Romance: Loving The BillionBear: BBW Bear Shifter Romance Standalone (Spicy Shifters Book 3) (5 page)

BOOK: Romance: Loving The BillionBear: BBW Bear Shifter Romance Standalone (Spicy Shifters Book 3)
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His hands slid up her legs to cup her buttocks and pull her hips closer to him. Breathing deeply he whispered “Oh god Amelia, you smell so good. I want to have you now.”

“Now would be good” She ran her hands through his dark hair. And, as if those were magic words, he stood up, yanked her lacy panties down, unhooked her bra and not-so-gently pushed her down on the bed. Then he froze for a second, admiring her naked curves. Then, he pulled his own boxers down and her eyes widened as she saw just how much he wanted her.

“Are you ready?”


He climbed on top of her, supporting himself on his elbows, he used his knee to push her legs apart.

“I have dreamed about this.” He whispered and she only had a second to digest that thought when he entered her. Pushing her head back into the bed, she cried out. Confusing her pleasure with pain, he stopped for a moment. “Is this ok? Am I hurting you?”

He was…the most well-endowed man she had ever been with. He filled her up. He stretched her beyond what she thought she could handle, but it wasn’t pain. It was pure physical bliss. “No, no. Please don’t stop” She begged with fervor. “Please” She whimpered again when he hesitated.

But, the second ‘please’ was all he needed to hear and he started moving. First, slowly, and then gaining speed. He moans came along with the tempo, and the pleasure increased to the point that she could only hold on, digging her fingernails into his back. She could feel the quickening deep within her most pleasurable core. It was building faster than any she had experienced before.

And, as if he sensed she was reaching that point, he kissed her just as she arched her black and her whole body exploded. She felt it from her curled toes to her fingers that she raked across his back. Her whole body arched with pleasure and she would have called out his name if his mouth hadn’t been on hers.

Just seconds later, he found his own release, throwing his head back as he spilled within the condom she didn’t even remember him putting on. “Impressive,” her mind somehow thought through the fog of pleasure and exhaustion.

Then, he collapsed beside her, breathing heavy, but smiling too. For several moments, the two just breathed. And, finally, he spoke.

“Are you ok?”

“I’m amazing.”



“Amelia I…” He trailed off.

She turned her head on the pillow to look in his eyes. “What is it?”

“Nothing, don’t worry about it.”

“Barend?” This time, she sounded worried.

“Really, it’s nothing.”

She sat up in bed, holding the covers close to her body, suddenly uncomfortable. He was hiding something from her. “Barend, what is it?”

“Just lay back down, Amelia. It’s nothing important.”

“Oh, god, you’re married, aren’t you?”

He couldn’t help but laugh. “No. Not at all.”

“You have a disease. Did you just give me a disease? Because that’s illegal.”

“No, sweetie, I tested clean a week ago. I get regular tests. Besides, I also used a condom.”

“Then, what is it?” Amelia was getting tense. After all the lies Lucas had told her, she already had trust issues and her mind was spinning. What was he not telling her? He sat up beside her, the sheet falling to his waist, showing her the clean lines of his muscles.

“I was going to ask you out again. That’s all.”

“Oh”, she visibly relaxed. “Why was that such a big deal?”

“Because, believe it or not, I have never asked a woman on a second date.”


“Amelia, I have never been in a relationship. You already knew that sort of.”

“It’s ok. You have commitment issues. I get it.”

“No, that’s not it.”

“Then what is it?”

“I’ve never found a woman like you.”

She blushed under his intense gaze and she looked down at her fingers, her blond hair falling around her face.

“I’m serious Amelia. The first time I saw you, the only thing I wanted was to fuck you over my desk. That’s what I would have done normally. But, then I started to get to know you. You aren’t like other women. You are beautiful, intelligent, funny, quick witted.

No one has acted toward me like you do. Most women hang on me, just hoping to get at my money and saying yes to whatever I say. You challenge me Amelia. And I love it.”

This time, she looked up and smiled. “Well, you need to be challenged. Too many people just do whatever you say ‘yes Mr. Kensington. Whatever you want Mr. Kensington.’” She mimicked a robot voice.

He raised an eyebrow. “So you are telling me everyone else is a robot?”

“Something like that.”

“And you would tell me no?”

“If I wanted to.”

“Do you want to right now?”

“Maybe” She smirked. She was playing with him. He spent so much of his life being serious, he deserved some silly fun, she decided.

“Oh really? Even if I do this?” He leaned forward and kissed her.

“Even if you do that.”

“What about this?” He kissed her on the neck. And, she felt her body responding.

“Yep, even then. Maybe I will say no.”

“I don’t think you will.” He murmured between light, butterfly kisses along her collarbone. Then, he reached for the edge of the sheet she was still holding and he tugged downward.

“You’re right.” She whispered, and let go of the sheet.

Half an hour later, they lay, both exhausted, tangled up in sheets. This time was sweeter, more romantic, and slower. Now, she was wrapped in his arms and no part of her wanted to move. She could stay right where she was for days, she thought.








It was exactly what Barend had imagined…no it was more. More than he had dreamed. It was…exquisite. He could have laid there with his arms wrapped around her, protecting her from the world forever. But, his mind was troubled at the same time.

He almost told her his secret. He almost revealed the animal side to her. He only stopped himself when he realized just how much he didn’t want to lose her. If she found out, would she run away? He couldn’t bear it. Everything he said to her about how different she was, he meant. And, he did want a relationship with her. He didn’t know what he would do if she ran away. She broke his train of thought with a completely unexpected question.

“How many women have you had?”


“How many?”

“Amelia, it doesn’t matter, ok?”

“It does to me.”


“I’m curious.”

He heaved a big sigh. “You know I have gone out with a lot of women. They were all just one night things.”


She wasn’t going to let this go. “Truthfully I don’t know.” He could have sat there and counted if he really wanted to, but he didn’t. What if she ran away over this? Oh god, his mind was spinning.

“Ballpark figure?”


“I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.”

“I’m afraid you will leave.”

“I won’t leave. I already knew about your past when I went out with you tonight.”

“Ok….30s. Somewhere in the 30s.”


“We had an agreement.”


“What about for you, Amelia? You agreed.”

“Three.” She whispered.

“Really? Only three? How is that possible?” He was genuinely puzzled. This beautiful, amazing woman. And she had only been with three?

“Well, I had a high school boyfriend. He was my first. Then, I was with Lucas for two years. Now there’s you.”

“No one nighters? Nothing?”

“No. I’m younger than you Barend. I’m only 23.”

“I know. I’m just a little shocked!”

“Why? Because I’m picky?”

“Well, no. Because you are so beautiful.” He was sure she was blushing again.

“I’ve had other opportunities. I just didn’t take them.”

“Well, I’m honored.”


“That you chose me as your third. It’s actually an honor. Once again, you prove you aren’t like any other woman I have met.”

He hugged her closer and smiled, but still, in the back of his mind was the small voice telling him his secret could ruin it all. He couldn’t tell her now. Not like this. Not when she didn’t know him well enough yet. No, he would have to wait until they got closer.

Maybe, just maybe if she was falling in love with him one day, then she would be able to overlook it. This is exactly why he didn’t like relationships, he told himself. It was better to stay at arm’s length and never get close to someone. What was he doing now? Why did this girl get him to let her in? He tried to put everything out of his mind and just enjoy her presence, but it was all still there and nagging at him, making it impossible to relax.

He was going to have to tell her about the beast, but not tonight. No, not tonight at all.

Instead, he started kissing her neck, gently and sweetly.

“Another round already?” She giggled.

“I can never get enough of you.” He growled and nipped her shoulder.

And, that’s how the rest of the night went. Passionate lovemaking and then frantic, “I have to have you now” sex and then periods of just being close to each other. By the morning, she was exhausted. He was still riled up, so instead of lying in bed wide awake, he decided to surprise her with breakfast.

He left a note on the pillow beside her and then stepped out the door. Well, this was new too, he mused. He was actually going out to buy breakfast on his own instead of having someone run the errand for him. Of course, a lot of new things had happened in the last 24 hours, and he started ticking them off like a checklist in his mind:

One: He actually had feelings for a girl. She was more than just a roll in the hay.

Two: He actually took a girl to an event knowing he had feelings for her instead of just opting for arm candy.

Three: He bought a girl a gift. Four: He made love. Yes, that was a first for him. Five: She was still in his bed the next morning. Six: He was out getting her breakfast.

What was happening to him? This was all so new, he wasn’t even sure how to respond. But, despite stepping out of his comfort zone, he realized it felt really, really good. Yes, he would be inviting her to his mansion soon.













Chapter Six


She got to work early, which was a surprise considering how much time she spent getting ready that morning. She was so nervous. As a result, she spent an hour doing her hair and makeup and then went through half her closet before deciding on an outfit. It had been two days since she and Barend spent the night together – the whole weekend.

While they talked a few times via text, she had been busy helping Carlie go baby shopping. Carlie was four months along and very excited, so as the closest childhood friend in the vicinity, Amelia was nominated to help her friend decorate the nursery.

It was a strange feeling to actually miss Barend. They really still didn’t know each other well. They had only spent that one night together, but she missed him. And, for once in her life, she had been so ready for Monday to roll around.

And, she sat at her desk, fidgeting and giddy with the knowledge he would be stepping off the elevator at any moment.   She tried to make herself busy by checking emails, but after reading the same message four times and still not knowing what it said, she gave up. Instead, she straightened her desk. Then, she heard the tell-tale ping of the elevator and her heart nearly leaped out of her chest when he stepped in the room.

However, her excitement quickly turned to dismay when he barely glance her way and simply said as he passed by: “Amelia, I need to see you in my office.”

Oh no. What had gone wrong? What happened in just two days? She didn’t want to get up. Didn’t want to walk in his office. Didn’t want to hear him dump her because that was surely what he was going to do, right? Hesitantly, she knocked on the door and stepped inside.

“I have some things we need to discuss.” He spoke calmly, sitting in his big leather chair. He was leaning forward on his desk with his fingers touching like a steeple.

“Ok…ummm…shall I get a notepad?” She was trying so hard not show any emotion in her voice.

“No, that won’t be needed.”

She crossed the room and sat down on the edge of a chair, steeling herself for whatever he was about to say.


“Mr. Kensington.”

“We need to schedule in an appointment.” Seriously? He was giving her a heart attack and it was all about work? First, she was relieved and then she got indignant. How dare he act so cool and distant?

“Ok, is this for a meeting,
She knew the last word was dripping with sarcasm, but she couldn’t help herself. Then, he smiled. He actually smiled. She knew she had screwed up getting involved with him. What a jerk!

“Well, it’s sort of a meeting.”

“Mr. Kensington, I need to know how to list it for your appointment book.”

“It doesn’t have to go in the books.”

Now, she huffed, exasperated. What on earth was he talking about? “I’m confused.”

He laughed that deep laugh that was just as silky as his voice. “I need to schedule some time when I can be alone with you.”


“I know you aren’t deaf Amelia. All I have thought about this weekend was you. Touching you. Hearing your voice. Having you again. I can’t get you off my mind. And I’m afraid if I don’t get you in the next hour or so, I may lose my mind, and that’s no way to run a company.”


“So, when are we both available?”

“Ummm..right now?” Every bit of anger and disappointment melted away. He had been playing with her. Teasing her. And then he talked about wanting her that badly. No one ever wanted her so much. No one ever said they had to have her right then and there.

“Well, could you please come here a moment?” He made a welcoming gesture, so she walked around the desk and stood in front of him. With one smooth motion, he grabbed her legs and tugged so that she virtually fell in his lap, straddling him. “Oh god Amelia, you are so gorgeous. I want to throw you over this desk right now.”

“Not a good idea sir.”

“Why? Why can’t I have you right now?”

“You have a meeting in 15 minutes.”

“Who said I needed more time?” He said, with a wicked gleam in his eye.

“As much as I would enjoy it, I don’t think it would be a good idea if you showed up to this meeting with sex hair.”

He threw his head back and laughed. “Sex hair? You think I get sex hair? I thought that was a girl thing.”

“No, you get rather tousled. It would be unprofessional.”

He sighed deeply. “Well, could we at least make out for a while?”

“That we can do, Mr. Kensington.” She leaned down and kissed him. His hands, still on her legs, slowly slid up her hips, holding her against him where she could feel his growing erection. It was everything she could do not to unzip his pants right then. But, their kissing was interrupted when the phone rang.

“Don’t move.” He growled and then pressed the speaker phone button. “Barend Kensington.”

“Mr. Kensington, the representatives from Glouster, Incorporated are here for the meeting at 8:30. Shall I send them to the conference room?” It was the receptionist and Barend’s meeting was about to begin, Amelia felt herself a little disappointed.

“Yes, Shelly. See them in and bring them refreshments. I will be there shortly.”

Amelia started to climb out of his lap as he ended the call. “Oh no you don’t,” he whispered and pulled her back down on him.

“Barend, you have to go.”

“Not before one more kiss.” He lifted his hand from her hip, put it on the back of her neck and pulled her into a passionate kiss that left her dizzy. Once he let go, he let her stand back up, although she felt a little wobbly on her feet. “Go get ready.”

“What do you mean?”

“You are coming to the meeting with me.”


“Well, for one thing, you are my assistant. I need to you know what’s going on and take notes. For another thing, if I have to let you out of my sight even for a minute today, I won’t be able to stand it. I need to be able to look at you anytime I want.”

She blushed again and hurried out of the office to grab a few supplies. Barend was right behind her and she was having trouble thinking straight. As a result, she dropped her pen three times before stepping out from her desk, ready to join him at the meeting. All the while, he watched her with an amused look on his face.

Throughout the whole meeting, she was simply…captivated. Sure, she had met business people before, but she had never seen someone command a room the way Barend did. For the past few weeks, since she had started working for him, she always had seen Barend as rude and cold toward other people who worked for him. Now, she was seeing him differently.

He commanded the room. He was in charge. When he walked in, people listened. Maybe sometimes it came across as rude, but more than that, it came across as he was the boss. And, there was something incredibly sexy about that. She hung on his every word, and she kept finding herself forgetting to take notes from her little corner where she sat.

In fact, at one point, he gave her a little smile. No one else noticed, probably, but she did. And she blushed, looking down quickly so that people didn’t see it. When she finally looked up, he was smirking. She was pretty sure he enjoyed the effect he had on her.

The meeting seemed to drag on for hours and Amelia was getting antsy. While she was smart enough to understand what they were talking about, it wasn’t all that interesting. Barend’s company was considering buying another company.

That’s about everything she really cared to follow. Other than that, her mind kept wandering to everything that had happened between her and Barend in the last few days.

The way he kissed. Oh god, it was amazing. He was, by far, the best kisser she had ever encountered. He was passionate and fervent. And, he gave it his all the moment his lips touched hers. And, the way he always nipped at her lower lip right when he was about to step back and take a breath. It sent shivers through her whole body.

And, it’s like he just knew exactly where to touch her. No man had ever been immediately drawn to the crook of her neck, which was one of the most sensitive places on her body. The crook of her neck was an immediate turn on.

BOOK: Romance: Loving The BillionBear: BBW Bear Shifter Romance Standalone (Spicy Shifters Book 3)
10.81Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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