Rock Stars Don't Like Ugly Bras (8 page)

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Chapter 12


“Oh. My. God,” Amber gasped as Jake rested his chin on her stomach and grinned up at her like the Cheshire Cat.  “Jake, that was amazing,” she whispered throwing a hand over her eyes. 

That had been Amber’s second orgasm of the morning, and it wasn’t even eight o’clock.  When Jake had carried her up the stairs the night before, she’d expected it to be good, thinking that nobody could have that much experience without picking up some tips along the way – but good just didn’t cover it.  Not only had Amber seen fireworks, but they’d been choreographed to the first movement of Beethoven’s fifth symphony.  Jake had played her body like his precious electric blue Stratocaster, with tenderness, ease and skill, accompanied with a huge smile of pleasure.  It had been the best sex of her life and was pretty much perfect.

Jake was equally satisfied and feeling absolutely in awe of Amber and how she’d made him feel.  She wasn’t his usual sort of partner, all fierce and dominant, determined to show him how dirty she could be.  Neither was she a groupie or a fame hungry lettuce leaf eater who merely wanted to be seen on the arm of a rock star.  No, Amber was soft, gentle, bloody talented and just unbelievably awesome.  They’d played equal parts in their pleasure; neither of them controlling, but both caring about what the other wanted or needed.  If Jake could gauge it against a live performance, it had been moving, flawless and Grammy winning, and worthy of a ten minute standing ovation.

“You enjoy that, Freckles?” he asked, crawling up the bed next to her.

Breathing heavily, Amber merely nodded.  Enjoy it she thought – there wasn’t a word to describe how he’d just made her feel.  Amber wondered how on earth she was going to survive with mediocre sex after their relationship ended.  Because, she realised with a sense of sadness, everything after this
be mediocre.  With her pulse rate slowing down, Amber turned onto her side to face Jake.

“You want some breakfast?” she asked running a finger down his cheek.

“Well, I’ve just e…”

“Jake, no!” Amber scolded, pointing her finger at him.  “Don’t even think about saying it.”

Jake started to laugh and caught Amber’s finger in his mouth, gently biting it.  “You’ve no idea what I was going to say,” he said curling his hand around Amber’s.  “It’s just your dirty mind.”

“Oh, I think I do.”

Jake grinned at Amber and slapped her backside.  “How about I run you a nice bath?”

Amber tilted her head back to get a better look at him.  “Erm, okay, but why?  Do I smell or something?”

“Nooo,” Jake said lowering his head to sniff at her armpit.  “Not at all.”  Jake then screwed up his face and fell onto his back, clutching at his throat.

“Oh, you’re sooo funny Jake.”  Amber shook her head.  “Seriously though,
I smell?”

Jake leaned over and kissed Amber’s nose.  “No, Freckles, not a nasty smell anyway.  I just thought you’d like to soak those aching muscles of yours.”

“What do I smell of then?”  Amber insisted her brow furrowing.

“Summer.”  Jake sighed and closed his eyes.  “Sunshine, daisies and grass.”

“Grass?” Amber cried, slapping Jake’s arm.

Jake’s eyes popped open.  “Yeah, grass.  What’s wrong with that?”

Amber sat up allowing the duvet to slip to her waist.  As she noticed Jake’s eyes focus on her bare breasts, she took hold of his chin forcing his head upwards.  “Focus Jake.  Now tell me on what planet does telling someone that they smell of grass constitute a compliment?”

“My planet.  I love the smell of grass.  Anyway,” Jake said as he pushed himself out of bed.  “I’m gonna run that bath for you.  You wait here and I’ll call you when it’s ready.”  He then disappeared out of the door, and headed along the landing towards the family bathroom.


“You never said that it was for both of us,” Amber said, turning slightly so she could look over her shoulder at Jake as they settled into the bath together.

He dropped a kiss on her shoulder and smiled wickedly.  “Well, after such a tremendously active night and morning, I’m feeling a few aches and pains myself.”

Amber smiled and leaned back against Jake’s chest.  “I must admit, it’s pretty nice to have a cushion to lean against.”

“Funny that’s not what Tom said when I got in with him once,” Jake laughed, remembering Tom’s face when he’d once surprised him in the bathroom. “The words that he used were far more vulgar.”

“You’re always being mean to him,” Amber said, playfully slapping his leg. “What did you do?”

Jake grinned.  “It was hilarious.  He was dozing in the bath waiting for his girl from the night before to join him.  So, when I slipped in and started rubbing my hands up his legs he quite enjoyed it at first.”

“Oh no, didn’t he know it was you?”

“Only once he realised that she’d got bigger hands than expected and that her fingers were calloused.”  Jake reached down for the sponge and rubbed it with soap.  “Lean forward,” he said tapping Amber’s back.

Amber’s stomach flipped as Jake started to gently rub the sponge in small circles on her back. 

“God Jake,” she sighed.  “If you’ve never been in a relationship, how on earth do you know how to be such a good boyfriend? 

“You make it easy for me,” he replied, and moved the sponge to her shoulders.

Amber sighed and moved back against Jake’s chest, a small smile of satisfaction on her lips.  “That’s nice,” she whispered.

“Yeah, so are these,” Jake replied as he squeezed the sponge and watched the soapy water cascade down Amber’s breasts.

Amber giggled and shook her head.  “One track mind.”

“Yeah, but,” Jake whispered in her ear.  “It’s the best track you’ve ever been on.”

Jake’s breath against Amber’s neck sent shivers throughout her body, and she knew that she was getting more hooked on him by the minute.

With Amber lying contentedly against his chest, Jake wondered whether he would be able to keep their relationship emotion free.  He knew Freckles had said it wasn’t anything serious, and that she had no expectations, but she made him want more.  He smiled as he realised that the thought of sharing a bath with someone other than his rubber duck would have normally sent him running a mile.  But here, with her, he felt good and if it wasn’t for going all pruney he would quite happily stay there all day.

Jake suddenly had a thought.  “Hey, Freckles,” he said resting his chin on her shoulder.  “Do you fancy going on a date?”

Amber turned her head up to look at him.  She gave him a wry smile.  “I kind of spoiled the last one.  I’m surprised you want to take me on another one.”

Jake reached up and pushed her damp hair back from her face.  “Put that down to first date nerves,” he said.  “So, for our second date I was thinking a club, and then a night in a hotel.  What do you reckon?”

“Really?” Amber asked gleefully.  “Oh, but what about Ernie?”

Jake thought for a couple of seconds and then poked Amber in the side.  “I know who we can ask.”


“Valerie of course.  She loves Ernie, and it’ll only be for one night.”  Jake then had another idea.  “Okay, maybe two nights.”

“Two nights?  Could we?”

“Yeah, of course.  As long as Val will have Ernie.”  Jake smiled smugly.  He was getting
good at this boyfriend thing.

Amber’s smile failed.  “Oh, but she might say no.  You know, after the present that we left.”

Jake shrugged.  “Hmm maybe, but I’m sure I can charm her.”

“Do you now?” Amber laughed.  “Have you forgotten how hideous that bag of crap smelled?”

“Ah yeah,” Jake replied.  “Oh well, there’s only one thing for it.”

“What’s that?”

“I’ll just have to romance her into submission then.”

Amber grinned and reached up to kiss him, unable to resist his cheeky smile. 

“You do make me laugh,” she said.

“I also make you scream, Freckles, so get yourself out of this bath so I can do it again.”

Amber didn’t need any further prompting.  She stood up, and with a smack to her bottom from Jake, ran back along the landing with him following closely behind.


Chapter 13


“Seriously Jake, you’re kidding me, right?”  Amber dropped her handbag to the floor and stared, open mouthed, around the room.  It was beautiful; decorated in an elegant Edwardian style with thick, plush carpet at her feet and heavy brocade curtains at the large windows.  To Amber’s right was a huge, overstuffed, gold coloured sofa, covered in rich red throw cushions and next to it a winged back chair with matching footstool.  She looked up and gazed at the twinkling chandelier that hung from the ceiling.  Shafts of sunlight slanted through the windows, bounced off the crystals and created a rainbow of colour on the walls.

“It’s just gorgeous,” she whispered, smiling at Jake.

After finally managing to bribe Valerie with the promise of a foot rub, she had agreed to take Ernie for a couple of days, while Jake and Amber were in London.  Jake had thought about whisking Amber off to Paris or maybe Rome, but he didn’t want to come across as too flashy, so he booked the River View Suite at the Savoy instead.

“Is it okay?” Jake asked, genuinely worried that he hadn’t been imaginative enough with his choice of venue.  “I know it’s not Paris, but …”

Amber rushed over and jumped into Jake’s arms, wrapping her legs around his waist.

“It’s perfect,” she said, kissing Jake on the lips. “Thank you, but I’m still mad at you for not letting me pay half.”

“Hey, this is my treat,” Jake said. 

“God, you are such a good boyfriend.”  Amber sighed and leaned in for another kiss.

Jake immediately decided that this kiss was definitely going to another level.  It was getting that the he needed Freckles like he needed food – he was starved without a taste of her.  He gently squeezed the cheeks of her bottom and walked them both back to the suite’s marble corridor and through another door. 

With her mouth never leaving Jake’s, Amber gave a cursory glance around the room.  She was sure that it was just as beautiful as the lounge area, but at that moment all she was concerned with was the mammoth four poster bed.

Jake groaned as Amber’s grip tightened on his shoulders and she bucked her hips against him.  He pulled away from their kiss and trailed his nose along her jaw line and down her neck, breathing her in.

“Christ, Freckles,” he whispered against Amber’s ear.  “Your smell is fucking amazing.”  Jake’s lips followed the same path, as he kissed and licked the way back up to her mouth, before taking it captive with soft and sensual kisses.  He gently lowered Amber to the bed and stared at her hungrily.  With Jake’s intense gaze moving slowly down her body, Amber shivered with anticipation.  Slowly, Jake moved forward and eased Amber’s legs apart, kneeling on the end of the bed in between them.  The strength of his gaze burned into Amber’s skin, and caused heat to radiate from her head to her toes.  Licking his lips, Jake reached forward and took hold of Amber’s hips, pulling her closer to him.

Amber gasped as Jake slipped his fingers into the waist of her jeans, popped the button and slowly unzipped them.  Then, sitting back on his heels, he pulled off her shoes and dragged the jeans down Amber’s legs and tossed them to the floor.  He lifted up her t-shirt to reveal the creamy skin of her stomach. Amber raised herself a little to allow him to pull it over her head, and watched as it joined her jeans in a puddle on the carpet.  Jake’s eyes devoured the view of Amber dressed only in white, lace, underwear.

“You’re perfect,” he whispered, dropping a kiss on slightly parted lips.

As he lifted his head, Jake’s gaze intensified, showing no doubt what he wanted and needed.  Flushed with her own want, Amber lowered her eyes.

“Hey, look at me,” Jake said as he gently took her chin and forced Amber to look at him.  “And take the compliment, Freckles, ’cause I mean it.” 

He leaned forward and kissed her mouth, his lips soft and malleable as Amber opened up to him.  With his tongue caressing Amber’s, Jake reached behind her and unclasped her bra, and then slowly slid the straps off her shoulders.  Her full, round breasts sprang free, making Jake’s eyes darken and his breathing grow hoarse and lusty.  Amber shrugged free from the bra and flung it away.

Jake sat back and slowly ran a finger down the centre of Amber’s torso; from her throat, right down to the waist of her knickers, causing Amber’s breast to swell and her breathing to pick up pace.  Slowly, Jake traced along her pubic line, his finger just nudging underneath the lace fabric.

Amber bit down on her bottom lip and arched her back as Jake drew patterns over her underwear, all the time moving lower.  Then, when Amber felt the need to scream for more, Jake hooked his fingers into her knickers and pulled them slowly down her legs.  As he dragged them over her feet, the cool air hit Amber and her need intensified.

“Please, Jake,” she whimpered.

“What Freckles?  What is it that you want?” he asked, his voice low and husky.

“You, I want you.”

Jake didn’t need any further instruction.  He moved off the bed, whipped his top over his head, and then kicking off his boots and socks he slipped out of his jeans, revealing just how much he wanted her too.  Jake stood over Amber and ran his hands down her body, all the way down to her ankles.  His hands made the return journey, slowly, and stopped to cup her breasts, before Jake bent down to clamp his mouth over Amber’s nipple.

Amber writhed under his adoration of her body as every nerve ending came to life.  Every sexual experience before Jake had been almost pitiful compared to this.  She didn’t know that anything could be this good, and she didn’t want it to end.  Amber stilled momentarily as she thought about life without the sexy, desirable man who was currently sending her to great heights.  She mentally shook her head, determined not to think about when Jake realised that a relationship wasn’t for him.  She was going to enjoy it while it lasted – no emotions, just lots of fun and desire.

Amber lifted her hips, silently urging Jake to move onto the next step on his path of pure, unadulterated pleasure.  He moved back off the bed to put on a condom, while all the time they watched each other with deep intensity.  Desire and lust burning in their eyes.  Returning to the bed, Jake pulled Amber until she was right at the edge and held her legs apart.  Jake bent his knees so that he was perfectly positioned to grant her wish, and leaned over to whisper in her ear.

“You want me, Freckles?” he asked before nibbling her earlobe.

“Yes,” Amber gasped looking up at him with pleading eyes as his erection nudged against her wetness.

Jake moaned Amber’s name as he slid inside her.  Hearing it on his lips stabbed at Amber’s heart and took the air away from her lungs.  With Jake standing, the angle at which he took her, filled her and quickly started a fire within her body.  She let out a soft cry with every hard thrust, her fingers pressing deeper into the tight muscles of his back.  Jake’s hands moved to Amber’s hips and he took further control of their pace.  The noises coming from Amber’s sexy mouth were sending his senses reeling and his body was alight and desperate for her.  He knew that nothing had ever been this good.  No one he’d ever had before had ever made him feel like this – as though nothing else in the world mattered, except being inside her.  Jake pushed deeper, harder and faster, careering towards his release.  Amber’s hips pushed back to match his rhythm, and her moans of satisfaction mingled with his own.  With each thrust more pleasure flooded through Jake’s body, and he knew that he had to persuade Amber that this was more than just sex.  He didn’t care what she’d said previously.  This relationship with her was more than that.  Watching Amber beneath him, Jake had no doubt that she was feeling it too; she just wasn’t ready to admit it.

As their rhythm, and the power of Jake’s thrusts increased, Amber felt a daisy chain of electric shocks go off around her body, building up the pressure deep in her core.  Her body began to shake, her thighs quivering against Jake’s hips.  Not wanting the pleasure to end, but desperate to reach her climax, Amber pushed her heels against Jake’s backside, needing more of him.

“Jake!” she cried as she gripped him tightly.  “Harder.”

Jake pushed harder, and Amber cried out as she finally fell over the edge of climax.  Her body quivered and the waves of her orgasm carried Jake to his a few seconds later.  As their spasms waned, they slowly came down from the pinnacle of pleasure.  Heavy, hot, breaths mingled as Jake leaned down and devoured Amber’s mouth with a deep, sensual, kiss.

A few minutes later, after returning from the bathroom to dispose of the condom, Jake gazed down at a sated and sexily ruffled Amber.

“You are amazing” he said, as he moved onto the bed and took Amber into his arms, pulling her to his chest.

“Same to you too.”  Amber replied, her voice lazy and sleepy as the satisfied feeling of great sex swept through her body.  “Thank you,” she said, settling her head into the crook of Jake’s neck.

thank you
, Freckles.”  Jake kissed the top of Amber’s head and sighed.  “Christ, you’re going to be the death of me.”

Amber giggled quietly and wrapped an arm around Jake’s narrow waist. “Nice way to die though.”

Jake laughed, pulled her even closer, and they lay happily in each other’s arms.  “Hey,” Jake said after a few minutes. “You hungry?”

Amber nodded.  “Mmm, but I’m too comfy to move.”

Jake smiled.  “Me too. How about this then? We have a nap, and then get some room service before we go clubbing later.  How does that sound?” he asked, gently rubbing Amber’s arm.

Amber’s loud sigh was one of pure satisfaction.  “Perfect.”

“Good,” Jake replied, giving her bottom a gentle pinch.  “Get into bed then sweetheart, and tonight I’ll take you on the best date ever.”

Amber grinned against Jake’s chest.  “I think I’ve just had the best date I could possibly have.”

“Hey, don’t underestimate me, Freckles.  I can do
much better than that.”

Amber felt her insides quiver and her need for Jake start to build again.  Could this man get any more perfect, surely it was impossible?  Even if everything after this paled, she didn’t care, because at that moment, lying in his arms, Amber was pretty sure that there wasn’t a better place on earth.


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