ROMANCE: DBL Coverage (Bad Boy Sports Romance)(Alpha Male Football Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Womens Fiction Romance) (37 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: DBL Coverage (Bad Boy Sports Romance)(Alpha Male Football Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Womens Fiction Romance)
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Chapter 8

Monday was there and waiting before she could get anything resolved in her head. She had thought of Ash the night before, remembering how good he felt in her mouth and the wonder of how something so large would feel stretching her out as he slammed into her. Would he take her like he had taken her mouth?

That was her hope, but he wanted more than just her body, he wanted her will. It would be so much easier if he would just take it. To say the words though, she did not think were possible.

The job was close enough that she could walk, so she decided a walk may get some of her tension out. It was only a few minutes, but she felt a little stronger as she made it to her desk. She had not seen Ash and she didn’t go looking for him. He was one of the most distracting people that she had ever met in her whole life.

“Good morning Kristy. It is good to see you at work. I’ve missed you just down the hall.”

“Yes Sir, good morning.”

“Still mad about last night?”

“Why would I be mad?”

He was surprised a bit by her reaction. She was acting blasé and it bothered him. Ash could barely sleep the night before and he felt like he was on the edge.

“I seem to come on strong around you.”

“That’s okay. I started it, so your mind should be at ease Ash.”

He should have liked the answer, but he didn’t like the calm in her. “Good, I need your help with something. You mind?”

“No, of course not.”

She followed him into his office and her eyes went to the chair that he sat in and the desk that she had been bent over. Her body flooded and her eyes slit in need. Did he know that seeing the place they were together would give her that sort of reaction?


“Yeah, sorry.”

“You okay?”

She swallowed hard and her face had turned the same color of her hair again. Her breath came in irregular gasps as she tried to slow her heart rate. “Yeah. I’m fine. Just got warm all of a sudden.”

Kristy pulled her eyes from the desk and moved to where he was standing. There were a slew of spreadsheets lined up and it pulled her attention away for a minute.”

“Those are the numbers for all of the upgrades you suggested in the report. But that is not why you are here.”

“Oh? Well why am I here?”

“Because I need you and your office doesn’t have a blind.”

His words were simple, but paired with his actions she was left with widened eyed. Ash’s hands already had his cock free and it sprang forward into his hands. Stroking himself, she wanted to touch him. “Get on your knees and open your mouth.”

She gasped with the tone of his voice and the words themselves. “No. Are you going to fire me again?”

Kristy wanted to taste him, but it wasn’t enough and she didn’t want just a taste. Ash moved closer, her eyes moving to the long hardness in front of her. “Now.”

“No.” She moved away and sat down on the white suede couch. Kristy wasn’t worried about work, but her own need that always seemed to be put on the back burner. There was no way that she was going to let him feel ecstasy while she was left throbbing again.

“I want you to fuck me like you should have the first time you had your cock out.”

He watched her raise her skirt up enough to hook onto her lace panties, pulling them down and leaving them puddled in the floor. “Is that not good enough?” Her hands pulled her shirt off, the bra matching the panties on the floor. “Or would you like me to ask nicer?” The bra was unclasped and joined the match set on the carpet.

Ash did not think there could have been a better way to ask. Her body was bare. Her skirt the only thing left, but it was pushed high up to her waist, baring everything beneath it to his gaze. She was wet, she always was and the very information was enough. He knew more about the couch than she did and he couldn’t have picked a better place.

He sat next to her, but his lips were quickly on hers, hands touching skin that he had been dying to touch for many years. She felt as good as he thought, her full form still firm in all the right places. His body overpowered hers and laid her down, pinned underneath his body. “Put your arms over your head.”

She moved them as he asked, her breasts lifting for a touch that he could not refuse her. His teeth nipped after a moment of sucking on the turgid tip. He hands pulled the black nylon cord from under the couch frame, wrapping and then tying them securely together to the metal. Kristy didn’t even realize what he was doing until she went to wrap her arms around his neck and was unable too.

Ash stood up above her, pulling his pants and shirt the rest of the way off. He did not want one inch of him to be unable to slide against her hot skin. The mere scene looking back, his redheaded dream tied up underneath him, naked. He had to focus on her eyes, but even the dewy depth pushed him back between her legs. His gaze faltered as he pushed inside of her hot honey hole. She was so wet, but the resistance started as her tightness tried to accommodate his girth.

All Kristy could do was clench her thighs together, but his thrust was sudden and he was inside of her full hilt. She cried out and he hushed her, reminding her where they were. He threatened to stop if she didn’t quiet down, but she wasn’t sure if she could. “Please don’t stop Ash.” He pulled out slowly and watched himself reappear out of her heat. Her hips rose to meet the cockhead that escaped and he pushed back in a rush.

Her tightness suffocated him and Ash had no shred of control left. He went back to his knees and pulled her with him, the binding stretching her out to reach. The new position gave him leave to go deeper and he was plunging forward again and again. Kristy was biting her lip, but the moans and whimpers reached his ears and urged him to move faster. He wanted to last, but as she shook and then convulsed around him with the first wave of pleasure, Ash knew that he was fighting a losing battle.

“Fuck Kristy. I’m coming.”

But she did not hear him, wrapped up in her own feelings of utter bliss. She was frustrated that she could not hold him, but he took it as her wanting more and started to move inside, getting harder with each stroke. Her eyes closed as her body tensed. She started to worry that he did mean the bit about her not being able to walk afterwards.


Ash finally untied her, though a couple of hours had passed. Kristy mewled against him and curled around his panting body. Her eyes were closed and her body was still racked with lasting effects. She had never come so much in her life and a lot of it had to do with having no choice in it. Just letting it happen was the biggest turn on of all.

He was speechless and just as moved. Her submission had not been what he had saw happening in his mind, but the reality had been so much better. Her attitude would take work and may need some more punishment soon, but Ash realized that there was no need to break her. He didn’t want to, even if he was able to. It would be akin to clipping a butterfly’s wings and Ash couldn’t bare the idea. She was his now.

Pulling her closer, she snuggled harder. “I think that girl may feel the same way as you do Ash.”

Takes her in her house, comes to pick her up as her car broke down. Takes her on the

She quits.

He blacklist her so no one will hire her.

She comes back and he makes her submit after work in the breakroom. – she is sitting at a table when he comes in from behind. Forced oral- kind of. Ties her arms together with his belt- over head and then takes her. She loops her arms around his ask and wants it harder


Double Blindside


A Bad Boy Football Sports Romance






By: Carly White



Double Blindside


Chapter 1

“Deidra, aren’t you coming to the party tonight?”

“No I got to work this evening.”

Melissa made a face and I tried to ignore my roommate. She was always partying and I was always working. At the end of the day, we hardly saw each other. It was not the college experience that I had hoped for, but I had a lot of tuition to pay and unlike Melissa, I had to pay for most of it myself.

I worked at the local hospital as a nurse aid and as soon as the semester was over, I would be getting even more responsibilities. Not only was the job helping pay for school, but it was also giving me much needed experience for when I finally did graduate. I tried to remind myself that it would make getting a job easier when I got out, though I sometimes wished that I could be as carefree as Melissa was. I would have liked to go to a party once in a while.

“Come on Deidra. Homecoming is tonight, it’s kind of a big deal.”

I shrugged. She was going to a Delphi Phi’s party and since most of the football players would be there, I wanted to go even less. “You know that is not my scene, but have fun. I will be off around four if you are home by then.”

She made that face again and I went into the bathroom to finish getting dressed. While she was putting on a slutty party dress, I was resigned to my baby blue scrubs. “Whatever Deidra, college is going to be over before you know it and you will have spent all your time studying and working.”

I couldn’t have agreed more. When I first started school that was all I was worried about. I figured if I started well, than eventually I would have the time and energy to do some of the things that were considered part of the college life, the fun part. But as the first three years flew by, it was becoming clear that I was on my last year of studies and I had been to maybe three parties. The work load got bigger and then my hours were raised at work as the tuition hiked ten percent each year.

“I will try to get off Friday if I can.”

“I hope you can. You are missing a good one tonight. All of the football players are going to be there.”

That didn’t bother me much. The football players seemed to be naturally drawn to the cheerleaders. I certainly was not one, so it didn’t seem to that I would have much of a chance anyways. Most of the jocks were dumb anyways and instead of worrying about talking or getting to know me, all they did was look at my chest. I had a few in my general classes and I didn’t think that I would be missing much at all.

“Well you are looking hot Melissa. I am sure you will rope you one tonight.”

She was a bit obsessed with the football players and had taken several to bed. It was a game for her, much like the lists that the jocks made, counting and rating each girl that they had been with. I was happy to say that I wasn’t on any of those lists.

I waved to her before I left, getting into my car and driving the few miles to the local hospital. I was working the late shift and not much usually happened. The big game was that evening and I kind of did wanted to go, but I had work to do. I always had work to do.

The hospital was small for the size of a town that it covered. While Coloma was not very big, the small University made the town swell to double its size each year. It was only the summertime when the residences were free of all the college students that took over the town.

I parked in the back far away from the opening. The employees were supposed to give the close parking to the patients, so I had a ten minute walk to the front.

“Deidra, thank goodness you are here!”

I had just walked through the doors and looked up at Bella. “What’s wrong?”

“No one came in. Everyone called off for the game and it is just me and you for CNAs tonight.”

I sighed. Of course I would be the one that showed up. Bella didn’t go to school, so she had an excuse. It was like going to school for cut days, afraid that one missed day would kill my chances for college.

“Well it should be pretty slow tonight. Anything interesting came in?”

“Not really. Couple older patients with chest pains, one overdose.”

I nodded. It was pretty normal. The town was filled with elderly and young adults. I figured there would be a few ODs later after the parties kicked off. There always was and one would think that they would learn their limits. It was usually alcohol poisoning, yet several street drugs were making their way into the school.

Walking with her to the emergency room, I clocked in and started making the rounds. While most CNAs did not look in on patients usually, they gave me a little more leeway since I was so close to graduating. In reality it just meant I had more work to do.


The evening went well and it was almost nine o clock until we got anyone else in. A few sick kids with croup and then an elderly man with dizzy spells came in and gave us something to do. Bella took care of the kids and I was asking Mr. Landire what medications he was on and what he had been doing prior to the dizzy episode.

I left the room and gave the report to the attending nurse. There was only one and Rita was having a bad day. “Thanks Deidra, I will be in there in a minute. He is probably dizzy because he is 80.”

“His girlfriend was in here and she is 55, I bet he is using some kind of stimulant to keep up.”

She looked over the answers. “He didn’t say so.”

“Yeah, but trust me, they just had sex. I can smell in on them and there is no way he is getting it up on his own.”

She kind of chuckled and went into the room to speak to him before the doctor came in. I was left to roam the halls and since there was nothing better to do, I went down to the cafeteria and got a couple coffees. Bella didn’t drink coffee, but Rita seemed like she needed a whole pot. I looked at the clock and it had just turned ten. It meant that the football game should be about over and then there would be a few stragglers when the parties started. It was the way it always was, so I was going enjoy the peace while I could.

It wasn’t long until someone was brought in by ambulance. It was an injury, but there was not much else forthcoming, except that a surgeon was being called in to attend. It meant that someone with some money and clout had arranged it.

Me and Bella waited after we got the call from the dispatcher. I still didn’t know anything about the patient. I really just ever knew what was going to come through the doors.

It was a football player from school and I almost immediately recognized the man from my history class. He was the quarterback for our school and his leg was bleeding under his clothes. Moving forward, we were sent in to cut the clothing off of one side so that the doctor could see what was going on. He had been hit from the side and it was a compound fracture. About the time I got to him, his brown eyes closed and he had passed out from the pain. After cutting open his jeans, the compound fracture looked horrible.


Billy Mason was the star quarterback and according to the school newspaper, had several NFL teams vying for him. I hoped that his leg would heal so that he could keep his dream alive. He was a jock, but he wasn’t too bad. He probably didn’t know I existed, but he had always smiled when he caught me looking his way. I would of course look down quickly, embarrassed that I was looking, but it was hard not to. Even in his current state, he was nice to look at.

“Deidra, can you stay with him until Dr. Rhodes gets here?”


Bella had been called to another patient that had been in a car accident and I was left looking down at Billy. The wound was cleaned while I waited for the surgeon and soon the room was filled with worried parents and doctors. Before I left though, his eyes opened briefly and I smiled at him. “It’s going to be okay Billy, your parents and the doctor is here now.”


He passed out again and I was left stunned. I couldn’t believe he knew who I was. But there was people pressing in around me, so I left the room to give them space to move around. His parents were there and it was a bungle of fast talking. I was sent into another room to help a patient get ready to leave and it seemed that the day would be more eventful than I had first thought.

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