Read Rocky Mountain Angel Online

Authors: Vivian Arend

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Western

Rocky Mountain Angel (34 page)

BOOK: Rocky Mountain Angel
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She nodded then cleared her throat when she realized he couldn’t see her. “Yes. If you want me to.”

“Hell yeah. I want to unwrap you like a present. No bra. Pinch your nipples for me now, Frankie,” he murmured.

She covered one breast with her hand and tweaked her nipple. Her body was already in overdrive from the night of almost unbearable tension, and excitement and wetness flooded her center. She pinched again, more sharply this time, and gasped.

“I love that sound.” Mac groaned. “Do it again. Play with your nipple and imagine it’s my mouth, my tongue, my teeth. I can’t wait to cup those full, gorgeous breasts in my hands. Do you remember the second car I brought you, Frankie?”

She writhed against her hand as she plucked at the straining tip of her breast. “No,” she breathed.

“The Z-28. You were leaving midday to go to the dentist. It was summertime, and you had on a halter top with tiny little roses on it. All I could think about was sliding it down and covering one of those luscious breasts with my mouth. Kneading the other with my hand. Want to know something really dirty?”

She did. So much. “Yes,” she whispered, grinding the heel of her palm against her pubic bone.

“Every day for a week I had the same dream. You were naked on your knees in front of me.” His voice went rough, guttural, and she strained to understand him, desperate for the words and the sensations they caused. “I didn’t even ask. You just opened your beautiful mouth and welcomed me inside. Deep, deep inside. Working your tongue, pulling and sucking me off until I was ready to come.”

“Un-huh.” Her legs had begun to quake as she arched against her hand now, the tension in her thighs building.

“Then you’d stop and raise up to kiss my stomach. I could feel your tits on my cock, your hard nipples brushing my thighs. You’d press my dick between your breasts and squeeze. It felt like dying. You’d start to move, bouncing high on your knees, then down again, faster and faster, squeezing tighter and tighter. Right when I thought I’d die, you would stare up at me, those gorgeous lips swollen from sucking my cock. Right as I was about to come, I’d wake up. I’d be so fucking hard, so ready, I’d grip it and give it one stroke and explode.”

“I want you to do that now. Let me hear you,” she begged.

“Oh yeah. You too. Are you touching yourself?”

“Yes. Outside my underwear.”

“Take them off,” he growled.

Her whole body shook as she put the phone down and stripped off her clothes. She’d never felt so desperate for an orgasm, so wild and out of control in her life. Scooping up the phone, she lay back down and slipped a hand between her legs. The wet heat engulfed her fingers, soaking them. She let out a hiss.

“That’s it,” he crooned. “Is your pussy wet for me, Frankie? Because my cock has never been so hard.”

“Yes, I’m wet. So wet, and I want you inside me so bad,” she whimpered.

She could hear the creaking of his bed through the phone now, and the slow, steady beat set her aflame. There was no question what he was doing.

His sin is the color of his skin. Her love is his salvation…and the greatest danger.


Dark Sun Rising

© 2012 BL Bonita


Life in a mountain town is hard for gently raised Charlotte Phillips, who has come to Hatchet Creek to help run her cousin’s emporium. When her cousin suddenly dies, she learns just how rough-and-tumble is the life of a business owner—especially when she steps in to stop the brutal whipping of a local colored man.

Avery Samms made the mistake of rejecting the advances of a married white woman, and he pays with the flesh on his back. With no doctor in town, he’s sure a slow agonizing death is his fate. Until a beautiful angel shocks everyone—especially Avery—by taking him home. Her heart may be in the right place, but now her business, even her very life, is in danger.

As Avery recovers, their connection grows stronger every day. There’s passion in her eyes, and purity in her heart that heals soul-deep wounds no one can see. One moment of irresistible desire bonds them in forbidden love.

Even as they plan to escape to a far-off haven, jealousy and revenge threaten to rip their world apart. Under a savage western sun, they must fight for their love…and their very lives.

Warning: This book contains a gorgeous hero and a spirited heroine, pistol slinging, knife wielding, bigotry, bad guys, bad language, and smokin' hot love scenes.


Enjoy the following excerpt for
Dark Sun Rising:

Charlotte sat on the edge of her bed, trembling from head to toe. She didn’t know what had come over her when she saw Avery in the shadows watching her, but something pulled her to him, and she knew she couldn’t deny her desire any longer. After their intense kiss earlier, he’d managed to stay in her mind all day. The way his dark eyes gazed at her like she was his alone made her body quiver with anticipation and her heart flutter with anxiety.

Her body became aware the second the door opened and closed, and she held her breath as the dull thud of his boot heels echoed down the hall.

She wanted to cry, she was so nervous—nearly jumping out of her skin. And then Avery was there, standing on the threshold of her bedroom, his thick shoulder supporting his massive body against the doorframe.

Good lord he’s a big man.

With wide eyes, she gazed at his head nearly touching the top of the doorway. He seemed much bigger than before, like a dark angel looming before her. She twisted her hands in her lap, unsure what to say or do.

It was at that moment she realized he’d changed his clothes. The navy blue shirt and black trousers made him look taller, bigger, more imposing than ever before. He looked so handsome and dangerous, but the way he gazed at her, with something that looked a lot like love, made her fear of the unknown fade away.

“What you said earlier…is it what you truly want?” he asked.

Charlotte nodded slowly.

“Have you been with a man before?” His deep, husky voice slithered over her skin as if he’d kissed her with his words.

“No. But I almost—”

“Almost isn’t going to graze the tip of what I’m about to do to you. Do you understand?”

Charlotte trembled from the excitement coiling inside her, and the apex of her thighs lusted for his touch. Unable to find the words, she nodded again, rising to her feet as Avery stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. He then went to the single window and drew the curtains closed, shutting the world from them. It was just the two of them now, staring at each other, knowing that what they were about to do would change everything.

“Giving yourself to me is dangerous.”

She lifted her chin. “I don’t care. I’ll do whatever I want.”

He chuckled and it made her smile shyly.

Charlotte stood rigid beside the bed as Avery approached her. His dark eyes never left hers, and somehow her nerves faded, replaced by an overwhelming need to be naked in his arms. She didn’t care that Tom was on his way. Didn’t care what other people thought. Her desire to give her body and her soul to Avery Samms was too strong to resist. Desperation made her reach for him, and suddenly his big body was against hers, his muscular arms wrapped tightly around her waist. Charlotte pressed against him, excitement coursing through her, feeling the hardness of his body against her soft curves.

She loved the smell of him, the feel of him. Everything about him made her feel safe, secure and passionate.

With shaky fingers, she untied the bonnet ribbon at her chin. Avery ripped the cap from her head and tossed it to the floor.

His mouth descended on hers, swallowing her whimper as his tongue slid into her mouth to dance with hers. A moan tumbled from her lips and through the desire burning inside, she fumbled with the buttons of his shirt. He shrugged out of it and Charlotte trailed her mouth across his chest, enjoying the salty taste of him.

She’d imagined this…dreamed of it the night she slept in the rocking chair.

“You make me wanton,” she whispered between kisses.

She barely heard his deep groan before he grasped her arms and pushed her back. With eyes dark and hungry-looking, and a handsome grin curving his lips, Avery took her arms and slowly slid the gloves from her hands, exposing her pale skin so starkly contrasted beside his. His dark flesh captivated her. With hands bare, she placed her palms on his chest, feeling the softness covering the hardness of his muscles. His beautiful skin felt hot under her palms. She tweaked his dark nipples, eliciting a groan rumbling from deep within his chest.

“Turn around,” he murmured.

Charlotte did as he beckoned, turning her back to him, her thighs trembling as Avery trailed his hands to the front of her body and slowly unbuttoned her dress. Minutes passed which felt more like a lifetime.

With a
, the dress slid down her body to pool at her feet, leaving her shift and drawers the only barrier now. Charlotte hugged her body, not sure what she should do next, when suddenly his warm lips kissed the nape of her neck. She exhaled deeply, closing her eyes, enjoying the shivers of ecstasy lacing through her by the torrid gesture.

“You taste like sunshine after rain,” he said, trailing his lips around her neck and to each shoulder. Then his hands were bunching the material of her shift and dragging it up over her body, trailing his fingertips over her flesh along the way, rousing her into sensual madness. Charlotte had no idea being touched like this would make her feel like the sun burned her. She felt so hot and wet between her thighs.

But the moment her shift came over her head and disappeared, leaving her torso completely naked, she realized what he'd see. She tensed as he skimmed his fingertips over the ridges of bite and claw marks spanning her upper back. She closed her eyes tight, wishing to forget what those scars represented. Shamed by the dreadful disfigurement, she hugged herself, waiting for Avery to draw back in disgust.

He cupped her shoulders, gently turning her around to face him and took a step back, his gaze questioning.

“Please…I don't want to speak of it.”

They stared at each other for a long moment before he nodded. Without another word, Avery reached out and touched her breasts, taking the weight of them in his strong hands. He looked at her no differently, seemingly unaffected by what he'd just seen, and that knowledge made her embarrassment seem silly.

Charlotte closed her eyes and sucked in a shaky breath as his fingers tweaked her sensitive nipples.

“Oh… Oh, Lord.”

She leaned closer, feeling weightless. And then his mouth was on her nipple, sucking the puckered tip while his other hand trailed down her stomach and untied the ribbon at her drawers.

“God has nothing to do with this,” he murmured, and the drawers slipped down her legs. A thick finger slid between her parted lips, wet from the excitement coiling within her. She leaned into him, unable to support her own body as Avery slid his finger back and forth, eliciting quivers of ecstasy jolting through her body.

“So beautiful,” he whispered. Charlotte finally opened her eyes to watch what he was doing to her, just as he’d settled on his knees before her. His hands cupped her waist and guided her onto the bed, gently pushing her back to lie down.

Rocky Mountain Angel




Vivian Arend





Sometimes even Angels must learn to fly…


Six Pack Ranch, Book 4

Allison Parker needs a convincing excuse to come home to Rocky Mountain House. A hopelessly romantic reason that won’t let her mother suspect the truth—that Allison has discovered Mom is keeping a terrible secret from the family.

Gabe Coleman is struggling with two of the roughest parts of ranching: dealing with his bull-headed mule of a father, and making enough to pay the bills. When his old friend Allison offers to help him develop his ideas for organic ranching—in trade for pretending to be her fiancé—it sounds like the perfect set-up.

Yet the deception leads them in an unexpected direction, where their shared daily hells are erased by nights of heavenly distraction. It’s not supposed to be real, but once the gates are opened, there’s no denying they’ve found in each other a little bit of Paradise.

To break free of the past and face the future, though, will take more than temporary pleasures. It’ll take putting their hearts on the line.


Warning: Tortured hero with a guardian-angel complex, grief-stricken heroine willing to sacrifice everything for family. Break out the tissues, this trip to the ranch is a heartbreaker on the way to the HEA.

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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

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