ROMANCE: Romantic Comedy: Love in 30 Days - The Best Plans Don't Always Work! (Plus 19 FREE Books Book 13) (2 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Romantic Comedy: Love in 30 Days - The Best Plans Don't Always Work! (Plus 19 FREE Books Book 13)
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Book One



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Love in 30 Days



By Jane Keeler




Chapter One


“You’re turning 30 in just over a month!”

              “And you’re reminding me because…?”


Melissa Parker was sitting with her best friend Carol drinking tea. And by sitting what she was really doing was lying on the couch. And by drinking tea what she was really doing was drinking champagne. But ‘let’s sit and have some tea’ had been there way of saying ‘let’s get sloshed in the living room’ for quite some time now. Although now it happened mostly at Melissa’s house and away from the husband, child and dog at Carol’s. Melissa had complained to Carol many times about forgoing their plan at getting married at the same time, having kids at the same time and then retiring on an island at the same time. But Carol went ahead and fell in love without her and there was simply nothing that Melissa could do to stop her. Also, Melissa quite liked the Mark that had taken Carol away but she tried not to admit it too often. It was far easier to pretend that Mark was the horrible man that had taken her best friend away.


              “Because… and I’m saying this as your best friend and not your enemy… I’m getting too old to be a bridesmaid. So you better hurry up and make a plan. Plus, Zach is almost three years old now and soon our plan of hooking our two kids up together is not going to work. I can’t have my son with a floozy half his age.”

              “Are you calling my kid a floozy?”

              “I will if you don’t hurry up and have one.”


Melissa sighed. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t tried, but love just continued to elude her. She looked in the mirror and assessed the situation.

              “Maybe I’m not slutty enough?” She pulled down her top but then was appalled by her lack of cleavage and quickly pulled it back up.

              “Nah, that would certainly get you laid, but it wouldn’t exactly get you a husband. You’re just the right amount of slutty. Although you could try a little harder sometimes. You seem far too comfortable on this couch lately. When’s the last time you actually went out and tried to find someone?”

              “Seriously?” Melissa asked, rolling her eyes at Carol. “Where am I supposed to go? To a bar? By myself? That looks a bit desperate doesn’t it? It’s not like I can go out with you and Mark either. Yes, I know, I know, before you say anything… I know that you have a child now and that you don’t want to go out drinking at a bar anymore. But who’s to say I do? Just because I don’t have a child doesn’t mean I don’t also like being in bed by ten pm.”

              “I phoned you the other day at 9 and woke you up.”             

              “Well sometimes I like going to bed early. So sue me. Seriously though Carol, I know we’re joking here, but it’s really not that easy to just find a guy. All the good ones are taken and I don’t just want to settle for second best.”

              “That’s good though Melissa. I don’t want you to settle for second best. I want you to be in love. I want you to meet the right man. One that fits in according to the standards I have for you of course. But I just want to see that you are trying.”

              “You seriously sound like my mother, you know.”

              “Well, she does have a lot more sense than you.”

              Melissa sighed, “I know. Annoyingly you are right. She does have sense. I’ve always been the senseless one. The one with the head in the clouds – as she puts it. But what do I do?”

              “I can set you up?”

              “Are you kidding me Carol? The last two times you set me up were complete disasters. I swear, for a friend who is supposed to know me so well I am appalled by the men that you have set me up with so far. No, no, after the last disaster I am definitely not going to try that again.”

              Carol went quiet and Melissa watched as she looked up to the ceiling, all the while chewing on a curly straw.

              “Earth to Carol.”

              “Wait, I’m thinking. I’ve got it.”

              “You do? By staring up at the ceiling? I should try that more often.” And with that Melissa lay flat on her back and stared at the ceiling. “Nope, nothing came to me. Ow.” Melissa sat up in surprise as a pillow came flying her way. “What was that for?”

              “So that you’ll listen to me. Sometimes violence is the only way with you. Seriously though, I have a plan. I know you like lists and deadlines and all that structure and stuff.”

              “Structure and stuff. Yes, you got me. Although I’m not sure where this is going.”

              “Well why don’t you come up with a plan? Like, why not set a goal for meeting a man?”

              “What do you mean? And how much champagne have you actually had tonight?”

              “I mean, you do well when you have a deadline. You always have. When you know that you have to get something done by a certain date you always manage to do it. It’s like your brain only works well when it knows it has a limit to work towards. Without that goal it just remains lazy.” It was true, Melissa was either incredibly lazy or ultra-motivated and most of the time it had to do with when the due date of the project was set for.

              “Okay, sure, you’re right, but how do I make that work for finding a man?”

              “That part I’ll leave up to you. But if you set yourself a goal I know you can do it.”

              “Find love in 30 days?”

              “Before you turn 30! Yes! Come on Melissa, it will be fun!”

              “Yes! I like this. I love a good plan. Let’s plan it now!”

              Carol was laughing. “No, not now. You’re too drunk. Let’s do it in the morning. You know, when you’re actually thinking with a normal brain.”

              “You’re calling me abnormal?”

              “In the nicest possible way.”

              “Okay, well let me at least write down the title of the goal. Maybe I’ll dream up some good ideas.”






              “I didn’t dream this did I?” It was the morning
after sitting down and having some tea
and Melissa was holding up the piece of paper to Carol.

              Carol rubbed her head and glared up at the paper. Then, when she realized what it was, she burst out laughing. “Oh no, you didn’t dream it. I came up with that fabulous idea. And you, my dear friend, agreed to it.”

              “I did, didn’t I. In the light of day I must say – the idea seems quite absurd. But absurd is generally what I go for.”

              “So you’re going to do it?” Carol’s voice had gone unnaturally high, as it always did when she couldn’t contain her excitement.

              “I’m up for the challenge. And so what if nothing comes of it. I’ll walk away with a good story. And you know how I love a good story.” Melissa worked as a freelance journalist for a few local magazines and had dreams of becoming a writer one day herself. So the search for a good story was always at the back of her mind.

              “You know,” Melissa continued, “I always thought that I was too boring to become a writer. Now, at least, I’m doing something about making my life more interesting. So I’m going to come up with a plan. A 30 day plan. It won’t all involve going on dates – that, unfortunately, can’t always be planned, and a date every day for 30 days is slightly obsessive – but the plan will at least get me out there. Right, where do I begin?”


Melissa took out the paper and wrote down 1 – 30 down the left hand column and then stared at the blank page. Then she started to jot down ideas. After an hour she had come up with:


Visit a bar alone

Visit a bar with friends

Strike up a conversation with a guy at a coffee shop

Try speed dating

Try internet dating

Strike up a conversation with a man and his dog at a park

Go on a blind date

Randomly flirt with a stranger.


Carol was looking over Melissa’s shoulder and reading through the notes. “Not a bad start. A few potentials for sure. And some you can do more than once, just in case you don’t hit the luck the first time round. I mean, you might only meet a handsome stranger at the park that you like the third time you try. So maybe do them all more than once. You know, doing this has made me forget about my hangover. We’re a good team, you and I.”

              “We are. Although I’m about to break up our team with A MAN!” Melissa emphasized the word ‘man’ and they both laughed.

              “Listen, I have to go, Mark and I have a date tonight. The boys are going to stay with their grandparents! When is your start date?”


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