1999. Also, Robert Sinsheimer, ‘The Double Helix', review in
Science and Engineering,
Sep. 1968, p. 6, reprinted in
The Double Helix,
pp. 191-4.

‘Penniless Heinz': Stent, op. cit., p. 161. See also Sayre, op. cit., p. 194: ‘Was this why ‘‘Rosy'' was invented? To rationalise, justify, excuse, and even to ‘‘sell'' that which was done that ought not really to have been done?'

‘Well dear': C. Franklin, op. cit.

‘Jim's novel': author's interview with MW, 22 Mar. 1999.

‘quite witty': author's conversation with RG.

‘Rosalind's final, brilliant work': M. M'Ewen to HFJ, 15 Sep. 1976.

‘Rosalind's difficulties': F.H.C. Crick, ‘How to Live with a Golden Helix', in
The Sciences,
Sep. 1979, p. 7.

‘The major opposition': ibid.

‘analytical mind': AS interview with FHCC, 16 Jun. 1970. ASA.

‘today would bring down the wrath': author's interview with KCH, 24 Jan. 2000.

‘Ashkenazi gene': see for example U. Beller et al., ‘High frequency of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in Ashkenazi Jewish ovarian cancer patients, regardless of family history',
Gynecol. Oncol,
67, 126-6 (1997); also E. Levy-Lahad et al., ‘Founder BRCAi and BRCA2 mutations in Ashkenazi Jews in Israel, frequency and differential penetrance in ovarian cancer and in breast-ovarian cancer families',
American Journal of Human Genetics,
60, 1059-67 (1997).

‘This entailed' : Bryan Sykes,
The Seven Daughters,
p. 26.

‘memorial fund': AK to DC, 2 May 1958; DC to AK, 5 May 1958, JNC. Also JG to author.

‘So you were in love': RG to author, 19 Oct. 1999.

‘The circumstances of her death': KCH to AS, 22 Apr. 1971, ASA. He expressed the same feelings in interviews with author, 24 Jan. 2000 and 26 Nov. 2001.

‘nun-like': AK lecture on RF at RS, 18 Mar. 1999.

‘droopy drudge': AS to Christopher Salazar, 16 Feb. 1993, ASA.

‘is of a brilliant': Jon Bate and Hilary Gaskin, ‘Unsung Pioneer',
New Statesman,
8 Jul. 1983.

‘Franklin never received': ‘Fame at Last', in
The Times,
10 Feb. 1992.

‘In the spirit of righting old wrongs': in Mar. 2000 Wilkins wrote to Bruce Fraser in Australia and apologised for having failed to insist in 1953 that Fraser's note that he, Wilkins, had solicited on 17 Mar. 1953, his three-chain model of DNA, was not published in 1953 along with the Watson-Crick-Wilkins, Wilson, Franklin-Gosling papers in

‘Waarom kreeg':
‘Why did Rosy not get the Nobel Prize?',
Vrij Nederland,
15 Aug. 1998.

‘great joy' and subsequent quotes: WLB to MP, 22 Nov. 1962, JNC.

‘Bragg wouldn't have': WLB to Erik Hulthen, chairman, the Nobel committee for Physics, 9 Jan. 1960, JNC.

‘embarrassed': Ferry, op. cit., p. 289, citing M. Perutz, ‘Forty years of friendship with Dorothy', in G. Dodson, J. Glusker and D. Sayre,
Crystal Structure Analysis: A Primer,

‘I have always felt': JTR to RG, 29 Aug. 1972, CAC.

‘Had her life': A. Klug,
Les Prix Nobel en 1982:
Stockholm, pp. 94-5.

‘She would have solved it': A. Klug, ‘Rosalind Franklin and the Discovery of the Structure of DNA'; reprinted in Watson,
The Double Helix,
p. 154.

‘debt of honour': In 2000, A. Klug also enjoyed considerable financial gain from the sale of his papers, which included some of Rosalind's notebooks, papers and letters, to the JNC.

‘the world's most coveted intellectual award': see ‘Kofi Annan, Nobel Laureate', letter to the editor of the
New York Times
by Ware G. Kuschner, assistant professor of medicine, Stanford University, 16 Oct. 2001.

‘Avery should have gotten': author's interview with E. Chargaff, 18 Apr. 1999.

‘collective enterprise': John Maddox, ‘Science has changed and so must the Nobel Prize',
11 Oct. 2000


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Aachen 222

Acta Crystallographica
131, 220; Cochran-Crick-Vand paper on helices 171; Franklin-Holmes paper on TMV 296; RF's carbon papers 105 ,110, 145; RF's DNA papers 184, 187, 195, 199, 222, 223

Agricultural Research Council 235, 251, 253, 262–6, 270, 272, 290–2

Altmann, Bocha 137–8, 140

Altmann, Simon 137–8, 140, 172, 267, 343n


American Association for the Advancement of Science 233

Amis, Kingsley 315

Anderson, Sir John 42

Anglo-Jewish Association 5, 15

Angstrom, Anders J. 56

Asquith, H.H. 7, 8

Association of Scientific Workers 47

Astbury, William: DNA model 120–1, 136, 143, 153, 162;
International X-ray Tables
175; at Leeds 141; X-ray diffraction patterns 200

Attlee, Clement 82 Austria 38, 40

Avery, Oswald 120–2, 123, 136, 152, 327

Ayrton, Hertha 83


Balfour Declaration 7, 8

Baltimore 273, 274

Bangham, Dr D.H. 78, 83

Bawden, Frederick 250–1, 263, 268

Bayley, Stan 166

Beauvoir, Simone de 90, 101

Bedford College 145

Beevers, Arnold: Beevers-Lipson strips 169, 222

Bell, Jocelyn 325, 327

Bell Telephone Laboratories 109

Belloc, Hilaire 10

Bentwich, Helen ‘Mamie' (nee Franklin, RF's aunt) 226; on anti-semitism II-12, in local government 40, 113, 271; as rebel 29; refugee relief work 38–9; and RF 14–15, 71, 75, 140; schooldays 25, 32

Bentwich, Norman II, 72, 81

Berkeley, Virus Laboratory 233, 246, 266, 279–80, 281–2, 285

Bermant, Chaim 320

Bernal, John Desmond 92, 229, 243, 321; admiration for RF xx, 153, 217, 257, 265, 290, 308, 313; appearance 220; author of RF's obituaries 308–9; background 218-19, 229; at Birkbeck xx, 105, 219–21, 249, 264, 272; fame 220; honours 219; omniscience 218; and Pirie 263; politics 173, 219–21, 231, 235, 289; relations with RF 221; relations with women 220, 255–6; reviews
The Double Helix
313; RF's application to join 168, 172, 173, 179, 183; Stockholm conference paper 148, 161, 169; war work 72, 218–19; work on space groups 56; work on TMV 229–30; X-ray crystallography 120, 148

Bexhill 21–2

Biochemistry of Nucleic Acids
(Davidson) 201

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta
253, 269, 292

Birkbeck College, London xix, xx, 100; Biomolecular Research Laboratory 219; crystallography department 219; equipment shortages 229, 253, 265, 266, 281; history of 217; nucleic acid research 136; politics in 257; Research Grants Committee 304; RF applies to work at 104—5, 168, 172, 183, 205; RF joins 217; RF's relations with colleagues 256—7; RF's Virus Research Project 254—7, 262, 263, 265, 267, 269, 290, 293, 296, 304–5, 309, 324; science buildings 217—18; staff opposition to polio research 298; virus research 217, 218, 219, 222, 229; X-ray machine developed by 114, 130

Board of Deputies of British Jews 50

Boedtker, Helga 274

Boot, H.A.H. 131, 132

Boston, Mass. 238, 239—41, 273

Bradley, John 126

Bragg, Stephen 47—8

Bragg, William Henry 47, 88

Bragg, William Lawrence 47, 56, 69, 75, 131; admiration of RF 275, 293; bans DNA research at Cavendish 165, 177, 182, 186; Bragg's Law 47; and Crick and Watson 159—60, 165, 182, 197, 207; and Pauling 148, 191, 197; at Royal Institution 275, 293, 303; on Wilkins's Nobel prize 323—4

Braunschweig, Suzanne 66

Brenner, Sydney 241, 246

Breslau 3, 6, 19

Brimble, L. Jack 209, 210

British Coal Utilisation Research Association (BCURA) 78, 82, 83, 87, 104

British Union of Fascists 38

Brittany 150

Bronowski, Jacob 313

Brown, Angela 150, 192, 209

Brown, Geoffrey 144, 150, 173—4, 209

Brussels World's Fair 275, 293—4, 300, 307, 309, 322

Buchan, John 10


Cadogan, John 174, 194

California Institute of Technology (Caltech) 147, 151, 186, 190, 234, 241, 246, 277

Calvi, Corsica 102

Cambridge 55, 182

Cambridge University 39, 41, 42, 60, 82, 258; Amateur Dramatic Club 51; Archimedeans 47; Jewish Society 45; Physical Chemistry Laboratory 70; science in 46, 48; Union 45, 50; in wartime 58, 63; women in 44—5, 48, 58, 101—2

Caraffi, A.J. 256

carbon: glassy/vitreous 109—10; graphitic 88—9, 105, 110, 145, 308; porosity 78—9, 84, 87; RF's work on 83, 100, 115, 130—I, 222, 243, 308 Carlisle, Harry 85, 143, 193, 249

Carlson, Caroline and Francis (‘Spike') 284

Caro, Anthony 98

Caro, Rachel 98

Carr, Ruth 260

Caspar, Don 268, 270, 321; collaboration with RF 258—9, 262;
papers 269—70; relations with RF 258, 274—5, 280—I, 283, 296, 297, 304; TMV research 246, 253, 258—9; at Yale 273

Caspar, Mrs 296, 297

Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge 46, 63, 66, 75; ban on DNA research 159, 165—6, 177, 182, 186; Bragg at 148, 165; Crick at 105, 148, 157, 159, 165—6; King's team invited to 165; meetings at 149, 150; rivalry with King's 204, 207; Watson at 159, 165 —6, 262; X-ray diffraction of proteins 148—9

Chamberlain, Neville 42, 50, 59

Chargaff, Erwin 243, 274; on Avery 327; Chagaff ratios 123, 182, 183, 190, 196, 202; meeting with Crick and Watson 182 —3; sceptical of Crick-Watson DNA model 224; supplies Wilkins with DNA 153, 155, 195; work on DNA bases 123—4

Chartridge Lodge, Bucks 18, 27, 35, 39, 40, 51, 80

Cherwell, Lord 181

Chicago 243

Child's History of England, A
(Dickens) 8—9

Churchill, Winston 28, 59, 60, 82, 155

Ciba Foundation 267

City of London 4, 67

Clark, Peggy,
Dyche, P.

Clifton College, Bristol 19, 31

coal 78, 82, 86, 100, 115; Gordon Conference on 233, 238; RF's lectures on 237; RF's research 77—9, 83—4, 87, 180, 231, 256, 318

Cochran, W. 171, 196

Cohen, Carolyn 169

Cohen, L.H.L. 14

Commoner, Barry 245, 253, 265, 274

Copenhagen 142

Corey, Robert 148, 177, 187, 188, 190, 191, 194, 199–201

Corsica 102—3

Coulson, Charles 106, 108, 110, ill, 138, 166

Cousinhood: the Anglo-Jewish Gentry
(Bermant) 320

Cowan, Pauline (Harrison) 176, 185—6, 200

Cratchby, Mrs 262

Crawford, Anne,
Piper A.

Crick, Francis: and acknowledgements 207—8, 210, 247, 316; appearance 158; and Bragg 159; at Cavendish 105, 148, 157, 159; Cochran-Crick-Vand paper on helices 171, 196; correspondence with RF 223—4; debt to RF 196—7, 199, 210, 212, 223, 320—i, 323, 346n, 350n; doctoral thesis 159; familiarity with King's work 198—9, 210, 211—12; as FRS 303; home life 158; at King's 157; and Klug 273; on
letter xix, 207, 210, 212; Nobel prize xx, 311, 325; objections to Watson's book 311; attitude towards RF 179, 204; and Pauling 186, 188; personality 159, 182—3; relations with RF 234, 254, 262—3, 268—9, 287, 288, 293, 295, 315; reputation 303; on RF as scientist 318—19;
Scientific American
article 2412, 247; turned down by Birkbeck 105, 221; vetoes Fraser paper 210; as virologist 254, 262, 268, 295; and Watson 159, 262; and Wilkins 153, 157—8, 161, 198, 205; work on DNA xix-xx, 159—60, 164—5, 183, 188, 197—9, 204—5, 223—5, 247; work on X-ray diffraction of proteins 159

Crick, Odile 158, 185, 186, 268—9, 314

Croatian Chemical Society 237

Croatian Physical Society 237

Cromwell, Oliver 9

Curie, Marie 66, 92, 134

Curie, Pierre 92

crystallography 47, 56—7, 63, 87—8; conferences 147; disordered matter 87 —8, 303; Patterson function analysis 168—70; space groups 56, 57, 175, 188, 199;
see also
X-ray crystallography


Daily Telegraph

Dainton, Fred 63—4, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72, 77, 267

David, Elizabeth 139

Davidson, J.M. 201

Delbrück, Max 142, 158, 177, 224

Desmaroux, J. 110

Deuxième Sexe, Le
(de Beauvoir) 101

De Valera, Eamon 122

Dickens, Charles 8—9

Dictionary of Scientific Biography

Dior, Christian 93

Disraeli, Benjamin 7, 8

DNA xix-xx, 119—24; ‘A' and ‘B' forms 153, 155, 162, 168, 176—9, 184— 5, 190, 192, 195, 199, 201, 317; Astbury's model 120— i, 136, 143; Avery's work on 120—2, 136; base pairs 202—4, 210, 350n; bases 120, 123, 182, 183, 190, 201, 202—3; Chargaff ratios 182, 183, 190, 196, 202; copying mechanism xix, 203 —4, 210, 212, 225; Crick and Watson's work on xix-xx, 159—60, 164—5, 196—9, 201—5; crystalline 142; double helix structure xix, 190, 197, 199, 201, 203, 222, 313; Furberg's model 136, 143; and genetic inheritance 136, 158; Gosling's X-ray pictures of 129—30; helical structure 130, 143, 149, 151—2, 157, 159, 162—3, 164, 170, 176, 178—9, 182, 184—5, 193, 199, 326; importance of 200; keto and enol 201, 202, 204; King's colloquium on 162—3; model-building 159, 161–2, 164–5, 170, 177, 186, 189, 190, 197—8; Pauling-Corey paper on 188, 190—2; reversible hydration of 144, 145; RF's X-ray work on xix, 143—5, 153—5, 168—70, 177—88 183—5, 188, 195—9, 247, 308, 316; scepticism over Crick-Watson model 224; sources and preparation of 156—7; space group 175, 188, 199, 202, 224; Wilkins' work on xx, 114, 129—30, 141—2, 149, 152—5; X-ray photographs of 142, 151, 156, 178, 196—7, 34on

Donohue, Jerry 186, 201, 202, 204, 209

Doty, Paul 156

Double Helix, The
(Watson) 160fn, 196, 204, 311 —15; epilogue 312; moral dilemma of 314—18; portrayal of RF xx, 163, 190, 193—4, 277, 311 —12, 317 —18; reviews 313

Douglas, Margaret 28

Dublin 122, 145

Dulbecco, Renato 277

Dunitz, Jack 175fn

Dyche, Peggy (nee Clark) 49, 64, 300, 305—7


Eady, Wilfred 38

Ecole de Physique et Chimie, Paris 92, 103


Edward VIII, King 34—5

Ehrenberg, Werner 130, 298; Ehrenberg-Spear X-ray tube 130, 143, 219

Einstein, Albert 32

Eisenstadter, Evi,
Ellis, E.

Eliot, T.S. 10—11

Elizabeth, the Queen Mother 21

Ellis, Evi 39, 78, 80, 113, 260—1

Ellis family 244

Ellmann, Mary 313

Endowed Schools Act (1869) 31

English Heritage 322


Fabian Society 229

Fankuchen, Isidore 220, 229, 243

Faraday, Michael 132

Faraday Society III, 304

Fell, Honor 133, 160

Ferry, Georgina 160

Festival of Britain 149

Finch, John 254, 255, 267, 292, 299, 307, 324

Fraenkel-Conrat, Heinz 274, 281

France 40—1, 84, 98, 100, 150—1, 260

Franklin, Abraham 3 Franklin, Agnes (nee Foley, RF's aunt) 51

Franklin, Alice (RF's aunt) 19, 28—9, 40, 54, 140, 287, 300, 305, 309

Franklin, Arthur Ellis (RF's grandfather) 39; author of family history 6; death 51; foreign travel 18—19; gravestone 307; religious orthodoxy 19, 27, 32, 45, 51—2; RF's letters to 35—7; wealth of 18; as widower 40; will of 52

Franklin, Benjamin Wolf 3

Franklin, Caroline (nee Jacob, RF's grandmother) 15, 19, 307

Franklin, Cecil (‘Jack', RF's uncle) 27, 51

Franklin, Charlotte (nee Hanjal-Konyi, RF's sister-in-law) 106, 115, 154, 311

Franklin, Colin (RF's brother) 15, 17, 28, 98, 111, 115; education 43; on family holidays 37; marriage 106—7; military service 80; publishing career 107, 271; reaction to Watson's book 311; on RF's relations with Mering 97fn; and RF 94, 102—3, 115, 154—5, 238, 242, 301; and Rosalind Franklin Bequest 321fn

Franklin, David (RF's brother) 13, 15, 17, 18, 52; career 271; education 22; marriage 97, 106; military service 54

Franklin , Ellis (RF's father) 5, 13, 305; attitude to Judaism 5, 32, 81, 107; attitude to war 58—9, 62, 71; business career 13, 271; charity work 20; and childrens' education 43, 54, 74; family life 13—15, 19, 27, 54; financial situation 18; foreign travel 18—19, 37, 54; honours 81; married life 33; personality 13, 73; political views 34, 50, 126; refugee relief work 38—9; and RF's career 319; and RF's illness 301; RF's relations with 73, 80, 94, 96, 126, 139; schooldays 31 ; science teaching 20; wit 38

Franklin, Ellis A. (RF's great-grandfather) 4, 31

Franklin, Hugh (RF's uncle) 28, 51—2

Franklin, Irene,
Neuner, I.

Frankin, Jenifer,
Glynn, J.

Franklin, Lewis 3

Franklin, Muriel (nee Waley, RF's mother) 5, 13, 16—17, 54; and Mering 97; personality 34; reaction to Watson's book 312; refugee relief work 38, 60; and RF's cancer 285, 287–8, 300–1, 305; and RF's career 164; RF's relations with 34, 94, 288; on RF's schooldays 22; on RF's teasing streak 17—18; visits Birkbeck 310

Franklin, Nina (RF's sister-in-law) 300

Franklin, Richard 297

Franklin, Roland (Roly, RF's brother) 17, 20, 28, 40, 64, 97; career 271; in Corsica 103; marriage 106; on RF's relations with Mering 97fn; RF stays with 300—1

Franklin, Rosalind Elsie

: academic ability 15, 30, 41, 53—4, 60, 68, 102, 169—70; appearance 32, 40, 65, 73, 94, 97, 103, 129, 135, 163, 255, 306; attitude to war 49, 58—9, 67, 70, 74, 81, 99, 112; birth 7; childhood 14, 16—18, 21; death xx, 307—8, 311; dress sense 21, 93—4, 103, 104, 106, 150, 163, 312, 349n; as Europhile 99, 113, 115, 126, 171; family background 3—8, 46; family life 37; as feminist icon xx, 313—14, 326; financial situation 76, 90—1, 139, 233—5, 257, 263—4, 289, 301, 302; fondness for children 152, 227, 260—1, 280, 290, 301; foreign travel 19, 37, 40, 54, 84, 179, 237—47, 273—84, 291; friendships 26—8, 49, 70, 73, 79, 95, 103, 110, 137, 150, 288; health 22, 80, 180, 187, 271, 279, 284—7, 289, 292—3, 297, 299—302, 305—7, 320; holidays 52—3, 62, 79, 97—8, 102—3, 106, 110, 112, 150—I, 176, 180—I, 226—9, 260, 297, 304; homes 13, 71, 75, 78 80, 90, 108—9, 126, 138—9, 223, 302; honours 322 —3; as hostess 139—40; Jewishness xx-xxi, 12, 23, 31, 45, 61, 95—6, 99, 107, 172—3, 227—8, 320; love of outdoor pursuits 34, 37, 62, 80, 84, 94, 97—8, 106, 176, 180, 237, 277—8; at Newnham 42, 45—51, 53—6, 62—4, 67—9, 97; nickname 160, 256, 288; in Paris 87—95, 98—9, 101, 103—5, 107, 108—9, III—12, 115, 168; pastimes and interests 30, 32, 48—9, 58, 71—2, 139; politics 49—50, 58, 73, 92, 99, 126, 135, 235, 257, 268, 289; refugee work 51, 60; relations with family 315, 319; relations with men 34, 62, 64, 69, 80, 84— 5, 95—7, 102—3, 107, 112, 147, 228, 260—I, 274—5, 280—I, 283, 286—7, 297; religious views 60—I; schooldays 15—16, I —6, 28—33, 39, 90; unhappiness at King's 138, 155, 160—I, 171—4, 176—7, 319; as upper class 126—7; war work 77—9; will 301

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