Rogue Nation: American Unilateralism and the Failure of Good Intentions (2003) (43 page)

BOOK: Rogue Nation: American Unilateralism and the Failure of Good Intentions (2003)
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57.  Christianson, pp. 266-267

58.  Thoning, Margo.
Kyoto Protocol, Climate Change Policy and U.S. Economic Growth
. American Council for Capital Formation (ACCF), Center for Policy Research, Special Reports. October 1998.


1.  ‘The Problem of Landmine-History.’ Canadian Landmine Foundation, www.⁄landmineProb_History.cfm

2.  Fehribach, Bob. ‘Using landmines offers no benefits to U.S. military.’
Lansing State Journal
. January 14, 2003

3.  Wheat, Andrew. ‘Exporting Repression.’
Multinational Monitor
. January 1995

4.  ‘Ban Landmines Campaign: International Campaign to Ban Landmines Condemns Clinton Administration Landmine Policy.’ Statement by International Campaign to Ban Landmines. September 1, 1996

5.  Dunne, Nancy. ‘Clinton to work for an end to land mines.’
Financial Times
. May 17, 1996

6.  Turner, Craig. ‘Canada will Offer Treaty on Landmines by Next Year.’
Los Angeles Times
. October 6, 1996

7.  Remarks by President Clinton on landmines, The White House. September 17, 1997

8.  Ibid

9.  Open letter to President Clinton, published in the
New York Times
. April 3, 1996.

10.  Remarks by President Clinton on landmines, The White House. September 17, 1997

11.  Stewart, John S. ‘Survivors Protest Refusal to Sign Land-Mine Treaty.’
Rocky Mountain News
. March 2, 1999

12.  Calmes, Jackie. ‘Land Mines Treaty Draws Skepticism.’
Wall Street Journal
. August 2, 2001, p. Al

13.  ‘Veterans Urge Bush to Sign Land Mine Treaty.’ Associated Press. February 26, 2002

14.  Kellerhals, Merle D, Jr. ‘UN Small Arms Conference a Success, U.S. Official Says: Action plan focuses on illicit arms trafficking.’ August 20, 2001; http:⁄⁄⁄topical⁄pol⁄arms⁄stories⁄01082001 .htm

15.  Peck, Don. ‘The Gun Trade.’
Atlantic Monthly
. December 2002, Vol.290, No.5

16.  Kellerhals; and ‘Small Arms in Failed States: A Deadly Combination.’ Center for Defense Information, 1999

17.  Laurance, Ed.
Small Arms Survey 2002
. New York: Oxford University Press, September 2002, p. 206

18.  Bolton, John R, Undersecretary for Arms Control and International Security Plenary Address to the UN Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons. New York. July 9, 2001

19.  Ibid

20.  Linzer, Dafina. ‘Small Arms Conference Ends in Victory for U.S.’ Associated Press. July 21, 2001

21.  Raum, Tom. ‘Arms treaty expires today; Many mourn U.S. withdrawal from 1972 ABM agreement.’ The Associated Press. June 13, 2002

22.  Sergeyev, Marshal. ‘Russian Top Brass Develops Response in Case U.S. Drops out of ABM Treaty.’
Daily News Bulletin
. December 26, 2000

23.  Raum

24.  ‘World: Americas U.S. Senate rejects test ban treaty.’ BBC News. October 14, 1999; http:⁄⁄⁄l⁄hi⁄world⁄americas⁄474220.stm

25.  Nitze, Paul H. ‘A Threat Mostly to Ourselves.’
New York Times
. October 28, 1999, p. 31, col.2

26.  ‘Analysis of Voter Attitudes Toward the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.’ Pollsters Mellman Group, Inc. and Wirthlin Worldwide. June 29, 1999.

27- Deutch, John, Henry Kissinger, and Brent Scowcroft. ‘Test-Ban Treaty: Let’s Wait Awhile.’
The Washington Post
. October 6, 1999

28.  Congressional Record-106
Congress. October 13, 1999, p. S12549

29.  ‘Report: U.S. used nerve gas against defectors in Vietnam.’ Associated Press Newswires. June 8, 1998

30.  Nalder, Eric. ‘An aging cache of nerve gas-U.S. plan to burn huge stores of outdated chemical munitions in Oregon has its risks.’
The Seattle Times
. January 17, 1991, p. Al

31.  Daschle, Thomas. ‘S. EXEC. RES. 75, Resolution of Approval of U.S. Ratification of the Chemical Weapons Convention.’ Government Press Releases by Federal Document Clearing House. April 22, 1997

32.  Ibid

33.  Edwards, Rob. ‘War with tears.’
New Scientist
. December 16, 2000, p. 4

34.  ‘US gives up talks on germ warfare.’
Yorkshire Post
. July 26, 2001, p. 12

35.  Higgins, G. Alexander. ‘US Rejects Anti-Germ Warfare Accord.’ Associated Press Online. July 25, 2001

36.  Brugger, Seth. ‘Chemical weapons convention chief removed at U.S. initiative.’
Arms Control Today
. May 1, 2002

37.  ‘Toxic Diplomacy-US Unilateralism Claims Another Victim.’
. April 24, 2002, p. 17

38.  ‘Nothing Gained by America’s Global Tantrum.’
Canberra Times
. July 21, 1998, P9

39.  Schmitt, Michael N. ‘Into uncharted water: The international criminal court.’
Naval War College Review
. January 1, 2000

40.  Neuffer, Elizabeth A. ‘US to Back Out of World Court Plan Envoy: Bush Team May ‘Unsign’ Treaty.’
Boston Globe
. March 29, 2002, p. A22

41.  Gurdon, Hugo. ‘The U.S. Should Unsign Kyoto.’
Wall Street Journal Europe
. October 11, 2002, p. A6

42.  Meyerstein, Ariel. ‘Security Council Grants US 12-month Immunity from International Court.’ July 23, 2002;⁄print⁄onnews⁄iccimunity-print.html

43.  ‘U.S. Military Spending, 1945-1996.’ Center for Defense Information,⁄issues⁄milspend.html

44.  ‘2001-2002 Military Almanac.’Center for Defense Information,⁄ products⁄almanac0102.pdf

45.  Leebaert, Derek.
The Fifty Year Wound: The True Price of Americas Cold War Victory
. New York: Little Brown and Co, 2002, p. 251

46.  Mintz, John. ‘U.S. Acts to Thwart Missile Threat Against Airliners.’
Washington Post
. January 15, 2003, p. Al

47.  Johnson, Chalmers.
Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire
. New York: Metropolitan Books, 2000, p. 90

48.  Department of State Bureau of Verification and Compliance. ‘World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers 1999-2000.’ October 2001;⁄r⁄pa⁄ prs⁄ps⁄2003⁄17447.htm

49.  Stylinski, Andrezej. ‘Poland to Buy Lockheed Jets; U.S.-Backed Loan Aided Decision.’ Associated Press. December 28, 2002

50.  ‘Japan Tries to Rein in Runaway Cost of FSX Fighter.’
Defense News
. July 24, 1995

51.  Tarnoff, Curt and Larry Nowels. ‘Foreign Aid: An Introductory Overview of U.S. Programs and Policy.’ Congressional Research Service Report. Updated April 6, 2001, p. 23; and ‘Foreign Military Sales, Foreign Military Construction Sales and Military Assistance Facts.’ Defense Security Cooperation Agency Facts Book, September 26, 2002;⁄programs⁄Comptroller⁄2001_FACTS⁄default.htm

52.  Ibid., p. 12

53.  Ibid., p. 18

54.  Bite, Vita. ‘LJN System Funding: Congressional Issues.’ Congressional Research Service. January 8, 2003, p. 5

55.  Recer, Paul. ‘Young Americans Flunk Geography, According to National Geographic Quiz Survey.’ Associated Press Newswire. November 21, 2002

56.  Wallerstein, Immanuel. ‘The Eagle Has Crash Landed.’
Foreign Policy
. July⁄August 2002, p. 60.


1.  Kornblut, Anne E. ‘In Seoul, Bush Tries to Assuage Those Wary of His Intent on North Korea.’
Boston Globe
. February 20, 2002

2.  Turner, Frederick Jackson.
The Frontier in American History
. New York: Henry Holt, 1921

3.  Wilson, Woodrow.
War Messages
, 65th Congress, 1
Session, Senate Document No.5, Serial No.7264, Washington, DC, 1917;
p. 3-8, passim

4.  McDougall, Walter.
Promised Land, Crusader State: The American Encounter with the World Since 1776
. New York: Houghton Mifflin Co, 1997, p. 163; and Thomas G. Patterson and Dennis Merrill,
Major Problems in American Foreign Relations
. New York: Houghton Mifflin Co, 1999, p. 267-300

5.  McDougall, 169

6.  Yergin, Daniel.
Shattered Peace: The Origins of the Cold War
. New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1977, p. 196-200

7.  McDougall, p. 168; and Tony Smith,
America’s Mission: The United States and the Worldwide Struggle for Democracy in the Twentieth Century
, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994, p. 143

8.  McDougall, p. 164.; and James P. Warburg,
Faith, Purpose, and Power: A Plea for a Positive Policy
. New York: Farrar, Straus and Co, 1950

9.  Kwitny, Jonathan.
Endless Enemies: The Making of an Unfriendly World
. New York: St. Martins Press, 1984, p. 273

10.  Ibid

11.  Mannion, Jim. ‘No reduction in US forces in Asia even if Korea reunites: Cohen.’ Agence France Press. April 6, 1997

12.  Kwitney, p. 278-283

13.  Leebaert, Derek.
The Fifty Year Wound: The True Price of America’s Cold War Victory
. New York: Little Brown and Co, 2002, p. 329

14.  Ibid., p. 328-329

15.  Ibid, p. 330

16.  Sipress, Alan. ‘Indonesians Begin to See Conspiracy as Home Grown.’
Washington Post
. January 14, 2003, p. A14

17.  Leebaert, p. 158

18.  Kwitny, p. 158

19.  Leebaert, p. 407

20.  Ibid, p. 408, Note 67

21.  Ibid, p. 484

22.  Fisk, Robert. ‘Did Saddam’s Army Test Poison Gas on Missing 5000?’
. December 13, 2002, p. 15

Financial Times
. February 23, 1983, cited in Mark Pythian’s
Arming Iraq: How the US & Britain Secretly Built Saddam’s War Machine
. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1997

24.  Dobbs, Michael. ‘U.S. Had Key Role in Iraq Buildup. ‘
Washington Post
. December 30, 2002, p. Al;
Financial Times
article February 23, 1983, cited in Pythian’s (see previous note); and Bruce W. Jentleson,
With Friends Like These: Reagan, Bush, and Saddam, 1982-1990
. New York: W.W. Norton, 1994, p. 52

25.  Dobbs, p. Al

26.  Windrem, Robert. ‘Rumsfeld Key Player in Iraq Policy Shift.’ NBC News. August 18, 2002;

27.  Mackay, Neil, and Felicity Arbuthnot. ‘How Did Iraq Get Its Weapons: We Sold Them.’
Sunday Herald
. September 8, 2001, p. 1

28.  Auerbach, Stuart. ‘$1.5 Billion in U.S. Sales to Iraq: Technology Products Approved up to Day Before Invasion.’
Washington Post
. March 11, 1991, p. Al; and Hen-ery Weinstein and William C. Rempel, ‘Iraq Arms: Big Help from U.S. Technology was Sold with Approval – and Encouragement – from the Commerce Department but Often over Defense Officials’ Objections.’
Los Angeles Times
. February 13, 1991, p. 1

29.  Dobbs, p. Al

30.  Jentleson

31.  Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Hearings, 101
Congress, 1
Session, March 1, 1989, p. 27-45

32.  Committee on Government Operations, House, ‘Strengthening Export Licensing System.’ July 2, 1991, Paragraph 10

33.  Dobbs, p. Al

34.  Auerbach

35.  ‘MUI Asks Indonesian Moslems to Pray for Iraqi People,’ LKBN Antara, February 11, 2003; and ‘Iran Judiciary Chief Says Stoning No Longer Handed Down,’ Agence France Presse, February 4, 2003.


1.  Harper, Jennifer. ‘Trouble for Ted Turner’s CNN.’
The Washington Times
, June 21, 2002

2.  Press release, ‘The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jerusalem,’ Bishop Dr. Munib A. Younan. April 16,2002

3.  ‘Friendly Fire: Why Palestine Divides Europe and America.’
The Economist
. April 20, 2002, p. 9

4.  Bennet, James. ‘Sharon Says Europe Is Biased in Favor of the Palestinians.’
New York Times
. January 20, 2003, p. A6

5.  Toameh, Khaled Abu
And Jerusalem Post
staff. ‘Poll: 60% of Israelis Say They Are Fighting For Their Survival.’
Jerusalem Post
. October 4, 2002

6.  Devi, Sharmila. ‘Intifada Inflicts Acute Pain on Israelis.’
Financial Times
. October 24, 2002, p. 9

7.  ‘West Bank Settlements Swallow All Before Them.’
The Economist
. October 31, 2002

8.  Moore, Molly. ‘On Remote Hilltops, Israelis Broaden Settlements.’
Washington Post
. December 8, 2002, p. Al

9.  Morris, Harvey. ‘Israel Faces ‘Demographic Time Bomb.’’
Financial Times
. June 14, 2002, p. 5

10.  Halpern, Orly. ‘An Education in Defiance.’
. October 4, 2002

11.  Bishara, Marwan. ‘Israel’s Pass Laws Will Wreck Peace Hopes; Apartheid in the Territories.’
International Herald Tribune
. May 22, 2002, p. 6

12.  ‘Question of the Violation of Human Rights in the Occupied Arab Territories, Including Palestine.’ UN Human Rights Commission. March 2001

13.  Gorenberg, Gershom. ‘The Thin Green Line.’
Mother Jones
. September⁄October 2002, p. 50

14.  Christison, Kathleen.
Perceptions of Palestine: Their Influence on U.S. Middle East Policy
. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999, p. 305; this book was of great help to me in writing this chapter, and provided an excellent analysis of U.S. policy in the Israeli-Palestinian dispute

15.  Christison, p. 22

16.  ‘Truth from Palestine’ by Ahad Ha’am, quoted in Tom Segev.
One Palestine, Complete: Jews and Arabs Under the British Mandate
. New York: Henry Holt and Company (An Owl Book) p. 104, 537; and Avineri, Shlomo,
The Making of Modern Zionism: Intellectual Origins of the Jewish State
. New York: Basic Books, 1981, p. 123

17.  Christison, p. 31

18.  Speech to U.S. Senate, July 10, 1919

19.  Various estimates put the number of 1948 Palestinian refugees between 700,000 and 1 million; see Appendix 4 of the ‘General Progress Report and supplementary Report of the United Nations Conciliation Committee for Palestine, Covering the Period from 11 December 1949 to 23 October 1950’ of October 23, 1950, which estimates the number at 711,000. (http:⁄⁄⁄unispal.nsf⁄); see also Abu-Lughod, Janet ‘The Demographic Transformation of Palestine,’ in Abu-Lughod, Ibrahim (ed.),
The Transformation of Palestine
. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1971 (p. 139-161), where the estimate is 780,000

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