Romance: Young Adult Romance: The Perfect Game (A Highschool Football Romance) (Bad Boy Nerd New Adult Romance) (5 page)

BOOK: Romance: Young Adult Romance: The Perfect Game (A Highschool Football Romance) (Bad Boy Nerd New Adult Romance)
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''I'll tell you what we're going to do this evening. We're going to have a bottle or two of champagne, have some of Tony's best seafood and come down here and relax.''

''But I haven't got any swimwear with me,'' she said.

''Don't worry about that, we don't need clothes.''

''Er......excuse me. I'm not cavorting around here in the nude.''

He laughed. ''Then you're the first prudish PA I've ever had. Most of them we're only too pleased to get their clothes off. Especially when they saw what my friends looked like.''

''Well, I.....'' Avaline
was caught
. She didn't want to appear prudish, but surely this was beyond the call of duty. It was also quite unprofessional. She'd gone to CL Real Estate to start a career, nor prance around like a two-bit hooker. ''Sorry Colten, but I'd rather not be naked.''

''Okay. How long will it take you to chose a bikini?''

''Er.....a few minutes.''

''Great, then the chauffeur will take you downtown. You get a bikini and be back here by six thirty. Okay?
two hundred dollars.''

Avaline was
beginning to feel like a kept woman. She wasn't used to this level of
and it was a little overwhelming. She also didn't much fancy being in a bikini for all Colten's friends to
gawp at
. But she needed the
and she'd already pissed Colten off
by arriving
late for work. The last thing she wanted was to have to join Penny on the set of some B porn movie.

When the chauffeur, whose name she discovered was Robert, dropped her off outside Raylene's Swim and Casual's, Avaline immediately saw a beautiful bikini in the display window

Raylene was about five feet nine and as butch as any woman
had ever seen. ''Yes, we've got that in your size. It's great quality, look.''

said looking at the multicolored material.''

''Do you want to try it on?''

had heard a lot of stories about the dangers of trying
swimwear on
. Most of it had been tried on before by an average of five women. ''Has anyone tried it on before?''

''No it's fresh out of the cellophane. You don't have to worry.''

Avaline stood in front of the mirror and admired herself. Even the harsh fluorescent lights didn't show up a single blemish on her skin. The bikini fitted very nicely. She took off the top, but quickly pulled it over her breasts again when  Raylene popped her head through the curtain. ''Everything okay? Oh yes, I like those bottoms. Haven't got the top on yet, shall I help you?''

Avaline declined and waited until Raylene had gone. Should she report her? How many women had she ogled, felt up or raped in the changing room she wondered? She got dressed quickly and went to pay. Raylene gave her
a wide
smile. ''Here's a voucher for twenty-five dollars, we're got an open evening next week. Come along and see if you can find anything you like. We've got more than swimwear as you can see. Raylene pointed to an array of other leisure wear. ''That will be ninety-nine dollars, thanks.''

Avaline paid and left the shop. Robert was waiting for her on the other side of the street. Unfortunately,
didn't make it that far.



''More champagne Tony please,'' Colten said. He was sitting
the bar with his best friends,
and Chris. Both self-made real estate dealers, but not quite as
as Colten.

''I'm getting too old for this Colten,'' Sylvester said. ''My body won't take it
any more

''Crap, you're not even forty yet,'' Colten said.

''Thirty-nine and counting. You're only thirty-three remember. Maybe you can drink champagne and get laid every evening, but I tell you, I'm beginning to feel my age.''

''Jesus, you're not going soft on us are you? This place will be full of LA's most beautiful women in a couple of hours. Just think of that.''

''He's got a girlfriend,'' Chris revealed.

''You what?'' Colten asked. ''You've got a steady girl? So it's not your old body letting you down. Some broad has got her thumb on you.
,'' Colten said despondently.

''It's time to settle down. I want a family. All this partying has been
but it's time. You'll feel the same in a couple of years,'' Sylvester said.

''No way. Forty-five. That's the age I've got in mind for settling down,'' Colten said. ''Well old friend, good luck, I hope she turns out to be the one. Although when she sees how well hung you are, she'll probably run a mile.'' He looked at his black friend and laughed. So did Chris.

''She already has seen it,  and no, she didn't run. She liked it,'' Sylvester replied a sparkle in his eye.

''Here's to you then,'' Colten said. There was a
of glass on glass, and they all downed their drinks in one.

A group of scantily clad women came into the bar and looked at Colten. ''Hi Colten,'' Nikki said. ''Are you up for a good time tonight?'' She was tall, blonde and very well proportioned. Her black dress clung to her hips and buttocks as she walked across the room.

''Sorry Nikki. Not tonight darling, we had a great time on Saturday, it was
nice, but I'm a bit busy tonight.'' Nikki pulled a disappointed face, turned round and joined her friends again.

''Did you just turn her down?'' Sylvester asked. ''I've never seen you turn down a broad that hot before.''

my choice for this evening,'' Colten said.

''Who's she?'' Chris asked.

''My new, super attractive, sexy, PA.''

''You're terrible, do you know that?'' Chris said. ''You've tried it on with all your PA's.''

''She's different,'' Colten said.

''How?'' Sylvester interjected.

''I can't put my finger on it, but she's classy, intelligent and so sexy you won't believe it. This one
does something to me.'' Colten concluded.

''How old is she?'' Chris asked, swirling his champagne glass around in his hand.

''Twenty-two,'' Colten said.

''Ten years in it then. No too bad. She'll be able to supply you with innumerable babies.'' Sylvester laughed. The thought of Colten changing nappies was too much for him.

''Funny,'' Colten hissed.


Avaline hadn't seen the man hiding in the alleyway next to Raylene's. As she made her way along the sidewalk towards the Rolls, he jumped out and grabbed her bag.
didn't want to let go and out up a fight. Before Robert could get out of the car, the man hit her over the head with a
and ran off, leaving her unconscious and bleeding profusely.

Raylene had heard the screams and ran out of the shop. Robert dashed over the road and squatted next to Avaline.

''Call an ambulance,'' he said to Raylene.

He took out a clean handkerchief and pressed it to the wound on her head. A crowd of bloodthirsty spectators gathered around them as Raylene shouted into her cellphone.

Robert had spent long enough in the army to know that
had now stopped breathing. He let go of the handkerchief, pressed her nostrils together and gave her the kiss of life, followed by three sharp
to her chest.
waited, nothing. He repeated the process and waited again. This time, Avaline spluttered and began to breathe. Shortly after, the ambulance arrived and took
to UCLA Medical Center.

Colten was halfway through his seafood platter, wondering where
was when Robert called him. He left the restaurant in a taxi and hastened to the hospital.

''How is she?'' he asked Robert.

''I don't know. They told me to wait for her while they do the tests they need to do.''

''First day at work and mugged. Did you see the man who did it?''

''Not that well, there were some parked cars between me and the incident.''

Colten felt responsible. He'd sent her to town and all because of a bikini. His thoughts turned to his sister who had
been raped
in a park in LA. She'd also just nipped out to do something trivial. The rapist
was sentenced
to just six years, but Colten made sure his life inside was unbearable. He couldn't believe how cheap it was to have someone's legs broken, although having the man raped in the showers had cost considerably more.

The doctor came out of intensive care and looked at Colten and Robert.
''She's concussed,
but we can't find any lasting damage. We'll keep her in for observation for two nights and after that, she can go home. But she'll need to rest. A could of weeks off work
do it.''

''Alright doctor. Thank you,'' Colten said.

''I believe you are to thank for saving her,'' the doctor said looking at Robert.

''I gave her mouth to
if that's what you mean.''

''Yes. Well, you did it very well. She's got a lot to thank
you for
. Does she have any relatives we need to inform?'' the doctor asked.

Robert didn't have a clue and looked at Colten. ''No, she's alone in the world,'' Colten said. ''Can we see her?''

''When we get her onto the ward, in an hour or so.''

It was two hours before
was on the ward by which time Robert was snoring in a waiting room arm
and Colten was checking his bank accounts on his cell phone. A nurse came and fetched them. Avaline was sitting up in bed with a bandage on her head. The first thing Colten noticed was how pale she looked.

''So you didn't want to come back to the Endless Sinner?'' Colten asked jokingly.

''No I decided to get myself bashed over the head instead,'' she replied. ''I'm sorry.''

''What for
. It wasn't your fault. You'll be back in the saddle in a couple of weeks. You need some rest,'' Colten said. ''You're coming to stay with me.'' Robert flashed him and glance and mentally questioned Colten's motives.

''No. I'll be fine at the apartment. Penny can look after me.''

''I'm not taking no for an answer. I won't have you sitting in some tatty apartment while you're ill. There's all you need at my house. You can swim, sun yourself, go for a sauna and walk in the grounds. It's very relaxing.''

''Thank you, Robert,'' she said. ''I heard you saved me.''

''It's nothing miss, I'm glad I was there. My army training came in useful for once. If you'll excuse
I'll leave you two to talk.'' Robert left the
and Colten pulled a chair up to the bed. 

''You've got one hell of a bump on your head,'' he said.

''A hell of a bikini bump you could say. I'm not coming
to your house
to recover. It's not right. I'm one of your employees, not your wife.''

''I don't give a monkey's toss. You're coming back to
and that's the end of it.
This happened
were working for
and I'll look after you. You've got nobody else except that porn star.''

''How do you know about Penny?'' Avaline hadn't told anyone about Penny's occupation.

''I know everything. You are my
and you will be handling very sensitive information, did you think I'd employ you without doing some checks on you?''

''Jesus. I'd never given it any thought.''

''I also know you're alone in the world. I know you were left in a hospital baby hatch and brought up in three foster families.'' He looked at her and saw how amazed she was that he knew her most intimate secrets. ''I know you did okay in high school and well at secretarial college. I also know you're
to intelligent to work as a PA. But you underachieved at school because you found boys more
than Pythagoras or Shakespeare.''

Avaline felt as if she was naked. Was there anything he didn't know about her? ''Do you know my bra size as well?'' she asked.

''No that's still a secret I haven't got to the bottom of.''

''And you never will. I work for you.''

''That never stopped me before. You know you're
very beautiful
. I could give you all you want in life.''

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