ROMANCE: Bear Naked Seduction (Billionaire Bear Trio Book 1) (56 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Bear Naked Seduction (Billionaire Bear Trio Book 1)
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Chapter 7

The words echoed through my mind throughout the rest of the day. Did I really stand a chance with her? I'd never been good at making the first move, especially not when they looked as good as Clara. And it had been so long since I'd actually had anything of substance. I tried to relax and focus on enjoying the weekend with my friends. Clara was just a bonus, an enigma, a wild card that was going to do as she pleased.

The night drew in. The moon hung high in the sky, bathing everything in a silvery glow. We lit a fire in the middle of our camp. It crackled and danced and warmed everything. I was entranced by the orange hue. It reminded me of Clara, like she was fire that had come to life. Would I get burned if I got too close? She came down and sat beside me. We were sitting on logs. Parts of me were warmed by the fire; other parts were cold, but when Clara took a seat beside me and her leg touched mine everything went hot at the same time. We passed around meat on a plate and served up rudimentary food. It was hardly gourmet stuff but it had a magical quality to it as well. This was
food and nobody could take that away from us. The fire danced in our eyes. The meat sizzled and it burned the roof of my mouth as I took a bite. I didn't know whether to spit it out or swallow it. In the end I endured the pain and felt it scorch my throat. I imagined it was the same feeling that would come from kissing Clara. She wasn't like a lady at all. This was her place. This was where she belonged and she reveled in it. She tore the meat off the bones like a carnivore. A wild animal. And yet there was something sensual about her as well as she chewed the meat in her mouth. Our eyes met and wickedness flashed in hers. For the first time it was like she was looking at me and only at me. Kira, Simone, and Lisa fell away and there was just the two of us.

They joked and chatted among themselves but it felt like me and Clara were having our own conversation, even though we weren't saying anything. I dropped my paper plate to the floor when I finished with it and when I rose back up I was met by Clara's thumb so close to my mouth that she might as well have put it in there. I wanted to kiss it and suck it.

“You had some food there,” she said, and tended to my messiness with tenderness and understanding. I dipped my head in submissive gratitude and licked my lips, making sure there was nothing else there. But I could still  feel her thumb. Our legs were still touching and it seemed perfectly natural. I knew that the moment they were ripped apart it would feel like I had lost one of my own limbs. Clara leaned forward and toasted a marshmallow. She pulled it back and bit half of it, then offered it to me. It was chewy and messy and I could feel its stickiness in my teeth. Clara smiled and showed me the mess in her mouth,  like she was inviting me to join it. I mimicked her position and it was like I was young again,  playing with the girls, seeing who could be the most disgusting.

We swallowed our marshmallows and continued to look at each other in the flickering light. Both knowing that something was happening. I was scared. Was she? I couldn't imagine so. I wanted the other three to be gone so I could be myself with Clara and show her everything that had been burning inside me since we had first met. Had it only been a matter of hours? It felt as though I had been aware of her for eons. Perhaps we were two souls destined to dance throughout life, twisting and gliding across the floor only to part when the music ended, getting close to being together and then falling apart.

The night stretched endlessly before us and it seemed like the darkness would never end but I knew that it would have to. The light of the sun would rise up and claim this mystical, ethereal feeling from us. I only had limited time. We talked about everything and nothing. I don't even remember what was said I only know that I was enchanted. She said words in her lilting voice. I replied with stumbling words, somehow I managed to say the right things and made her laugh. 

She got closer and closer until we were whispering, sharing secrets with each other, creating a world of our own. Before this day we had been strangers and neither of us had known the other had existed yet now we were linked in an extricable way. Our lives would never be the same after this. I knew that for sure. She slipped her hand over my thigh. I nestled more closely to her, dipping my head towards her, giving her a coy look with my wide eyes. My breath was halting and I was so afraid that something would come and interrupt this perfect, blissful moment.

But it didn't.

Chapter 8

Her arm slipped around my waist. I sidled so close to her that I was almost on her lap. I pressed my head into her neck and smelled her fragrance, a mixture of that same fruity perfume that had so overwhelmed me in the car earlier, but now it was mixed in with an earthy smell and a salty smell, but it was all her, and I was intoxicated. My eyes were glassy and hazy. The other girls had gone to bed. I didn't know when. Had they ever been there? The fire was dwindling, turning to embers, soon there would only be ashes left but not of our passion. Not of our...dare I say

“I'm going to make you do something you've never done before,” she said, and gripped my hand. I looked up at her, resisting like usual, but she gave me a pouting look and I knew that I wasn't going to be able to refuse this invitation. I let myself be pulled up and we ran away into the darkness. 

When we emerged by the lake I couldn't believe it. This time there was nobody else around. I gazed out at the beautiful sight of the water before me, then I turned when I heard the sound of clothes being pulled off. Once again Clara was stripping down but this time she wasn't stopping at her underwear. She reached behind her and unclasped her bra. It fell away and my mouth fell down. Her breasts were large, round, pert, and her nipples stuck out,  pointing directly at me. She wriggled out of her panties, showing me her most intimate area, baring everything to me and the moon. She sauntered forward and before I knew it we were locked in an embrace.  Her blazing lips were locked with mine and her tongue was deep in my throat. Her hands ran around my hair and my back, pulling me into her, using all the tricks she used in her profession to find the tender parts of my body and make the pleasure ooze out, and my flailing arms eventually wrapped around her body. My fingers ran down her naked flesh and I felt goosebumps ripple over the skin. On the balmy night I knew it wasn't the temperature causing these, but my touch. I smiled as I dug my nails into her skin and made her gasp. A hot breath passed between us and she smiled a sultry smile.

She ran her hands down the sides of my body, deliberately not touching my breasts, saving that for later, and took the ends of my top in between her fingers and slowly pulled it over my head. She turned me around and unclasped my bra, then I felt her hands come around my body and play with my breasts, pinching my nipples. My head leaned back against the nape of her neck and my eyes squeezed shut. I felt her breasts press against my back, and then, deeper, her heartbeat thundering against mine. My hands reached up and pulled her hand down, lower, to my wetness that was on fire, to the place in between my thighs were my entire body cried out in  sweet anguish. I felt her smile as she touched my. I almost crumpled in her embrace. Her fingers were inside me and danced around, feeling their way to my sweet spots. It was like she had been making love to me all her life because she knew exactly what to do to drive me crazy. I twisted my head, desperately trying to reach her lips for another fiery kiss but she kept just out of reach.

She slipped the rest of my clothes off and then we were both naked. She turned me around and we kissed madly again. This time my hand found hers and it was my turn to drive her crazy. Our hands worked magic with each other, stroking and teasing each other as the moon shone down upon us, two goddesses in the light of life.

“I had no idea you wanted this,” I said, my doubts now quelled, and my mind seized by a furious lust. I buried myself in her red hair and kissed her neck. We were deep inside each other now, joined and unbroken.

“Lisa told me you were uptight. Thought it'd be a challenge. Glad you made it easy though,” she said, kissing me again, “thought I was done with this. Thought romance was dead.”

“Guess we've given it the kiss of life,” I said, and we were silenced by each other again. Part of me wondered what she meant by that. Who would have broken her heart? I didn't know where she had come from or what her dreams were but there was plenty of time to figure that out. That was something to do in the morning light, when we could reflect on the afterglow of our lovemaking and smile in the glory of the dawn. For now we were lost in the a cocoon of our own making, still writhing together. I felt my body grow weak as it trembled all over. We edged closer to the shore, the grass softer under our feet. I could feel ourselves tumbling down and eventually it happened. We rolled and twisted until she rested on top of me. Her red hair brushed against my body as she kissed my breasts and sucked on my nipples, then moved down, her breath warm and hot on that cool summer's night. I felt her on my inner thighs and then she was inside me again, my own juices mixing with her saliva, my legs tensing and my muscles clenching all through my body. I looked down, sharp moans escaped my throat, rising up from deep inside me in a place where very few had dared to tread. All I saw was a mass of red hair pleasuring me, pleasing me, sending me to another world. Her hands groped at my breasts and my skin and I was hers, all hers.

Clara crawled down the bank, dragging me with her. The sea beckoned. What delights did this temptress have for me next? I let her take me into the watery depths. She slipped effortlessly into the water. It framed her breasts perfectly, making her glisten like a mythical being. In that moment I did wonder if she was real or not, for I was afraid that I would wake in my own tent with only the memory of a kiss. But her hands were still over me, still touching me as she went into the water. I followed. I clutched at the bank, grabbing blades of grass, my last shred of resistance. Explosions burst across my body and I suddenly realized how empty my life had been. Clara buried herself in me under the water and the pleasure overwhelmed me to such an extent that I let go of the bank and followed her into the water. I felt it rush around my mouth and ears and eyes, and the last thing I remember was looking up at the stars, knowing that I was in heaven.






If It Isn’t Her


Chapter 1

I remember all their faces when I told them that I was leaving. Bobby was there looking crestfallen. After I had made the announcement he came up to me and tried to get me to stay, told me that we could be married and have kids, that even though we'd only been on a few dates we could still be together properly because that's how people used to do it in the old days. He even had his mother's wedding ring to give me to. I wanted to slap him. Was he so blind, or was I that good an actor? I suppose having kept a secret for so long I must have gotten good at it. I'd only been on a few dates with him because both he and my parents had been so insistent but being with him made my skin crawl. He had acne on his forehead. He slurped his drinks. His lips smacked when he hate and he kept trying to hold my hand, to be close to me, but I needed him otherwise people would have known the truth and that wouldn't have done in my precious small town.

But he was just one of the faces. There were the others as well, my parents, all the townspeople. Everyone. It was like you couldn't do anything without anyone being involved. Some people liked the close-knit nature of the community but I found it stifling and suffocating, like I was losing myself in the whole.

When I said that I was leaving there was an icy silence, then a few moments later some murmurs rippled through the crowd.
How could she be leaving?
I heard the astonishment in their voices. This place was paradise a slice of the traditional past, a town that prided itself on being wholesome and pure and chaste in an effort to fight against the terrible corruption of the modern world. Why would anyone leave paradise by choice?

There had been a few people to leave before me and it had always caused consternation. Usually it was people being thrown out of town by a vote of the committee, of which my father was part. He was old but still stood up straight and looked at me with those piercing blue eyes. All I could see in them was disappointment. One time, two men had been asked to leave town because their friendship was disturbing some people. Another time, music found us and the committee actually tried to ban dancing. One of the schoolteachers was fired because she was too kind to her students and people thought there was something funny going on. I don't think there was though. No one I've ever spoken to has ever told me that she mistreated them in any way. But the town is ruled by fear and paranoia, and the minute they think the serpent is slithering through Eden they're ready with their pitchforks.

That's why I had to leave because I knew that I couldn't be myself while I was there. I knew that I had to leave since I was little. I looked around at all the square houses and the white picket fences and the small dogs yapping in the front yards, and I knew that it wasn't going to be a place that I grew up in. I was different and I was lucky enough to have realized that from a young age so I didn't have to go through a lot of confusion. I don't think there was an exact moment when I knew that I liked girls; it's just always been the way things were.

Even when we were younger and were sharing secret things when we had sleepovers, cuddled together under the warm sheets, our soft milky flesh brushing against each other, I knew that I felt different to the others. They would all talk about boys and I would laugh gently and make up lies to keep up with them because I knew if they knew the truth that I would be the center of controversy. If I were outed, then my parents would be forced out of town too. As much as I've been frustrated with them over the course of my life, I didn't want to see them unhappy, and I knew that if they were run out of town they would have been devastated. There's no way they would have made it in the real world. So this isn't a decision that I'm taking wholly for myself, I'm also doing it for them.

My mom ran up to me and hugged me. My father remained restrained.  That broke the tension and everyone else rushed up to me and wished me well, said it was sad that I was leaving but they understood that sometimes people needed to leave to go and experience the world. I'd told them that I wanted to explore the wider world so that I could get to know myself better and have a better understanding of faith and try to implement the teachings of Jesus in the wider world. All I wanted to do was finally lose my virginity, and shed the cloak of shame that haunted me everywhere I turned. I just wanted to live my life without pretense.

That was a week ago and I'm not missing it at all.

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