Romancing the Alpha: An Action-Adventure Romance Boxed Set (90 page)

Read Romancing the Alpha: An Action-Adventure Romance Boxed Set Online

Authors: Zoe York,Ruby Lionsdrake,Zara Keane,Anna Hackett,Ember Casey,Anna Lowe,Sadie Haller,Lyn Brittan,Lydia Rowan,Leigh James

Tags: #romance, #contemporary romance, #Erotic Romance, #Romantic Comedy, #Romantic Suspense, #Science Fiction Romance, #Action-Adventure Romance

BOOK: Romancing the Alpha: An Action-Adventure Romance Boxed Set
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And the thought must have travelled straight from her brain to his hand, because a fourth finger joined the rest. She took slow, deep breaths to keep from tensing against the invasion.

“Relax, baby, just a little more and we can move on to the main event, and I promise to make you come.”

Make her come? She was already so close. A little more pressure from inside, and she was going to blow sky-high. Just when she realised clenching against his hand might give her the pressure she was looking for, he withdrew. “I don’t think so. It won’t be my fist your pussy will be squeezing when you come. Not this time, anyway.” What the hell did that mean?

He lowered her legs and slipped her jeans the rest of the way off. “I’m partial to bondage when I fuck, but I’ll keep things a little on the vanilla side for our first time.” He slid her shirt up her torso, and left it bunched just above her breasts. Then he pulled down the cups of her bra, putting her tits on display. “Mmm, every bit as pretty as I imagined.”

He circled the tip of one nipple and pinched the other, sending sparks straight to her clit. Why couldn’t he just get on with it? She thought men were supposed to be completely ruled by their cocks. “Patience, baby, we’ll get to the really good stuff soon enough, just be in the moment for now.”

The only moment she wanted to be in, was the one where her orgasm lived. “Please.”

He looked up and smiled at her. “Please, what?”

“Please don’t tease me anymore.”

“Tell me exactly what you want. I don’t want there to be any misunderstandings.”

Neither did she. “Please fuck me.”

“You’re going to have to be more specific than that. There are all kinds of fucking.”

If that was what it was going to take, she could play that game. “Please fuck my pussy with your cock.”

“There, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”

Biddy shook her head and repeated, “Please.”

“Since you asked so nicely. I’ve been dying to do exactly that from the moment I met you. Stay right there.” Doug unceremoniously stripped out of his clothes and pulled a condom from his wallet. He climbed between Biddy’s legs and slid his hand up and down his erection a few times before sheathing it in latex.

Her heart hammered at her rib cage. Suddenly, she wasn’t feeling so brave. It had been so long since she’d done this, and never with anyone that size. He lowered himself over her, supporting his upper body on one elbow. He stroked her cheek with his thumb. “I’ll be careful. Promise.” He leaned in and kissed her gently as he touched the head of his cock to her entrance.

She had to be out of her fucking tree. There was no way that was going to fit. Maybe there would have been a chance if she’d been getting laid with any regularity in the last couple of years. Or at least been a little more adventurous with her dildo. But she hadn’t. Hell, she’d never even fucked the same person more than twice.

Doug’s kiss became more insistent. He teased her lips open and slid his tongue inside. Her panic faded as her need to feel him inside increased. When she lifted her hips to speed things along, he reached between them. He broke the kiss and she opened her eyes to see him smiling at her.

“I’m driving, baby. You lay back and enjoy the ride.”

“Eew, that has got to be the cheesiest line, ever.”

He chuckled. “Maybe. Now be a good girl, and do as you’re told. I don’t have a lot of patience left and I really don’t want to hurt you. Well, not in a bad way.”

patience was almost gone? What about—

The stretch was different from when he’d been fucking her with his fingers. It was like he was the last piece of a puzzle. A snug, but perfect fit.

She was so fucking close, she was going to come before he could bottom out. He slid his cock out a little and when he began to work his way back in, she lost it. He caught her wail in a violent kiss and withdrew his hand from between their bodies.

He gripped her ass and pumped his hips in ever deepening thrusts that sent fresh waves of pleasure through her. When he was finally buried to the hilt, he froze and tightened his grip on her butt.

He pulled his head back and gazed into her eyes. “Baby, I can’t hold back any longer. If you can’t take it hard and fast, that’s okay, we’ll do something different, but now’s the time to tell me.”

This was the most incredible sex of her life. She sure as hell was going to take everything he had to offer. “Don’t stop.”

He brushed her lips with his. “Okay. Grab onto the headboard. If you let go, everything stops. Clear?”

She reached up and wrapped her fingers around the spindles. “Clear.”

“Good girl.”

Fortunately, she had a firm grasp, because once Doug began to pump his hips, it was all she could do to hang on. He sealed his mouth to hers and swallowed her squeals as he furiously slammed his body into hers. He sent her so far over the edge, she was floating and her vision darkened at the edges.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Baby, I’m so sorry.”

Doug’s words yanked Biddy from her state of bliss. “What?”

“The condom broke. Fuck, it more than broke, it fucking disintegrated.”

Biddy bolted upright to look—sure enough, Doug’s shrinking erection was only partially covered in latex and she could feel the rest of the proof dripping from her body. He’d already said he was tested regularly and clean before she’d given him that blow job earlier, so the horrified look on his face could only mean one thing.


“You’re off the hook, pal. Thanks to my handy-dandy IUD, there definitely won’t be any loin-fruit nine months from now.”

Doug didn’t think he’d ever heard sweeter words in his life. Lesson learned. He’d known something was wrong, but his cock was having too good a time to let his brain interrupt. His stomach hit the floor when he saw the state of the condom. In all his years of fucking, he’d never had such a catastrophic condom failure. As much as the tiny voice in his head was telling him he was an idiot, he was going to have to trust Biddy on the IUD the same way she had to trust him to be clean.

He smiled and tried not to let his relief show too much. “Good to know. Give me a minute to get myself sorted out and I’ll bring a cloth back and get you cleaned up.”

“No, it’s okay. Just let me throw on my clothes and I’ll be out of your hair.”

“Biddy, stop.” Doug reached out and stroked her hair. “Let me be clear. I made the mess, I’ll clean it up.”

“Now, let
be clear. No.” She tried to push her way past him, but he snagged her upper arm. “Leave me alone. I’m going back to my room. This was a mistake and I knew better.”

He pulled her in close. “It was a lot of things, sunshine, but it sure as fuck wasn’t a mistake. I’ll give you space if you need it, but I wish you would stay.”

She pulled back and he released her. “I’ve got to go.” She climbed off his bed and grabbed her clothes off the floor. He focused on removing the tattered condom, giving her space as she fumbled into her underwear and jeans.

“Sleep well, sunshine.”

She turned and gave him a curt nod. “You too.”

Doug stared at the shredded latex in his hand for a minute, then scrunched it up in a tissue and threw it in the small garbage bucket behind his door.

Damn, this was only supposed to be a fling, so why was he worried he’d fucked things up?

His cock didn’t waste any time spelling it out. She was hot, tight, and sexy as hell. Only an idiot would risk an opportunity to spend every possible moment buried deep inside her.

Besides, in the whole time they’d been together, he hadn’t given the afternoon’s horror show a second thought—and he’d take that for as long as it would last.

He knew he should go clean himself up, but it could wait until morning. He liked the idea of sleeping with her juices dried on his cock. If she’d stayed, he’d have had her clean them off with a blow job in the morning. Maybe next time.


Biddy had to get the hell out of there. She couldn’t bear having Doug clean her up. It was too intimate. It was the sort of thing a lover did. It was the sort of thing that could make her fall for him. Something she couldn’t emotionally afford.

She kept her gaze straight ahead and cursed herself for not having a flashlight as she raced across the dark hallway. Why couldn’t they have built the house with light switches beside every doorway? The single switch at the top of the fucking stairs was the next best thing to useless.

Thankfully, her nightlight had one of those sensors that automatically turned it on when it got dark, so as soon as she opened her bedroom door, she’d be home-free. Then she could grab a flashlight and safely head off to the bathroom. It was too late to clean herself up in the shower, so a lick and a promise with a damp cloth would have to do.

Holy hell, if the last few hours were anything to go by, when it came to licks and promises, she might just be been ruined for life.

Her happy memories were swiftly replaced by utter mortification when she remembered how vocal she’d been through the whole experience. She’d never been a screamer before. Of course, she’d never had an orgasm like that before, either.

Her stomach flipped around like a hooked fish. Everyone in the house must think she’s a total slut. She’d barely been there twenty-four hours before she was spreading her legs for the first man she laid eyes on. She hoped they didn’t know she’d been on her knees, greedily swallowing Doug’s cock long before that. Like that would make any difference to her slut factor.

She wouldn’t give a shit if people thought she was a total skank if it were true, but it wasn’t. While she was a long way from a prude, she was decidedly selective when it came to sex partners. Now, after such a thorough fucking from Doug, she had to question the reliability of her selector.

Then there was the condom fiasco. There was a time when Biddy hadn’t bothered with other methods of birth control. She didn’t see any point in trying to remember to take a pill every day on the off-chance she might get lucky when she knew condom use would be mandatory.

It was Honeycunt who gave her the come-to-Jesus talk about how much more important it was to have back-up birth control when your sexual encounters didn’t include emotional attachment. She definitely owed Honeycunt a magnificent thank you gift.

Fuck! She was supposed to check in. Biddy grabbed her phone and wrote a quick text to her friend, letting her know she was fine and not to worry. She’d send a newsy email another time.

By the time she was finished in the bathroom, Biddy was convinced there was no way she ever wanted a man to fuck her bareback. What a mess. She hung her washcloth over the radiator to dry, but she slipped her wet panties over the doorknob, hoping whoever came to wake her in the morning wouldn’t see them. Not that it mattered, she supposed, they all knew she’d been fucked within an inch of her life.

She climbed into bed and flipped off the bedside lamp before reaching under her pillow for her little brown teddy. Hugging it tight, she drifted to sleep, confident the glow of her nightlight would protect her from all the scary that lived in the dark.

— FIVE —

Doug wanted to slip into Biddy’s room and kiss her awake, but after the way they’d left things last night, he chose to knock politely on her door instead.

“Come in.”

He opened the door and was a little surprised by the pair of panties that swung into view. He snagged them off the door handle as he entered and shot Biddy his cheekiest grin. They were damp. “If you’d have let me do the honours with a nice warm cloth, I could have saved you the trouble.”

When Biddy buried her head under her pillow, he felt bad. He hadn’t meant to embarrass her. He shut the door, placed her panties back where he found them, and crossed the room. Instead of sitting on the edge of the bed, he lay down on his stomach next to her and popped his head beneath the pillow facing her.

“Hey, sunshine. You know you have nothing to be embarrassed about, right?”

“Leave me alone.”

“No. I will leave your room, but I will not leave you alone. Not until we’ve talked, which we’ll do once we’re on the road. In the meantime, it’s almost seven, so you’d best get up and moving before you miss your shower time.”

He hated to leave her like this, but he didn’t have a choice. After the state she was in last night, there was no way he was going to be any part of her missing out on a shower.

“I’ll see you downstairs. If you’re not in the kitchen by seven-thirty, I will come for you. Trust me. That is something you don’t want.” He got up and slipped quietly from the room.

He entered the kitchen and headed straight for the coffee pot. Karen turned toward him, her eyes twinkling, “Good morning. You must be starving. No supper… energetic evening...”

“Ravenous.” He poured himself a cup of coffee and topped up Karen’s. “But skip the teasing, okay? Biddy’s really embarrassed and I’m worried she won’t come down for breakfast.”

Karen frowned. “Poor wee thing. I’ll behave.”

“I appreciate it.” He sat at the table and took a long sip from his mug. “Given we had to cut yesterday’s island tour short, that will be the plan for today. We’ll start in the opposite direction this time. But, if we come across any action, I’m going to keep her with me rather than waste time bringing her back.”

“Good idea. Would you like me to pack lunches for the two of you?”

“Yeah, that would be great, thanks.”

“No problem.” Karen turned and pointed her spatula at Doug. “You be careful with her.”

“Don’t worry. I told her the score yesterday, but I’ll make sure she and I are playing by the same rules.”

“You know me—mama-hen through and through.”

“And we love you for it.”

Volunteers started trickling in. Doug didn’t feel the need to warn them off teasing—it was an unspoken rule that what goes on in the bedroom stays in the bedroom. Even though Karen was the exception to almost every rule, official or not, she kept her teasing light and always in private.

He looked at his watch. Biddy had two minutes left to get her ass downstairs, or he was—

And there she was in the doorway. Same as yesterday, looking anxious and ready to bolt. He waved her over, pointed to the seat next to him, then went to pour her a cup of coffee.

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