ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories) (90 page)

Read ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories) Online

Authors: Lyra Daniels

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Holidays, #Military, #New Adult & College, #Contemporary Fiction, #Single Authors

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories)
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However, the silence was broken when she pulled into her mother’s driveway and saw a car she didn’t recognize.

“By the way, my pops and I don’t live far from here, so you won’t have to worry about chauffeuring for me.” Scowling a little at the teasing jibe, Tessa cut the engine and pushed open the door to climb out of the driver’s seat. Hauling her back pack over her shoulder, her scowl only deepened when she noticed the car in front of her that she didn’t recognize.

“Hey, that’s my dad’s car.” Lucas exclaimed. Tessa started gnawing on her bottom lip at the exclamation. Her brain worked overtime to connect the dots, but had no luck. Walking up to her front door, with Lucas behind her, she pulled out her keys and frowned when she heard her mother laughing inside. That definitely meant something big was coming.

There was a silent understanding to go in quiet, both Lucas and Tessa were overly curious as to what was going on, but whatever she was expecting, it wasn’t to find her mother and his father making out in the kitchen.

Jaw dropping shock rippled through Tessa, and she accidentally let her back pack fall with a heavy thud, tearing the two older people apart.

“Mom! What are you doing?” Practically yelling, Tessa wasn’t sure how to feel about the situation. Her mother hadn’t been around a guy since her father died almost 6 years ago, and it was freaky to say the least. Staring, wide eyed, the older woman shook herself visibly before a smile broke out on her round, pretty face, framed by large curls that took hours to perfect.

“Tessa, you’re home- and you must be Lucas, right? Wait, why are you here? Ron, did you tell him to come?”

Tessa’s eyes flew from her mother to Ron and back again in confusion, and she sighed irritably. Thankfully, she didn’t seem to be the only one confused, if Lucas’s response was anything to go by.

“Uh, no, we’re working on a school project together. Uh, wait a minute. The woman you’ve been dating is Tessa’s mom?” Tensing up at the inquiry, Tessa didn’t know her mother had been dating anyone. Honestly, she felt a little betrayed- she was 20 years old, after all, and not a teenager that’ll lash out at change. Not only that, but dating was a huge step for her mother, and she wanted to know she could be trusted to be confided in.

“Actually, we’ve decided to get engaged.” If possible Tessa’s jaw dropped even lower. They wanted to get married, something that took time and commitment- something that meant they’d been dating for a long time.

She hated being out of the loop.

Frustration welled inside Tessa and she wordlessly took in her mother’s form. The older woman looked so happy, her mocha skin seemed to glow, and she looked neat and clean- a far cry to when Tessa’s father had died and she couldn’t even get out of bed. She even wore a light coating of lip stick.

“Married?” Honestly, Tessa didn’t want to be a wet blanket because her mother was so obviously happy, but she couldn’t help it. She positively exploded.

“You want to get married! You didn’t even tell me you were dating someone and now you want to get married!” It was a shame that Tessa had inherited her father’s anger, although it took a lot to get her to the point that she was.

Turning on her heel, Tessa ignored her mother’s crestfallen expression and stormed up the stairs like the teenager she’d just compared herself to in a much different light. The shock was wearing off, and she felt like a failure, although it was irrational because her mother had intentionally kept this from her. Questions swirled around in her head, but none had a good answer.

Was Tessa not important enough to know about her mother dating someone? Did her mother not want her to know about it because she didn’t trust her? The list went on and on.

Pacing her bedroom, Tessa didn’t even know what to do with herself and tears sprang to her eyes. She was happy for her mom, in theory, but her own self-doubt rose up and squandered it. Life was already hard, and now it’d been jumped up a few notches.

“Tessa, open the door.” Pausing her rigorous circling, Tessa wiped her face with her shirt sleeves and scowled at the door. Lucas was the last person she wanted to talk to right now. However, she stalked towards the barrier anyway and flicked the lock before yanking on it.

“Go away, Lucas.” Glaring at the much taller man, Tessa was going to shut the door but Lucas wedged his foot in the crack and pushed it back. It was only when he shuffled his way in that she noticed he was carrying her pack, but it quickly fell to the wayside. Crossing her arms over her chest, she watched him frown deeply before opening his mouth.

“Let’s just start the presentation, okay? Get your mind off it for a while. Trust me, I know how it feels. I had a suspicion, but my dad never told me outright.”

Honestly, it surprised Tessa that Lucas was being so perceptive and nice. Usually he was a cocky asshole with his brain in his pants, or that was what she’d heard. Setting her back pack on her bed, he set his on the floor before taking a seat in her swivel chair. Narrowing her own gaze on him as he stared at her expectantly, Tessa felt like he was just a little too comfortable.

“Fine, whatever, but you’re leaving as soon as we get to a good stopping point.”



Walking into her Human Biology II course the next day, Tessa felt all out of sorts. Her mother had a very serious talk with her, and it frayed her nerves to no end. Even with an explanation Tessa couldn’t quell the raging emotions, and it showed in her physical appearance. Her raven hair, which was normally glossy and straight, was tied up on top of her head and she’d thrown on clothes that didn’t even match.

She was a walking, talking hot mess ready to explode if someone looked at her wrong.

“Hey Tessa, come on.” Lucas unceremoniously took Tessa by the hand, and she jumped a little- so lost in her thoughts she hadn’t noticed him. He pulled her out of her seat and she only barely had time to grab her back pack before he was tugging her towards the double doors that led outside.

“What the hell, Lucas! Where are you taking me?” Scowling, Tessa followed in a rush after the long strides of the man that was leading her away from class, and he glanced back at her with a smirk.

“We’re going to make you feel better. I was at your house way too long last night because you couldn’t concentrate.”

Plucking her car key from her pocket, Lucas made his way to the parking garage and Tessa regretted parking in the same space as the day before.

“That doesn’t answer my question!” Shrieking in frustration, Tessa’s words made Lucas stop to half turn towards her, a slight smile on his face. It only made her madder, because there was nothing to smile about.

“You’ll see when we get there, okay? Trust me, right? I don’t want to be in class, and you’re just a volcano ready to erupt. It’s a recipe for a good time.” Climbing into the driver’s seat of her car, Lucas waited patiently for Tessa to decide if she really wanted to do whatever he had planned. After a moment, though, she gave up. It was better to take the kindness as it came than expect something bad to happen, and Lucas wasn’t nice to anyone very often. At least, he wasn’t nice unless he wanted to get into a girl’s pants.

Half an hour later Tessa’s car was sitting in front of a junk yard, and she was more confused than frustrated. Leaving her bag at her feet, she climbed out of the passenger seat and thanked her she hadn’t died because of Lucas’s wild and erratic driving.

“Okay, why are we at a junk yard?” The question came out curious, and Lucas smirked slightly as he grabbed her hand again to pull her through the giant front gate.

“My cousin owns this yard, and I kind of vented to him last night, so he said I could come here and beat the shit out of a junker car as long as I paid for it. Come on.” Now Tessa was more than confused. She didn’t want to beat up an inanimate object; she wanted to be validated that she could be trusted. True, her mother’s conversation had made her feel a little better, but she was far from fine with this whole situation.

Following quietly, though, Tessa couldn’t deny the thoughtfulness, the consideration that Lucas was showing her. He was probably going through the same thing she was. Frowning, she didn’t like that she’d just added guilt to her volatile mix of emotions.

“Thank you, Lucas.” Flashing another smirk, Lucas let go of her hand to duck into a murky looking office that reeked of cigarette smoke only to emerge two seconds later with sledge hammers and safety goggles.

“Let’s get this party started, babe.”

Tessa swung the sledge hammer with force and let out a laugh. Lucas had been right for once after all, and she felt a lot better now that she was getting her anger out. She’d only been hitting the car with all her might for half an hour, but she felt lighter than a feather. As for the car, well, it wasn’t even recognizable. Maybe she should’ve started playing softball or something.

“Yeah! Hit that bitch!” Cheering her on, Lucas stood nearby with his goggles on his face and a huge grin across his lips. Tessa was clumsy with the hammer and the fact that she was wearing tight shorts made for a good laugh, and he liked watching her backside move. It helped that she had a nice laugh and a witty personality.

“If we leave now we can make it back to school for my last course, Lucas.” Watching Lucas put the sledge hammers and goggles back, Tessa felt her elation slowly becoming heavier and heavier. Her lightness was disappearing, and she was worried because she’d never missed a day of college. Sure, her professors wouldn’t mind it, but she did.

Lucas, though, didn’t seem to be inclined to go back to school, and he crossed his arms over his broad chest.

“Don’t think so, Tessa. You and me are gunna have a talk now that you’re not going commando on my ass.” Groaning quietly, Tessa didn’t want to talk. She wanted to go back to class and keep feeling like everything was fine until she went home and apologized to her mother for being such a spoil sport. Making their way back to her car, Tessa was glad she was able to get behind the wheel, but she didn’t turn the car on as she waited for Lucas to continue the conversation.

“Listen, Tessa, my dad’s not a bad guy, and he feels like shit about just springing this on you. I mean, he feels bad for me too, but I’m his kid and… yeah. Anyway, he and your mom told me yesterday that they’re not gunna push anything on us, like moving in together or something.”

Thankfully Tessa already knew that- her mother had made it clear that they weren’t going to move in together until they were married, by which time she would have a place of her own. Hopefully, that is. Leaning back in her seat, she let out a deep breath and frowned as she stared at the drooping fabric that covered the ceiling of her car.

“I know- it just seems so weird. I mean, she couldn’t even get out of bed for months after my dad died. Thinking about her dating someone long enough to want to marry them is… insane.”

Their conversation dragged on and at some point Tessa glanced at the time only to find that she would just be getting home right about then. Pushing the key into the ignition, she reached up to rub her face before inhaling, not wanting to give Lucas another excuse to drive her car.

Safe to say that Tessa’s bad mood appeared almost immediately once they’d arrived at her house, because Lucas was absolutely clueless about power point presentations.

Frowning as she leaned over his shoulder, Tessa pointed to the screen once again before giving up and tapping him a little harder than necessary.

“You know what, why don’t you do the research and I’ll do the power point.” Taking his seat, since Lucas practically jumped at the chance to switch jobs, Tessa began fleshing out the general outline of the power point. Her fingers moved swiftly across the keyboard, and she pursed her lips together in concentration. At least Lucas didn’t make a total mess and force her to start over.

“Hey, I’m gonna go see what’s in your fridge really quick.” Without another word of forewarning, Lucas left Tessa to sit in a lonely silence that she relished. Sometimes being alone was a good thing, and it gave her a little boost of concentration. Leaning towards her laptop monitor, she started to bite her lip out of habit.




The days that passed by were starting to become routine, and it bothered Tessa. After three days, she started to expect Lucas to walk her to her car, come to her house and work on their presentation. She started to miss his company and the goofy things he’d say when she was angry at him for doing something stupid.

So, instead of driving home alone like she knew she should’ve, Tessa made her way to the formidable unknown that most people called the football field. She sat on a low resting bleacher, and pulled out the latest installment of her favorite book- if she was going to sit here, then it might as well be worth it.

Honestly, she was worried for herself, because without this presentation pairing she would’ve never even considered going within twenty miles of the damn field.

“Tessa? What are you doing here?” Lucas’s voice snapped her out of the lust filled daze that Tessa had been immersed in as her two main characters finally relieved the sexual tension between them, and she frowned.
was she doing here?

“Waiting for you.” Deadpanned, the response made Lucas furrow his eyebrows before running his hand through his wet hair in an action that made Tessa’s already hot body flare a little. Silently, though, she scolded herself, because she couldn’t develop feelings for someone so brutish. He was a person that, by law, would soon be her step brother, and therefore it was socially unacceptable to crush on him.

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