ROMANCE: SHAPESHIFTER ROMANCE: Dragon Baller's Bride (Dragon Shifter Alpha Male Romance) (Paranormal Romantic Suspense) (75 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: SHAPESHIFTER ROMANCE: Dragon Baller's Bride (Dragon Shifter Alpha Male Romance) (Paranormal Romantic Suspense)
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Chapter Seven

riella was just finishing getting dressed
when Lucian walked in. She gave him a shy smile. After last night she had no reason to be shy, but none the less she was. Lucian had spent a considerable amount of time last night kissing and worshiping her. It had been slow and sexy, exactly what she had needed after yesterday’s incident.

“Good morning,” he said as he walked towards her. He was wearing workout clothes and was all sweaty. Ariella licked her bottom lip, he was just too much to handle.

“I wish you would have been in bed this morning,” she said suggestively as she embraced him in her arms. Her hands ran up his back to his bare shoulders and down the outside of his sculpted arms.

Lucian ran his hands down Ariella’s hips and cupped her ass, bringing her even closer. “I can remedy that,” he offered. Without another word, his lips crashed down on hers, forcing her to join him. She quickly agreed and they became a tangled mess, moving together until they found the bed.

Ariella pulled Lucian’s shirt up and over his head, letting it fall to the floor. He kicked off his shoes. His shorts were next followed by his boxers and then he stood before her in all his naked glory. Ariella took her time looking at him. Strong lines of muscles ran along his body like a map, just waiting to be followed. His eyes were filled with lust and his shaft was long and hard.

“Like what you see?” He asked mockingly.

“I do,” Ariella answered. “I think maybe I need to show you how much.” Before Lucian could say anything, Ariella was on her knees and licking his large cock. Working her tongue down and back up. She used her hand to bring pressure to his tip and then took him in her mouth.

Lucian groaned in delight. Ariella’s mouth was so hot and she was working him expertly. Every sensation was almost too much to handle. He ran his fingers through her hair, gently adding pressure as he rubbed her scalp.

Ariella got his silent message, and worked her mouth down his shaft, slowly taking in as much as she could. His size proved to be too big so she used her hand at the base of his shaft and sucked hard. She continued to pleasure him, even humming from time to time so that the vibrations would set him off.

Knowing that he was close, Lucian tried to back away but Ariella wasn’t having it. She pulled him back exactly where she wanted him and continued, only harder. Knowing what she wanted, Lucian let the pleasure overtake him. Within seconds he was shooting hot come down her throat, and she was taking it like a champ. Ariella continued until Lucian was done and then licked his cock clean.

“Mmm,” she said, standing up to kiss his cheek. “We can finish playing later, I’m going to be late for work and my boss is a real hardass,” she joked.

riella was finishing
up her work for the day. She had made a good amount of progress on Lucian’s project and she was anxious to discuss it with him. She exited the board room that had become her office over the past few weeks.

She was walking by the security offices, on her way to see Lucian, when she suddenly felt the urge to go inside. There was a large cluster of monitors on the far left wall that seemed to call her name. Ignoring everyone in the office, she moved towards the wall. Once she got close enough to look at the screens she immediately recognized the subject. It was none other than Robert Lewis.

Ariella’s heart rate increased and her breathing grew heavy. Her hand was shaking and she felt faint. She wasn’t even in the same room as him yet she was scared. Robert was seated at one of the casino’s bars and appeared to be having a conversation with another patron who was seated next to him.

All of a sudden Lucian appeared on the screen. Ariella’s breathing completely stopped as she watched him walk towards Robert. He tapped his shoulder and Ariella exhaled when Robert turned to face him. Lucian said something, looking straight into Robert’s eyes. Robert slowly nodded and got up from the chair, following Lucian out of the bar.

The men disappeared from the screen and Ariella’s heart sank. What was Lucian doing? Didn’t he know how dangerous Robert was? Ariella knew Lucian was out for blood, he had said as much after Robert’s attack on her.

Ariella frantically searched the other monitor screens until she found the men again. Lucian had led Robert to the basement parking garage. The two men had just exited the elevator when Lucian tackled Robert. Robert landed with a hard thud on the concrete. He rolled over and landed a solid blow to Lucian’s ribs. The two continued to go back and forth, neither one seeming to have the upper hand.

All of a sudden, Lucian’s eyes seemed to change and his whole demeanor shifted. He looked fierce, ready to end their fight. His fangs dropped and his fingernails turned into claws as he took hold of Robert’s head. Robert was on his knees and his head fell back at Lucian’s hold. Lucian leaned down and said something in Robert’s ear and he started to scream, blood oozing out of where Lucian’s claws had dug into his skin.

In a movement faster than she could predict, Lucian ripped Robert’s head clean off his body. He stood motionless and Robert’s decapitated body swayed until it hit the ground, blood pooling around the neck. Lucian held the head in the air for a moment before disappearing from the screen.

Ariella stood in shock. She couldn’t believe what she had just seen. Was that real? Even though she didn’t want to believe it was, deep down she knew it was true. Lucian had collected his debt and then some. The man, no, the creature she had seen on that screen was a complete stranger to the Lucian she knew.

Everything that they’d shared now seemed tainted and foul. How could she be with someone so ruthless? Without another thought, Ariella dashed out of the office and took the stairs to the lobby. From there she hailed a cab to take her back to her apartment. She was done with Lucian, and needed the distance. Hopefully she could put all of this behind her and go on as if nothing had happened.

At least that’s what she told herself.

Chapter Eight

ucian couldn’t believe
he had let the beast take over earlier. He was walking past the bar when he spotted Robert Lewis. Instantly he’d found himself moving in Robert’s direction. Lucian had wanted to cause the man pain for what he had done to Ariella, but he hadn’t planned on killing him. His inner self had thought otherwise, and didn’t waste any more time, instead choosing to rip Robert’s head clean off.

The smell of Robert’s blood had hit Lucian like a tidal wave. All of his senses came alive and demanded to be fed. Knowing what was coming, Lucian fled from the parking garage. He’d barely made it to his house before the beast completely took over. He grabbed a handful of bagged blood and swiftly drank them.

The blood lust tampered down as the bagged blood flowed through his veins. It wasn’t human blood like the beast wanted, but it would have to do. Lucian was already feeling remorseful for what had happened, he didn’t need to add drinking human blood on top of it all.

Feeling depleted in both mind and body, Lucian decided to get some rest. He was exhausted. His beast hadn’t come out in a long time and he had forgotten how taxing it was. As he closed his eyes, Ariella filled his mind.

He quickly pushed all thoughts of her away, not wanting to mar her image with his own shortcomings.

up the next morning was rough, to say the least. Every part of Lucian’s body was sore and he felt his age for once. He knew that one sip of warm human blood would easily soothe him but it wasn’t worth it, animal blood would have to do.

As he was getting dressed, there was only one thing on his mind. Ariella. Where was she? He hadn’t heard from her and it was unlike them not to talk throughout the day. Granted he had been preoccupied yesterday, but there should at least be a missed call or text. He quickly dialed her number and waited for her to pick up.

After a handful of rings the call went to voicemail. Lucian left a message urging her to call him back. He hung up the phone and was filled with a sense of unease. Something was wrong, very wrong.

Deciding that he needed to see her face to face, Lucian left his house to go in search of Ariella. He needed to make sure that she was okay, and more importantly that they were okay.

riella jumped
when she heard the knock on her door. She was curled up on the couch, watching soap operas on TV. She had hoped that watching other people’s drama would help her forget her own but it wasn’t working out like she’d hoped.

Mumbling to herself, she got up and slowly walked to the door. She didn’t bother looking through the peep hole; she already knew who it was. She opened the door and Lucian’s face greeted her. He seemed to look genuinely concerned.

“Ariella, there you are. I was worried about you when I didn’t get a call or text.” Lucian moved to embrace her but she blocked his advancement. His beautiful face scrunched in confusion as he looked at her. “What’s wrong?” He asked.

Ariella took a deep breath, her mind replaying yesterday’s events. She could clearly recall the brutality of it, and she shivered. “I saw you yesterday,” she said softly.

At her words Lucian instantly stilled. He could feel his heart stop at the thought of her knowing what had happened yesterday. “I’m not sure what you mean,” he tried to deflect.

She shook her head violently.
How dare he try to avoid his actions
. “Don’t,” she said sternly. “Do not think that you can lie to me about what you did. I saw you on the security monitor. I watched everything. From you approaching him in the bar all the way until you stole his life away.” Ariella was shaking as she spoke. “I know that Robert wasn’t a kind man but you took his life. Don’t you think that was a little much?”

“Ariella, please let me explain,” Lucian pleaded. “Yesterday when I saw him, the vampire inside of me took notice and before I knew what was happening he was already dead.”

“What kind of explanation is that supposed to be? You killed him, you take the responsibility. I was struggling with accepting you as a vampire and now I’m not sure I can.” She crossed her arms, needing the comfort they offered.

“What is that supposed to mean?” Lucian asked. His concerned expression from before was gone, replaced with one that was closed off.

“It means that I don’t think I want to be a part of your world. Your life.” Ariella tried to avoid his hard stare but he made it impossible.

“And you’re sure about this? I don’t even get a chance to try to change your mind?” She nodded her head yes. Lucian took in a deep breath and exhaled. “Alright then, if that’s how you feel about me. I’m sorry that you couldn’t see past this to what could have been. Remember that when you lie awake at night, wondering what went wrong.” With that he turned and walked away.

Ariella closed the door and slid down to the floor, her back against the door. She pulled her knees up and buried her head as the tears fell. She silently cried as her heart was breaking. She had done this to herself and the pain was almost unbearable.

Chapter Nine

riella opened
her apartment door and stood there stunned by the sight in front of her. Flowers were everywhere, filling her tiny apartment to the brim. Every color was present and each flower was something different than the last. She wasn’t sure how he had done it, but it left her breathless.

It had been close to three weeks since they had last spoken. She had found herself dialing his number, only to hang up before she called. Ariella had always thought she lived an okay life; she was content with how things had been. So why was it that when she tried to return to that she wasn’t happy anymore?

Lucian. He was the reason. And he was right in what he’d said. Looking back, Ariella couldn’t understand what her problem was. Because it was her problem, not Lucian’s. She was the one who was unsure and looking for an excuse, when all he had asked her to do was have an open mind.

She was still standing frozen in her apartment doorway when she heard footsteps behind her. Ariella turned around and came face to face with Lucian. Her hungry eyes greedily took him in. Dark jeans and a long sleeved shirt made him look relaxed, a definite change from his business attire. His cheeks were scruffy and even rough looking, he was still beautiful. She wanted nothing more than to run to him and jump into his arms, but this was his move. She would wait.

“I hope you like the flowers,” he said. “I wasn’t sure which ones were your favorite, so I got them all.”

Ariella smiled, loving the fact that he would go to so much trouble. “I love them, all of them. You really didn’t have to though.”

“I know, but I wanted to.” His blue eyes found hers. “I miss you,” he said simply.

“I miss you too. I have so much to apologize for, I don’t even know where to begin,” she admitted. “I shouldn’t have treated you the way I did, it wasn’t fair to you or to us.”

Lucian reached out and took her hands in his. He gently ran his thumb back and forth. “I’m a vampire, and there is nothing I can do to change that. And because of that, my life is vastly different than that of a human one. Although we live side by side, our values and beliefs aren’t always the same. Things that seem acceptable to a human aren’t necessarily acceptable to a vampire and vise versa.”

He continued on, “What you saw with Robert, that was me. It was my beast that was acting, but it and I are one, so it was me that killed him. I take complete responsibly for my actions. There will be some times when my beast will come out again. I can control it to a certain degree, but I can’t always hone it in. But once again, that is me. I’m a vampire and that is who I am.” He paused before continuing. “If we are going to be together, and I hope we are, you will have to accept me as I am, all of me, the good and the bad. Let’s just hope there will be more good than bad.”

“When you put it like that, how can I say no?” She joked. “I promise to be open and more understanding. I won’t be quick to judge things that I don’t completely understand. I’ve come to realize that my life without you is not the life I want to live. I love you, you’re what I want and I will do anything for you,” she said as her hand gently rubbed his cheek. “Now, let’s work on that good stuff you were talking about.”

“I love you too.” Lucian smiled as he bent down to kiss her. The kiss was filled with all the longing of the past weeks and the joy of being together again.

The End

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