ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: Tight End (Bad Boy Football Romance) (New Adult Alpha Male Sports Romance) (49 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: Tight End (Bad Boy Football Romance) (New Adult Alpha Male Sports Romance)
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Chapter 7

“Andre, get in here. You have to see this!” Namadi couldn’t believe what was on the screen. It was what they had been waiting to hear for a week and she couldn’t wait to see his face.

“If it is another special with your mother Namadi, I am really not in the mood.”

She saw his scowl and smiled. “You are going to want to see this one sourpuss.”

Another look, but then he saw footage of David being taken away. What Namadi didn’t realize was the name of his victim on the screen was actually his dead mothers. He sat down next to her and by the look on his face, Namadi realized that something was wrong. She had not expected him to look so devastated. “Andre?”

“My father knew all along.”

“Knew what?”

“That he killed my mother and he didn’t tell me.” Andre was stunned and though he couldn’t hear what the television was saying passed the pounding in his ears, he saw an old photo of his mother pass on the screen. It didn’t matter what was said. He was stuck on the fact that his father hadn’t told him. Why had he kept it a secret?

“I don’t understand. That woman is your mother?” She looked aghast and felt that way. “I am sorry Andre.” Her heart went out to him. The man looked devastated and no amount of muscles or tattoos could hide the look of pain in his face. He was just that young boy that had lost his mother and she found herself holding him. They had become close in the last week that they had stayed in the cabin. They had never been so close since that kiss, both holding off on physical contact.

It was sometime before he let go of her and she moved back. He wasn’t teary-eyed, but he had sighed deeply into her. There was a moment where his body had just sagged against her slightly and she hoped that he was feeling some relief. She opened her mouth to say something, but she stopped herself. It would have sounded contrite and scripted. There was nothing really to be said in that moment and she rubbed the top of his hand with her thumb.

It was distracting and he got up. “I got to make a couple of calls. I will be back.”

She looked after him and then sighed to herself once he was out of sight. It meant that she was going to go back home, something she could have done for the last week, but now there was no reason to stay. Everything had worked out, Andre and his father would have their justice and her life was going to go back to normal. It saddened her suddenly to think of going back to school and her old life. Her life before without Andre was not what made her happy. While she was thinking of ever after, Namadi had to remind herself of who he was. He was a gang member that did more than a few illegal activities. She didn’t even have to know what they were.

But when he came back in and smiled at her halfway, she knew it didn’t matter. He wasn’t thinking of forever, but maybe right then was enough. It was going to have to be enough, because tomorrow she would have to go back into reality.

“Are you okay?”

He nodded that he was and he seemed to be a little better, the shock running its course. “I’m sorry that you had to see that.  I usually can hold it together better.”

Namadi was not amazed anymore. The man was so different than his gruff exterior would suggest. His tattoos were scary looking, but were memorials to fallen friends. The muscles that could snap her like a twig, had only ever held her close and kept her from harm. Everything about Andre pointed to him being one way, but in reality he was another way.

“It’s a lot to take in.” She walked towards him slowly, still not sure as she moved what she was going there for. “You don’t have to always pretend to be so strong.”

His eyes narrowed at the word pretend and he too wondered why she was suddenly so close. Andre had kept her at arms-length so as to not do what he wanted to do, but she wasn’t helping his cause. “Do you know what you do to me Namadi?”

She shook her head that she did. It was no secret and the way his blue eyes would darken as if a storm was brewing, she only wondered why it had taken so long for him to realize it. “Then why haven’t you kissed me again?”

“Because if I start, I am not going to want to stop.”

Going to her tiptoes, she brushed her lips across his. “Who says you have to?”

Andre had learned some things about Namadi and the offer was not taken lightly. There were many things that he wanted to teach her, but he didn’t know if he could be what she needed. Namadi needed someone who would be gentle with her, take her slowly to give her time. He wouldn’t be able to slow himself down. There was no way if he got her underneath him, that he would be able to be the gentle and sweet lover that she needed.

“Don’t ask for things that you don’t understand Namadi.”

She rolled her eyes and it didn’t stop her from putting her arms around his thick neck. “I know that you will never hurt me Andre, but I also know that you don’t care for me the same way I do for you. That’s okay. If I only get tonight, it will have to be enough. I want you to be my first.” She wanted him to be her only, but she knew that a man like him was most likely not able to give himself to just one woman. It would have to be enough to be his only for just that once.

Andre was fighting his own demons, wanting nothing more than to give her exactly what she asked for. His hands went to hers, trying to untangle himself from her and she whimpered. “You don’t want me anymore Andre?”

How could she think that? He looked down into her dark eyes and saw the touch of uncertainty. She wasn’t messing with him, trying to fish for a compliment, but really didn’t know the inner struggle he had to not throw her on the bed and rip every last bit of her innocence away. “I do Namadi. I want you too much.”

Her lips moved up to his and she touched them softly with his. No matter how much Andre wanted to, all he thought of was hurting her and it not being all that she deserved. “I can’t.”

She was sick of listening to him and wasn’t going to take no for an answer. Her lips pressed once more against his and then her tongue slipped into his mouth as he groaned. Namadi melted against him and with everything going on and being alone with her for the last week, his defenses were weak and he couldn’t stop himself any longer. The truth was that he didn’t want to. He didn’t want her to stop feeling the way she did against him and her timid attempts to seduce him. She didn’t know how, but she was doing a good job of it anyways.

Andre took over. His hand on her cheek, making sure that she couldn’t go anywhere. It would be too late for him to stop his current course. Andre had to have her, one way or another. She gasped as he pushed her down onto the bed, his body covering hers as their lips met again. There was no more talk of being sure of what was going to happen next, there was only that moment.

Namadi trembled beneath him when he finally looked down at her. Her eyes were wide and it reminded him that he had to be gentle, prepare her the best way that he knew how. Getting ahead of himself, he pulled up her shirt to pull it off and then got sidetracked with her wriggling stomach. Moving down to plant a kiss on her, Namadi’s body jerked. He was far too close to her need and the feel of him so close drove her away.

Andre didn’t expect the hand that pushed him further down. Namadi may not know what it was that she wanted, but she knew where and when his shaking hands finally undid her pants, the hot breath alone was enough to make her jerk hard. Her reaction urged him on and soon he was pulling the damp panties off down her slim, dark thighs. She opened them to him, pulling him towards her as she silently begged for whatever it was that she needed so badly. “Please Andre.”

He leaned in to taste her, finding her soaked and already ready. The sound that came out of her and the taste was enough to drive his tongue harder against her barrier, putting pressure on where he planned to be next. Namadi cried out, his name on her lips as he tasted a burst of her sweetness on his tongue. The flavor was hard to deny and he could no longer keep himself at bay, his own needs clouding all reason as he got off the bed long enough to take his clothing off.

Her eyes widened with the look of him coming towards her with such determination. He was there to take what he wanted and then there was a pressure that was not too different than what his tongue had created, but far more intense.

Panting underneath him, her body tensed up and he bent down to kiss her, trying to take her mind away from the pain she was about to feel. Andre was gritting his teeth to not drill into her as he needed to, waiting for her to relax and accept him.

“Relax Namadi.”

She tried, but when she did, the pressure was compounded and she clenched again to save herself from penetration. He was just too big and she was sure that he would never fit. But Andre was persistent and finally started to rub her sensitive clit, taking her mind off it enough to relax. When she did he pushed hard against the last part of her innocence, leaving her breathless and filled with his need. They both groaned loudly, taking several moments to recover from the sudden pleasure.

The pain was fast dissipating, leaving only this raw ache for him to move, taking her as she needed it. When she whispered her idea in his ear, Andre pulled back and finally slammed in as he had always wanted to. It was too soon and she cried out, but he was past the point of stopping. She had been warned.


“What are we supposed to tell them?”

“I am going to tell them that I left with you when they were shooting. You saved me. It’s the truth.”

“What about what happened?”

She blushed as she thought about it. “Nothing happened.”

Andre didn’t like the sound of it, even though he knew that was what she was supposed to say. Something had happened to him, something more than just a release. She had taken a part of him and the fact that he was the only man to ever touch her, was something that he didn’t want to change. He didn’t want her to move on, just as much as he didn’t want to move on to another woman when there was so much more to learn about her.

“Why do you have to go back?”

It wasn’t a question that she had considered. “Because I do.”

“Do you have to go back today?”

Namadi shook her head slowly and loved the way he smiled back at her. She could be a delinquent for just a little longer.



A Bad Boy Romantic Suspense






By: Carly White


Chapter 1

Farrah looked up at the loud ticking clock on the white washed wall of her environmental science class. The teacher, Mrs. Ruby was droning on about the differences in air pollutions and she felt herself nodding off. It was only twenty minutes into the class and Farrah was close to shooting herself. It was one of those classes that served no real purpose for her major, more a filler to get her the credits she needed. Her choices of electives were slim that semester because she had been late getting to the Student Services to set up the classes.

Her eyes moved across the room and she could tell that she was not the only one affected with the older woman’s monotone. She wished she hadn’t forgotten her phone, so at least then she wouldn’t be so bored. All she wanted to do was go back to her dorm and go to sleep. If nothing else Mrs. Ruby would have a great career in making tapes for the sleep deprived.

A half hour later when the class was over, Farrah was fast asleep on her arm. She was nudged and looked up to see Matt smiling down at her. “So I guess you are not the best one to study for the test with.”

She sat up and looked at the clock, relieved that at least it was time to leave. “Probably not, but I will read the chapters tonight. I don’t know how you stay awake, Matt. Every time that lady starts talking, all I want to do is go to sleep. Serta sheep don’t have nothing on Mrs. Ruby.”

He laughed at me and there was a hint of something else, but after being friends for so long, she had learned to ignore it and to never encourage it. There was always something more that he wanted, but Farrah didn’t feel that way about him, the way he felt about her.

Matt was handsome and the best friend she could have asked for. They had known each other since middle school and as they had aged, not much had changed between them. The pair still went out most Saturdays together, played video games and watched hours of cheesy horror movies that were so pathetic they were funny.

He helped her up and she pulled away after she felt the warmth of his touch. It had sent a jolt through her and she still had lingering feelings from a dream she had just awakened to. “Thanks Matt. So what are we doing tonight?”

Matt liked to hear that. He was not stupid, knowing he would never have a chance with Farrah again. It was mainly the fact that she had tried years ago when she was still gangly and awkward. But now that he couldn’t look at her without his heart beating faster, Farrah had decided they were better as friends. He would always hold out hope though, that one day she would realize that she wanted him as bad as she once had.

“Matt, hello?”

He shook his head. “Sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking. What were you saying?”

“Me and you. What are we doing tonight? There is a new game out that I think you would like.”

Matt considered, but he wanted to get out. If he couldn’t date her, at least they could go out on the town together and he could show her off. He suggested they go to a party and though she was reluctant, she would do most things that he suggested if he asked nicely.

“Fine, but I am not staying all night. Last time you started talking to that Cindy chick and ditched me. That one gross guy was there and drunk all over me, just promise you won’t leave me again.”

He promised that he wouldn’t, though they both knew that if the right opportunity arose, he was going to leave her again. He was always on the hunt and his answer to not leaving was for their relationship to go to the next level. It was not something that Farrah was willing to do, so she ignored the slight.

Getting into his car, she pushed the seat back for her long legs and waited for him to put his bag in the trunk. He carried more stuff than her, but he was the one out of the two of them that was always prepared. Farrah was still feeling a bit groggy after her nap and wasn’t really in the mood to go out. But she had promised to do something with him, so she tried her best to look enthused.

“Just drop me off and I will meet you there. I have a feeling that I am going to be driving myself home that night.”

“You know that I would be more than happy to stay in with you Farrah, but you don’t want to be more than just friends.”

“Why is it every time I don’t want to go out, you bring that up? What if I just stripped off and stood here and let you ravish me, then what?”

His eyes darkened with the idea and though he knew she was just being dramatic, the idea of it made him smile to himself. Matt wouldn’t care about what happened next. The friendship or not he would give it away in a heartbeat if he was given a chance to be with her. He knew that it wasn’t a very good way to think about it, but after fantasizing about her for years, it was all he had.

“I would never let you go. You know how I feel about you Farrah.”

She looked out the window, unable to hold his gaze as he stopped at the stop sign. I didn’t want to talk about any of it. Every time we do, we end up getting in a fight and someone’s feelings were hurt. Farrah just wished for once that we could move past it and he could somehow realize that she was just not that into him.

“Come on Matt, you know that is not going to happen. Besides, as much as we get on each other’s last nerve, it is probably for the best.”

Matt nodded, but he didn’t feel like it was for the best. He loved her and Matt was finding it harder to hide his true feelings. He started to forget why he was supposed to. “You’re right. I just wish that it wasn’t that way sometimes. You know that I have always found you attractive.”

“After a few drinks, half the girls in the bar will be attractive to you. You are never short on admirers.”

It went back and forth like that for a minute. Matt trying to tell her his feelings and Farrah stroked his ego a bit to make the blow of not wanting him less. They arrived at her dorm and she was quick to get out. They decided on a place and she planned to meet him there. It was almost a relief to be away from him. She didn’t want to feel that way, but he was becoming pushier the longer they knew each other.

Farrah got ready and with some time to kill, read the last few chapters for her class. She left a little later than she should have, but found him pretty quickly on the dance floor with his admirer for the night. Farrah secretly wished that one of those women he would fall for like he had her, letting her off the hook. When he spotted her from across the room though, she knew that it wasn’t going to be the candidate for the evening.

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