Romance: The Bear's Desired Mate: BBW Bear Shifter Romance Standalone ( Shifter Romance, BBW, Werebear) (Spicy Shifters Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: Romance: The Bear's Desired Mate: BBW Bear Shifter Romance Standalone ( Shifter Romance, BBW, Werebear) (Spicy Shifters Book 1)
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2. Sitting Up and Taking Notice



Grayson couldn't take his eyes off Amanda as she stood before the floor-to-ceiling mirrors, breathing heavily but steadily while she worked with the lighter dumbbells. She was doing steady lateral rises and it was clear that she was struggling. Her arms were shaking from the exertion and sweat already coated her skin from their hour-long session.

When he had first seen her in the parking lot, he had been stunned. She was a gorgeous woman. Long black hair held back in a simple braid, contrasting with her pale skin. When she had looked at him, her green eyes had completely sucked him in. It had taken all of his control to get his shifter side to stay hidden.

Her body, however, had been the clincher. She wasn't slim but Grayson preferred curves on women. A lot of curves. And Amanda had the body he had only wished for in his perfect woman. She had the hourglass figure that left little for the imagination in the outfit she had picked out. Her large breasts pushed against her t-shirt and Grayson remembered how they had pressed against his chest when she had collided with him.

His hands itched to touch her again and not in the professional manner he had been using all session. It was a wonder with the amount of times he had touched her already that she wasn't running away screaming sexual harassment.

He wasn't the only one who liked what he saw. His bear had raised its head when it first saw her and had howled its approval after the first touch, the first eye contact. It wanted her as much as the man did. It wanted to come out into the open. Grayson had to keep a tight lock on his bear or he would be shifting in front of Amanda. He wasn't going to frighten her.

His cock, which had been standing to attention for most of the session, hardened even more when Amanda finished her allotted set and bent over to place the dumbbells on the bench, her amply-rounded backside pointing in his direction. Grayson coughed and adjusted his stance, silently thanking that he had brought slightly bigger track pants so his erection wasn't noticeable.

"That's good, Amanda. You've got a lot of grace."

Amanda snorted and straightened up.

"You mean the grace of an elephant." She quipped.

Grayson frowned. There had been a few times when Amanda seemed to embrace her body and other times where she had put herself down. She was so contradictory it was hard to follow.

Someone had hurt her and she was still struggling. He wanted to find that person who had insulted her and rip them to pieces. But he kept his cool and shook his head.

"Don't knock yourself down like that. You do have grace and your posture is good. I barely need to correct it." Which was a shame; he had been fantasizing about fitting himself against those delicious curves to adjust her posture. "Are you sure you haven't been to the gym before?"

Amanda blushed and glanced away. She looked charming when she blushed.

"Never. I hadn't set foot in one before today."

"I find that hard to believe."

Amanda looked up at him, her green eyes clear and sparkling.

"Believe it, honey."

Those words, along with her lovely eyes, her flushed face and her exerted breathing that had her breasts moving with each breath, had Grayson's pulse rocketing. He could only stare at her as his bear shuffled, demanding to claim her as its own.

Within his mind, something clicked.

"Grayson?" Amanda was giving him a strange look. "You okay?"

Grayson realized he had been staring and blinked, hoping his eyes hadn't changed. When he experienced strong emotions, his eyes went from brown to golden amber. He hoped Amanda hadn't noticed if they had.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He rubbed a hand over his face, telling himself to get a grip. He was freaking the poor woman out. "Sorry, I zoned out there. It's been a long day."

"I was saying that I enjoyed the session. I'd like to carry it on, if that's okay with you?"

"Of course!" Grayson realized he had spoken too eagerly and tempered back his reaction as his bear danced about. "I mean, that's great. I'm glad you enjoyed it." He glanced at his watch, hoping that he looked and sounded more professional. "Shall we get cleaned up and sort out a programme afterwards?"

Amanda grinned, wiping a hand across her brow, brushing aside some strands of her hair that had stuck to her forehead.

"No problem. Give me fifteen minutes?"

Grayson could only nod as Amanda turned away and sashayed to her gym bag she had tossed in the corner of the room. It wasn't a put-upon sashay; it was all her. She was classy, sexy and Grayson couldn't think about anything except wanting to pull her into his arms again.

Before he knew he had done it, his bear growled. The sound emanated from Grayson's lips while he witnessed Amanda's back again, pointing at him as she bent down and scooped up her water bottle and gym bag. Amanda straightened up and turned back, a frown creasing her forehead.

"Did you just say something?"

Grayson realized that he had nearly let his beast out and pushed it back, much to his bear's annoyance.


He watched conflicting emotions flitter across Amanda's face as she tried to decide whether to believe him or not. Eventually, she let it drop and she shrugged.

"Sorry. My mistake."

Grayson watched as she left the gym and turned away with a groan. His cock was starting to hurt, wanting to be buried instead Amanda with her legs wrapped around his waist as he sent her spiralling into heaven.

It was demanding something that had Grayson tied up in knots. She was a client, not a random woman he had met on a night out. That was breaching ethics.

But his body and his bear were saying otherwise. They were demanding that he went after Amanda and join her in the showers. He ignored them and gathered his things. He needed that fifteen minutes to get himself under control.

A cold shower was certainly on the menu for him.






Amanda left the gym on lighter feet. She felt invigorated. The session had been brutal but she hadn't cared. It had left her pumped and wanting more. The adrenaline was still going through her even now.

It also helped that her personal trainer was the sexiest-looking man she had met in a long time. Even at his best, Tommy couldn't compete. She had caught him looking at her when he thought she wouldn't notice and he hadn't been disgusted with what he had seen. If anything, he had looked hungry. Practically aroused if the sudden tightness around his groin was anything to go by.

Amanda now knew what her friends meant when they found it boosting when a man looked at them like he wanted to lick her from head to toe before he ate them. It had her whole body tingling. The muscles between her legs were throbbing close to discomfort because she hadn't got herself wrapped around his body and ridden him until both of them were exhausted.

That had her head spinning. She had never reacted this quickly to a man before, not even her ex. There was something about Grayson Allen that had Amanda wanting to explore every inch of him.

But she couldn't. He was her personal trainer and she was essentially his client. She groaned. Of all the people he had to be...

A hand grabbed at her shoulder. Amanda yelped and twisted away, swinging her gym bag. She backed away, her body tensed ready to run. She bit back a yelp when a shadow moved out of the bushes and the shape of the man she didn't want to see again appeared.


Thomas Goppert gave her a sheepish look. In the past that look had been endearing. Now Amanda just considered it annoying.

"Sorry, Mandy. Didn't meant to scare you."

Amanda glanced around them. It was dark and they were the only ones in the parking lot. The gym was still busy but it was too far away. She was going to have to deal with Tommy on her own. She shifted her bag to her shoulder, gripping the straps in her fist.

"How did you know where I was?"

"Someone mentioned seeing your car here and I thought I'd come and find you." Tommy looked towards the gym and snorted in amusement. "I must admit I thought they were joking. You've never stepped foot in a gym in your life."

"We all make changes." Amanda didn't respond to the underlying meaning to his words. "And I don't believe you. My car's generic so no one would know it was mine. You've been stalking me."

"It's not stalking, it's checking on your welfare."

Amanda growled. She didn't know how she had managed to stay with Tommy for as long as she had. He was a possessive creep and he was pushing her buttons.

"I told you to leave me alone, Tommy. That included face-to-face as well as over the phone."

"I know but I needed to talk to you urgently." Tommy protested. "And you can't hang up on me face-to-face."

He was up to something. Amanda knew it. She wanted him to go away, disappear into thin air, and leave her alone for good. Obviously he wasn't getting the message. She glanced at her watch and sighed. She wasn't a mean woman by nature and it was that nice part of her that was telling her to give Tommy a moment of her time.

"You've got thirty seconds."

She was expecting excuses as to why he 'lapsed'. He had used that exact word in a previous phone call. She wasn't interested but she wanted to see if he would actually apologize for treating her as he did.

Tommy stuffed his hands into his pockets and stared down at the floor.

"I treated you badly." He said solemnly. "I know that. And I got the wool pulled over my eyes by that little...that girl who led me astray." He caught himself before he said any more. "She promised me things and I completely believed her."

Amanda rolled her eyes. She didn't believe he was not at fault at all. Not after what he had done. He had to be bonkers if he thought he could get away with it.

"She promised you things? Like particular sex acts?"

Tommy winced.

"That's not what I meant."

"I know exactly what you mean. And don't try and play innocent with me, Tommy. I caught you in our bed doing...that act with that bitch." There were certain sex acts Amanda wished didn't exist and what she had seen was one of them. "And then, you had the nerve to turn up to my best mate's party with her and gloat that it's better with someone who hasn't got rolls of fat flopping all over the place."

Tommy grimaced but not quickly enough. Amanda saw the glint of amusement in his eyes for a brief moment.

"I was unkind, wasn't I?"

"Unkind? That's an understatement. I'm glad we're not together anymore and if you're going to be that disgusting about my body you can forget about getting any forgiveness from me."

Amanda couldn't believe she could still be seething after two weeks but the hurt was still there. She also couldn't believe the gall Tommy had thinking he could actually waltz back into her life like nothing had ever happened. Something had gone wrong with the other woman. He must have got bored and gone back to something safe.

She wasn't going to be someone he could go running back to whenever he got homesick. She was not that kind of person.

"Come on, baby." Tommy reached for her but Amanda stepped away. He was speaking in a way Amanda had heard before; the lazy drawl that tried to make him sound like he was the one who had done nothing wrong. "We had something great. I made a mistake and I regret it."

"I'm glad you regret it." Amanda snapped. Her patience was wearing thin by now. "But I don't regret ending it with you. You had one chance with me and you blew it." She turned away. "Get lost and don't contact me anymore."

She yelped when she was grabbed from behind. Tommy swung her back round, gripping her arms in a tight hold. He hauled her up close to him, their faces inches apart. His eyes were narrowed and angry.

"I'll go when I'm good and ready. And I'm not leaving until I have you with me."

"Let me go."

Amanda struggled but Tommy's grip tightened.

"Mandy, listen to me."

"Let me go!" Amanda cried.

She kicked out and caught Tommy just below the knee but although he grunted and buckled, he didn't let up on the grip on her arms. He straightened up and hauled her close, right up against his body. Amanda gasped when she felt his erection against her stomach. She couldn't believe it. He was turned on from the aggression? The thought made her feel sick.

"The lady said let her go."

Amanda heard the familiar voice and nearly sagged in relief. Grayson! She had forgotten about him. Now he felt like a saviour.

Grayson was coming towards them. He looked at Tommy, hands clenched by his sides and a stony look on his face. Amanda was reminded of a huge bear prowling through the woods on a hunt.

She tried to go to him but Tommy tugged her back and pushed her behind him. Then he squared up to Grayson.

"Who the hell are you?" He demanded. He tried to make himself look big but even at five-ten he looked puny next to Grayson's huge form.

"I'm a friend." Grayson glanced at Amanda before looking back at Tommy. "And I suggest you leave right now before I call the cops."

For a moment Amanda thought Tommy was going to charge Grayson and silently hoped that he would so she could have the pleasure of seeing him get knocked down. But he decided against it, settling for a scowl in Grayson's direction before glancing at her.

"I'll call you later, Mandy." He muttered before turning away.

Amanda mentally made a note to disconnect the phone and turn her cell off. As Tommy slunk off, Grayson approached her. His expression became one of concern and his eyes raked over her.

"You okay?"

"I think so." Amanda's shoulder was sore but she resisted the urge to rub it. She gave him a weak smile. "Thanks."

Grayson's nostrils flared and his eyes glowed. For a moment, Amanda was entranced. They seemed to momentarily change colour from chocolate brown to golden amber. It was there for a second before disappearing but the heated interest was still there.

Amanda felt her body heating from the look. It had been a long time since someone had looked at her like that.

She liked it.

Grayson finally tore his eyes away from her and nodded in the direction of Tommy's exit.

"Who was that?"

"Ex-boyfriend." Amanda wasn't going into detail. Grayson was still effectively a stranger. That was too much for anyone, even someone she knew. "Long story."

"He didn't look happy about the break-up."

"Since he was the one who caused it, he's got no one to blame but himself."

Grayson looked over at her and Amanda felt her nipples tightening. She put it down to the cold air - it was October, after all - but the devil on her shoulder told her off for being naughty and lying to herself.

"I'll see you home."

Amanda blinked. She hadn't expected that.

"I'm fine." She saw Grayson's disbelieving look. "Honestly."

"You may say you're fine but you're shaking." Grayson took her hand and it was only then that Amanda realized that he was right. "And I didn't like the look in his eye. I'll feel better if I can follow you home and make sure you get to your front door safely."

Amanda wanted to argue. She wanted to tell him she could deal with Tommy on her own and she didn't need a babysitter. But deep down she knew that Grayson was right. Tommy was unpredictable when he was on the warpath; that much she knew. And if it would make Grayson feel better making sure she got home without any issues, so be it. She sighed.

"Okay. I'll wait near the exit for you."

Grayson grinned and Amanda felt like her body was going to nuclear temperatures. She waited until Grayson walked to his car in the employee section before jumping into hers and squirmed.

That man was going to make her go off like a firework if he kept looking at her like he did.


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