Read ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories) Online

Authors: Lyra Daniels

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ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories) (100 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories)
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“You look relaxed today”

“Is that a compliment?” Oliver asked.

“I think so”

Michelle sat up in her bed and thought of the sexual desires that had all of a sudden overwhelmed her. She had tried to use vibrators before and dildos but it was not the same, it was not want her body really wanted. She looked up into Oliver’s eyes and his gorgeous smile only made her situation worse.

“Please do me a favor”, she said.


“Would you lie down next to me?”

Oliver thought the request was rather odd but he could not compare it with the other odd demands Michelle had been throwing her way during the pregnancy term. He took his shoes off and slowly slipped in between the covers and lay next to her. He placed a hand on her waist and pulled her closer to him cautiously. Michelle loved the masculine feeling that he had brought in her bed and his scent overwhelmed her. She wanted him to hold her but wanted more than that. Michelle was afraid of being too forward and direct with him but above all was afraid of being rejected.

She decided to roll the dice however and turned on her side, she then pulled him closer to her and placed a wanting kiss on his lips. Oliver did not reject her and in fact welcomed the idea. He let his hands rub her breasts as the other stroked her back as he tried his best to be gentle with her.

“Don’t do that”, Michele said after pulling away from their kiss momentarily.

“I am so sorry are you Ok? I hope I did not hurt you”

“Don’t be too gentle with me Oliver”, Michelle answered and completely ignored his question “I want you and I want you really bad”

“I hear you” Oliver answered and immediately got to work. He made sure she was nice and comfortable in a good sexual position before ramming into her and making slow thrusts.

“Harder Oliver, faster”, Michelle pleaded.

“Are you sure”

“Of course I am sure”, Michelle answered.

Oliver obediently did as asked and went on to thrust harder and faster. He loved the look on Michelle’s face as he went on to thrust into her and only tightened his grip when he was about to climax. He was careful not to let his weight down on her as he threw himself to the side of the bed right next to her.

“That was amazing”, Oliver said.

“I am going to let you catch your breath before we go for a second round”, Michelle said.

The two spent the rest of the morning having more steamy sessions and only emerged from the room when hunger got the better of them. Michelle took a quick shower before walking out of the room with Oliver and headed down for lunch.

“I am so hungry”, Michelle announced and was the first to sit on the dining table. She let out a sigh of anticipation as the different aromas filled the air around her.

“That was really good”, Oliver said and tried to make Michelle concentrate on something else other than food.

“It was”, she answered with a shy smile “I don’t know if you are up to doing it again later?”

“I am”, Oliver answered “I must confess, I have thought about it for quite some time now”

“Really? Wasn’t that tormenting?”

“You have no idea”, Oliver answered “But I can proudly say reality is much better than the fantasy”

Michelle again let out a shy smile and could feel her lady parts get excited. She looked at the dining table and a few ideas started forming in her head.

“I have a funny request”

“I have been at the receiving end of those lately”, Oliver answered with a cheeky smile.

“Can we have it on this table?”

Oliver had not expected her to make that suggestion and was immediately taken back by it.

“I thought you said you were hungry?”

“I am”, Michelle answered “But we could do it after lunch”

David walked into the room immediately and they had to change the subject. A maid trailed him pushing a trolley right behind her and parked it in front of them. She went on to serve the meal for both of them and chose to give Michelle a generous serving. They went on to devour their meal but Michelle could tell there was something on Oliver’s mind.

“Something on your mind Oliver?”

“A lot actually”


“How would you feel about extending the contract?”

“For how long? Michelle asked the subject matter had really caught her attention.

“For the first six months”, Oliver answered “I think it’s good for the baby to be on exclusive breast milk until then”

“I think so too”

“Is that a yes? Will you stay?”

Michelle nibbled on her food before looking up into Oliver’s eyes and saying what was on her mind.

“I want to stay forever”, Michelle said “I want to raise my baby with you, I want to terminate the contract”

Oliver had clearly not seen that coming and got to his feet. He paced around the grand dining room and Michelle could tell he was in turmoil.

“I am sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything”, she apologized “It’s just that I have gotten so attached to you and the baby”

“Please, do not apologize”, Oliver said and resumed his asset. He stretched forward his hand and took Michelle’s hands in his.

“Michelle there is something about me that you need to know before you make such a decision”

“What is it?”

“I am going to show you in a minute but you can only make your decision then”, Oliver answered “And you have to promise me not to scream”

“I promise”, Michelle answered back merely out of need but she knew she would scream if needed to.

She watched as Oliver got to his feet and took a few steps back from her, he then gave her a last look before shutting his eyes and facing the ceiling. Michelle looked at the transformation that took place right in front of her. She wanted to scream and run but something inside her held her together. Oliver was in another form now, not human, His oval face had widened and earth brown fur had grown on it. He had claws in place of his hand and feet and had broad shoulders. His teeth were also different and his nose had elongated from his face. The whole of his body was covered with fur which took Michelle back to her dream. Oliver had transformed into a bear right in front of her.

Michelle tried to feel scared but could not; instead she got to her feet and walked over to where he was. She could hear him breathing and letting out a few groan like sounds as she walked.  She stopped right in front of him and directed her hand to his face before cupping his bear like cheek and stroking it lovingly.

“I love you Oliver”

The words seemed to have an effect on Oliver as he turned back to his human form but was in the nude.

“I love you too Michelle”, he replied “I have loved you since they day I saw you sited in the playground”

They locked each other in a tight embrace before Oliver taking a step back and cupping Michelle’s cheek.

“How about I fulfill your funny request now?”

“How about it” she answered and loved how he carried her towards the dining table. Michelle felt complete after seeing Oliver in his other form, as much as she had never been a believer of true love; she now had a different opinion.


The End

Book 2: Claimed

The curtains lifted and Sara’s heart fluttered in her chest. She normally would have loved the feeling of having the lights on her. A few years before she’d adored singing and performing on the stage. It had left her feeling empowered.

              Now she felt trapped. She felt dirty and cornered and she had nowhere to run. Sara was starting to feel like she had when she was a small girl, trying to find her place in the world. She felt like she was in that horrible town all over again.

              Sara had grown up in the small community of Franklin, Tennessee. It was the type of place where status meant everything and you were only as good as your money. Sara’s father owned a pizzeria in town and since he was set up in such an affluent neighborhood, he could charge a little more for his food.

Sal’s was the only pizza joint in town and people were happy to pay for it. What they didn’t like was Sal and his family living in their midst. Old money was the only kind of money people in Franklin liked. If you couldn’t afford to have your wife living at home then you didn’t belong.

Franklin liked money but it loved conformity. When they had first moved there, Sara thought it was funny that all of the blonde women had the same haircut and wore the same types of dresses. She had admired them. They all looked so pretty and coiffed. Sara decided she wanted to be just like them one day.

Too bad that day never came. Sara and her family weren’t welcomed in the community. When she went to school for first day, people frowned at her olive skin and dark hair. She was an outcast from the beginning even though she was beautiful. Her mother told her she was too beautiful and that’s why people were so hard on her.

She’d sit up in her room, staring at herself in the mirror. Her bright blue eyes were always wet with unshed tears and her cheeks had a rosy hue to them without needing blush. Full lips parted in a silent sob and she would stare at herself and weep. She wanted to be like everyone else.

Her struggle wouldn’t stop with her skin tone or her dark, curly locks. When she entered high school she began to notice that she had fuller hips than the rest of the girls. Her breasts were bigger and her stomach was softer. Sara was a petite 5’2” but filled out a little too well everywhere else. She had her mother’s thick build and winding curves.

Sara was drop dead gorgeous but she’d always think of herself as fat. That’s what she heard whispered in the hallways and when someone hears something enough, they begin to believe it.

She didn’t want to draw any more attention to herself so she wore baggy clothes that hid her curves and hips and refused to wear make-up. She didn’t want to stand out. She wanted to blend right in and go unnoticed.

Sara did her best to avoid any kind of attention but was unable to escape it when a small French woman came to her high school to teach music. The school put Ms. Dupuy in charge of everything from band to choir. It was the thing Sara’s nightmares were made of. She didn’t want to get on stage and give all the kids in her school a chance to make fun of her.

Ms. Dupuy saw Sara’s fear and knew that she could pull something out of the shy girl. She asked Sara to stay after class one day and sing her a song. Sara had never sung in front of someone before and the idea made her stomach roll. Ms. Dupuy was kind, though and she knew that she was safe with the short, silver haired woman.

When Sara opened her mouth and sang, Ms. Dupuy’s eyes widened and grin spread across her face. She’d walked over to Sara and put a hand on the girl’s shoulder, squeezing it as she spoke.

“Child, you have a gift. Don’t let it go to waste.”

It was the best advice that Sara ever got. She joined her school’s choir and became the best singer in it. She was recognized in multiple performances and went on to be a student at Juilliard. She never imagined that she would enjoy being on stage and having all eyes on her.

              The moment she escaped that tiny, wretched town she realized that people adored her figure. Men fawned over her and women envied her curves and luscious hair. In Franklin she had been fat and ugly but here in New York she was vibrant, beautiful and curvy. She loved the word curvy. It made her feel beautiful.

              New York had changed her life but it had come with a price. She’d started out as a popular singer, performing in a new club every night. She loved the feeling of being on stage and she never wanted to give that up.

              A man named Henry Fessler came to her one night and offered her a steady gig. He was a big man with strong arms, thick hair and a handsome face. Sara fell head over heels. She agreed to work in his club and a romance blossomed between them.

              It was storybook perfect for a while until the business started to fail. Clubs weren’t something that were easy to keep open and as attendance started to dwindle, Henry’s anger and desperation increased. He would take his anger out on Sara and the poor girl always seemed to think she deserved it.

              She didn’t put up a fight when she’d been ordered to perform in nothing but a thin piece of pink, gauzy fabric draped over her bottom and most intimate parts. She hadn’t argued but she wished she had.

              The curtain rose and tears welled in the corners of her eyes, spilling down her cheeks as she sang and swayed her hips. Men stood and put money at the edge of the stage, though Sara knew she wouldn’t see a cent of it. It would all go right back to Henry and his drinking problem.

              There were hundreds of eyes on her and she resented them. She wanted to run and hide like she had when she was a little girl. There was no way out of this now. If she left he would kill her. Henry had told her that many times.


The stress of owning a club had turned Henry into a monster. He would never admit it, of course, but he had spiraled down a dark hole he couldn’t dig himself out of. He owed more money than he’d ever be able to earn and his future looked bleak. It wasn't just his future, either. It was Sara’s future as well. It was how he was justifying the meeting he was having.

              Two handsome, European men sat across the table from him. They’d both refused liquor and were drinking water instead. Henry was starting to wonder if they were gay together or something.

              He eyed the two handsome men and downed his own shot in one gulp, “So you guys are interested in Sara, huh?”

              The taller blonde spoke first. His English was perfect but he had a thick German accent. It was the only hint that he was a foreigner.

              “Yes. We are very interested in her. We were surprised to find out that she wasn’t a private contractor.” He said, sipping his water.

              His partner nodded, his own accent vaguely European but hard to place. “We were honestly hoping to talk to her. Not her manager.”

              Henry wrinkled his nose and leaned back, eyeing the two men, his dull brown eyes narrowing in distrust. He didn’t like the way these guys were talking to him. This was his club and Sara was his performer. He hadn’t called her his girlfriend in a long time. Her preferred to call her his performer. It allowed him to distance himself from his emotions. He’d never imagined himself as an abusive boyfriend and it was a hard pill to swallow. Henry had found a chicken way out in simply refusing to acknowledge their relationship.

              “If you can’t talk to me, you can’t talk to her. I have to protect my talent and my interests.”

              The taller of the two, Jaeger, eyed him dangerously but smiled instead of lashing out. They had to play their cards right. After all, Sara smelled oh so good and he wouldn’t want to lose this chance to procure her.

              “I completely understand, Mr. Fessler.”

              “Call me Henry”

              “Henry. We are very interested in talking to both of you. Our businesses could be good for each other. We could open up at different times, share a performer and reap the profit of a larger audience. My partner and I own nightclubs all over the country. We’ve been in the business for some time now and our clientele is very vast.” The dark haired man commented.

              Jaeger and his partner, Armand, were both very wealthy businessmen with a bit of a secret. Their clubs weren’t regular clubs that normal people went to. Their clubs catered to the very wealthy and the supernatural. Their clientele included shifters, demi-gods and everything in between. It was a very lucrative business since supernatural creatures didn’t have many places to meet up.

              In the dark ages they’d had to hide in caves and stay away from the human world, existing in the shadows. It was no kind of life for any creature. It was shameful and difficult to be a supernatural creature. Jaeger and Armand understood the struggle because they themselves were bear shifters. Men who could take the form of bears if they let their anger and emotions get the better of them.

              They understood the hardships that came with their kind’s existence and so they created places where they could gather and be themselves. Jaeger and Armand opened many boutique nightclubs that catered to people like themselves. Most creatures, including Armand and Jaeger were hundreds of years old. With that age, money almost always followed. They’d had multiple lifetimes to perfect skills and build empires.

              Empires like the nightclubs that Jaeger and Armand owned. Their clients always enjoyed a live show and they preferred human performers. Something about the smell and warmth of humans drove supernatural creatures crazy. Scent was very important to most of them and that was exactly what had dragged Armand and Jaeger into this club.

              Sara had a scent like no other and they found themselves incredibly interested in her. She didn’t smell like any other human that they’d encountered. She was something entirely new and exciting.

              Armand licked his lips and flashed Henry a grin that was all teeth. Henry wasn’t sure why but he was vaguely uncomfortable. He cleared his throat and addressed his potential business partners, looking between them for a moment. He stirred his drink idly before speaking.

              “A partnership between nightclubs, huh? I never heard of something like that.”

              “We’ve done it before, Mr. f-Henry. We’ve seen this work.” Armand assured, running a hand through his thick, curly hair.

              It made Henry self-conscious of his own balding head. He cleared his throat and leaned back. “And you want my talent to perform at your club?”

              “Yes. In the early evenings. When she’s finished her act and our club is closing down, we’ll send all of our clients your way for an encore.” Jaeger explained.

              There was a moment of tense silence between them and Henry sighed.

              “I don’t know...Seems fishy.”

              “Not at all, Henry. It is the most legitimate course of action you could possibly take.” Armand assured, flashing him another toothy smile.

              There was something animalistic about that smile and it unnerved Henry. Jaeger continued the conversation, reaching into his jacket pocket. Henry stiffened but relaxed when Jaeger pulled out a wad of cash and set it on the table. Henry’s eyes widened when he realized the pile of money was all in hundreds.

              “Here’s some insurance to calm your worries. That's $10,000 and just a taste of the cash flow we could bring to your business.” Jaeger said, offering a smirk.

              Henry’s eyes were as wide as plates and all he could see were money signs. He reached out and put his hand on the cash but Jaeger stopped him from pocketing it. He stared at Henry with an intense gaze as Armand spoke.

              “We want Sara sent to our office tomorrow at noon for an interview. Have we got a deal?”

              “Oh, we have a deal, gentleman.”


Sara wrapped her jacket around her shoulders and sighed, her breath turning to steam in the cold fall air. She looked around at the tall buildings she was walking passed, impressed by their size. No matter how long she lived in New York, she’d always be impressed by the size of the buildings. Even Nashville’s skyscrapers were puny compared to these monsters.

              She was in a very affluent neighborhood and smiled at the well dressed women as they passed. She knew she looked tired and defeated but she couldn’t help it. It was how she felt. Tried, wasted and defeated. There were days when Sara didn’t even want to crawl out of bed.

              Today was one of those days. She’d found out that she’d been practically sold for the grand sum of $10,000. It was enough to put her in a very bad headspace. She wandered through the streets, her mind somewhere else. When she dug herself into these holes she liked to think back to what life had been like before she met Henry. She liked to imagine herself on the stage with the lights on her. She liked to imagine being dressed in a sparkling gown as the crowd cheered for an encore. She wished she could go back to those days.

              The building where she’d be doing her interview was an old dance hall that had been renovated. The signage outside reminded her of something from old Hollywood and when she entered through the huge swinging doors she was surprised by the amount of work that had gone into renovating the interior.

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories)
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