ROMANCE: The Bad Boy Meeting (58 page)

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Chapter Fourteen


              It had been a particularly tough week and Jude was far more stressed out than he normally was. An acquisition had gone bad and if she’d heard him right he was out a good half a million dollars. It wouldn’t affect the business in any major way, it was just a deal that he’d wanted desperately. In that week, he’d been less attentive than usual but still just as loving. He’d kiss her forehead and hold her close at night, though he didn’t stay in bed long. He would have nervous fits and get out of bed to go pace in the study across from the bedroom. She would fall asleep listening to the steady, rhythmic thumping of his feet as he walked back and forth across the sizable room.

              He’d always been there for her when her anxiety kicked in and she felt like it was time to return the favor. The condo they lived in was only a short walk from most of the main attractions in downtown New Orleans and that included Mystique. The day of Jude’s big presentation, she’d gone down to the shop and recruited Rume to help her pick out a cute pink and cream teddy. It contrasted her pale skin perfectly and barely hid her creamy, ample breasts and perfectly rounded backside. Rume admitted that even he was struggling to resist her.

              She paid for the lingerie with her own money, not wanting Jude to get suspicious if he checked his credit card statement. Rebecca wanted it to be a surprise. She knew that he would be home after dark and so she had plenty of time to prepare the bedroom. It would be late enough that Jude might expect that Rebecca had retreated to the bedroom for the night to read or draw.              

              Rebecca took great care to make sure that the room looked pristine. She scattered candles across various surfaces of the room and put on Jude’s favorite Jazz record. She knew he preferred the sound of records to the sound of CDs or MP3s. She stepped back and looked around the room, beaming proudly. It was perfect.

              Just as she was fluffing the pillows and filling a few glasses with rich, red wine, she heard the sound of a key turning in the door. She gasped and jumped on top of the bed, laying on it sideways and making sure that her breasts nearly popped out of the too-tight lace top. Her smooth, flat belly was exposed for the world to see and her long legs were bare.

              Jude came right to the bedroom, just as Rebecca suspected he would and sighed as he pushed the bedroom door open.

              “Sorry I’m so late. Work was-“ He drifted off, staring at her ample figure barely contained in the most beautiful lingerie he’d ever seen.

              His suitcase hit the floor with a soft thud and he just stared at her wide-eyed before a grin spread across his face and he started to loosen his tie.

              “What is this, then?”

              She smiled and ran a finger along her pale thigh, humming as she finally brought her hand up to toy with the ribbon that geld the teddy closed.

              "You've been working so hard. I thought you might like to relieve some stress." She purred softly, spreading her legs a little.

              They'd still only fooled around and she was eager to find out what it felt like to make love to Jude. He smirked softly and tossed his tie to the side and undoing the buttons of his shirt. When it fell open and revealed his perfectly sculpted abdomen, Rebecca moaned and chewed her lip. She'd never get tired of seeing him like this.

              He crawled into bed with her, the button of his pants already teasingly loose. Rebecca made a pleasantly surprised noise and pulled him closer, running her long, delicate fingers down his cheek and through his beard.

              "I wanted this to be perfect." She whispered.

              He dipped in and caught her lips in a long, desperate kiss as he pulled her close.

              "As long as it's with you, it will be perfect."

              God he knew just what to say to get her going. She rolled onto her back and the teddy popped open, revealing her perfect breasts. They spilled out over the thin mesh and Jude seemed thrilled about it.

              He leaned down and took one of her rose bud nipples into his mouth, suckling eagerly. It drew out long, desperate moans from Rebecca and she gasped, gripping his thick, blonde hair and tangling her fingers in it. The desperate tug of her fingers in his hair only encouraged him and he moved on to the other nipple.

              Rebecca gasped and arched her back, her free hand gripping his thick, toned bicep, her nails digging into the soft flesh as a familiar heat built in her belly.

              Soon Jude's hand was wandering south and he gripped the lace panties, twisting them in his strong hand and yanking so hard they ripped from her body. The tearing sound of fabric should have made her angry but it only made her want him more. After all, she could make him buy her a new set.

              He tossed the panties aside and crawled over her, resting his meaty hands on either side of her head as he leaned down and claimed another hungry kiss. She returned it with just as much fervor, all but clawing at his slacks, which had quickly become a little too tight.

              Once she managed to push his trousers down, the boxers came next. He kicked them off, ignoring how they crumpled to the floor with the clattering sound of his belt buckle hitting the solid oak floors. He leaned down and kissed just below her ear, leaving a trail of sweet kisses that went down to her jaw. Each kiss left behind a burning ember that only made her blood boil even more.

              She was mewling happily with each delicate kiss, wrapping one of her long, lean legs around his waist, desperate for more. Rebecca wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him down for a long, deep kiss. When he pulled away just enough to let her speak she whimpered against his lips, pleading with him.              

              “Make me yours.” She whispered in his ear.

              He smirked as he spread her legs, his thick member brushing against her inner thigh. “Baby girl…You’ve been mine since day one.” He purred as he slowly slid inside of her velvet cave.

              She gasped and tossed her head back, eyes wide as every inch of her body came alive and hummed with pleasure. He set a slow steady pace that drove her wild from the very first thrust. Her heel dug into his hips and she held him close to her, wanting to feel every inch of his glory. They moved together as if they were one person, locked in a dance of pure pleasure and ecstasy.

              Each time her thrusted into her warmth, she’d cry out his name, hoping it reached the stars. She lost track of everything in his arms. Time and space became meaningless and all the mattered was that they had each other.

              The fire in her belly was threatening to spill over and engulf her and she wanted it more than anything. She whispered his name over and over as if she were praying and as she drew closer to the edge of her orgasm her voice rose in fever and pitch, his nails digging into his back and leaving angry red crescents behind.

              She cried out as she finally teetered over the edge, the fire of her passion engulfing her and swallowing both of them. Rebecca could only see her beloved in front her of, his eyes dancing with fiery passion as he filled her to the brim until the pearly essences seeped out of her and onto the silk sheets.

              When she finally came down, Jude was resting atop her and Rebecca was quivering with the aftershocks of pleasure. She wrapped her arms around Jude, shivering and laughing as her eyes began to close. She was sated and exhausted, ready to fall asleep in the arms of his lover.

              Rebecca stroked his hair and kissed his temple tenderly as Jude fumbled to pull a blanket over them. She hummed and gave his thick locks a little tug.              

              “Was it as good as you thought it would be?” Rebecca asked.

              “Better.” He murmured, his face still buried in her chest.

              She chuckled and nodded, relaxing back against the pillow, enjoying the feeling of her lover’s weight over her. She drifted off into deep sleep, wishing that moments like this never had to come to an end. In moments like this there was no worry and no anxiety, just the sound of their hearts beating together as one.


Chapter Fifteen


              After that first night of love making there seemed to be a silent understand between them. They knew they were meant to be together. Rebecca managed to sell her house, knowing she would never return to it as long as she and Jude were together and she was feeling more confident than ever.

              She was on her way to meet Sara for lunch but stopped by Mystique to pick up a custom order she’d made to a local corset maker. Now that she and Jude were doing the deed regularly she was far more interested in adult items than she’d ever been. She was starting to realize that her own interest lay more in lingerie and playing dress up than it did in toys.

              The bell on the door rang and Rebecca was surprised to find a strange woman behind the counter. She was short and her long black hair had streaks of purple in it. She was a beautiful girl with slightly tanned skin and bright eyes. She was humming softly, dressing on of the mannequins in a pretty silver sequined dress.

              The short woman smiled at Rebecca and trotted back over to the counter, leaning over it and giving Rebecca a good look at her large bosom.              

              “Hey there! How can I help you?”

              “Um…I had a custom order. Rume and Red placed it for me.”

              The woman’s eyes lit up and she leaned closer, looking the girl up and down. “You must be Rebecca, right? You’re the one who reeled Jude in.”

              Rebecca laughed and rubbed the back of her neck almost nervously. “I wouldn’t say I reeled him in.”

              “Mmmm…So modest.” The woman hummed, offering her delicate hand. “My name is Kris but most people call me Kitty.”

              “Oh! You’re Antoine’s wife.”

              “I sure am. Hope you haven’t heard anything to heinous about me.” She said playfully, sticking out her tongue.

              “Of course not. Only glowing praise.” She assured.

              “Good! I work hard for those compliments.” She teased, grinning brightly. “Let me get your order.” She disappeared into the back room and fetched the pretty box, returning and tying a bow on it just like Red.

              “You guys are going to have to show me how to tie those bows one day.” She murmured softly, stroking her chin.

              “You could come work at the store part time, you know. It’s really only me, Rume and Red right now. Our customers would love to see a fresh, pretty face like yours.”

              Rebecca blushed and laughed, picking up her box and bowing her head a little. “I’ll think about it. I have a full time job right now but I’m thinking about maybe quitting and opening a dance studio.”

              “Let me know if you do. I’ve seen you dance downstairs and I want to learn some of your moves.” She said, grinning and offering her a wink.

              Rebecca waved a little as she started for the door. “It’s a date!” She sang.

              As she left she held the box to her chest and couldn’t stop grinning. Everything seemed to be going so perfectly lately. She was in love and making new friends…She should have known the other shoe was going to drop eventually.


Chapter Sixteen


              Rebecca had gone to Mystique a little later than she would have liked to. The sun was starting set behind the historic buildings, casting a beautiful orange and red glow across the stone streets. She was hoping to make it home before Jude but she knew to do that she would have to take a short cut. She turned off the main road and quickly ducked through a few alleys and side streets. When she came out on the other side she was in an empty square. Everyone had already packed up and went home for the evening, leaving her alone with a few fat over-fed pigeons.

              Just as she turned to start towards the condo a large, unfamiliar van sped around the corner and came to a squealing halt just beside her. It all happened in the blink of an eye and Rebecca didn’t even have a chance to react. The door slid open with metallic squeal and a pair of grubby hands reached out and wrapped themselves around her slim figure, pulling her into the van. She would have normally put up more of a fight, but the pace made it impossible to react.

              The van took off, tires kicking up smoke as it took off down the narrow side street. Rebecca was thrown against the side of the metal door when the driver took a sharp turn.

              “Where are we going, Mike?!” A man cried out from the front seat.

              Rebecca’s head swung around and her eyes widened when she realized she was staring right at Jimmy  , his brown eyes bulging from his head as sweat poured down his face.

              “We’re going to the same place we’ve been staying, you idiot! Where else are we supposed to go?”

              “I don’t know man! The cops know we’re staying there. Do you think it’s a good idea?”

              “It’s not your job to think. It’s your job to drive!” He snapped.

              The man in the front seat huffed but continued to drive down narrow, abandoned streets. Rebecca pushed herself up to a standing position but the man driving the car swerved to one side and she was slammed against the heavy metal door again, her head slamming into it hard enough to draw blood. The world began to spin and she cried out, trying to crawl back towards the door. She knew they were in a moving van but it seemed she had a better chance of getting out alive if she could tuck and roll out of the back of the van.

              Jimmy  grabbed her and yanked her back, zip tying her hands together with a quickness and ease that she’d never expect from the short, chubby man. Her eyes met his and she saw they were blood shot, pupils dilated to the point that there were just tiny black dots in a sea of muddy brown. He was high as a damn kite.

              “Don’t move. Don’t scream.” He hissed in her ear.

              Rebecca wasn’t about to let this stubby, angry little man win. She drew her head back and slammed it into his as hard as he could, causing the man to cry out in pain and stumble back. He fell on his bottom, hand pressed to his forehead as he yowled. When he finally pushed himself up, there was a dot of red blood pooling at his hair line and starting to slowly trickle down the bridge of his nose. Rebecca felt a swell of pride at the sight, though it didn’t last long.

              Jimmy  stomped over to her, looking more like a child throwing a temper tantrum than a grown ass adult. He put his hand on the side of her head and slammed her into the side of the van. Her world went black instantly and she couldn’t do anything but surrender herself to the darkness.




              When Jude arrived home and Rebecca was nowhere to be found, he felt that something was off almost immediately. Even on the days she had to travel for work she’d shoot him a text or at least warn him in the morning when they were getting dressed together. She hadn’t called and she hadn’t told him of any conventions or weddings she was planning.

              The empty condo sent a shiver down his spine and he reached for his phone, checking to see if there were any missed calls or messages. Nothing. He frowned deeply and tucked his phone away for a moment before he started looking around the house for any signs of a note or where Rebecca might have gone. Surely she would have left him some hint of what was going on.

              When his search turned up nothing, panic began to rise in him. His chest started to burn and he felt a franticness he hoped to never feel. Jude fumbled for his phone again and called Rebecca, arms crossed and tapping his foot as he waited for her to pick up.

              “Come on…Come on…” He whispered, chewing his lip.

              When no one answered he grunted and hit end, bringing his knuckle his mouth, eyes narrowing as he thought of who she might be with. The first idea that came to mind was one he didn’t want to entertain. What if Jimmy  had finally made his move? They’d let their guard down after all. He’d stopped thinking of the man as a threat, convinced that he’d moved on to try and convince his other girlfriend to take him back. He didn’t seem like the type of guy who’d have the balls to actually do something to hurt Rebecca.

              The sound of his phone ringing filled the condo, echoing in his mind. He looked down and his heart jumped with relief when he saw Rebecca’s name pop up on the screen. She must have had her hands full and couldn’t answer the phone.

              “Becca!” He called out as he answered the phone. “You scared the shit out of- “

              “Guess again, lover boy.” The voice on the other line taunted. This wasn’t Rebecca. This was a very distinctly male voice.

              Jude had never talked to Jimmy  before or even met the other man, but somehow deep in his heart he knew that’s who he was dealing.

              “Jimmy  , your son of a bitch! What did you do to her?!” He barked, the hair on the back his neck standing up.

              “We haven’t done anything…Yet. What happens to her is all up to you, Jude.” Jimmy  hissed.

              Jude clenched his teeth and held back another string of angry curses. “What do you want?” He whispered, his voice shaking with pure rage.

              “$500,000. You’re going to bring it to Rebecca’s hold house and then we’ll let her go. Don’t bring any cops. We have guns and we’ll kill her, you hear me? I’m not fucking around here, Jude. You bring us the money and you come alone. Do you understand.”

              “If you fucking touch her, I swear-“

              “DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!”

              He set his lips in a thin line and grit his teeth. “I understand.”

              “Alright. We’ll see you in two hours. That should give you enough time to get your shit together.”

              There was a beep on the other line, signaling that Jimmy  had already hung up. Jude gripped his phone, wanting more than anything to throw it against the wall in a fit of rage but he managed to hold it together. He slid the phone into his pocket and set about gather the money the men ordered, though he decided he wasn’t going to be bringing just the money. He didn’t fucking negotiate.




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