ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: Tight End (Bad Boy Football Romance) (New Adult Alpha Male Sports Romance) (52 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: Tight End (Bad Boy Football Romance) (New Adult Alpha Male Sports Romance)
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Chapter 6

She met him for dinner, just where he wanted to meet. He was a gentleman, not even really trying to do more than kiss her. It was enough. When she left that evening, she wished he would have tried more. It was the first time that Farrah had even considered going further and it had nothing to do with her boss telling her to. She wanted Nate to be her first and each time she was around him, Farrah forgot the real objective.

It was almost a week before he found her after class again. She was walking to her car when he pulled up. She smiled at her reflection, waiting for him to show his face. “How are you Nate?”

The window went down and he disarmed her with the same look as before. His dark brown hair was shorter than last time and he was wearing more gold. He looked good. The whole bad boy thing was working for him and Farrah knew that she wasn’t supposed to feel so giddy, but she did. He was what she needed.

“Good Farrah. You are very predictable.”

“Well school is important. Still have no reason to tell your secret.”

His face changed for a minute with the reminder of how we had met in the first place. She wished she hadn’t brought it up, but the look was gone and he smiled back at her easily. “I have some errands to run for work, but then I was going to invite you to a party at my house. Around ten?”

Her heart raced. That is what they needed most was to get into his house. Find out where he kept his stash because Nate had been raided before, but found no more than the guests were claiming as personal. She didn’t want to think about her job though, Farrah wanted to cash in on the promise in his dark depths. “I’d love to.”

Farrah wasn’t acting anymore. She wanted nothing more than to go with him right then. “Are you going to pick me up?”

He nodded and then his phone rang. “I’ll see you soon Farrah.”

Again he was gone and she was left looking after the car as he sped away. She was starting to wonder if he did it on purpose, to keep the anticipation high. If Nate was trying to keep her on her toes, guessing than he was doing a brilliant job of it. All she could think about was that evening and Carl’s words echoed in her ears.

She would have to go to the station and get rigged up, but since she may have to bare a little skin, the sound device would have to be smaller and easier to conceal. Carl was the one that pressed it in the back of her bra. “What if he tries to take it off?”

Farrah smiled as she felt his hands stop. “If it comes to that, you might want to take it off yourself. Nate may feel that under his fingertips if you let him open it.”

Let him? She almost snorted. There was nothing about letting him do anything. Nate did what he wanted and the very idea of him taking off her bra made her forget the creep that was touching her lower back right then. His hands were on her hips and she finally looked back to see him staring at her ass. “Carl, are you finished?”

“Yeah, you are good to go.”

There was a wink in his eyes and the way he practically salivated where he stood told her she had picked the right thing to wear. “How does this look Carl?”

“You look, amazing.”

She laughed a little. “I meant the device, can you see it?”

Clearing his head he looked where it was and rubbed his hand down the smooth form of her curve for good measure. “No it looks really good.”

Again he wasn’t talking about the listening device that fed into the ATF. They were there to make sure she was okay, but she didn’t know if she liked the idea of all those men listening to her. What if they did do more than kiss? How would she ever be taken seriously if all they heard was her being seduced? It wasn’t as if she would be the seducer. Nate was the one that would make her knees grow weak and then take her. Farrah shivered and looked away from Carl’s intense gaze.

“Alright well, I got a party to go to.”


Farrah was waiting out front when Nate pulled up. He was driving instead of being driven and she didn’t know why she liked the change. They would be more alone and it made her shiver a little. Walking around the small, black car, the door opened before she got around to it. She pulled it the rest of the way open and got in. The low seat made her skirt pull up and she didn’t try to put it back down. After a few moments, she looked over at him and he said hello with a kiss. It was short and sweet, but had her body humming almost immediately.

“Evening. You look gorgeous as always.”

“Thank you. So what kind of party is this?”

“Just a few friends over to have a good time. Anything you want will be there.”

“What do you mean anything I want?”

“You know, drinks, drugs, whatever…”

Her hand went to his thigh, trying to get him to stop talking, incriminating himself. “I got it. So why did you invite me?”

He was distracted by her hand and moved to another train of thought. “Because I can’t stop thinking about you.”

Nate’s answer was simple, but paired with the way he looked over at her while he drove, it was more than that. Farrah liked the idea that he had been thinking about her. She started feeling guilty about all of it. Her bosses would tell her that he was highly charming and manipulative, changing the way she felt about him, but the truth was he was not the bad man that she had set out to help catch. Nate was so much more than his drug deals and supplying the state with something to make them feel good. That was how he had described it and she couldn’t argue with that line of thinking. They were going to get it somewhere.

“Well we don’t have to go right to the party. We can go somewhere to be alone if you want.”

“My house is big. I will make sure we have all the privacy that we need.”

Chapter 7

Nate helped her out of the car. She had expected him to bring her to the warehouse where they had first met, but that apparently was not his house. Instead, he lived in the rich part of town, his mansion there lined up with all the rest of the higher class in the gated community overlooking the town The music was loud coming from the house and the party was inside and outside, everywhere really. There were so many people everywhere that her heart sunk. How were they going to find any peace and privacy in the madness?

“Wow, when you said party, I was thinking like one at the campus. This is a whole other level.”

He liked that she finally seemed impressed. Nate had gone all out for the party and a lot of it had to do with her. He wanted her to see what kind of life he could give her. It was strange to even think of someone as much as he had her. It was stranger still that they hadn’t done more than kiss her a couple of times to feel like he did. It was all that he needed though. Just one kiss had changed everything. Now Farrah was all he could think about and he had to have her.

She grabbed his arm and slid her hand around his tattooed one. Nate liked the way she felt against him, clinging to him like he was going to keep her safe. “Come on. Let’s get you something to loosen up.”

Farrah shook her head. “I don’t do drugs Nate.”

“I hate that word. It makes them sound so bad. You have never tried anything?”

She shook her head that she hadn’t. “I drink a little sometimes, but that’s about it.”

“Well then let’s get you a drink. I am not a pusher. I just keep some around for those that want it.”

He wasn’t kidding either. They moved into the interior and there was a buffet of individually wrapped drugs for all tastes. The bar was stocked and after pouring her some wine, they moved towards the stairs. Everyone gave him wide berth, so none of the inebriated partygoers came near them.

“Why does everyone move away when you come in?”

“They don’t want to bump into me and offend me.”

“Are you that easily offended?”

He grinned for a minute. “Sometimes, but I find your presence calming.”

Farrah took a drink of the wine, not knowing how to respond. “So what are we doing up here?”

“It’s private up here. No one comes up here, so you won’t have to worry about anyone disrupting us.”

The invitation to the party seemed to require more than just putting on a dress. His eyes roamed over her body as she walked in front of him a pace. She knew that he was looking, so she added a little bit more of a jerk to her hips. She looked back and smiled at him, liking the way his dark eyes had turned almost black. “What are we going to be disrupted from?”

He didn’t answer and she didn’t think he really had to. All she was thinking about was his hands on hers and no one there to stop it. To let whatever was going to happen, happen. It scared Farrah, but at the same time, she felt like she was finally ready. Meeting Nate had just made it click and it made Farrah happy that she had waited so long for him.

“Let’s go in here.”

She stopped at the door in front of them. He came up behind her and she could feel his body pressing against her, then his hand came out to open the door. Turning the knob, she could feel his breath tickling on her earlobe and she rubbed it against her shoulder. He chuckled behind her, his groin pressing his need against her ass.

Another bedroom awaited her and Farrah had to wonder how many of them he had around the city. She sipped her wine, wishing she had picked something stronger. She heard a sound in her ear, reminding her that she was still wired and everything she did or said, would be heard by a van full of coworkers, as well as whoever else was listening in at headquarters. The worst part was it hindered what she wanted to do. Farrah was there to get information. She had to at least appear like that was what she was trying to do.

“It’s a nice place. Is this your bedroom?”

“One of them.”

When she turned around he was in front of her, pushing her back towards the bed. Farrah was afraid she was going to spill her wine, so she set down the glass on the small table. He kept advancing until she fell back on the mattress and then Nate climbed on top of her. There was no pretending that he wanted her to keep an eye on her, Nate had invited her for one thing and that was to take what he needed. He had assured himself that as long as he finally had her, Farrah wouldn’t be on his mind 24-7.

“Whoa Nate. Slow down.”

Holding himself up with his arms, he could see the slight fear in her eyes. He forgot that she was not as sexually deviant as most women that he came in contact with, but Nate was sure that once he warmed her up, she would be as wanton as the rest. He didn’t mind a slow start because it gave him time to enjoy her curved body.

“Sorry, you just feel really good underneath me.”

His hips thrust forward and it pinned her against the bed. Gasping with the hard pressure on her center, her small hands tried to push back against his wide chest.  “Kiss me.”

Nate leaned down and captured her mouth. As his tongue pressed in between her ruby red lips, his body sank deeper into her, forcing her thighs to open wider and accept him. Farrah whimpered into his mouth as his hips pushed into her. He was driving her wild. With Nate, all that she needed was just one kiss to change her mind about everything.

When his mouth left her and he started to move downwards, Farrah remembered the device in her bra and she pushed him back. “Let me Nate.”

She sat up as he sat back and her hands moved under her shirt and to the clasps on her bra. While she was not ready to reveal all, the circumstances pushed her to do it. His eyes devoured her chest as she pulled both garments off in one jerk. His eyes burned into her and she threw her shirt far enough away that he wouldn’t see it if it slipped out. Then, neither one of them was worried about the clothes on the floor.

Nate moved back to her and her hands moved to his chest. She started to lift his shirt up, wanting to see his hard chest that she kept feeling but never got to see. Her hands met smooth, taut skin as she rubbed her fingertips against his hard ridges. His tattoos followed up his chest and he was covered in ink. It turned her on, making the sculpted body more interesting and sexy to look at.

There was no time to think though as his body moved back down to her, his stiff cock crushing into her wet center. Her skirt had long since moved up around her waist and when his mouth moved back down to her jiggling bare breasts, Nate’s hand moved to the heat between her legs. She wasn’t prepared for the touch on her slit and she moaned loud. His fingers pressed in between her clit, pushing the panties up as well. The sudden shock of feeling him on her sensitive nub was incredible, but her body tried to run away from him.

“Where are you going Farrah?”

Her eyes opened to him smiling down at her, his eyes making her shake. “You said you would go slow.”

“I am not buried inside of you yet, this is slow Farrah.”

He punctuated his words with his hand slipping underneath her underwear. Gasping, she tried to close her legs, but his body was wedged where she couldn’t stop him. Nate moved to kiss her, his colored chest pressing and smashing her breasts underneath him. When he felt the wetness of her core, his fingers moved to slide inside of her. He felt her body tense when he felt the barrier stopping him. Nate stopped when he heard the low moan from the back of her throat.

“How can you be untouched?”

Farrah couldn’t answer, all of her focus on what he was doing to her. Biting her lip, her thighs were pried back open and Nate had moved back to his knees. Rubbing her gently, he stopped only to yank her panties off of her long legs and give himself full view of what he wanted so much. He was amazed, never having the chance of being first before. It made him nervous, afraid that he would hurt her. Nate was all about pleasuring a woman and moving on, but everything that he usually did, was never going to work with Farrah. Could one time, her only time, really be enough?

“How?” Nate was throbbing in his pants his eyes on her bare lips, wet and ready for him. But she wasn’t ready for him, he had to remind himself. First though, he wanted to know how a woman like her had never been with a man before. Farrah was too beautiful to still be innocent. Nate could imagine the men that had tried and being the first gave them a bond that was hard to explain. All he knew was that she was his.

She got wetter as he asked, but her eyes stayed shut tight and legs quivered. When he stopped moving his hand, her body settled and Farrah whined with the taking away of her pleasure. “I just haven’t. I wanted to wait.”

“Wait for what?”

“For it to be right.”

Her words sent him into motion. Her body writhed underneath hm. Nate moved his hands back down her body, his mouth moving to where he had previously been rubbing her. Farrah jumped with the sudden pleasure of his hot tongue on her. His ministrations were making her body hot and all of her muscles jerked and tightened with each flick of his tongue.

“Please Nate! I am so close!”

Adding suction to her core, Farrah jumped and then cried out. She had never come so hard before. Farrah forgot that they were being listened to and she just melted into the bed. Her moans got louder and she repeated his name over and over again. There was something in the way that his name sounded on her lips, that Nate loved more than anything.

He finally pulled away and looked down at her trembling body. “What about now? Does it feel right?”

Farrah nodded, her eyes still closed as the aftershocks of her pleasure still racked her body. She heard and felt him moving away from her, but she couldn’t be bothered. It was only when he moved back on the bed and it depressed around her that she opened her eyes to find him above her. Looking between their bodies, his large manhood laid across her quim. She jumped as he smacked it down on her still sensitive clit.

“Tell me you want me to be your first Farrah.”

“Please Nate, yes. I’ve been waiting for you.”

Whether it was meant or not didn’t matter. What did matter was the way her words sounded in the air around them and the touch of desperation. Farrah thought she knew what was to come, but as he leaned into her and started to tear through her last barrier, she was unprepared. “Nate, stop.”

He stalled on top of her and leaned in to kiss her. She gasped as more stretched her insides, as her walls tried to accommodate his fat cock. “Nate, it’s too big, stop!”

His lips tried to silence her, calm her and let her know that everything was going to be okay. Nate pulled out slowly and then thrust all the way in, shredding what was left of her innocence. She cried out as he rocked against her womb. Their lips were inches from each other, but Nate wanted to hear all of her whimpers and then moans as her hips rose to meet his.

Nate had never felt so completely suffocated in soft wetness. Each inch of her tunnel squeezed his shaft and he had to grit his teeth to last longer. She was just so tight and the very idea of being the first made it feel almost magical. He knew that one time wouldn’t be enough. He had to have her for good, not wanting her to go anywhere. Any misgivings he had maintained about Farrah and her timing into his life was all pushed aside.

Her breath started to hitch, paired with her pussy walls collapsing around him in rhythmic intervals. She was going to come again and as his lips met hers, Nate started to pound into her. “Come for me Farrah.”

Sitting back, his hands opened her thighs more so that he could touch her tiny love button. She jerked with the touch and Nate was given her bouncing tits as his view. Watching the pink tips swirl around and then his cock disappearing inside of her, he didn’t know how much longer he could last.

Then all of a sudden, her insides were filled with a flood of wetness as she screamed out her pleasure. “Yes Nate, fuck me harder!”

Farrah couldn’t believe it had just come out of her mouth, but she repeated it, over and over again. Nate’s large hands moved down to her breasts, grabbing handfuls and using the grip as leverage to slam her down onto him. Farrah’s cries of pleasure turned into begging. It was too much. He was sending her sensitive flesh into a state. A hand on his chest did nothing to stop him. Digging her nails into his chest, her eyes closed as another wave of bliss passed over her.

“Have you had enough?”

Her head nodded, but she couldn’t manage any words. One last push forward and Farrah could feel his hot seed shooting inside of her. Nate’s sounds drove her to pull him close, tasting the breathless groans as he slammed deeper to fill her the rest of the way. Farrah’s hands ran up his back and then around his neck as her tongue pushed into his mouth.

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