Rocked Under (11 page)

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Authors: Cora Hawkes

BOOK: Rocked Under
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“Scott, stop. You've had way too much to drink and you're so going to regret saying all this in the morning.” I put my hands up to his chest to gently ease him away.

He lifted his h
ead, a frown marring his beautiful features, “Is that what you think?”

A door slammed somewhere in the distance and he dropped his hands suddenly and tucked them into his front pockets. I ignored the loneliness that swept though me and turned my head in the direction of the door. But I could feel scott’s gaze glued to me, studying me.

Chapter Eleven

The guys of From Under were walking toward us, laughing and joking.

She’s hot!” I heard one of them say.

” another said with a whistle while the other two just stared.

I forced a smile and looked away quickly.

“Hey, man, what's up?” one of the quiet guys with messy blonde hair said in a deep voice.

“Not a lot,” Scott replied and then looked at me. “This is Emma, Ashley's cousin.”

He nodded to the first guy, “Emma, that’s Alan. He‘s our bass guitarist.”

Alan had a dark crew cut and dark brown eyes that had a wicked gleam in them.

“Hey, baby,” he said with a grin and a wink.

“Hello, Alan,” I said with a s nlids widmile.

British?” and “You never said anything about her being British?” came from them.

I forced my smile and turned to Scott who was doing the same, his eyes telling me that it wasn't over.

Scott nodded to the next one, “That’s Bone, our drummer,” Bone had thick, dirty blonde, wavy hair down to his shoulders, twinkling hazel eyes and an easy smile.

Bone lifted a hand in salute and nodded, “Hey, good-looking.”

“This is Jason, he’s on the guitar,” Jason was beach blonde with messy hair and coffee-coloured eyes.

“Yo!” he said in greeting.

“And Mike, our technician.” Mike had short light brown hair with the brightest aquamarine eyes I had ever seen on a guy.

"Hi there," was his welcome.

Bone came forward and took my arm, “Come and have a drink with us, Darlin'”

We all went into a room which was a lot like a living room with sofas, a TV, table and chairs, and a kitchenette.

I chose to sit on the sofa and Scott made sure he sat next to me, with Bone on my other side.

"Aw, you coulda sat on my lap, baby," Alan feigned hurt and I smiled.

"Shut up, Al," Scott scowled.

, Scott, lighten the fuck up, dude." Alan winked at me again.

I tried to hide my smirk, I'd have to watch myself around Alan.

I glanced at Scott from under my lashes and my coy gaze clashed with his. He had his eyes on me and his gaze held mine. I wasn't looking forward to us being alone again. I didn't want to face what had just happened and I couldn't blame Scott because I had wanted it too but it niggled at how little he thought of our friendship. Maybe we weren't such good friends after all, maybe all this time he had been building up to get me into his bed.
Shut up!
I doubted he would go that far to get someone in his bed when he had a different girl every night.

"Who wants beer?" Bone asked and everyone apart from me and Scott answered.

"Scott, beer?"

Scott glanced sideways briefly to Bone but brought his gaze right back to mine. "Yeah, Emma’ll have one too."

I was going to need it if he kept his gaze locked together with mine like that. I couldn't take this anymore. I wished he would just stop, stop the tension between us. I needed a breather but I had to stay to have at least one drink with them.

"She had the best ass I ever seen, man." Alan was boasting.

"Man, I saw that ho," Bone started as he put an opened beer in front of me. "She was all ass, tits and teeth, man. What the fuck do you see in girls like that?"

"He likes dumb girls, that way they don't give a fuck if he's got a small wiener!" Jason said quietly and then burst out laughing with Bone.

"Fuck you!" Alan said chuckling. "At least I can get a nice piece of ass."

I took a swig of my beer and tried to see the funny side of their banter but I really couldn't if I tried.

"Whatever, pretty boy," Jason sniggered and flipped him off. "You're a slut."

"And I love being one," Alan's eye twinkled as he spoke. "Speaking of sluts," he looked to Scott, "where's your rid sre'"lee for the night, or is that rides?"

My stomach tightened as Alan and Bone chuckled. I didn't want to hear about Scott's rides, I didn't want to think about him with a girl at all right now because, I hated admitting it to myself but, it made me feel things that I had no right to feel. My niggling annoyance with him escalated.

He looked at me then and I looked away quickly. I couldn't even fake a smile for him.

I lifted the bottle to my lips and swigged until it was gone.

I couldn't look at Scott, I didn't want my anger with him to show. He may think it's funny to play with someone's feeling like that but I didn't. All my life I had been centred on a man just like Scott. Maybe I should flirt with one of these guys just to show him that I didn't just do that for him?

I leaned slightly closer to Bone, "Why do they call you Bone?" I asked as I smiled up at him.

His eyebrows raised and he smiled. "I've had the name since I was eleven and fell from a tree."

I frowned trying to get why falling from a tree would give him that nickname.

"I broke my elbow and some of my bone was sticking out."

I cringed as he rolled his sleeve up.

"See? I had to have surgery to put it right, a ton of stitches and a lot of physio." He showed me a large scar that ran from just above his elbow right down to halfway down his forearm.

"Ouch," I cringed and held my hand up to touch it. The baby soft scar tissue was bumpy and soft at the same time, "Does it still hurt?"

"Nah, aches sometimes when its cold but I'm a big boy, I can handle it," he beamed at me as I rolled his sleeve back down for him.

"I've never broken anything, but I have got a big scar on my hand where I had stitches, look."

He took my hand and examined my palm.

"I got it when I was seven."

Bone ran his finger up and down the scar gently.

"I was trying to climb over a metal mesh fence and fell catching it on a sharp bit on the way down."

He bent his head then and kissed my palm, his stubble tickled me and a giggle escaped my lips.

He looked up. "You even laugh attractively." He grinned wickedly and then frowned as he looked over my shoulder.

I turned around to see what it was and Scott was looking daggers at me. I couldn't have cared less.

Scott stood, “I have to get home early."

Everyone believed him but me. I knew he was lying.

He grabbed my hand and started yanking roughly me towards the door.

“See you guys!" I waved as I was literally dragged through the door.

He pulled me up the corridor and out the back entrance of Macy's into an alley without saying a word or looking back at me.

I yanked my hand out of his. This had gone too far. Who did he think he was, dragging me around?

"What is your problem, Scott?" I asked heatedly crossing my arms.

He crossed his arms too and looked at me, his jaw te se, ournsing, his eyes narrowed, "You are, Emma!" he uncrossed his arms and strode towards me but stopped abruptly a foot away.

"What have I done?" I hadn't done anything wrong that I could think of, well maybe apart from flirting with Bone purposely. "Please tell me because I really don't know what's wrong with you tonight," I was getting madder.

"You were flirting with Bone!” He pointed an accusing, threatening finger at me, "You don't need to be giving guys like him encouragement."

"No, Scott, don't make this about Bone when we both know it isn't." My voice was rising. I went forward and pointed my finger into his chest, hard. "You have been acting weird all night so don't say this is about Bone! And don't fucking talk to me like you own me because you don't and you never will!" I finished and I was panting in anger and frustration.

His face changed as I said the last words and his face fell slightly. I remembered the anguished look on his face on stage, some of my anger started to drain away.

I sighed. "Scott," I made my voice softer, "why are you being like this? I don't want to fight with you."

He studied me for a still moment, "You wanna know what's wrong with me?" his voice was tight as both his hands came up to grip my upper arms.


He seemed to be warring with his own head as he walked me backwards until my back slammed against a wall. He was looking down at me darkly, his jaw clenched and I couldn't tear my eyes away from his as I saw different emotions flicker through them. Anger, pain, want, need and something else that was an alien look for him, then back to anger.

The only sounds I could hear was the dull thump of the music in the bar and our breathing. His was heavy and laboured as he smacked one hand on the wall above my head and the other gripped my waist tightly.

I frowned as I realised what was happening, "Stop it, Scott.” My hands came up to his chest to push him away but my feeble attempt made him angrier.

He grabbed my hands swiftly and pinned them above my head.

I looked up at him then and saw his dark green eyes blazing down at me, "You know what I want," he hissed the words at me.

He crushed his body against mine.

My eyes widened in shock as electricity shot through me. My hands went to his hips in surprise.

He quickly released my hands and drove his hands into my hair and pulled my face up to his. He held my gaze and I closed my eyes to hide myself from him.

He placed his forehead against mine. "I can't stop this,” he whispered roughly, "I can't stop wanting you and seeing you with Ad is–it's driving me fuckin' crazy," as he said those last words, he drove his hips into me with a low groan. “I want to take you right now, in a goddamn back alley and against this fuckin’ wall. It’s so fuckin' wrong and I'm a scumbag piece of shit that doesn't deserve to even look at you."

My eyes flew open. His gaze was desperate, needy, lustful.

"Scott," I whispered brokenly but I had nothing else to say. I couldn't tell him I wanted him, I couldn't tell him not to stop, I was Adams. "Stop." I said just above a breathy whisper. I dropped my hands to my sides and fisted them to keep them there.

Scott stiffened and stepped away from me completely sme I wan.

I didn't know what to say to him as I stared at him. He was panting just like I was. "I'm not one of your groupies, you know that."

“Yeah, you're my
” I didn’t miss his sarcasm and I frowned.

“What’s that supposed to mean? You don’t want me as a friend? Fine, fuck you! I don’t want a friend that doesn’t respect me as such and molests me any chance he gets!”

He raised his brows in hurt and then turned away. He was quiet for so long that I almost turned around and went back inside but I waited for him. His great shoulders rose with a breath, held and then let go slowly as his hand went through his hair.

"Sorry, Emma," he turned his bleak gaze on me. "Jesus, I'm fucked up thinking that–" he shook his head and looked at me.

He came towards me and took my hand, "Come on." His voice was quiet and calm.

"Where are we going?" I wasn't sure I wanted to go anywhere with him now.

"Back inside."

He led me back into Macy's, back through the corridor and back into the noise and crush of bodies.

"I'm going home. I'll see you tomorrow." He squeezed my hand before letting go, before leaving me standing there, wondering what the hell was going through his head.

I went to find the guys after watching him leave. I sat next to Ad and he asked where I had disappeared to for an hour. I told a part of the truth. I went to meet the band. He didn't like it but I really couldn't care less if I tried. Ash eyeballed me from across the table and I knew that we'd be having a talk when we got home.

All I could think about was what Scott was about to say when he stopped.
"Jesus, I'm fucked up thinking that–"
Thinking that, what?

"What's going on between you and Scott?"

Ash didn't beat around the bush, she just came right out and asked.

"Nothing's going on," I fiddled with my charm bracelet as we sat on the sofa after getting back.

She looked at my charm bracelet and frowned. "Are you sure, Em?" she didn't look so sure that I was telling the truth.

I didn't want to lie but nothing had really happened and I didn't want the questions that would follow if I was honest with her. I couldn't tell her after she had warned me about him and she would kill Scott if she found out he had come on to me. I didn't want that. I wanted to forget and move on. Telling another person would make it harder to forget, more real. She would always be watching so I had to make sure she believed me.

"Yeah, you know he's not my type. That whole bad boy thing is definitely not me."

"Why did you disappear with him for so long and I know you danced with him?" Her look was stern.

"We danced. He asked if I wanted to meet the band and I said yes. I had a drink with them and we talked and then I came back." I shrugged.

"Right." She said slow while studying my face.

I threw my hands in the air. "Oh, Ash, stop with the Sherlock impersonation."

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