Romance: JADEN: An MMA Fighter Romance (Bad Boy Tattoo Romance) (New Adult Pregnancy Short Stories) (10 page)

BOOK: Romance: JADEN: An MMA Fighter Romance (Bad Boy Tattoo Romance) (New Adult Pregnancy Short Stories)
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I looked down at the message in front of me and was completely in shock.  Had Sam just asked me over to his house?  I had to contain my excitement and keep telling myself he just needed help with some work.  That was okay, I could do that.


I arrived at his house an hour later, after I had showered and primped myself, just in case.  I knew nothing was going to happen but I always liked to be prepared.  

Sam opened the door and I could smell the wonderful aromas of his house fly out towards me.  His eyes widened and he looked me up and down subtly and I pretended not to notice.  I had definitely chosen the right outfit.  He invited me in and I walked passed him into an amazing condominium with immaculate taste.  He must have got an interior designer I immediately thought.  Everything matched perfectly.

“Just take a seat on the couch, Nikki.  Would you like a drink?”

He placed his hand on the small of my back and led me to his large leather L-shaped couch.  I sat down, sinking into the inviting cushions that lay effortlessly, but in perfect symmetry, along the length of the seat.  

“Just a water thank-you.”

He came back over to me with two waters in his hand, and placed them on the coasters he had also carried over with him, onto the rectangular coffee table in front of us.  He then sat on the couch next to me, but leaving enough room for a whole other person—a reasonable amount to ensure that we knew we were both here to get some work done.  Sam picked up a folder from the armchair of the couch.  He was about to put it in the empty space between us but then placed it on his lap and shuffled closer to me.  His leg was almost touching mine and I could feel my pulse start the race to a line, it knew too well, was pointless.

It was strange seeing Sam in clothes other than a suit.  Instead, he wore some blue jeans, which were slightly tighter around his legs than his suit pants, and a light grey surf t-shirt hanging loosely over them.  His long hair was no longer tied back into its usual ‘man bun’ but now hung loosely down his neck, just passed his ears.  In short, he looked hot.  Usually, it’s the other way around; seeing a man go from casual to a suit and being wowed by the transformation.  But this time I was finding his casual and laid back look, and energy, even more irresistible.  

Sam opened the folder on his lap and it was now lying half over me and half still on him.  I lay my hand on the page and began to scan the information.  I could feel Sam’s gaze on me but I pretended not to notice, hoping to avoid another awkward situation.  But then I heard him sigh and I looked up at him and his eyes were staring into mine.  He looked away as soon as our eyes met and rushed into conversation about the papers in front of us and what we needed to do.  I couldn’t concentrate though.  As he flipped the pages one by one I could see his biceps almost bursting from his sleeves and I suddenly felt like running my fingers over the curves of his entire body.


I had been daydreaming and he seemed to be waiting for my response.

“Sorry, what was that?”

He laughed and looked at me.

“Sorry this is boring isn’t it?  You must have better things to do on a Saturday night?”

“No, actually, I haven’t been back for long so I don’t really know anyone anymore.  I was quite relieved to be able to get out of the house actually or else I’d be spending the night alone, again.”

“Well then, shall I get us some wine?”

“Sure, maybe it will help me concentrate.”

He laughed.  “Or fall asleep.”

He came back with two wines and handed one to me.  We knocked our glasses together and I took a sip.  As the wine touched my lips, the smell and taste of it suddenly made me spit it across the folder still perched on my lap.

“Oh my gosh.  I am so sorry Sam.”  I said frantically as I tried to wipe the folder. “Sorry.”

“Not a fan of wine?”  He laughed.

He took the folder from me, closed it and placed it on top of the coffee table.  

“I guess not.”  I shrugged.  “I haven’t had alcohol in six years so the taste I guess was a shock to the system.”  I confessed.

“What?  You haven’t…You mean?  You didn’t have to have any Nikki, I’m sorry.”

I laughed.

“Don’t apologise, I did want it.  I just haven’t had it before.  It was all cask wine and vodka back in my day.”  I tried to joke.

Sam’s smile widened.

“This is your day Nikki.”

“Every day is my day Sam.”




A bottle of wine later and we had both completely forgotten about the work.  My mind was definitely on more important things.  Nikki’s legs were swung around on top of my lap and I had my hands sitting on top of them, but as the wine played havoc with my mind, my hands started to move up and down her legs as we talked.  My touch started just below her knees but I gradually started edging further, and the further I got, the more amazing her skin felt beneath my palms.  Nikki was a petite girl, but toned.  I could tell she worked out and ate right just by looking at her.  But now I could feel it too, I could feel the power in her legs as I moved around them.  Her warm skin started to produce goosebumps as I shuffled myself closer to her and moved my hand under the edge of her skirt.  She hadn’t stopped me and she was noticeably feeling something as she continued to shift in her position.  

My hand was leading a life of its own and continued pushing the limits of how far they could go.  Nikki’s chest was rising and falling with such pace now that I knew I was making her aroused.  She slightly moved her legs further apart and I moved my hand up until I could feel the wet lace of her underwear beneath my fingertips.  This was my sign that she wanted me.  I removed my hand and moved myself towards her so that I was now sitting with her thighs resting on my lap and I pulled my legs up onto the couch too so that our bodies could easily line up when the moment arose.  I put my hand out and touched the soft skin of her cheek and I looked deep into her eyes.  They were longing for me and I was longing for her.  I slowly moved my face closer to hers and I could see her losing control as I teased her by taking my time.  She held her lips up motioning me towards her but I teased her stopping just short enough so she couldn’t reach.  I slid my other hand back between her thighs and found the edge of her panties.  I slowly started to peel them down her legs as I kept the closeness between our faces, still teasing her with my breath.  I moved slowly down her body kissing her legs as I pulled the underwear over her feet and placed them on the ground beside us.  She was wriggling beneath me desperate to have me inside of her and I couldn’t wait to please her every need.  I ran my lips up her legs and chased it with my hand.  As my hand pressed between her thighs, I grazed my lips up to her face and over her lips.  I let my fingers slowly enter her, still holding her gaze without kissing her.  I wanted to so badly but I wanted to kiss her at just the perfect time.  As my fingers moved faster, Nikki bit her lip and she rolled her head back, her hands gripping the couch beneath us.  She tried to suppress her pleasurable moans and I leant down to her ear and whispered.

“I want to hear you, Nikki.”

I looked back into her eyes and she opened her mouth releasing her enjoyment.  I took my hand from between us and brought my legs over so I was now lying on top of her.  I pulled her down so she was no longer propped up on the pillows and her face was flat beneath mine.  I looked at her and gently lowered my lips to hers, and as soon as our mouths met, passion exploded between us.  She pushed her tongue into my mouth and it danced with mine in ways I hadn’t experienced before.  I raised myself from her and pulled my top off never once looking away from her.  Her eyes widened as she reached out to touch my body.  She hung on to the edge of my pants and pulled me back down, kissing me ardently.  Our bodies thrusted against each other in a rush to feel every inch of arousal that we could find.  I hesitantly ripped myself away from her and stepped onto the ground.  I held out my hand and she placed hers in mine.  I lead her to my bedroom.



I followed Sam to the bedroom to the right of the lounge room and he practically threw me onto the king size bed in the middle of the room.  He jumped on top of me and I could feel his excitement pushing against my hip.  He pulled my top and bra off and then lowered my skirt.  He looked over me, from head to toe, while he undid his pants and revealed his large penis that stood hard and ready just for me.  I gasped and he grinned with pride and hunger.  He crawled on top of me and I could see the muscles in his arms tensing as he held himself up.  His abdominal muscles protruded from his heavy body and I made sure I got one last touch before his naked skin lowered itself onto mine; closing the gap between us.  His hands made their way over my entire body.

“You are so beautiful Nikki.”  He said as he paused to look into my eyes and make sure I could see his sincerity.

Although I had an anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach this entire time, I hadn’t realised until now that a tear had taken its own initiative and travelled out of the corner of my eye towards my hair beneath me.

“Nikki what’s wrong?  You’re crying?”

He pulled his body off me and lay next to me propped up so he could still look into my eyes.  I raised my hands to my face and found the escaped tear slowly rolling away.  Shit, what was I going to tell him?  How was I going to explain this?  I didn’t even know I had a problem till about five minutes ago.  I really want to have sex with Sam, I know I do.  This has nothing to do with him.


He looked so worried and I sat up, conceding to the realisation that we weren’t going to continue.  Sam pulled the bedspread from under us so it came up around our shoulders and I held it around my body, suddenly insecure again about my nudity.  He reached up to my face as I sat there in silence.

“I’m sorry.”  He said and I looked into his eyes full of guilt.

“I was really enjoying this Sam.  I wanted everything.  I wanted more.  Just…”  I hesitated and he waited for me to continue without pushing me.

“I don’t know why I’m upset.  I actually don’t think I’m upset.  I just feel sick I think…wait no, not sick.  I didn’t mean it like that.  Oh, I’m just making things confusing, I’m sorry.”  I had no idea how to explain myself without just blurting out my exact thoughts.  I just wasn’t completely sure about them at the moment so I wasn’t sure if I really wanted to share them.

“Please don’t feel bad Kari.  I shouldn’t have gone so fast so soon.  I shouldn’t have even got you into this situation to begin with.”

I looked over at Sam, fear now coming into my mind that maybe he didn’t actually want me.

“Do you regret this?”

“That’s not what I meant at all Nikki.  I loved every second but…well I just…you’ve come so far and this is inappropriate for obvious reasons and, myself being the older one, I should have made sure this wouldn’t happen.”

“I haven’t had sex in six years.”  There you go, I just blurted it out.  “I haven’t felt someone touch me in six years.  I haven’t felt needed or wanted in six years.  And I guess I never really did.”  I felt further pain come to the surface as I bared my secrets to Sam.  “I haven’t ever felt the way you made me feel, not even when I was having sex.  I’m sorry, I should go.”  

I began to stand up and Sam pulled my arm back to stop me.  He placed his hands on my cheeks and kissed me lightly.

“It breaks my heart to know that you have never felt needed or wanted.  You are the most amazing woman I have met and the scars you bear only make you more attractive in my eyes.  You have such courage and strength and beauty and you deserve to be loved every day for the rest of your life.”

We looked at each other searching each other’s faces for an answer we didn’t know the question of.

“Will you be my first Sam?”

“Are you sure?”

“More sure than I've ever been.”



I know I shouldn’t have let things get sexual with Nikki but there was something so strong between us and after Saturday night, I couldn’t go back.  I didn’t want to go back but I just wish we didn’t have all the complications that came along with us being ‘together’, and plus there was Beth.  Sooner or later it would come out and Nikki had to hear it from me first.


Every time I see Nikki now, I fall deeper and deeper for this girl.  Everything about her excites me and she continues to surprise me with her knowledge, her humour and her support.

I picked up the phone and dialled, waiting to hear Nikki’s endearing voice on the other end.

“I need you to come in here straight away, Nikki.”  I ordered trying to be as serious as possible.

She walked through the doors almost immediately and I could see the worry written on her face but she didn’t speak.

“You have been a very bad assistant, Nikki.”  I said and started to grin.  

She immediately relaxed and walked over to me.  She ran her finger from one end of my desk to the other.  She was so sexy.  I had to use all my willpower not to dive across the desk right now and kiss her.

“What are you going to do about it, huh?”

I slowly walked around and stood inches from her face, trying so hard to stay in character.  

BOOK: Romance: JADEN: An MMA Fighter Romance (Bad Boy Tattoo Romance) (New Adult Pregnancy Short Stories)
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