Rock Star Romance: Dan (Contemporary New Adult Rockstar Bad Boy Romance) (Hard Rock Star Series Book 4) (19 page)

BOOK: Rock Star Romance: Dan (Contemporary New Adult Rockstar Bad Boy Romance) (Hard Rock Star Series Book 4)
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Lizzie said desperately. "Don't let that cow shake your confidence. Lucy,
you're gorgeous. You know half the customers get crushes on you. Even if you
weren't built like a real woman---" Lizzie blushed, but pressed
on---" You shine so bright and honest, anybody can see you're an angel.
You're worth twenty-five of Rosie. At least." She hugged her again, and
this time Lucy returned the hug, feeling her spirits lift. Harold walked in
just then and smile.

"It took her a
week to throw a real tantrum, eh?" he said as they pulled apart. His smile
was odd, fixed, like it was painted on. Then Lucy realized why, as soon as he
spoke again. "And all over that cowboy." He shook his head and
laughed, but it was too loud.

"Yeah, and he
invited us to come see him," Lizzie said, lying swiftly to spare Harold's
feelings. "I'm pretty excited that Lucy finally agreed to tag along. You
mind cooking for her tomorrow night, Harold?" her voice was relentlessly
peppy, but Harold's smile still wasn't as warm as usual.

"Sure! No
problem!" He walked toward the back office, not looking at Lucy. "You
have a great time, Lucy."

"We will,"
Lizzie said nervously. The door shut before Harold could say anything else.
"Damn," she said fervently. "I was hoping he didn't see

Lucy tried not to let
it get her down again. She recalled the intensity of Hugh's gaze, his skin
against hers, the heat in her body sharp and crackling. She couldn't protect
Harold forever, not if she wanted to have her own life. And as she busied
herself changing back into her dishwasher's apron, her mind kept seeing Sir
Hugh's tall, broad body pressed against hers in the shadows of the stadium,
kissing her deeply and chanting her name, she realized she wanted her own life
very, very much.



The next day, Lucy was
distracted for her entire shift, and when six o'clock rolled around, she took
off her apron nervously and went with Lizzie to basement, where there was a
small room they used for naps and bathing. They washed up from the tap that
dispensed hot water, and Lucy put on the brilliant green dress that fell softly
to the tops of her black boots. Lizzie wore a light blue dress and braided her
hair with strands of gold, and she looked even lovelier than usual. She helped
Lucy brush out her hair until it fell around her in frothy waves. Harold let
out a low whistle when they emerged, his expression complicated with emotion.

"My, you two are
a couple of princesses, indeed." He smiled gently and offered an arm to
each of them as he walked them out the door. "Have fun. Be safe."

"Thank you,"
Lucy said gently. He retreated back into the diner, and the two women joined
arms as they strolled toward the center of town. It was about a twenty minute
walk to the stadium, and the show didn't start for an hour and a half, but they
were too excited to stay in the hot diner. The air was brisk and fresh, and it
made them feel more and more alive with each step. Lucy felt her heart grow with
joy as she talked with Lizzie in a low voice, laughing about customers and the
tricks they might see.

"I've got a
ticket near you, maybe I can sit by you and no one will notice!" Lizzie
said hopefully as they approached the tall stadium. It was the prettiest
building in town, besides the courthouse, a pristine white that was re-painted
at least once a year. There was already a large crowd out front, and the hum of
conversation intensified as the women drew nearer. Lizzie saw someone she knew
and waved them over enthusiastically, but Lucy was lost in her thoughts. She
smoothed her dress over her curves, wondering if she should have worn make-up,
like more of the women in the crowd. She recognized a few from the diner, and
she saw some fingers point her way, presumably talking about seeing her
converse with Sir Hugh the day before.

There was a larger
version of the flyer on a huge sandwich board outside the stadium, and Lucy
could see the floor of the arena from the outside, and the rows and rows of
seats spiraling outwards around it, each row higher than the last. There was a
gated area where the bull was already waiting, being brushed by a stable boy
and chewing something slowly while his tail swished lazily from side to side.
He looked incredibly bored. Some people were filtering in, and the higher
levels were already filled. Lucy wondered how long they'd been there.

"Thirty minutes!
Show starts in thirrrrty minutes!" A young man was weaving through a crowd
and barking into a large cardboard megaphone, swinging a bell for good measure.
He was wearing a red-and-white striped jumpsuit and a wide-brimmed hat. He
winked at Lucy as he strolled by. "Thirty minutes!" His walk reminded
her of Hugh's, rhythmic and smooth, all hips. A scene flashed before her eyes,
unbidden: Hugh grinding his powerful hips against Lucy's body, moaning
passionately as he sank inside her over and over. She felt a rush of juices
between her legs, and she gasped softly. She tried taking a deep breath,
pulling cool air into her body in an attempt to douse the flames of lust.

"Want to go
in?" Lizzie asked, snapping Lucy out of her fantasy.

Lucy said quickly. She took Lizzie's arm again and walked with her to their
seats, Lizzie looking around nervously to see if anyone would care that that
she was a few rows off. People continued to filter in, and most of them didn't
even bother to glance at their seat number before the ticket taker came around
the pluck the squares of paper from their hands. As the stadium filled up, Lucy
gazed at the entrance to the floor where Hugh would undoubtedly arrive. The
barker was walking on the floor, and a hush fell over the crowd. Apparently
they were starting early.

"Ladies and
gentlemen, I've just been told we do not have an opener this evening." Lucy
could see that the young man was milky white under his freckles, but his voice
betrayed no fear. "Originally, Patty the Clown was gonna shoot himself out
of a cannon, but well...he's been fired." He made an apologetic face as
the crowd burst into mild laughter. It seemed to encourage him, and his voice
got a little stronger. "Our back up clown had to go the doctor, because he
was feeling a little funny." More laughter, and some scattered applause.
The barker grinned, ginger curls peeking out from under the brim of his straw
hat, and he looked 13 if he was a day. "And of course, I tried to book you
great people a magician, but he canceled on me, he told me he lost his

Lucy chuckled along
with the crowd, and the young man grinned triumphantly. "So, without
further ado, without any more hemming and hawing, before I wear out my

"Get on with
it!" a woman shouted, and the crowd screamed with laughter. The barker's
words were swallowed up by applause, and he waved his arms with a flourish toward
the entrance, where there was a small explosion and a puff of smoke, and Sir
Hugh burst through the entryway on his noble steed. He had his cowboy gear on
but also held a great wooden shield with a heart carved into its face. Lucy
felt hers beat double time, and did a neat turn of the stadium on his shining
chestnut horse, pulling a huge rose from his belt loop on his second go around.

"I search for the
fairest lady in the lands." he called, his voice carrying across the
crowd. "An immaculate flower to match the dazzling beauty of God's gift to
mankind, the delicate rose, the sweetest bloom. Only then can I find the spirit
to tame the beast---after a goddess has tamed my heart." He sighed
wistfully. The women in the crowd swooned collectively and leaned forward, eyes
locked on the rose. Hugh's eyes swept across the sea of rapt faces, slowing as
he focused on one in particular. "Ah," he said, pulling his horse
around to look at Lucy. "There she is." He tossed the rose to her,
and her hand caught it, even though her brain barely had any time to register
his words.

The stadium exploded
with noise, and Lucy's face broke into a breathtaking smile. Sir Hugh touched
his lips and held his hand toward her, holding her gaze a little longer before
galloping to the other side of the arena. Lucy clutched the rose to her heart,
smelling the intoxicating scent as it wafted from the petals. Lizzie was
slapping her shoulders and laughing, her eyes bright with surprise and delight.
Lucy barely heard or saw anything else until Hugh suddenly stepped down from
his horse, and the barker led the horse away. Sir Hugh was slowly rolling up
his sleeves, and his tanned biceps were bulging as he stretched his hands and
faced the bull.

It was over almost too
soon. He danced gracefully around the bull, and the crowd screamed in terror as
the beast lumbered forward, tossing its head and throwing the points of it
horns toward the muscled man. Hugh watched him with his sharp green eyes and
seemed to anticipate his every move, and Lucy realized there was still a lot of
art in rodeo. Certainly plenty of strength; it took Hugh a full minute to rope
him even when he toppled him over, and the crowd gave an enormous cheer when he
stood, breathing heavily, and raised his arms. The crowd called for an encore,
but the barker came back out and said he had to give the junior cowboys a shot.
Too soon, Hugh disappeared amidst a standing ovation, and Lucy's heart sank as
he walked backstage.

Lizzie said in her ear. "He picked you! I just knew he would, the way he
was looking at you! What's wrong?" Lucy had been quiet since the end of
the show, and she wasn't smiling.

Now she looked at the
rose. "What if she was right? What if he's just....planting more
roses?" She hung her head in shame. "I'll probably never see him
again." She looked at Lizzie helplessly, wondering if it would be too much
to ask to leave, but Lizzie was gazing over Lucy's shoulder in awe.
"What?" she asked. Then she felt a tap on her shoulder, and she
turned and saw Sir Hugh, smiling at her with an unreadable look in his eye.

Damn, she thought.
Just her luck.



"I do resent
that," Hugh said as he led her backstage and down a short hall toward his
dressing room. "I don't 'plant seeds', or anything like that. That's just
a rumor jealous girls started when I didn't pick them to throw a rose at."
He led her into the room, simple and plain, with a straw bed and a large,
cloudy mirror. His eyes bored into hers as he closed the door softly behind
him. Lucy felt like she was being examined under a microscope.

"Well, I'm sorry,
I meant no offense." She looked up into his face as he walked slowly
toward her. Her legs were shaking, and she searched for something to say,
anything---and landed on thin air. She kept thinking about how full Hugh's lips
were, and how he smelled of sweat and soap at the same time. "I really
enjoyed the show," she babbled. "That barker was quite funny."

"Did you hear
me?" Hugh asked quietly. He was inches away from her, and now he put one
hand on the curve of her waist.

"Yes," Lucy
said, and let out a nervous titter as his other hand moved her hair to one
side, cupped her chin again, and led her gently forward into a kiss. She melted
into it instantly, a fiery lust shooting through her body as his lips met hers.
Both of his arms slipped around her waist and pulled her against his body
firmly, and she felt a hardness grind between her legs. She gasped into his
kiss, and he pulled back, panicked.

"I'm sorry!"
his eyes were wide with fear. "God, I should have asked first! You don't
even want me, you were just being nice." His face was stricken.
"Damn. Lucy, please forgive me. I've wanted you since I first saw you, but
I completely understand---"

She didn't give him
time to finish. She leapt forward and crushed his mouth with hers, plunging her
tongue between his lips to tangle with his. Hugh grunted in delighted surprise,
then shocked her by reaching around and cupping her plump ass, holding her body
firmly against him as he ground his erect member against her. They fell on to
the bed, and Hugh kept grinding his hips against Lucy, pulling gently on her
hair as his cock thrusted against her swollen clit.

off," Lucy panted, skin burning from the kisses Hugh was planting on her
face and neck. "Now."

Hugh jerked Lucy into
a standing position and reached behind her to untie the strings, then pulled
her dress over her head swiftly. He started to remove his clothing as Lucy
stripped off her undergarments. As her huge breasts swung free of her
brassiere, Hugh let out a throaty moan. He moved his palm over the rigid shaft
of his cock, wrapping his fingers around it and stroking lightly. His thumb
passed over his bulbous head, sending a shiver down his spine. He licked his
lips, waiting for her to move.

Lucy slowly returned to
the bed, taking in Hugh's chiseled body with fervent eyes. She spread her
thighs invitingly, running her hand over her mound and shivering as her palm
caressed her swollen clit. A fire was eating away her self-control, and she
moaned as Hugh gripped her thighs to steady her, then sank swiftly into her
pussy. He let out an impassioned cry, pulling slowly out of her wetness, then
thrusting himself back in. The incredible sensation of his thick shaft
penetrating her tight walls stole the breath from Lucy's lungs, and her hips
rushed to meet the movement of his, her nerve endings singing with pleasure.
His mouth found her nipple and his tongue flicked across it sharply, forcing an
ardent cry of joy from Lucy's lips as he drove himself desperately between her
thick thighs. Her arms wrapped around his broad shoulders, pulling him in
closer so the round head of his rigid cock could reach the deepest, most
sensitive spot inside her.

Lucy couldn't believe
she had this beautiful man on top of her, filling and stretching her, and
kissing her urgently. His eyes were gentle, affectionate, and burning with
passion. He kneaded her soft breasts as he plunged into her, languidly dragging
the length of himself back and rushing forward to hilt himself in her dripping
wet pussy again. Hugh twisted her nipple with one hand, biting gently on her
breast before sucking the areola into his mouth. Lucy whimpered, and her eyes
rolled back in her head as he buried his cock in her again and again. She felt
her inner walls clench around him as he moved inside her faster and faster, and
he shuddered, picking up speed as desire rolled through his body. Lucy grabbed
the firm cheeks of his ass, pressing him closer against her. The weight of his
body ground against the sensitive nub of her clit, and she shouted her ecstasy
to the ceiling.

"You feel as
amazing as you look," he moaned into her ear, and Lucy felt a wave of
ecstasy suffuse her body. Hugh started to pump his hips wildly, sacrificing
rhythm for power and moaning deliriously as Lucy's inner walls swallowed his
girth and sent his body into paroxysms of delight. "I never want to stop
making love to you. Never." He said viciously. His green eyes were wild
with lust.

Lucy begged, and Hugh's hands grabbed her hips as he threw himself against her
harder. "Don't stop! Yes! God, yes, Hugh!" she cried, her eyes closed
in rapture. He was filling her with euphoria, his forceful thrusts pounding her
closer to the delicious edge of orgasm. His strong hands tightened on her soft waist
as he watched himself slide in and out of her slick pussy. His breath grew
ragged and short, and Lucy rolled her hips against his, her body thrumming with
joy. Her pussy tightened around his shaft as she came, moaning her ecstasy into
Hugh's mouth. She pulled his hair gently as he exploded inside her, and they
thrusted together, bodies drained of adrenaline. He pulled back, looking at her
in wonder. He didn't say a word, but kissed her, then slid himself off of her,
gazing at her face from his side.

There was a heavy
silence between them, and Lucy listened to the pounding of her heart, waiting
for her body to cool. She realized she could hear the roar of the crowd just
outside the door, responding to something someone was doing with an
appreciative cheer. Hugh was smiling at her shyly, waiting for her to speak.

"So," she
said carefully, trying for a joke. "You come here often?"

Hugh gazed at her,
startled, then laughed, holding his chest until the chuckles subsided. "I
promise I don't," he finally said. "Those stories really aren't true.
You are the first woman I've taken back here. In any fashion." He smiled
slowly at the look of disbelief on Lucy's face. "I'm serious."

"Well, I hope you
don't think I'm easy." Her voice was light, but she wasn't joking at all.
Hugh seemed to pick up on it. He leaned in and kissed her softly, sending a
jolt of happiness through her body.

"Not at
all," he said earnestly. "In fact, I'm expecting you to give me quite
the problem." His hand found hers, and she squeezed it.

"What do you
mean?" Lucy asked, puzzled.

“Well," Hugh said
gently, his eyes shining with mirth. "I doubt very much you're going to
let me take you on dates at your diner and at my place of work. So we'll have
to work around that, and meet up whenever I'm close. And I expect you'll want
me close often." He slipped his arm around her waist, grinning happily.
"Which I don't mind at all."

Lucy shook her head,
almost unable to believe what she was hearing. "Sorry...are you saying you
want to keep seeing me? Like...on dates?"

He looked at her as
though she'd said the most ridiculous sentence in the human language. "Are
you kidding me, Gorgeous? You think I'm going to let some other cowboy snap you
up?" he laughed, and the sound made her heart soar in her chest. She started
laughing with him, and they laughed until their faces moved close enough to
kiss again. They kissed until their bodies grew close enough to touch again.
Then they touched until they warmed again enough to make love.

After, Lucy watched
her cowboy sleep, hoping the show went on a little longer out there. She
pictured the look Rosie would get when she let this event slip, and especially
when she informed her that it would be ongoing. And to think that all she had
to thank was her special---a dish as hearty and complicated as her, but not
half as irresistible.




BOOK: Rock Star Romance: Dan (Contemporary New Adult Rockstar Bad Boy Romance) (Hard Rock Star Series Book 4)
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