Romance: Loving The BillionBear: BBW Bear Shifter Romance Standalone (Spicy Shifters Book 3) (3 page)

BOOK: Romance: Loving The BillionBear: BBW Bear Shifter Romance Standalone (Spicy Shifters Book 3)
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It took her two hours to get ready. Really Amelia? Two hours? That was so unlike her, but she found herself very nervous. Not only was she going to an event with her boss, but she had absolutely no idea what he was thinking.

Did he like her? Up until yesterday with the text messages, he never seemed to care one way or another whether or not she existed. Then, out of nowhere, he asks her out and then flirts with her through text messages. He was so incredibly confusing!

But, then again, what if this wasn’t a date? What if he simply needed arm candy and she was available?  She laughed to herself. That could hardly be the case. The man was a Greek god. He probably had about a dozen women on retainer ready to go out at a moment’s notice.

So, was it a date?

Was it just a business meeting?

She really had no idea. But, it still took her two hours to get ready. And to make her more nervous, he was texting her again. But, it started out pretty business like. Was the old Barend back?

B: Be ready at 6:00 pm. I don’t like tardiness.

A: Of course, sir.

B: Limo will be waiting.

A: How do you know my address? I didn’t give it to you?

B: I’m your boss.

A. That you are.

B: What are you wearing?

A: I already showed you the picture of the dress!!!

B: No I mean right now?

A: A robe.

B: What kind of robe?

A: Flannel. Comes to my ankles. Long sleeves. Ruffled neck.

B: Tell me that’s not true. You are too attractive for that.

A: LOL No, it’s knee length and satin or something.

B: Better, but you should be getting dressed…

A: I would be if you would stop texting me!

B: Until later then, Amelia

Was he flirting again? Why else would he ask what she was wearing? That was flirty right? It almost seemed slightly naughty.

It amazed Amelia how he could go from being one person to someone totally different. Most of the time he was cold, rude, and just not someone she could stand at all. But, then, he would let his guard down and act almost…sweet.

Amelia laid her phone down, shook her head and finished getting ready.

Looking in the mirror, she was pretty happy with herself. The dress did set off her curves beautifully, but it definitely was classy enough to wear to a black tie event. She had done her hair up with little blond tendrils falling loose.

She didn’t have any nice jewelry to wear and she didn’t want to pair her costume items with something so fine, so she left off earrings or a necklace. She had worked hard to ensure her makeup was just perfect – subtle, yet obviously giving her a smooth, beautiful complexion. She smiled. She looked good and she knew it, so she headed out the door of her apartment and down the steps.

Barend hadn’t been lying.

There was a limo waiting on the curb and just as she stepped out the door, he stepped out of the limo. She would have heard his gasp if she wasn’t gasping herself.

He was wearing an exquisite tuxedo. His dark hair was combed, but it still looked just a bit tousled as it always did. He was, by far, the most handsome man she had ever seen.

But, she didn’t want him to see how affected she was by his appearance, so she took a breath, smiled and walked toward him.

“You look exquisite.” He breathed in her ear as he hugged her lightly. She thought he breathed deeply with his nose brushing her hair, but she didn’t say anything. Still, his touch sent shivers up her spine.

“Thank you” she smiled and then slipped into the limo. He slid in beside her. His leg touched hers. Every touch was electric. “I’ve never been in a limo before,” she said, awestruck by the fine leather interior and the mini bar which occupied the opposite wall. It was decadent to say the least.

“Never?” he raised an eyebrow, “Someone like you only deserves the best. You didn’t even ride in a limo to your school prom?”

“No, my boyfriend had a pickup. He wanted to drive that.”

He snorted and she gave him a sharp look. “Sorry, sorry. It’s just…I can’t imagine taking a date in a pickup truck!”

“So, this is a date?”

“What else would it be?”

“Maybe…a business engagement?” She asked it in jest, but she really wanted to know. She had been confused all afternoon.

“Haha,” his voice was deep when he laughed too. It made her tingle. “No, this is a date, or at least I hope it is.” He smiled. Ok, she was this close to straddling him. Then, he picked up a velvet box off the seat next to him. “This will complete your outfit.”

She opened the box to find an exquisite set of silver earrings with a rainfall of tiny diamonds. They were beautiful yet understated. Perfect for her.

“They are lovely” she gasped. Then reverently took them out of the box and placed hem in her ears.

“I thought they were perfect for you and they look lovely with your dress.”

“I don’t get you, Barend.”

“What do you mean?” He turned slightly in his seat so he could face her more easily.

“At first, you seemed so rude, condescending and arrogant. But now…well you have been friendly and open and you have even flirted with me. It’s like I don’t know who you are.”

“I am a mystery,” he gave her a look that was more smoldering than amused.

“That you are.” She glanced out the window, trying her best to quell the feelings she was having for him. She didn’t want him to see how turned on she was. She had no idea that he was feeling the same thing. At least not until he reached over and placed a finger under her chin, turning her face back toward him.

“Amelia, I really want to kiss you. Please tell me I can, because if you turn me down, I may just explode.” His voice had gone from deep and silky to ragged with want.

She could barely talk, but she managed to get out an “ok” and he kissed her before she could do anything else.

His kiss was almost savage, pressing against her lips with a fire she never experienced with Lucas. There was so much need in the way he virtually consumed her. He parted her own lips with his tongue, exploring, needing, wanting. Their tongues moved against each other in the ancient dance only lovers know.

It was the rawest, most passionate kiss she had experienced. And, it was amazing. When he drew back, finally, to catch a breath, he left her gasping. Her heart pounded against her chest. She wanted more. Oh, how she wanted more. He saw the want and he leaned in to kiss her again.

This time, the sense of urgency had dissipated. Left in its wake was still want, but a slower, smoldering want, the slow way their lips met, their tongues danced…it was all she could do not to crawl in his lap.

Then, his hand, which was tangled in her hair, began slowing tracing down, following a seam of her dress and finally resting along the curve of her breast. The warmth of his skin against the satin covering her own sent flames though her body. She found herself pressing forward, wanting him to use his hands in the ways she just knew he could.

“Ahem. We are here sir.”

The sound of the limo driver’s voice made Amelia spring backward and immediately turn red in embarrassment. Barend just smirked. He didn’t even seem fazed! She immediately wondered how often he made out with women and what all the drivers had seen. She didn't really like thinking about it, so she tried to push it in the back of her mind as the driver opened the door and offered a hand to help her out.

“Thank you…ummm…sir.” She mumbled, still embarrassed.

“It’s Preston, miss, and you are most welcome.” He smiled kindly. He must know how embarrassed she was, but he didn’t let it show. He seemed like a really nice person and she liked him immediately.

“Are you ready, Amelia?” Barend’s voice, all smooth and silky, came from behind her. And, she got slightly irritated again. He never spoke politely to his staff. Coming from a lower-middle class family, she didn’t like seeing people treated like that.

But, her lips still stung from the unbelievable kiss…one that had involved the slightly painful but very pleasurable nip to her lower lip…and she was very confused once again. It seemed like Barend always left her confused.

“Yes, of course,” she smiled, trying to seem calm, cool and collected.

“You may want to check your lipstick first,” he smirked and her cheeks flamed red again. A quick glance at a compact and she realized their make out session had left her makeup smudged. She worked quickly to straighten herself up…she didn’t want Barend to realize how hot and bothered he had gotten her. Snapping her purse shut, she turned to him and smiled again.

This time, he offered her his arm. She placed her hand on it and felt electricity course through her. He didn’t even seem affected. It made her wonder if he really was attracted to her or if he just enjoyed making out when he was in the back of his limo.

They walked into the gala, which was by far, the most extravagant thing she had ever seen. The elite of the city intermingled and spoke in that high browed manner she would never get used to.

She was way out of her league. Why had Barend taken her to this? To prove a point? To show her what place she had in the world? She was just a secretary and she was surrounded by people who had more money in their checking account than she would make in a lifetime.

It was intimidating to say the least. And she nearly yelped when Barend spoke quietly in her ear. Once she got over the shock, she felt a pleasant shiver from his warm breath.

“You see the gentleman in the blue suit next to the redhead?”

“Umm, yeah.”

“He’s my biggest rival. We actually went to college together. We were friends. Then, he branched out on his own and has done his best to give me competition.”

“Oh wow.”

“Don’t worry, dear. It hasn’t worked.” His short laugh was either really hot of kind of scary. She couldn’t decide. “And, the older, rather rotund man over there…he’s the mayor.” Barend realized Amelia wouldn’t know anyone in the room, and he was trying to help her out.

“So, all of the elite here…”

“Of course.”

“Barend,” she was suddenly panicky. “I don’t fit in here. Why did you bring me? Surely, there are plenty of women who would make a better impression.”

His expression hardened somewhat. It was a subtle change, but enough she noticed, and she felt his muscles tense in the arm she was still holding.

“I brought you here because I wanted to bring you, Amelia. And, what’s this about a bad impression? You are an amazing, intelligent, and witty young lady. You can more than hold your own. Besides… I find you intriguing.”

“Oh” she whispered.

“You are incredible. Don’t you get that about yourself?”

“Oh” she whispered again.

“Just be yourself and you will delight everyone in the room. I have no doubt about that.” He smiled again and seemed to loosen up. “We have company. Ahh, Joseph. Good to see you.” Barend was addressing the man he had just explained to Amelia was his rival.

“Barend. I trust you are well. How may I address your newest…date?”

“Amelia Davidson, this is Joseph Damski, owner of something company.” Ok, he didn’t really say “something”, but Amelia was too taken aback by the way Joseph spoke about her that she didn’t really pay attention.

This is how the rest of the night went. Barend would chat with people he probably didn’t even like. He would introduce her to them, and more than once, different people made underhanded remarks that left her very uncomfortable.

She already knew that Barend took different women to every event, but the comments left her feeling more like she was a hired escort. She didn’t like feeling cheap, and by the end of the night, it was all she could do to hold it together. She really wanted to cry – or get drunk. Either would work right now.

She thought they were getting ready to go home, but it turned out the night would be capped with an auction. In other words, a chance for all of the rich people to show how rich they were. The auction was for charity, a man in a magician style tux announced. Items were lined up one after another, and people bid exorbitant amounts on everything from bottles of wine to ski trips in Aspen. It blew her mind how much money was being spent.

And, she was interested in the fact that Barend didn’t bid on anything. Until they brought up an exquisite platinum necklace. It included a sparkling sapphire set off with diamonds. It was the prettiest necklace she had ever seen and far beyond anything she had in her own jewelry box. She involuntarily gasped.

“Do you like that?” Barend had noticed her gasp.

“It’s lovely. I’ve seen things like that in television commercials, but not really in person.”

“Well, then it will be yours.” Barend turned from her toward the auctioneer and raised his hand.

“What? No! Barend. No. I can’t accept that.”

“You can and you will.” He raised his hand again. She didn’t even know how much he was actually spending.

BOOK: Romance: Loving The BillionBear: BBW Bear Shifter Romance Standalone (Spicy Shifters Book 3)
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