ROMANCE: DBL Coverage (Bad Boy Sports Romance)(Alpha Male Football Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Womens Fiction Romance) (39 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: DBL Coverage (Bad Boy Sports Romance)(Alpha Male Football Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Womens Fiction Romance)
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Chapter 4

I escaped the hospital without being molested, but his words rattled around in my head. Surely that couldn’t be true? I certainly didn’t want to be controlled, but the thought of his hands on me, I wondered if I could deny a man like Billy. We shouldn’t even be talking, let alone him lusting after me. It was just weird to have such a man looking at me in such a way. Would I do anything he told me to? Would I like being controlled?

I couldn’t think of a time that it was possible, but with Billy, it could be. He was just so handsome and ruggedly manly that my heart skipped a beat. I didn’t sleep well that night and when I did, all I could think about was Billy. My dreams were filled with his sandy brown hair and those dark eyes that seemed to look right into my soul. Could I say no to him? It was certainly a lot easier when he was bed bound, for that I was sure. If he had been able to touch me again, like he had the day before, I doubt I would have had the strength to say no.

Melissa was still out when I got back and I figured it was just as well that I didn’t have to explain to her where I went. She probably didn’t even notice that I was gone, I thought. She had her sights on one of the seniors that played football, Thomas I think it was, though I wasn’t a hundred percent sure. It didn’t matter really, she would be on to the next one soon enough. It made me start to wonder if she had Billy. She would have said something, I was sure of it, though I wondered.

My classes dragged on and it was one of the first times that I was happy to get out of there. I wanted to go to work and I knew the reason for me wanting to go. Billy had gotten under my skin and I couldn’t get him out of my mind. What had he done to me?


“So how did your visit with Romeo in room 114 go?”

I looked back at Rita as I came in. “Romeo? Not hardly. I think he is just having a rough time. Girlfriend dumped him and his is not used to being along. I just came to say hi before I went home.”


I felt like I had to defend my actions. “Really Rita. You know that I have too much going on to be dating anyone, especially him.”


“Is that all you are going to say?”

“I saw it in your eyes. You like him.”

I started walking towards the break room to put up my purse and clock in. She followed me and I knew that she was not going to let it go. “Well since you don’t have any feelings for him or anything, than I have no problem telling you to go give him a sponge bath. I was going to have Bella, but since you guys are just friends, that won’t be a problem, right?”

I know my face fell, but I tried to cover it up with a smile. “Sure. I just clocked in. When is it scheduled for?”

“Anytime. Might want to catch him before he goes to sleep.”

“No Billy is a night owl, so I doubt he is going to bed anytime soon.”

“Billy is it?”

I sighed. I wanted to ask her not to make me do it. There was something in the way that she looked, the triumph in her face that made me decide I would just get through it, like I got through everything else.

“Fine, I will go ahead and take care of this right now. Was there anything else Rita?”

She smirked a little at my squared shoulders. “No I think that will be it.”

I walked away with my legs shaking and I tried to steady my hands. There was no way for me to have seen this coming and I wasn’t sure how it was all going to turn out. I didn’t want to get close enough for him to touch me, but what happened when I had to touch him? And in such an intimate way was inconceivable to my mind. But it was my job and it had to be done.

Cursing Rita in my head, I made it down to Billy’s room and he smiled when I walked in. Why did he have to smile at me in that way? It made my heart flutter and I lost my train of thought. “Are you here for the sponge bath? Seriously?”

I looked down at the stuff in my hands. “It appears so.”

Closing the door behind me, Billy looked far too happy about the change of events for me to not be a little nervous. “I mean this day keeps getting better and better. First I find out I get to leave in the morning and now this.”

I didn’t answer him. There was nothing to be said. I was going to have to push aside the fact that I wanted to jump on him and treat him as I would any other patient. It wasn’t the first sponge bath I had to give, but it was certainly the first one that I thought I was going to enjoy far more than I was supposed to.

Billy moved the sheet away and I realized that he was in only the hospital gown.  He looked even bigger sitting there with that grin on his face. The look in his eyes was back and he asked me to lock the door.

“No one will come in. Your modesty is safe.”

“I want to make sure no one comes in.”

“Fine, no big deal Billy. I didn’t think you were so shy. I’ve heard stories about you running around parties naked.”

“To be fair, I was really drunk. What else did you hear about me?”

“That you are a good lover, but you leave before they wake up. Bit of a heart breaker I hear.”

“You hear a lot.”

“It’s a lot easier when you just listen.”

Chapter 5

I tried to ignore what was going on in my head and focus on what I was doing. It was not that easy with him in my peripheral almost naked. He had started to take off the gown and I had to stop him. “Woah Billy. You don’t have to take that all the way off. Some parts you will have to wash yourself.”

He did it anyways. He stopped for a minute and then stared back at me, daring me to say something. I didn’t, though I tried not to look. It was hard though. I could see his hard muscles rippling with each movement and breath. Heaven help me when I looked back at him and saw the excitement he had to see me.

I bent down and took the gown that he had thrown aside and covered his hard manhood. I tried not to look, but it really was impossible not to. He had a look of satisfaction on his face that made me want to hit him or find another alternative way to wipe the smile off of his face. He was not going to make this any easier on me, that much was clear.

“Are you okay to sit up a little more or do you need me to get someone else in here to help you?”

“I think I can manage.”

I was sure that he could. “Okay.”

I went to the side of the bed that he had beckoned me to before with the pink tub of hot water. I helped him sit up so I could wash his back first. In truth I just couldn’t face him right then and it was the only way that I was going to be able to get through it. Even his back was sexy though and my touch on his hot skin made it even worse. I could feel my blood pounding in my ears and it wasn’t stopping.

Billy did not move an inch, even though I could feel his muscles bunching underneath my fingertips where we touched. When I moved up to his neck, the tension in him mounted further. “That feels so good Deidra. I bet it would be easier if you just took your top off. I know that you don’t want to get your shirt all wet.”

I paused behind him, my hands still on the cloth that I was washing him with. He couldn’t be serious, could he? “I think it will be all right.”

His back moved back against me, dampening the front of my scrubs. It apparently wasn’t going to fine and I had to move away before I would have to leave with a see-through shirt on. It was not ideal and he was forcing my hand. I could of course, just refuse and leave. I could walk away, but looking at his body in front of me, I really didn’t want to. I wanted to feel his smooth skin against me.

I moved behind him again and started to take my shirt off. I was going to leave my bra, but decided against it. My reasoning had nothing to do with how wet it would get or the state of me when I walked out of there. In reality, I wanted to feel my skin pressed against his. Hanging the two pieces on the back of the bed, I moved in behind him again and it was I that pressed my chest against him.

Cleaning his neck, I made sure my movement was noticeable and my tits swayed behind him. My hands moved down to his chest, making all of his hot flesh slippery with the soapy water. I could hear a hitch in his breath with first contact and it drove me wild. There was nothing else to say and the longer I was there, the wetter I became. At least I could keep my secret, but his excitement was clearly shown underneath the hospital gown that I had tossed over it. It tented and twitched under the material, silently calling to me.

My hands moved lower, long abandoning the guise of washing him, though I didn’t miss a spot. As I got closer to his need, there was a change in his breathing and he groaned low in his throat. It was amazingly seductive to hear the sound, but I wouldn’t do what he wanted. I refused to touch it. It just seemed only right after trying to push his way. Sweeping just above the dark patch of hair and his covering, he actually growled, the sound reverberating off of me. He was so large I had to press tightly against him to reach where I was.

I moved away and got up. Billy made a noise of disappointment and looked over at me. Ignoring his glare, I moved to his uncovered leg and I was as quick as I was with most patients. I felt his hand move to my leg, slowly moving up the back of my thigh. He almost got to my ass before I was done. I stood up and our eyes met. I shouldn’t have looked at him, his eyes dark and needy. “The rest is yours to handle Billy.”

He was the first to look away, still not saying a word. His eyes didn’t go far though, staring at my wet bare breasts in front of him. Billy grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. In his sitting position he was level with the hard tips from my excitement. I was unable to stop his greedy mouth latching on to one, sucking hard and nibbling on the sensitive skin. His strength surprised me and it was hard to see him as an injured man the way his hands held me still. There was no getting away, if I had wanted to.

I may have cursed, pushing back on his strong shoulders, but he wouldn’t be deterred and my plan was quickly backfiring on me. He pulled away and licked at the neglected one. Billy pulled me closer, his fingers digging into my sides. “I need further assistance.”

The speaker crackled to life, calling a Code Blue, which meant that I had to go. I remembered myself, pushing away and out of his grip. I grabbed my bra while he protested. “Where are you going?”

His voice was kind of whiny and it was the only time it was endearing to hear. “Someone’s heart stopped, I got to go.”

Billy didn’t seem all that worried about the person and I cursed myself for having to take the time to put my clothes back on. I should have been back downstairs, being far too liberal with my time.  I unlocked the door, rushing out after I got all the way dressed. The speaker went off again and I left Billy out of my brain so I could pay attention.


The code was an old man that had come in with complications from COPD. He was a nice man that hadn’t made it and the rest of my shift was consoling family and a lot of paperwork. Rita never did paperwork and it put the whole place in a somber mood. It wasn’t a big town or a big hospital and it seemed that every loss was harder to take. It was the one part of the job that brought me down the most and when I left, I didn’t think of Billy, forgetting about our shared time together. Not until later that night when I was lying in bed, did I replay it a few times in my imagination. I was hoping for a good dream to come out of it and I woke up wet the next day.

I spent my morning in class and on the break in between, I almost called Billy. I didn’t though. What was I to say? Then the thought that he probably had that happen a lot came over me. It was silly for me to think that he would think about me, obsessing over it as I was. Everything would change when he got better, so there was no point in getter more involved. Billy would quickly forget about the quiet girl that just happened to be there at a good time for him.

Chapter 6

When I got to work later that evening, Billy had been released. I didn’t quite know if I was relieved or saddened. Either way, I had a job to do and I tried to focus on the patients and focus on what I was there to do. It would be some times until I would see him again, sure that he would be out of school as long as possible. With someone else doing his work and the need to stay as still as possible for the bone to heal, it wouldn’t surprise me if was going to be out of school for at least the next month until he was able to go on crutches.

I was right and it was actually a little longer before he was back. Every class I looked for him and it was only after the last couple history classes that he actually came in. He was walking on his leg with no help and the nursing student in me knew that it was a really good sign. Billy was surrounded by his old friends, many of them not seeing him in well over a month since it all happened during the homecoming game. I tried to ignore him when he came in. I knew that my eyes would give me away.

Billy had been on my mind for too long and it was hard not to feel a slight response in my body. It made me wonder what would have happened if I would have stayed and the code had not been called. How far would it have gone?

I shook my head and looked forward, waiting for the class to start. What I hadn’t expected was that he would come sit next to me. Still trying to keep my composure, I looked over to say hi. The word died in my lips with the mirrored look in his eyes. “Deidra. I have been calling you.”

“Yea I have been busy. Sorry about that. Your leg is looking good, not even really limping. What did the doctors say?”

He beamed a little and I knew it was good news. “That I can play this next week. Can you believe it?”

“Of course. I knew you would be back good as new in no time. I am happy for you Billy.”

“Me too. You were the only one that was there while I was in the hospital. It meant a lot to me, more than you will ever know.”

“I was just doing my job Billy, but I am really glad you got your life back. Soon you will be off to the NFL, drafted and making the big money. With a face like that, the endorsements will stream in in no time.”

“That is exactly what my agent said.”

“Well you should listen to him. Have a bit more faith in yourself Billy.”

The professor started talking and I pulled my eyes from him. I tried to ignore the awakening in my body, just from a smile. It was pathetic I told myself, warning my body to calm down. Billy’s chair moved towards me and his hand touched my thigh under the table. I looked at him for a second, my eyes questioning his actions. He didn’t seem deterred though, moving his hand higher up. It had to be the day I was wearing a skirt and chills ran up my spine from the touch.

“What are you doing?” My words were just a hoarse whisper.

“Returning a favor.”

I tried to stop his hand with my own, but he pushed me aside like it was nothing. “I am not stuck in a bed anymore Deidra.”

It was clear what he wanted, his hand jerking my leg towards his, opening up my thighs wider. His touch was hot compared to the cool air on my heated core. I made a gasping sound as he moved closer, finally touching the covered heat. I bit my lip and looked at him, his eyes focused on the reaction on my face. He seemed to like it far too much and I tried to close my legs. It only made me want him more and it pushed his hand harder against my wetness.

I was embarrassed at how wet I was and I knew the exact moment he felt it. Leaning over towards me, he whispered in my ear. “Tell me you don’t want to come and I will stop.”

I couldn’t say that and my mouth refused to say it even though I wanted to. “Were you this wet when you teased me at the hospital?”

Nodding my head, I opened my legs back up to give him a better feel of my wetness. He took full advantage of the offer and I was left gasping next to him as his finger found its way against my hot hole, pressing in softly. I made a low groan as he pushed in deeper. “Fuck.”

He made a low chuckle in the back of his throat and added another finger to my heat, stretching my unused walls. “If you can be quiet, I will let you come.”

My mouth snapped shut and I faced forward, leaning back, slouching to give him more of a feel and myself more of what I needed. I had to bite my lip to stop the sounds that I wanted to make. His hand moved faster and I was quickly to an end, my eyes staring off in the right direction, but seeing nothing. I was so close, my body tightening, every muscle in my body in revolt.

Then he stopped. I mewled low and he leaned in, pushing deeper. “Say please.”

I closed my mouth, my eyes narrowing. I squeezed his intrusion, pushing him deeper without a need for his help. Just another second or two and I could have been there, in the blissful explosion that I needed so badly. “Say it or I will stop.”

He moved his hand away slowly, pulling out as my inner muscles tried to keep him in. I knew what he wanted. Billy wanted the control and I didn’t want to give it away. I was quickly losing my mind though, so something had to be done. “please.”

My voice was small and it sounded a little desperate even to my own ears. “Louder.”


He grinned and pressed back in. My face was red and some of the other people around us gave me a strange look. Thank goodness I was in the back of the room. Mortification would have been the only way to describe if the professor would have heard me. It was bad enough that anyone did. Soon I was uncaring though, more worried about getting off. I needed to so bad that I thought I may very well explode from sheer want.

Tightening up as he moved faster, my fingers gripped the side of the table that was hiding our deed. Then it was too late and I was coming on his moving hand. My legs clamped shut, but he continued to slide in and out of my weeping hole. I tried to stop him, my body pushed to the limit. It was too much, but he didn’t seem bothered.

“Please Billy.”

Moving closer, his breath blew on my neck and his lips almost touching my earlobe. “Promise me that you will come see me tonight.”

I shook my head quickly, anything to stop him from doing anymore. I couldn’t take it and I needed a break. “Please I promise.”

Just as suddenly as he was there, he was gone and I was left panting next to him. I looked up at the board in front of the class and my eyes were blurry, unable to focus on the words scrawled on the surface. There was a little sweat at the back of my neck and when he pulled away, the cool breeze cooled me. My legs shook as I scooched away from him. I was unable to meet his gaze, trying to get my breathing and heart back under control. I had never came without a sound, the feeling almost like I was still filled, unable to release the scream that begged to rip out of my throat.

When the bell rang and I was finally able to get up on my wobbly knees, he stopped me before I could leave the classroom. “Come see me tonight at my place. You know where the Delta Phi house is, don’t you?”

I nodded, though I wasn’t going to be going. I couldn’t believe what I had agreed to and it was like the man did not know how to take the answer no. Instead of sticking around to say anything else, I left without looking back. I was embarrassed at the way I had acted, but my body felt satiated like it hadn’t felt in a long time, maybe ever.

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