Rogue (Bad Blooded Rebel Series) (13 page)

BOOK: Rogue (Bad Blooded Rebel Series)
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“I’ll make you forget, Evie, I promise
you,” he whispered between kisses. He gently guided me into my bathroom and I
quickly turned on the water before returning to his arms. I found the bottom of
his tee shirt, which had been torn in the struggle, and pulled it off him. My
breath caught at the sight of him…I didn’t think I would ever be able to fully
appreciate his beauty no matter how long I lived.

I tried to kiss his neck but he stopped
me by saying, “Lift your arms, gorgeous,” and I obeyed. He slid off my top and
tossed it to the floor. When his eyes roamed down my body he gasped sharply.
His jaw squared as he looked at my stomach. “Fuck,” he whispered through
gritted teeth. I looked in the mirror and saw what he saw…I had a huge bruise
across my stomach from where Scott threw me against the sink.

I blinked a few times…how did I miss
this? I’m sure the doctor told me it was there but I just wanted to be home and
in Ryder’s arms again that I didn’t listen. I looked at him and placed my hand
on his cheek. “I’m okay, it doesn’t hurt.”

“Evie, I can’t do this,” he said, his
voice clouded with different emotions.

“I promise you it doesn’t hurt,” I said
and before he could protest I reached for his hard cock again. Unbuckling his
belt and unzipping his pants until he sprang free, I took his strong thick
length in my free hand and said, “I want…no, I
you so much right
now. Please don’t stop.”

He closed his eyes tight for a moment
and looked away. When his eyes met mine again, they were full of desire and
promise. He was going to take my hurt away…
of it.

He gently pushed my skirt down past my
hips and it fell to the floor. All I had on was my bra and panties and my black
boots. My fishnet stockings were ruined by Ryder before the struggle with Scott
so I had thrown them out at the hospital. I slid out of my boots as he
unfastened my bra and pulled it off my shoulders.

I was about to take my panties off but
he stopped me. He knelt down in front of me and got on his knees. He placed
feather light kisses on my bruised stomach before sliding his fingers into the
hips of my panties and gently tugging them down. He kissed his way lower as the
panties fell to the floor and my knees buckled as his tongue darted across my
entrance. He gripped onto me as he licked and tasted me. All thoughts of Scott
and this horrible night were right out the window as he sucked my clit and
nibbled it gently with his teeth.

I threw my head back and moaned loudly
as the steam from the hot water fogged up the bathroom. Ryder relentlessly
licked and sucked until I was so close I was about to scream. “Ryder, I’m
close!” I shouted.

“Oh fuck, you taste like heaven,” he
groaned, sliding a finger into me slowly. He flicked his tongue quickly across
my clit and I was done…I came hard against his mouth, my release dripping down
on his hand. I looked down at him and his eyes met mine. He had a satisfied
look on his face as he withdrew his finger and sucked it into his mouth. “Mmm,”
he moaned.

I pulled him up to his feet and I tugged
roughly at his pants so I could get them the rest of the way down. Just as he
was stepping out of them I fell to my knees before he could stop me. “Evie,
baby, you don’t have to-oh holy fucking shit!” he shouted as I grasped his cock
with both hands and wrapped my lips around the tip. I pulled him into my mouth
as far as I could take him, relishing in the flavor of him. He was so strong
yet smooth, like silk over granite.

I worked him up and down with my hands
since he was too big to take all the way into my mouth. I released him a few
times to run my tongue along the base of his shaft and tease his round hard
balls with the tip of my tongue.

I took his length back into my mouth for
just a moment before he gently shoved me back and I released his cock with a
soft pop. “What’s wrong?” I asked him.

He shook his head. “Nothing. I want you.
Now,” he said, and he guided me to my feet and pulled back the shower curtain.
I stepped in and he followed. The hot water felt amazing on my sore muscles.

I turned to face him and he guided me
against the wall. Neither of us spoke as he lifted my legs and I wrapped them
around his waist. “Hold onto me,” he said, water spraying our naked bodies.

I gripped his shoulders with my hands as
he thrust his hips and sank his thick cock into me. We both moaned loudly and I
leaned my head forward and started kissing and sucking on his neck. “Harder, please,”
I cried out as he slid in and out of me slowly.

Ryder stilled. “No, baby, not tonight.”

“But-” I protested, but he shushed me.

“After what happened I can’t be rough
with you. I am trying to make you forget what he tried to do and I can’t do
that if I go too hard. I need to be gentle with you, Evie.”

I bit my lip to hide my emotions. I
nodded at him and answered him with a deep kiss. We stayed silent as the water
beat down on us and he slowly and gently made love to me.




An hour later, we were lying in my bed,
our bodies still connected from making love again. His fingers trailed up and
down my spine and my head was resting on his heart. The gentle yet strong
rhythm was soothing to me.

“I am so sorry all of this has happened
to you, gorgeous,” Ryder whispered.

I sighed. “Will you stop apologizing? You
didn’t do any of this to me. My dad was sick long before I even knew you and
Scott has been an asshole for years. I am just shocked that he took things as
far as he did tonight,” I said.

“You know he’s going to try this again
when he’s released from jail, Evie,” Ryder said sternly. “The fact that he
tried to rape you in the bathroom of a crowded club on a Friday night just
proves that he’s fucking psychotic. I won’t take any more chances with your

My head snapped up off his chest. “What
are you saying, Ryder? You’re not planning on attacking him, are you?” I was
terrified at the thought of Ryder being in jail for assaulting Scott because
that meant I would be all alone and he would have an easy way to get to me.

Ryder looked into my eyes. “No, Everleigh,
I was thinking of doing something else entirely,” he said, his face serious.


He brushed a damp lock of hair from my
forehead and tucked it behind my ears. “Come to New York with me.”

My jaw fell open. “New York? Are you

“I’m deadly serious. While you were
being examined by the doctor I got a phone call from our manager Steve. The
dickheads that run our label are pissed that we all blew off their orders and
came to Indiana to record so they are pretty much forcing us to fly up there
and finish so they can ‘keep an eye on us’ until this album is finished. I told
them I’d play ball but I wouldn’t come there without you.”

“Ryder, I can’t let you jeopardize your
relationship with your label for me,” I said, feeling guilty.

“Hey, it’s a done deal, Evie. I love you
so much and I won’t leave here without you, gorgeous.”

“I don’t know. My dad just died, Ryder.
I think I have estate papers to go over and all of that. I need to pack his
things up…” I said, but he cut me off.

“It won’t be for long, I promise. We
have to make plans to deal with Scott. The stuff with the estate can be done
over the phone. I have to go to New York but I refuse to leave without you.
Come with me? Please?”

His eyes were locked with mine for a
long moment as I thought about what he was asking me. I was a little worried
about leaving my home where I was comfortable and anonymous (for the most part)
and running off to New York with Ryder. I would be thrust into his world of
celebrities, paparazzi, and gossip magazines and I was a little scared. I also
knew that he loved me and would do anything in the world to protect me.

I cleared my throat. “Okay.”

“Yeah? You’ll come with me?”

“I’ll go to New York with you, Ryder,” I
said, and he visibly relaxed.

“Thanks, Evie. Don’t worry about the
house. I’ll make sure that someone watches it for while we’re gone.”

I leaned in and kissed him. “Thank you.
So,” I said, snuggling into him again, “when do we leave, rock star?”

He looked over to the window and the sun
was already starting to rise. “How about now?”






It’s fucking cold out here. I should
have worn a better coat or brought a bottle of Jack with me. Fuck that…this is
all that little cunt’s fault. Her and her fucking rocker prick boyfriend…I
shouldn’t have to fucking hide in the bushes like some stalker but she brought
this on. Everleigh was mine and last night was the last time that bitch says no
to me. She wants me, I know she does.

When we are back together I’m going to
have to punish her for cock teasing me all these years. I hope she fights me…it
makes my dick hard to think of her struggling against me. Once I get my cock in
that hot little pussy of hers again she won’t fight me anymore. She’ll be
begging for it.

I bet they are already awake and
fucking. She’s probably riding his dick and telling him he’s the best she’s
ever had. The thought makes me roll my eyes. I know I’m the best that bitch will
ever have and she’s lucky I’m willing to give her another chance after that
fucking asshole got a few lucky shots in on me at the club.

Suddenly, the front door opens. I see
Everleigh and that asshole walking through the front door…they are carrying suitcases.
What the hell? Where could they be going at eight o’clock on a Saturday
morning? As the rock trash put their suitcases in the back of his ritzy
Escalade, two black SUV’s pulled into Everleigh’s driveway. I hunched down
farther so no one would see me.

Some big dude with black sunglasses on
got out of the driver seat and shook the rocker’s hand. I gritted my teeth as I
watched each of the sleazy fucking rockers take turns hugging my Everleigh.

As I tried to calm myself down they all
climbed back into their cars. I saw Everleigh get into the front seat of the
prick’s Escalade and back out of the driveway. As soon as they were on the road
I watched him lean in and kiss my girl before they drove away.

I’m fucking pissed! Where the hell did
she think she was going? What gave that mother fucking rat bastard the right to
take her away from me? The only thing keeping me calm was the fact that he was
a celebrity. If he thought he could hide her from me he was wrong because
wherever they went it would be live on some social media or entertainment site
within a few hours.

get her back. I
feel my dick in that sweet pussy again. I
fuck her so hard she’ll
scream my name as she comes. I
get her back…and I
whoever stands in my way.




Ryder and Everleigh’s story will
continue in Renegade: Bad Blooded Rebel Series #3, coming in February 2014!






Holy shizballs! I cannot believe how
much you all have loved this story so far! Your response to the boys in Bad
Blooded Rebel has been phenomenal! Thank you so much for all of the kind words,
reviews, and messages telling me how much you love Ryder and the boys! There is
so much more to tell…trust me, I’m not done with Ryder, Everleigh, and the gang
yet. Not by a
shot, my friends.

Thank you so, so much to my faithful
band of Rebels! Dawn, Sammy, Leanne, Fiona, and Tiffanie…you girls are my
rocks, I swear. I love each and every one of you and I hope you know how
blessed I feel to have crossed paths with you all. I am such a lucky girl to
have all of you!

I want to take a second to thank a very,
talented author and friend Terri Anne Browning…I really feel that
without your advice, suggestions, and help the Bad Blooded Rebel series
wouldn’t be what it is and has the potential to be. You know rockers inside and
out and to have your approval of Ryder and boys means the world to me. If it
weren’t for the sinfully hot and beautifully broken guys of Demon’s Wings I
wouldn’t have tried my hand at writing a rock band, which is something I have
always wanted to do. Thank you so much and keep those hot rocker boys of yours

As always, thanks to my salon family…you
know how much I love you all!!! Thank you for
making me laugh and
putting a smile on my face no matter what.

Thank you to the family that has
supported me and encouraged me. Hopefully you know who you are.

Thank you to my husband and our three
beautiful daughters…thanks for letting me tell Ryder and Everleigh’s story with
minimal complaining, haha.




I encourage all of you to please donate
to a special trust account set up for my late friend Casey Krebs’ children. She
was an amazing mother and wonderful friend who was taken way too soon. She
would have done anything for her children and I want to help them now that she
can’t. The information is below…please donate if you can. Do your part to put
an end to domestic violence!

BOOK: Rogue (Bad Blooded Rebel Series)
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