Rocky Mountain Angel (28 page)

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Authors: Vivian Arend

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Western

BOOK: Rocky Mountain Angel
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He’d been so afraid to tell her how he’d felt. Typical male, but letting her know had been exactly what they needed. The little smiles, the intimate glances they’d shared over the past days. All of it felt different. They were together in a more solid way, which was exactly what she needed right now. Exactly what he’d hoped for, in spite of promising to go slow.

She stopped outside her mom’s room and took a big breath. Gabe squeezed her fingers. “Maisey loves you.”

Allison turned her face toward him. In spite of the dark lines under her eyes, she was even more beautiful than usual. “That makes it all worthwhile, right?”

“Everything. Every ache, every sorrow.”

They walked in together.

Maisey was in bed, the headboard raised so she could lean against the support. Her skin looked paper thin, her body so fragile.

“If you’d wanted to come to Red Deer to go shopping you should have just told me, Mom. I would have let you take a few days off from the restaurant.” Allison stepped to the side of the bed and caught her mom’s hand. She had to reach around an IV tube and another monitor, but she found a way.

Maisey smiled, and the expression transformed her face to something striking and ageless. Joy had that ability. “You know me. Slacking off any time I can.”

Gabe held on to Allison, his arm draped around her waist as the ladies talked. Paul and Elle hurried in about an hour later, and Gabe pretty much just listened. Supported Allison and watched as this family who had so much love and togetherness in them—watched as they prepared to say goodbye.

Sharing with Allison the other night had been like letting go the plug on a barrel. He hadn’t realized exactly how tightly wrapped he’d kept parts of himself.

She was right, though. He’d always been like this. Always wanted to save people. Only his tragedies had taken him over and he’d started doing more to save others. He’d forgotten he was allowed to save himself as well. To accept a little saving from her.

When Maisey’s eyes closed in fatigue, he tugged Allison to him. Whispered in her ear. “Come on. I’m going to feed you and give you coffee.”

“But Mom—”

“Will be okay for a while without you.” The nurse who was checking the room nodded at his soft-spoken words. “You need to eat or you’re going to collapse, and then Maisey will get out of that bed and kick my butt for not taking care of you.”

Even as he said it he knew they both wished Maisey would do exactly that.

The small cafeteria was busy with people grabbing coffees and late breakfast. Gabe moved quickly through the line to return to where Allison sat, her head cradled in her arms. He slipped onto the bench seat beside her and nudged her. “Eat.”

She nodded, sucking back the coffee first. They were quiet, the low buzz of voices around them so similar to the familiar noises of the barns. Even in sadness, home called to him.

Something had been running through his brain all morning. He wasn’t sure how it would go over, but she’d said to talk to her.

Gabe took her fingers into his. “Allison, this may sound like a crazy idea, but hear me out.”

She lifted her head, her tired gaze meeting his. “Crazy idea? What you got planned now, Angel Boy?”

He smiled. “Damn, I left my halo at home.”

His quip tugged a smile to her lips. “Tell me your crazy idea.”

“We should get married. Right now. In front of your mom.”

She bit her bottom lip and her eyes welled with tears.

“Why not? Why not make someone who you love very happy?”

Allison squeezed his fingers. “You still trying to rescue people, Gabe Coleman?”

He shook his head. “Caring isn’t rescuing. We started this entire thing for your mom’s sake. I’m thinking we may as well finish it while we still can.”

Gabe stuttered to a stop at the expression on her face. Damn. He was an idiot for even having brought it up. Besides, the truth was far more layered than he was admitting. He wanted to beg her to not do this just for her mother’s sake, but to do it so they could really be together.

He’d never admit that to her, not here and now. Never add that kind of pressure to her already tormented world. Instead he’d offer what made the most sense.

If she wanted to break his heart down the road, he’d let her.

He cleared his throat. “I told you I loved you, and I’m not taking that back. But this doesn’t mean that I think you’re in love with me. Same rules apply. If you want to call it quits, after—” He didn’t say it, but she had to hear it.
After Maisey was gone.
“We’ll call it off quietly, no harm, no foul.”

She covered their joined hands, holding on for dear life.

“Gabe, you are the best man I’ve ever known.”

“Does that mean yes?”

She nodded.


Allison stared at the flowers in her hand. Three hours later and she was standing beside her mom’s bed, waiting for Gabe to return so they could get married.


Maisey reached out and touched her arm, and that delicate balance between joy and sorrow rose again.

It might be crazy, but it was crazily perfect.

“You two sure you want to rush this?” Maisey asked for the dozenth time.

Allison grabbed her mom’s hand and held on. “If you ask that again, I’m going to start thinking you don’t like Gabe.”

“It’s not that, and you know it. He’s perfect for you, and you’re so much in love. I knew from the first minute you told me about him that you’d work out fine. But you’re missing all the fun parts of a wedding.”

Good grief. “What parts? Making invitations, scrambling to book a church or a hall. Setting up a dinner menu? Mom. I don’t care about those things. The guest list is the most important, and I’ve got that figured out.”

Elle burst into the room, breathlessly handing over a small box. “God, I hope I did that right.”

Allison hoped so too. She worried for a moment Gabe would think her surprise was stupid, then certainty rushed in and washed away those doubts. The ring might only be a prop for this make-believe wedding, but he’d get the message. He’d understand what she was trying to say.

They’d gone back that morning to give Maisey a head’s up of their plans. Mom had been speechless for a moment before smiling so hard Allison knew without a doubt the ceremony was the right thing to do. Gabe whipped her out of the hospital to grab the marriage license. Dropped her off at the main doors with a promise he’d be back as soon as possible.

She’d wandered up to her mom’s room in a bit of daze. It was happening so quickly and yet…

He was right. Giving her mom this one last thing to cherish made sense.

That he would go through the trouble to arrange it made something inside her care a little harder for him, and yet she clung to her promise to herself.

Sleep-deprived and emotionally devastated was not the time to make decisions about forever. She cared about Gabe, wanted to be with him. But their entire relationship had been built around a deception.

No matter how drawn to him, she was not going to imagine herself in love. Not until she could claim her mind was clear and it was more than an emotional decision.

The door opened, and Gabe’s mom and brother stepped in. Dana went straight up to the bed and no-nonsense offered Maisey a hug.

Rafe stood back a little more awkwardly, looking around at the medical equipment in the room. “I called Gabe to let him know we’re here. He said he’d be back within the next twenty minutes.”

Allison let the ladies talk quietly, Dana standing next to her mom and holding her hand. They seemed to be doing just fine, so instead she concentrated on Rafe who looked as if he’d preferred to be anywhere other than where he was.

She caught him by the arm. “Thanks for bringing your mom out.”

Rafe’s bright smile surprised her. “You kidding? Gabe’s getting hitched. I wouldn’t miss this for anything. It’s a bit sooner than he mentioned, but you probably want to tie him down good before the snow flies.”

The kid was trying. “True. I didn’t want him to get away.”

Then she got Rafe to do some rearranging of the room to keep him busy. She had no idea what exactly was going to happen in terms of the ceremony, but even if they changed their minds about sitting or standing, hauling chairs around kept the boy occupied and out of trouble for the moment.

Elle had slipped out of the room shortly after handing over the ring box. Now she returned, Paul entering with her.

Her sister held out a bright blue knit jacket. “Here. Your wedding attire.”

Allison shook her head but pulled it on. “You’re a goof.”

“Hey, you always said you were going to do that ‘something old, something new’ thing when you got married. Here’s your blue, and I suppose your borrowed, since it belongs to one of the nurses in paediatrics. I have to return it after we’re done.”

Maisey and Dana were paying attention now as well, and the older ladies’ laughter brightened the place until it seemed a thousand rainbows had settled in the room.

Allison soaked in the memory.

Paul caught her in a hug. Then he went and helped Rafe, which Allison figured meant he’d had enough of the emotional stuff and all. She let him go and instead looked around with a growing sense of peace.

Yes, her mom was weak. Frail. Leaving them. But the joy in the room was undeniable because Maisey made it like that. Made the love of the family more than enough to help them through this day, no matter what came next.

When the door opened again and Gabe walked in, Allison’s heart could barely stand how full it felt. He walked straight over to her and kissed her. Held her close and cradled her against him.

She wasn’t sure which one of the guys wolf-whistled, and she didn’t care. She gave as good as she got.

“I thought you had to say the vows before you got to the kissing,” Maisey teased.

“I ordered the special ceremony.” Gabe released Allison, but only enough to slide his arm around her waist and tug her to his side. He offered a smile to Maisey. “We get the good stuff beginning, middle and end.”

The man in the suit who had accompanied Gabe came forward. “Levon Tate. I’ll be your commissioner for the vows.”

Allison shook his hand, then introduced the family. The guilt at pulling another deception over on Gabe’s mom and brother passed faster than she’d expected. If anyone would understand, Dana would. The woman stood beside Maisey, offering silent support as Allison’s mom shifted into a more comfortable position.

No one said a word about Ben not being there.

Small talk, organizing. Before she knew it she was standing at the foot of the bed, the rest of the family gathered around.

Gabe stood before her. Big, tenderhearted, generous Gabe, who had given and given so much in the months behind them.

Like he always gave.

He took off his hat and laid it on the bed. Allison snatched it up and put it back where it belonged.

Gabe’s slow grin broke out. “You want to make sure you’re marrying your cowboy, is that it?”

Elle giggled, and the rest of them responded with subdued laughter.

“You know it.” She squeezed his fingers and took a deep breath.

They repeated the form vows. Simple. Plain. The generic words were surprisingly intimate. He swore he’d care for her. In the good and bad, in the happy and sad times. Richer or poorer. From then on forward.

She stared up at him, his familiar flannel shirt stretched over his broad shoulders. The cowboy hat she’d pressed back in place tilted so she could see every nuance of emotion that showed. And he let her see it all. The caring, the longing. The passion he felt.

Her throat was tight as she repeated the words.

The commissioner held out his hands. “Well, other than a little signing we’re just about done. Who will be the witnesses?”

Gabe nodded at her.

She turned. “Mom, will you, please?”

Maisey hadn’t let go of the flowers Allison had placed in her hands at the start of the event. Now she handed them carefully to Dana. Brushed down the front of her gown slowly. “I would be proud.”

The book was passed over. Allison blinked hard. So much dignity and love shone in Maisey’s every gesture. Paul snapped off another shot, moving around the room to capture everything for them.

Gabe cleared his throat. “So, little bro. You grown up enough to help us make it official?”

Rafe jerked upright from where he’d been leaning on the wall. “Me? I thought Ma was going to—”

“I asked you. Or did you forget how to sign your name already now that you’re out of school?” Gabe squeezed Allison’s hand, and she stifled her laughter.

“Fu—” Rafe’s mouth snapped shut as he glanced at Dana. She just shook her head as he sheepishly stepped forward. “Guess I can.”

Allison added her name next, watched Gabe carefully pen his after hers. Strong letters, firm control. Everything done with a purpose, deliberately. Like everything else she’d learned about him, even the little thing with his brother—there had to be a reason.

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