Read ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories) Online

Authors: Lyra Daniels

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ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories) (102 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories)
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              Armand wrapped his arms around her, his hands resting on her breasts so that he could toy with her nipples and bury his head in her neck, moaning softly as he nipped at the soft skin. She smelled so damn good.

              Sara was already moaning, her legs quivering as Jager began to kiss down her body, leaving a trail of fire behind. Her stomach rolled with anticipation and she could feel a burning desire between her legs that she hadn’t felt in years. Her eyes widened as Jaeger settled between her legs, grinning and ducking his head to taste her sweet petals.

              Her back arched sharply but she spread her legs for him, cheeks flushing with heat as she turned her head to the side. Armand chuckled and ran his thumb over her erect nipple, leaning into her ear and kissing her jaw.

              “Don’t worry, Bella. He is very good at what he does. You won’t be disappointed.”

              She didn’t doubt for a second that he was going to make her see heaven. A breathy laugh erupted from her as she arched her back, trying to get more of that velvety mouth.

              “You two...Aren’t human, are you?” She whispered playfully.

              Armand chuckled, his fingers dancing across her soft body and tangling in her hair. “You have no idea, darling.”

              She wasn’t really sure what he meant but she wasn’t about to comment on it. It had been so long so long since a man had touched her with such kindness and eroticism. Sara didn’t want to ruin what was shaping up to be such a wonderful morning.

              There was a familiar heat building in her belly and she felt herself standing at the brink of her orgasm, looking down into the dark waters of passion. She wanted to be engulfed by them and it wasn’t going to take much. No one had loved her like this in such a long time. She stepped forward, in her mind, as Jaeger found a particularly sensitive spot.

              She felt safe in Armands arms and as Jaeger curled his arms around her thighs to drag her closer she tumbled off the cliff and into the warm waters, letting them crash over her and engulf her.

              Sara cried their names, her fingers tangling in Jagers hair as her eyes widened and her back arched sharply. She repeated their names over and over again in a desperate, hushed tone, pleading for more even as Jaeger was crawling up her body to grace her with a tender kiss. He smiled against her lips and she moaned, tasting herself on him. It was sticky and sweet and oh so erotic. She wanted more of it.

              Jaeger chuckled against her lips and pulled away enough to speak, pressing their foreheads together.

“There will be so much more, my love.” He whispered.

              Sara laughed shakily and nodded, still trying to regain her composure. She was about to respond to his comment but a loud, crashing sound made her jump, her eyes wide as she turned her head to look towards the bedroom door. A familiar voice floated in from the living room and it made Sara’s blood run cold.

! Where are you?!” It was Henry and he was raging drunk.


Armand and Jaeger were up and dressed in a matter of seconds and their speed actually surprised Sara. She’d never seen anyone react so quickly. She realized they were heading for the door and gasped, jumping up and pulling her nightgown over her shoulders, though she didn’t close the front. She ran in front of the door, throwing her arms out, her eyes full of terror.

              “Don’t go out there. He gets crazy when he’s drunk.” She knew he owned a gun and she feared that more than anything.

Armand smiled gently and kissed her forehead, pulling her away from the door and guiding her to sit on the bed, putting his hands on both of her shoulders.

“Don’t worry, Bella. We’ll take care of this.” He kissed her nose and then turned back to Jaeger, nodding.

Sara wanted to argue with him and insist that they stay right where they were but something about Armand’s tone of voice inspired confidence in her and she nodded as they exited the room and stepped out into the living room of the apartment.

The fireplace was still smoldering, though it wasn’t burning so the living room had become cold overnight. Both men looked far more casual than Henry had ever seen them. They were dressed in jeans and plain T-shirts and even like that they managed to look refined. When they stepped out, Henry raised a small revolver that he kept for protection, wavering on his feet a little.

Jaeger took a moment to asses Henry, shaking his head and laughing a little. He was completely blitzed and his round face was red with drunkenness, sweat pouring down his fat neck and leaving a wet ring around the collar of his dirty shirt.

“Where’s Sara?”

?” Jager hissed, his eyes narrowing.

“My girlfriend!” He snapped.

“She hasn’t been yours for a long time, Henry. The second you laid a hand on her...You gave her up.” Armand said firmly, crossing his arms.

“Bullshit! That’s for her to decide!” Henry blubbered.

“Of course it is….And she’s already decided. So put your little toy away and go home, Henry. We don’t want this to be a bloodbath.” Armand said, sounding bored.

Jager licked his lips, his eyes shining. “Speak for yourself.” Jaeger had always enjoyed a good fight.

Armand offered Jaeger a bored look and sighed. “It won’t even be any fun. Look at him.” He said, waving a hand in the tubby man’s direction.

Henry was shaking with anger, stumbling closer towards them and wavering for a moment like he might lose his balance and topple to the floor any second. He dropped the gun a moment to balance himself and then brought it back up, cocking the hammer back as he looked between them.

“You lied!” He screamed, face getting even redder, if that was possible. “You took everything from me!” he spat out.

“You let everything go. You were blinded by a little bit of cash and you couldn’t play the long game. I have news for you, Henry,” Armand whispered, stepping forward, Jaeger right behind him and grinning with the same toothy grin that had unsettled Henry so much the first time they met months ago. “If you are so greedy that you can’t even play the game...You shouldn’t have come into our ring in the first place.” He whispered dangerously.

Henry was feeling very intimidated and took a step back, gun still raised. “Just...give me back Sara. I’m not gonna come after any of the money you fuckers owe me but I want Sara back.”

The arguing from the other room caught Sara’s attention and she stood, going to the door and cracking it open enough that she could see but not be seen. Jaeger and Armand were bearing down on Henry with an animalistic bloodlust in their eyes. They wanted him to pay for all the wrongs he’d done and Sara wasn’t going to stop them.

“You aren’t getting anything from us, Henry.” Jaeger said with a grin. “You don’t deserve a goddamn thing in this world other than a shallow grave.”

Armand smiled and turned back to Henry, his head cocking to the side. “I’m afraid my partner here is right, and if you don’t turn around and march yourself right at that door you so kindly destroyed, you’re going to get exactly what you deserve.”

“Are you...Are you threatening me?” Henry whispered, his voice sounding small and vaguely afraid.

Armand laughed and shook his head, his intense golden eyes shining as they settled on Henry’s terrified, sweaty face. “Oh no. I’m making a promise.”


Henry raised the gun again, his eyes wide in terror. He couldn’t explain why but he was terrified of the men who were suddenly looming over him, threatening him. It was the strangest type of danger he’d ever seen.

              Working in a club meant that he had to toss a lot of people out. He’d broken up plenty of fights and been in a few himself. He’d seen what anger looked like and what impending danger looked like. He’d seen men stabbed and shot, but he’d never seen such a quiet, devastating storm brewing behind someone's eyes.

              Jaeger and Armand were nearly on top of him now and weren’t even giving the gun a second look. They stopped inches from his face and Armand spoke in a cool tone.

              “This is your last chance to leave, Henry.” He whispered.

              “Don’t you think we’ve given him enough chances, Armand?” Jaeger asked, licking his lips like an animal excited for dinner.

              Henry actually considered turning and walking out the door but found his resolve and raised the gun again.

              “I’m not going anywhere.”

              “He’s made his choice, Armand!” Jaeger said excitedly.

              Armand chuckled and cracked his neck. “Very well.”

              Sara nearly ran out to stop the confrontation that was about to happen. Henry had a gun and Armand and Jaeger were left defenseless. She’d opened the door enough to slip a single leg out when Jaeger’s hand darted out as fast as lightning and snatched the gun from Henry’s hands. He held the barrel in one hand and the butt in the other, bending it like it was a pipe cleaner.

              A gasp left Sara and she ducked back into to room, still watching through a tiny crack as a terrified noise left Henry’s lips. His hands came up as if to protect his face and the real show began.

Sara’s eyes widened as she watched hair spring from the back of Armand and Jaeger’s neck. The sea of thick, dark hair spread along their entire body and their hands and feet began to grow, claws sprouting from them and glistening in the early morning light. Their faces elongated and became bear snouts as bones cracked into place. They each grew another two feet or so and now took the form of huge, lumbering black bears. Both of them still stood on their back legs, animal grins still on their lips, though they looked far more menacing and their teeth were much more terrifying.

              Sara’s first reaction wasn’t fear. She had to reach down deep to even begin to find the terror that she knew she should feel and when she tried to pull it to the surface, it just wouldn’t come. Somehow she knew that Armand and Jaeger would never hurt her or her baby. Even as they stood in the living room, turned to great beasts, she knew they weren’t the monsters in this situation.

              While Sara wasn’t scared, Henry was terrified. The second the gun had been taken from him he felt nothing but sheer terror. He wasn’t big or strong like Armand and Jaeger. He hadn’t stood a chance when they were human. It was the very reason he’d brought his gun! Now that they were bears….He couldn’t even finish that thought. It seemed too absurd.

              He was pressed back against the door as one of them lumbered towards him. Its monstrous paws were raised as saliva dripped from its mouth full of razor sharp teeth. Jaeger came closer and closer, while Armand remained behind, guarding the bedroom door with his large form. They weren’t going to drop their guard for a second. They needed to protect Sara and her baby. That was more important than the serving Henry his due.

              Jaeger let out a roar that shook the house and made Sara’s eyes close on instinct. He came down, his enormous paws on either side of the door frame that Henry was trapped against. The balding man let out a cry of terror and closed his eyes as the teeth inched closer and closer to his face.

              Jaeger would have given anything to tear this guy limb from limb for hurting their precious Sara. She deserved a violent redemption but the last thing either of them wanted was for her to be terrified of them. They would have to let this one go.

              Another roar filled the house and Jaeger’s paw came down on the door. It separated from the hinges and fell back into the long empty hall. Henry went with it, falling onto his back as a bear descended down on him.

              They were face to face now, Jaegers long snout and wet nose, centimeters from Henry’s face. Hot saliva dripped from his teeth and fell onto Henry’s cheeks. A scream that didn’t quite fit a man left Henry’s lips and he scrambled on all fours, turning and running down the hall, screaming for police to save him from the vicious bears.

              Jaeger didn’t move from the hallway a moment, wanting to make sure that Henry was gone for good. He turned back into the living room and his stark blue eyes met Sara’s. She was still standing in the doorway, though she’d pushed it open now, looking between them with huge, sky blue eyes.

              There was a sense of worry in their eyes and she just smiled, stepping forward and reaching up to put a hand on top of their furry heads. They were back on all fours now, though even then they were still at her eye level. She reached up and wrapped her arms around their thick necks, smiling.

              She knew they had expected her to run. They’d expected her to be afraid, but she couldn’t manage to feel anything other than an overwhelming gratefulness and adoration for them. Sara didn’t say anything. She felt like words would ruin the moment and so she just stood there and held them as their wet noses pressed into her neck. It was akin to a kiss and she decided she liked it.


Henry brought the police back eventually, blubbering drunkenly about a wild animal but Jaeger and Armand had long since gone back to their human forms. Jaeger had fixed the gun and when Henry came back with the police, all three of them attested to the fact that Henry had broken into their home with the gun and threatened them. They claimed he had been hallucinating and ran screaming when he saw some invisible bear.

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories)
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