ROMANCE: SHAPESHIFTER ROMANCE: Dragon Baller's Bride (Dragon Shifter Alpha Male Romance) (Paranormal Romantic Suspense) (78 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: SHAPESHIFTER ROMANCE: Dragon Baller's Bride (Dragon Shifter Alpha Male Romance) (Paranormal Romantic Suspense)
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He moaned as he kissed the back of her thighs and her round, tight ass.

“Turn over and lie on you back,” she did as he instructed. “Now raise your hands above your head.” He continued.

He picked up what looked like a thigh high stockings, sniffed it deeply and used it to tie her wrists together. “Why would you leave such lovely pair of stocking behind in a cave?” He whispered in her ear. Her heart and mind raced frantically. She was not sure whether she wanted this or not, yet she couldn’t say no. she felt so confused yet so aroused. She chose to remain silent.

She wanted to gauge the level of danger that existed. She could smell the mixture of his cologne and champagne. She felt the heat in her wrist from the friction from the stocking. Her inner thighs trembled.

He gently placed a hand on her knees and gently pulled them apart. She tried to relax and let her legs open, exposing her fully shaved and dripping pussy. Before she realized it, his face was buried between her thighs. His tongue moved swiftly on her clitoris. She was breathless.

She could hear him slurping and sucking her, he pushed his tongue in and out of her while lapping the juices that were flowing from her. Her palms clasped tight together, shaking and sweating as he devoured her. He held her ass so tight, squeezing her cheeks with his face on her pussy. She felt her orgasm building up.

“Oh, fuck me.” She screamed as the orgasm gripped over her body. He pulled his mouth just she began to squirt her juice all over the bed. Before she could think, she felt the head of his cock rubbing against her gaping hole. She felt dizzy.

“Fuck me,” she pleaded with him begging him to fuck her. She wanted to feel his dick inside her and feel his hips banging her pussy and ass.

She pushed her hips towards him, moaning in a primal way. He reacted to her pleasure and fucked her like there is no tomorrow. She moaned louder and more seductively as she enjoyed every thrusts.

He lifted her left leg onto his shoulder while thrusting deep into her. He slid his hand and rubbed her ass. It felt so good that she melted. His forefinger slid slowly towards her gaping asshole. She wasn’t sure how she’d feel but as he drew nearer, she panted from desire.

She found it amazing as his finger slid in and out of her ass. The orgasm ripped through her then for the first time. Her mouth opened in a scream as her veins throbbed in her temples. He joined her, holding his dick as it spilled its milky treat inside her.

Their lovemaking was fed by Lelani’s magic and a mutual longing of each other all this time. Lelani hardly felt any pain when Gideon claimed her virginity, the tiny wave of pain lost to the greater pleasure that washed over the two of them as they lost themselves in each other.

Chapter Five

he next morning
, Luna awoke to find Rodney gently shaking her shoulder. “I have already spoken to James. Jack managed to finally bring Lelani to the Claw’s headquarters late last night. Seems she gave him quite a run for his money. He has agreed to return her to us, if we meet him in person, and can prove her status. We will meet James and Jack in neutral territory in three hours. I had Angel bring you something to wear. You should get dressed. I will find you something to eat on the way out there.” Rodney gave her a kiss and after a long moment had to force himself away, lest they be delayed by a repeat of last night’s lovemaking. Luna smiled at the look of longing on his face as he walked out the door. She lay back in bed for a moment, her hand resting lightly on her womb. Then Luna sat up and turned to find the proffered clothes sitting on the edge of the bed, a hair brush sitting neatly on top of them. Luna chuckled as she dressed. She pulled the brush through her hair then walked out into the living room of the cabin. Rodney was already waiting for her by the door.

Rodney held the door of the cabin open for her, and Luna walked outside to find the entire Steel Fang pack waiting for them outside. Sampson approached her, and ritualistically stepping into her space put his hand around her waist. Rodney’s answering growl was instant and terrifying. Sampson quickly backed up obviously a bit shocked by the vehemence of what was typically a ritual response. One of the two women Luna had seen the night before, a petite blond, tried to move past Luna to approach Rodney. Luna blocked her path and screamed an outraged snarl at the interloper. The blond jumped in the air and quickly moved away, back towards the comfort of the pack. Luna was surprised at her actions. She had not anticipated that she would want to protect her mate. He was after all, practically a complete stranger. Suddenly she found she didn’t want another female within twenty feet of her man. The alpha pair bond having been tested and accepted by the pack, they all knelt before the couple. Rodney gave her a comforting squeeze. “You will get used to it. Come on, we need to go.”

Three hours later she and Rodney were standing next to each other in a forested clearing, the pack arrayed behind them. From the other side of the woods, James Currian and his son Jack came walking out. Luna noted with satisfaction that Jack looked worse for the wear. Lelani followed the two, escorted by an elderly female member of the pack. It was fairly clear by the look on her face that the elder did not approve of Jack’s tactics for acquiring a mate. Luna caught Lelani’s eye from across the clearing. She looked tired and angry, but uninjured. When Lelani tried to walk towards her sister, James stopped her. “Not yet, little cat.” Luna could hear him tell her.

Rodney called out across the clearing. “James, you are holding a member of my pack against her will. I am asking that you release her peacefully.” The Crimson Claw’s alpha shook his head no. “My boy desires to claim this Nubia as his wife. Last I heard Rodney you had no alpha female in your pack. Yet now you show up with a strange woman at your side, and claim pack status for a female you didn’t even know existed until yesterday? I’m not buying it.” Luna snuck a worried glance at Rodney, as she slipped her hand into his. He seemed unconcerned, alert but relaxed. She took a deep breath to calm her nerves, and called out across the clearing. “My name is Luna. Lelani is my sister. Last night, Rodney Mackenzie took me as his mate and the Steel Fang pack has accepted our pair bond. Even now his child is forming in my womb.” Her announcement drew startled breaths from behind her, and Rodney’s eyes flicked over to her, before returning to watch James. His grip on her hand tightened. “Luna, are you sure? It’s barely been twelve hours.” He muttered to her under his breath. She simply shook her head, and called out to the Crimson Claw’s alpha again. “Surely your elder can discern these things. Send her to me.”

Luna released Rodney’s hand and calmly walked into the center of the clearing. James nodded his head, and the elderly woman walked out to meet Luna. The elder took Luna’ hand in her cool, leathered one. Luna could feel a tiny burst of magic pulse through her, and then the woman chuckled. “You’re a clever girl.” The old woman said to Luna under her breath. “Rodney will have his hands full with you, and that’s before the twins. They’re a boy and girl by the way, good for you. Don’t you worry for your sister. Jack’s an idiot sometimes, but he didn’t hurt her.” Turning back, the old woman called back to James. “Rodney’s claim is valid, son. This woman is his mate, and bears his young.”

“No, I will not allow them to take her from me.” Jack said. For once in his life, he was going to ignore his father’s orders.

“You will have to listen to your father,” Lelani said. “I mated with Gideon. I cannot be your mate now. He will leave with me!” Jack looked at Gideon with rage in his eyes. He was like a brother to him. He trusted him.

It was clear to Gideon that he cannot stay with the pack now that he betrayed them. Too bad for them, he thought to himself, he had no time for them but Lelani.

ames nodded
his head and just like that, Lelani was running across the clearing to her sister followed closely by Gideon. With a sigh of relief, Lelani held her younger sister tightly to her. From behind Luna, Rodney approached them, putting a gentle hand on Luna’ shoulder. “Welcome to the Steel Fang pack, little sister.” Sniffling, Lelani lifted her head to look up at the alpha. “Thank you. For rescuing me, I mean, and making me an auntie? Luna, I knew you’d been looking for a mate before your next cycle, but why didn’t you tell me?” Lelani fixed her sister with an incredulous smile. Luna blushed. “It’s a long story. Come on, I will tell you on the way home.” The two women turned and walked back to the edge of the clearing, where their new family waited to welcome them. Lelani looked at Gideon, giving him the sweetest smile. She was so pleased that her plan had worked out!

The End

The Wolf’s Ride
Biker Romance
About the Book

eagan is a best
-selling romance author. She thought she knew what love was; after all, she understood what women wanted from a man. After a tragedy brings a deep case of writer’s block, Meagan decides to take time away at her family’s cabin. She never could have imagined how that decision would change her life.

Liam was lost; grieving the woman he loved, murdered by a man bent on revenge. Liam is no ordinary man; he carries a secret most women wouldn’t understand. A chance encounter with Meagan sparks feelings he long thought silent. Can he protect her from the same fate?

Meagan and Liam, both travelling on the same coastal highway, speeding toward a meeting neither expected nor could ever forget. Can they discover a future both are desperate to embrace or will fear steal it all away.

Chapter One

he moon streamed
through the pines lining the deserted highway. Clear skies filled with clusters of tiny lights offered a perfect evening for a ride. Liam glanced up, enjoying the chilly breeze on his face and arms, twisting the throttle he let his Indian Chieftain loose.

The speedometer eased passed eighty, pushing ninety as he entered the first coastal curve near Big Sur. Rolling his gloved hand forward again, he urged the bike closer to one-hundred. He didn’t care about the dangers; that was half the fun of taking the coastal highway. Besides, if the road took him, it didn’t matter.

Gravel danced under the tires as he leaned into the first turn, allowing his body to flow with the movement of the bike. Shifting to the other side, he leaned again, following the flow of the next curve. Nothing compared to the feeling of freedom a ride like this gave him. Unfortunately, the empty space against his back only fed the emptiness inside him.

eagan closed
the cover of her laptop as she sat back against the cool leather enveloping her desk chair. Sighing, thinking how far behind schedule she was with her latest manuscript.
Darlene will call tomorrow and it’s still not ready
. She glanced at her desk; pictures carefully placed on one side, each with a photo of her holding up her new book. Four best-selling romance novels; all published within the last two years. Number five refused to deliver itself.

Picking up the fifth picture, she fingered the image. This frame held the only other photo on her desk – her parents. She lost them both six months earlier, just after the publication of her fourth novel. Her grief seemed to have taken over everything, including her writing.

Her thoughts drifted over memories of her family’s cabin, tucked away in the woods north of the city. It was a three-hour drive, but this time of year it would be quiet and she could focus on her work. Meagan smiled at their images, placed the picture back in its proper place, and headed to the bedroom.

Less than an hour later, suitcase, briefcase, and keys in hand, Meagan manoeuvred her car into the light evening traffic. Heading towards the highway, she slipped into the merge lane and turned north along the coastal highway.

Meagan stopped midway along the route to enjoy the sunset at one of the many lookout points. Smiling she slipped back into her car and released the latches on the roof, pressed the magic button and watched as it folded itself neatly into the hidden compartment. Sunsets were beautiful, but she loved driving with the top down at night.

Her father and mother never would have approved of a convertible. She could hear her father warning her of the dangers and her mother worrying that she’d be seen as ‘fast’ or ‘loose’. Meagan chuckled; no one ever looked at her like that, not even the few dates she’d been on. After they died, she decided it was time to be herself and the car was her first step.

Meagan could see the moon in the distance to the east as it disappeared among the huge pines to her right. Turning on the radio, she allowed herself to relax and enjoy the evening breeze on her bare forearms.
I’ve been cooped up too long.

An hour later, Meagan stopped at the last grocery store for supplies. Several motorcycles held the spots in front of the store. She felt her heart skip a beat, she’d never actually met anyone who rode a motorcycle, or who was in a gang, before.
Settle down, five large bikes do not make a gang. Maybe they’re couples travelling the coast.
Her thoughts teased with the idea of what it would feel like riding behind someone who was strong. The vibration of the bike between her legs, her arms wrapped around his waist, and the evening wind blowing over both of them, it brought a slight tremor to her centre.

Pushing the idea of driving away out of her mind, she parked the car carefully. Meagan didn’t want to risk either the bikes or her car. Grabbing two reusable shopping bags, she headed into the store. Meagan paused at the door, noticing several large men, with broad shoulders, and leather jackets moving about the store. Taking a deep breath, she pressed her way in, and started to collect what she needed.

“Meagan is that you?” Everyone called her Meagan. She wished for something less formal.

She turned, the feeling of trepidation washed away when she saw the shop owner, Tom, walk over to her. “Hi, Tom.”

“It’s been awhile. Your folks with you?”

The blanket of sadness slipped back over her. “No, um…they died in a plane crash six months ago.”

“I’m so sorry. You headed to the cabin?”

Nodding. “I wanted to get away for a bit.”

He started to say something, but the sound of a fist pounding on his front counter pulled his attention. She watched his expression, not sure, if it was fear she saw or not. “I’ll be right back.” He squeezed her shoulder before heading towards the front.

She turned her attention back to her quest. Collecting a few canned goods, she noticed two of the men step into the same aisle. One turned, saying something she couldn’t make out, revealing the elaborate patch on the back of his jacket. It was the face of a wolf, but not like any wolf she’d seen before. The face was angry, teeth bared, with blood dripping from the fangs.

He turned, “See something you like little lady?” His tone was gruff, but his eyes suggested he’d show her more than his jacket.

Meagan blushed, feeling like a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar. She turned back to the shelf; grabbed the can displayed, and moved down the aisle. She could hear bawdy laughter from the two men.

Calling after her, “Don’t be shy, sweetheart. I don’t bite.” Both laughed again, but there was something dark behind it.

Meagan disappeared into the next aisle.
Just ignore them.
She continued shopping, hoping that was the end of it.
Maybe papa was right.
Another man, wearing a leather vest, approached her. He was tall; broad shouldered, and had thick muscular arms. She caught her breath; in fear and in something she didn’t understand. She kept her eyes on the shelves.

He stopped beside her, “You’ll have to forgive Branson. He has little manners.” His voice was smooth and deep.

Her heart fluttered. Glancing at him quickly, “It’s alright.”

He reached over, cupping his hand under her chin. His fingers were strong, and a little rough against her skin. “I can see why he noticed you.”

She watched his nostrils flare as he looked at her. She tried to move her face from his touch, though part of her didn’t want to. He held it still when she tried to turn away. Her brow furrowed watching his eyes grow darker, taking her in completely. Her heart thudded in her chest, threatening to explode. She wanted to run, but at the same time, she didn’t want the feeling to end.

“Come with me.”

She looked at him, his expression serious. “ don’t even know me.” The desire to run started to suppress the need to understand the feelings.

He licked his lips as he watched her mouth move. He moved closer…

“Gerard, Duncan found him.” Another wearing the same jacket stood at the end of the aisle.

Meagan’s eyes widened as she thought she heard a low growl.

He caressed her lips with his thumb. “I’ll find you later.” He smiled, stepped back, and disappeared.

Trembling, she leaned against the shelves, hearing the roar of their motorcycles coming to life. She found it hard to catch her breath. Tom caught her arm before she fainted.

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