Emily and The Spider

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Authors: John Dony

Tags: #heart, #good, #love, #family, #danger, #hope, #africa, #spider, #evil, #tiger, #brave, #adventure, #waterfall, #thrilling, #fear, #scary, #monkeys, #runaway, #emily

BOOK: Emily and The Spider
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Emily and the Spider


John Dony




Smashwords Edition

Copyright © John Dony 2008

All rights reserved. No part of this
publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording
or any information storage or retrieval system, without prior
permission in writing from the publishers.

The right of John Dony to be identified as
the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with
the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988


First published in the United Kingdom in 2008
by Shedbetter Publications


Contact the author:
[email protected]

Contact the illustrator:

Contact the publisher:
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This book is dedicated to Emily (of

I would like to thank my wife Jill, for
understanding the need to tell these stories,

I would like to thank my Mum and Dad who
always let me be who I wanted,

I would like to thank Lora for her amazing

and I would like to thank the kids, who are
always a source of inspiration.







1 Emily

2 The Party

3 Web

4 The Birth

5 Help!

6 Bes

7 The Letter

8 New Friends

9 Stripe!

10 Out of the Frying Pan

11 Orbs

12 You can Choose your Friends

13 Finding Emily

14 Miss Perivale’s Lunch

15 Farewells

16 20 Years Later

Chapter 1
– Emily



Once upon a time, in a hot sunny country,
there lived a little girl called Emily. She was Eight years old,
with long blonde coloured hair and blue eyes. Her daddy was always
telling her how beautiful she was and that one day she would grow
up to be a very important person.

Emily’s house was white. White and very big!
It was a wooden house with a veranda, which is sort of a walkway,
all around the house. Emily could run around the whole house in a
stunning 38 seconds. She used to time herself with her daddy’s best
watch, just to see if she could improve every time she tried.

Emily’s father was an ambassador. She didn’t
know much about it, except that it meant they had to go to
different countries and make friends with lots of different people.
Emily didn’t mind though, because at age seven, she had already
seen more countries than most people see in any one lifetime.

The thing Emily did mind though was not
having any friends. She had never lived anywhere quite long enough
in order to make any.

Apart from that her life was very good. She
went to lots of big parties with her parents(and generally fell
asleep). She had a massive garden to play in, which was bordered by
a jungle. She had all the toys she could ever want, but ‘little
Em’, as her daddy always called her, was an adventurer. She was
always climbing and hiding and getting lost. Her mummy would always
say “curiosity killed the cat”, and Emily would reply “but, we
don’t have a cat”.

Anyway, as I said Emily was an adventurer,
and on this particular Friday afternoon, after her private study
lesson with Miss Perivale, a skinny black-haired woman(of whom
Emily was sure was a witch, and who daddy always pulled faces at
behind her back and made Emily giggle) her best and most exciting
adventure was about to happen.

Chapter 2
– The Party



Today was ‘little Em’s’ eighth birthday. A
lavish party was thrown for her. All her parents important friends
attended, and some of their children. Presents were given and party
food was eaten, everything seemed lovely. But ‘little Em’ was sad.
It wasn’t the presents, there were plenty of them, all looking very
expensive. It wasn’t the food, she had eaten all she could. The
party games had been fun, the dancing, the hiding. No, ‘little Em’
was sad because she hadn’t been to visit her friend today.


Chapter 3
– Web



You see ‘little Em’ did have one friend,
although I am not sure that many of you would consider this friend
very suitable for a little girl.

Emily’s friend was a spider! However, this
was no ordinary spider. It was big! Bigger than ‘little Em’s’ hand.
It was Colourful too with lovely orangey-red stripes and a fluffy

Each day ‘little Em’ would collect all the
dead flies that had flown into her bedroom and died against the
window in the night. She would gather them all up and store them in
her handkerchief, her most valuable possession, and set off along
the veranda.

The large web was high up in the corner.
‘Little Em’ would take one of the kitchen stools out onto the
veranda to stand on. Once she had climbed carefully onto the stool,
she would take the handkerchief out of her dress pocket and throw
each fly, one by one, into the web. Slowly the spider would crawl
out of the corner and gather up the flies. Then, laden, she would
swiftly return back to the safety of her corner.

‘Little Em’ was sure that the large stripey
spider would each time, look at her and smile. At least, if that
was her mouth!

This would go on day after day. ‘Little Em’
would go and get the stool and feed the spider, her friend, and
then sit and watch her scuttle around.

One morning, after ‘little Em’ had gathered
the flies from the window and dragged her stool to the web, as
usual, she stood on the stool carefully and took out her
handkerchief. She looked at the web, but today something seemed
different, the spider was nowhere to be seen. Even after ‘little
Em’ had deposited the flies onto the web, still no sign. ‘Little
Em’ sat and watched and waited patiently, but still no movement.
Just as she was about to go, she spotted something in the corner,
up near the rafters. There was a small round ball that looked like
cotton wool. ‘Little Em’ wanted to see more clearly, but it was
dark up there in the rafters, so she quickly jumped down from the
stool, ran to the cupboard under the sink and fetched her daddy’s

Chapter 4
– The birth



‘Little Em’ climbed back onto the stool and
aimed the torch high into the corner where she had seen the small
white ball. As she switched on the torch there was a sudden
movement, her friend, the spider, shrunk back into the rafters to
avoid the glaring light.

“Don’t be scared” ‘little Em’ said. “I was
only looking to see where you were.”

As ‘little Em’ looked at the spider again,
she was sure that what she had said had been fully understood. The
spider raised her head as if to acknowledge her words. She looked
towards the small white ball and ‘little Em’ followed her gaze. As
the torch-light hit the ball, Emily gasped, nearly falling off the
stool. She regained her balance, stood up straight and focused the
torch-light back on the white ball again.

It was moving, there was no doubt about that
she thought.

“What have you got in there?” she said out
loud, not expecting an answer.

“My little babies” uttered a small voice.

‘Little Em’ did fall off the stool this time,
landing on the floor with a big ‘thud’. She looked around to see if
there was anyone else around, watching her, talking to her, but no,
she was quite alone.

“Now I am going mad” she said to herself.
However, her curiosity got the better of her and once again she
climbed up onto the stool. With the torch in her hand, she shone it
shakily back into the rafters.

“Could you please stop doing that?” a soft
voice said. “I find it rather off-putting and my babies are trying
to sleep”.

‘Little Em’ promptly switched off the torch.
“Ssssorry”. Was the only word she could squeak at that moment.

“Thank you. Now, why don’t you run along and
come and see me tomorrow” said the spider.

“But, spiders can’t talk” said ‘little Em’,
feeling a little more comfortable now.

“Well” said the spider “apparently you have
been mis-informed”.

‘Little Em’ got down off the stool and turned
to walk away, stunned.

“Good night Emily” whispered the spider.

Chapter 5
– Help!

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