Romancing the Alpha: An Action-Adventure Romance Boxed Set (92 page)

Read Romancing the Alpha: An Action-Adventure Romance Boxed Set Online

Authors: Zoe York,Ruby Lionsdrake,Zara Keane,Anna Hackett,Ember Casey,Anna Lowe,Sadie Haller,Lyn Brittan,Lydia Rowan,Leigh James

Tags: #romance, #contemporary romance, #Erotic Romance, #Romantic Comedy, #Romantic Suspense, #Science Fiction Romance, #Action-Adventure Romance

BOOK: Romancing the Alpha: An Action-Adventure Romance Boxed Set
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He wanted to kiss her silly right there and then. Well, he wanted to do a lot more than that, but they were parked at the side of a public road where someone could stumble along and see them, so he’d just have to wait until he got her back to the house to ravage her tight little body.

“When we get back, you’re going to go to your room and lie on your bed—face down and naked with your legs spread wide.”

“What if someone comes in?”

“Trust me.”

“I’m already putting my reputation on the line.”

“I know, and I promise you, I won’t do anything to compromise that. Okay?”


“Excellent. Let’s finish this tour. I haven’t even shown you the prettiest spot on the island yet.”

“I don’t know. Everything I’ve seen so far has been stunning.”

“Trust me.” He started the engine and pulled back onto the road.


Trust me
. Those words bounced around in Biddy’s brain later that day as she lay naked on her bed waiting for Doug to arrive. As much as she wanted to trust him, her obedience was more out of curiosity. Trust didn’t come easy for her, and she was already operating in a different universe from her comfort zone. Responding to him in ways she knew she shouldn’t.

— SIX —

Doug eyed the empty condom box on the nightstand and made a mental note to get his ass to the store first thing the next morning. It was the fourth box they’d fucked their way through since the broken condom incident.

Poor Biddy had been whining for him to fuck her, and the sad puppy look on her face when he showed her the empty box made his cock throb harder.

Of course, he made it up to her with his mouth and fingers. Many times over. And as always, she gave as good, if not better than she got.

Still, he preferred the tight fit of her pussy around his cock when he came, so he gave up on the tease. He’d pulled out of her mouth, snagged the last condom from beneath the pillow where he’d hidden it earlier, and made it count.

He reached across the bed and stroked the spot she’d vacated just minutes before. It was still warm. He wanted it to be occupied.

It hadn’t taken him long to discover her fear of the dark, and what hope he had of them ever spending a whole night together went poof when he realised how highly embarrassed she was about her phobia.

Oh well, he’d take what he could get, and she’d been damn right when she’d said he’d figure out a way for them to have morning sex.

Getting up and sneaking into her room to ravish her instead of just rolling over delayed his satisfaction by only a minute or two. She was not happy that he denied her orgasms, but he didn’t think it would be considerate for them to wake the rest of the house with her shrieking. The cute little whiny noise she made when he left her hanging was a nice side benefit.

Once in a while, he’d take pity on her poor, needy self, and as soon as they left the house, he’d drive directly to the nearest secluded spot to take care of her. The rest of the time, he kept her horny. They had no shortage of privacy during the day, and he took full advantage of it. He’d come up with all manner of kinky things for them to do while they scoured the coastline for signs of a whale hunt.

His favourite was to get her all squirmy with his electric toothbrush. It stimulated enough to keep her a little edgy, but not so much she could find her happy place.

Usually, he teased her clit with it on the outside of her jeans. However, when he was feeling particularly evil, he’d make her sit in the truck with her jeans and underwear pulled down just low enough on her thighs to give him access.

He’d become quite skilled at bracing the toothbrush against her clit while he slid a finger or two inside her pussy. That always took her much closer to the tipping point, which always made her that much more desperate for release by the time he was ready to play. He really did love that frustrated whine of hers. If only he could bottle it up and let it out during those inevitable dark moments he had while on assignment. Actually, for those times, he’d rather have a bottle of her unrestrained laughter.


Biddy decided doggy-style was her favourite position. It left Doug’s hands free to do anything he wanted while he drove his cock in hard and deep.

More importantly, it was less intimate than fucking face-to-face. That kind of intimacy was the sort of thing that led to feelings. And Doug Fraser was the last person on the planet she could afford to develop feelings for. She feared it might already be too late.

She was almost ready to come when Doug stopped playing with her clit.

“Plee-ease,” she whined, drawing the word out into two long syllables.

“Please what?”

“Please make me come.”

He cupped both her breasts and pinched her nipples as he thrust home. He held his body tight against hers. “Beg me.”

If anyone had told her a month ago she’d beg a man to make her come, she’d have laughed herself silly. She sure as fuck wasn’t laughing now. This wasn’t like before when he insisted she clarify her desire. This was him making her beg.

“Doug, please. I need it so bad I can’t see straight.”

He held his hips still and squeezed her nipples harder. “Do you trust me?”

The question made her a little uneasy, but he hadn’t steered her wrong yet. “Yes.”

“Good girl.”

He released her nipples and pulled out slowly.

Damn him. She wanted more, not less. She turned her head to see him grab his jeans. He fished around in the front pocket and pulled out a small tube of K-Y. Apparently, he’d bought more than just condoms at the drug store that morning.

“Ever been fucked in the ass, Biddy?”

What the fuck? He barely fit in her pussy, there was no way he was going to be able to squeeze that monster into her virgin asshole. “No.”

“Ever had anything in it?”


“Still trust me?”

She wanted to say no again in the worst way, but it wouldn’t be the truth. “Yes.”

“Good girl. I’d love to be the first to fuck your ass, but lube options here are limited and I couldn’t find anything I would trust for the job. But that’s okay, I can improvise.”

She watched as he removed the cap and squirted some of the contents on two fingers. He slathered them in lubricant then moved the tube down where she couldn’t see it. The sudden cold between her cheeks made her clench and Doug chuckled. “Relax, baby. Trust me, you’re going to love this.”

He rubbed the lube in small circles with his finger, occasionally pressing it gently at the centre. She would immediately clench and he’d return to his gentle circling.

“Baby, if you want me to fuck you until you come, you’re going to have to relax and let me in. Take a deep breath in through your nose, then arch your back so your ass tips up while you breathe out through your mouth.”

As she exhaled, Doug pressed the tip of his finger into her and held it there. She dropped her head, letting it hang while she tried not to clench.

“Good girl.” He withdrew his finger and began circling again. “Do it again. Breath in and arch while you breathe out.”

This time he slid his finger in a little deeper. He held it still and kissed the base of her spine. “How are you doing? Any pain?”

“I’m okay. No pain.”

“Excellent. On we go, then. Deep breath.”

By the time she was done with the exhale, her ass felt very full. She also felt even more needy than before.

“There, all in. Such a good girl for me. Don’t move a muscle.” Doug reached around with his free hand and teased her clit.

“Please. Don’t make me wait any more. I’ve been a good girl. You said so.”

He slid his finger out and kissed the base of her spine again, making her tremble. “Okay, my good girl. Thumb this time.”

Doug drizzled more lube and touched her asshole. She breathed deep and this time she didn’t wait for him. She steadily pushed back as she exhaled. It felt way bigger than his finger and for a moment she wasn’t sure she could take it. She took another deep breath and when she bottomed out, he gripped the curve of her ass with his fingers.

“You really are full of surprises, baby.”

He slid his cock deep into her pussy, then gripped her hip with his free hand and pulled her tight to him, pushing him in even deeper. She felt so full, and needy to the point of near insanity. She was completely out of patience.

“For fuck’s sake, Doug,

“Oh dear. And you were doing so well.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Please don’t tease me anymore. Please.”

“You asked for it.”

Doug snaked his free hand around her and pinched her clit between his fingers. He drew his hips back and forced his thumb farther into her ass as he plunged.

He pumped both his cock and his thumb hard and deep. With each thrust, he gave her clit a hard pinch.

He’d kept her all hot and bothered since he’d slipped into her bed that morning and now her senses were so overloaded, she thought she might pass out.

She opened her eyes to find Doug leaning over her. “There you are, sunshine.”

“What happened?”

“I gave you more orgasm than you could handle.”


“It’s either that, or I fucked you to sleep. And we both know that didn’t happen.”

Biddy nodded. He was right about that. “Tell me the condom survived at least.”

Doug chuckled. “It’s all present and accounted for.”

A feeling of uneasiness settled over her and she needed him to leave.


The minute his phone rang, Doug knew it was all over. It had been pure folly to let himself get emotionally attached, but Biddy had burrowed under his skin like no other. Well, no other since he’d been a naive teenager who’d had his heart ripped out, stomped, and set on fire

Over the last couple of weeks, they’d settled into a comfortable routine. In between their trips around the island watching for signs of whale hunting, they’d taken hundreds of photographs, had long conversations about everything and nothing, and fucked at every opportunity.

The only thing that kept it from being perfect was not waking up with Biddy there beside him. If only he could have more time with her. One more fuck.

He hadn’t liked the way they’d left things the night before. One minute she was joking about broken condoms, the next, she was bidding him goodnight.

For a moment, he considered turning down whatever assignment he was being tapped for. Then his common sense kicked in. He wasn’t getting any younger, and every trip into the danger-zone brought him that much closer to being financially able to settle down to a life of peace and tranquillity.

He answered and set the phone to speaker. “Fraser.” He placed it on the dresser, grabbed his big back-pack, and opened it, ready to load.

“Hey Doug. The shit has hit the fan in Narangubi. We’ve booked you on the next flight out, so you’ve got about two hours to get to the airport. Your flight information and e-ticket should be arriving by email any minute.”

“Fuck, that’s not a lot of time to get my shit together.”

“It’s not like I can schedule these things. I can just imagine—
Would you mind holding off on that coup until my cameraman is finished fucking his latest piece of ass.”

“That’s off-base, man.” Any other time, any other woman, it wouldn’t be. But Biddy had changed the way he thought and felt about a lot of things.

“Just get your ass to the airport, pronto. This is fresh, so I’ve only had time to get your flights booked through to Benin and I couldn’t do better than three layovers. I still have to arrange for an interpreter and transport from Benin to Narangubi. You’ll have the rest of your travel instructions in your email by the time you land in London. Any questions?”

“Nope.” What was there to know? Some rinky-dink little country nobody’s ever heard of has exploded with violence and now the race was on to be first to broadcast the most sensational footage around the world.

“Stay safe.”

“Yup.” He disconnected the call then checked his email. Riley had been generous when he said two hours to get to the airport. More like ninety minutes and he still had to pack and get Karen to give him a ride. He would have liked to have Biddy take him, but she was off on a grocery run with Meike and not expected back until supper.

Who was he kidding? A clean break was better for both of them. He knew she was getting as attached as he was. She worked hard to hide it and he pretended not to notice.

He transferred the contents of the dresser into his pack, double checked his camera gear, and did a quick sweep of the room to make sure he hadn’t left anything behind. He knew he hadn’t. He’d been bugging out of one place or another for most of his life, so he had it down to a routine.

One last tour of the room. His eyes lingered on his bed and the memory of the first time he fucked Biddy caught him off guard. Damn. She was everything he could ever want in a woman and never have.

He hefted his pack over one shoulder and snagged his camera case on his way out. He paused in front of Biddy’s bedroom door. Maybe he should leave her a note. He checked his watch. Even if it was the right thing to do, he didn’t have time. What would he say, anyway?
So long, and thanks for all the fucks

And here he was again, acting completely out of character over this woman. Any other fuck-buddy and he’d have packed his gear and left without a second thought. Instead, he was thinking about writing her a note. A fucking note. He was a stringer not Douglas Fucking Adams. He turned to leave, then changed his mind and slipped into her room.

Sadness ate at him the entire trip to the airport. If he ignored it long enough, it would cease to exist. He wondered how much time there was in
long enough.

When Karen parked the car, he jumped out and headed toward the terminal. She had that look. Oh, she’d held her tongue during the drive, but she had that look. The one that meant he wasn’t going to get away without her speaking her mind. He stopped at the building’s entrance and turned to face her. “Go ahead, let me have it.”

“Biddy is not like the others. Don’t treat her like she is.”

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