ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories) (91 page)

Read ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories) Online

Authors: Lyra Daniels

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Holidays, #Military, #New Adult & College, #Contemporary Fiction, #Single Authors

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories)
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Or that was what Tessa tried to tell herself.

“Alright, I just have to grab my back pack.”

Sitting heavily on her bed, Tessa groaned as she rifled through her back pack for the folder that housed everything they’d dug up on bone density. This presentation wasn’t even close to being finished, and they had so much work to do it wasn’t even funny. With the deadline only a week away, she wasn’t sure she and Lucas would be able to pull it off.

“It’s too bad they don’t give us participation grades anymore, huh? Then we’d be sure to get an ‘A’.” Running her hand through her silky, straight hair, Tessa nodded absently and wondered what other people were doing for their presentation. She was the kind of girl that went above and beyond, even if it stressed her out, but surely this much work wasn’t the norm.

“Yeah. I think we should take a break.” Mumbling more to herself, Tessa rolled her shoulders and set the heavy folder on the end of her bed. Not only did she have this presentation, but all of the work in her other three courses as well. It was overwhelming at best. Lucas, though, didn’t dispute her suggestion as he lounged in her computer chair, his head against the top of the back rest to stare at the ceiling.

“… So do you want to have dinner at my place on Friday, Tessa?” The unexpected offer made Tessa’s head whip up, but Lucas was still staring at the ceiling. Her rational mind knew that he was probably asking for his father, and that she’d be involved in a ‘family’ dinner. The more girly part wondered if he was asking her, and if they’d be alone. Thinking about it made her scowl slightly because she didn’t know which option she wanted more.

“Sure.” Lucas didn’t say anything else, and after a while Tessa fell back on her bed to mimic his stare while emotions boiled inside her.



“Tessa! Hurry up and let’s go!” Sighing, Tessa picked at the sun dress her mother had bought her for the dinner they were going to, but she still stood up to leave her room. The baby blue fabric went well against her own dark caramel skin, and made her curves stand out. She wasn’t stick thin, but could stand to lose a few pounds, and the dress covered that up and made her look nice.

She almost felt pretty.

In the two, 24 hour cycles since Lucas had asked her to dinner, Tessa waited for him after football practice. She found herself agreeing with him more and getting less frustrated when he did something wrong. Honestly, it was starting to freak her out how comfortable she was with him. Maybe it was because their parents were engaged.

Tessa’s mother also wore a blue dress, although it was more navy than blue, and she looked happy and at ease as they walked down the street. While Tessa was glad for her mother, her own personal problems were starting to make it a dull thing to watch.

“Ron, thanks for having us over- this is so exciting.” It was like Tessa’s mother had shaved ten years off her life and turned into someone people wanted to be around. Normally, she was half way to exploding due to the stress of her jobs and everything else she’d endured, but now she was polite and nice. It wasn’t something Tessa had experienced often since her father’s death, and it disturbed her almost as much as it elated her.

She was led into the dining room of the nice house much like her own. Tessa’s eyes slid over to the stairs as Lucas came down in a black button down and dark wash jeans. When he caught her looking, he flashed a smile and she had to quell her mental freak out to smile back.

Smooth save, Tessa. Really.

“Hey Tessa.” Wiggling her fingers in a wave, Tessa couldn’t stop the blush that spread across her cheeks when Lucas pulled out her chair for her. Since when had he become such a gentleman?
Since he turned into a step sibling.
Unfortunately for Tessa, Lucas even seemed to notice the redness in her cheeks because he brushed his thumb across the back of her neck as he moved to sit down next to her.

Tessa answered questions directed at her during dinner, and smiled with a slight nod as conversation flowed, but she didn’t really get into it too deeply. The situation seemed so surreal that it was hard to get a grip- even the lasagna was perfectly cooked and very delicious.

Dinner passed by in a haze and by the time it was over Tessa was ready to leave and go to bed. She couldn’t wait to sleep in and not have to worry about the presentation that was only barely keeping on schedule.

Unfortunately, Tessa’s mother had other ideas.

“Tessa, have a drink, honey. This is an important night, after all.” After seeing what mild alcoholism had done to her mother, Tessa was less than intent on even having a wine cooler. She was a light weight when it came to the fermented beverage, and didn’t know exactly how much she could have before she became a buffoon.

Shoving a glass bottle of some fruity smelling drink into her hands, Tessa’s mother smiled invitingly until she raised the lip of the bottle to her own.

“Lucas is going to try for pro football, right son?” Sipping on her mildly alcoholic beverage, Tessa listened to the conversation with about as much interest as she had the entire night. She wanted to be a scientist, after all, and football meant little to her.

“Yeah. Coach says if I keep going the way I’m going I’ll be set for Draft.”

And there it is- I’m lost already.

“Tessa, you feelin’ alright?” Sitting on a very comfortable couch, Tessa would’ve nodded if her head didn’t feel so heavy. Maybe drinking that single bottle was a bad idea. Instead of offering a verbal response to Lucas’s question, she just smiled a little, staring into space.

“Hey, Tess, you in there?” Waving a hand in front of her face, Lucas furrowed his eyebrows and frowned, easily coming to the conclusion that Tessa couldn’t handle her liquor. Gently removing the bottle from her hand, he helped her stand up and sighed. For all her big girl act she was really a baby when she was tipsy.

Groaning softly, Tessa put her hand on the wall for support but she was now in a part of the house she didn’t know. If she had to guess, she’d be on the second floor, although she couldn’t really remember how she got there.

“Lucas, I hate you, know that?” Stuttering slightly, Tessa’s words made Lucas chuckle before petting her shoulder as he steered her into a guest bedroom.

“I know, Tessa.”

When Tessa cracked open her eyes, she knew she was awake somehow, but when she closed them she couldn’t open them again. She felt Lucas set her on something soft, which was probably a bed, and take off her shoes.

Then, he leaned over her to press his lips to her forehead, and she silently marveled at how soft they were before the alcohol made everything go black.



“-sa, Tessa wake up.” Who knew such a small amount of alcohol could result in such a massive hangover? Tessa hadn’t, or she never would’ve accepted the drink in the first place. Groaning softly, she pushed away the hand that lay on her back, gently shaking her, and tried to snuggle back into the pillow she’d been hugging.

“Come on, Tessa. It’s time to wake up- it’s almost noon. Our parents have already left for work.” Lucas’s voice sounded a whisper next to her ear, and she huffed lightly, reluctance seeping into her bones. The gentle nudging quickly turned into a soothing rubbing motion, and she wiggled a little in satisfaction- like a cat.

“You’re too cute, you know that?” For a while Tessa let Lucas rub her back, but after those few moments were gone she realized that she wasn’t in the clothes she’d worn the night before.

“You better not have raped me.” Grumbling, Tessa forced one of her eyes open to glance at Lucas as a big smirk slid across his face. His hand stopped circling to move downwards towards her butt, only to stop short. She honestly wasn’t sure if she should be disappointed or not, but the headache behind her gaze told her she was still tipsy.

“It’s not rape if you like it, Tessa.” Frowning slightly, Tessa pushed herself up on her hands but didn’t think the action through when Lucas’s hand landed right on her backside. Thankfully she was wearing pants of some sort, but the thought only made her frown turn into a scowl.

“Your mom changed you, just so you know. And you look amazing in my sweats, Tessa.” Shooting her a wink, Lucas squeezed Tessa’s butt lightly and she was feeling too groggy to care. If he hadn’t woken her up, she would’ve slept all day.

“I hate you, Lucas Brown. I really, really hate you.” Mumbling, Tessa may have said the words but she felt her face heat up and butterflies erupt in her tummy from how close Lucas was. Closing her eyes briefly to try to dull the throbbing inside her skull, she let out a soft gasp when he trailed his hand back up to her shoulder blades, dragging her shirt up as well.

“You’re so beautiful, Tessa. I thought that before this stupid project. Now I know you’ve got a personality.” Whispering huskily, Lucas had leaned forward so his mouth was almost on Tessa’s and she wasn’t sure if she’d heard him right. Beautiful? Her? There was no way he thought that kind of thing because she wasn’t beautiful- just average.

“You’re a horrible liar.” Cut off suddenly, Tessa’s eyes popped open even as Lucas pushed her onto her back, his lips borderline devouring hers. Their kiss was frenzied, and she soon found herself with her hands in his hair and his body covering hers as he held himself on strong arms. One of his hands pushed up the rest of her shirt to expose her breasts, pinching and pulling her left nipple. Moaning softly, Tessa arched her back and sucked in a breath when Lucas pulled back a little to nip her lower lip.

Somehow Tessa’s legs were around Lucas’s waist, and judging by the bulge against her thigh he didn’t mind it at all.

Logic, though, came crashing down on her swiftly and with force, making her pull away from Lucas completely to gasp for air.

“Wh- what are you doing? Why-“Instead of letting Tessa get her questions out, he descended on her chest to lick and suckle on her right nipple, blowing all of her thoughts and logic to dust.

When was the last time someone had touched her? Tessa didn’t know, but it had been a long time. She wasn’t a virgin, but she didn’t prowl the streets looking for someone to have sex with. Her body was uncomfortably hot, and only grew more so as Lucas pushed her hips against the sheets with his own.

“L- Lucas… Oh- God…” Shuddering as Lucas scraped his teeth against her areola, Tessa started to grind against the bulge in his own sweat pants as she arched her back up off the bed, tightening her grip on his hair. Groaning, he started to move lower towards her belly, and she unlocked her legs from around his waist to give him some room.

Catching in her throat, Tessa’s breath came out in short, shallow pants as Lucas mumbled her name before yanking off her sweat pants and underwear in one fell swoop. Staring at her, his gaze only made her hotter, more flushed, and she tried to close her legs only to have two rough palms hold her open by her inner thighs.

“Lucas… N-no… sto- Ah!” A calloused thumb touched the swollen bead that crowned her lower lips, and Tessa flopped with a soft cry.

“I don’t want to stop, Tessa.” Practically growling, Lucas began to rub circles on her most sensitive spot and she couldn’t protest. What they were doing was crazy, stupid, and a host of other negative things.

Sometimes, though, Tessa needed to be a little crazy.

Leaning forward, Lucas kissed her mouth hard and increased the pressure of his hand. Letting her own hands roam his shirtless torso, Tessa wondered at all of the hard muscle under her fingers. It was all hers, even if only for the moment.

Moaning as Lucas slid his finger, up her moist slit, spreading her juices, Tessa lifted her hips as his tongue slithered behind her teeth. Everything about the moment made her light headed and aroused beyond belief. She didn’t even care if she was being used because it just felt so good. Never before had she been so hot and bothered in her limited experience.

“You’re so wet for me, Tessa.” Murmuring against her lips, Lucas pulled away from Tessa’s face to make his way back to her chest. The dark buds tightened and swelled, and her moaning got louder. Looks like he’s found an instant go to spot.

Working on her chest, Lucas sunk his middle finger past her slick folds and Tessa bucked her hips. The feeling was so alien she almost tried to get him to stop again, but the feeling of his hot mouth on her chest, his thumb against her clitoris and his finger twisting and pumping inside her was too much.

“I- if you d- do- don’t stop… I- I’m gun-na…” Panting, Tessa felt her lower regions tense up, constrict, and she tangled her fingers into the sheets. She was so close it was going to drive her mad. Whimpering torturously, she felt Lucas curl his finger against her inner wall and it was enough to make her world explode.

Tessa’s orgasm was hard and hit fast, causing her eyes to squeeze tightly together and her lips to part in a silent scream. She kept her eyes closed for a long time as her panting died down and her legs began to tremble. It was more because she was afraid of Lucas’s reaction to the pleasure he’d given her than anything else.

When she did open her eyes, Tessa was kind of shocked to find that Lucas didn’t look smug or wear an expression of manly pride. He was just staring at her, with his middle finger in his mouth, through half lidded eyes. After a moment, she somehow managed to find her voice, although it was weak and wispy.

“Why did you do that?” Popping his finger out of his mouth, Lucas cracked a smile before crawling over her to pull her shirt back down. He didn’t say anything for a few seconds, and it worried Tessa.

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