Road to Redemption (20 page)

Read Road to Redemption Online

Authors: Piper Davenport

Tags: #Dogs, #motorcycle, #piper

BOOK: Road to Redemption
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Lights slid into his hand and he dropped them to the deck.

“Do you need help?” I asked.

“Not yet, babe. Lily okay?” He still didn’t look at me as he went back to the clips on the gutters.

“Yep, she’s coloring.” I bit my lip. “Gordon asked if we want to talk about houses at some point so he can pull a few listings for us to look at.”


“Or whenever.”

He looked at me…

“Can we talk about it when we’re done here, babe?” I nodded and he smiled. “You sleep okay?”

“Yes. You?”

“Not really. Kept getting kicked by little feet.”

I tried not to giggle. “Uh-oh.”

“Hawk, lights comin’ your way.” This came from my brother.

“Ready,” he said and caught another strand as it slid down.

“I’ll leave you to it.”

“Thanks, babe,” Alex said, and I let myself back inside.

Lily was still coloring and I slid her hair behind her ear and lifted her chin. “Are you hungry?”

She shook her head. “Huh-uh.”

“Are you sure? I’m going to make some peanut butter toast.”

“Nana made me some aweddy.”

My mom turned from the sink. “Yeah, Nana’s got it all covered.”

I grinned. “Thanks, Mom.”

“I’m heading over to Kristen’s in a bit,” Mom asked. “Anything you want me to take?”

“No, I’m good.” I dropped a slice of bread into the toaster. “I guess I need to wait for Alex to get off the roof before we plan our day. Is there anything you want to do, Lily?”

She settled her chin in her hand. “Umm, can we go to the movies?”

“Maybe,” I said. “I’ll ask Daddy and we’ll see if something appropriate is playing.”

“What does appwopi-it mean?”

“Basically, it means we’ll find a movie that you are old enough to see.”

She nodded and smiled. “I’m going potty.” She climbed down off the stool and headed to the bathroom.

Alex opened the slider a few seconds later and frowned. “Where’s Lily?”

“Bathroom,” I said, and slathered peanut butter on my toast.

He said nothing and left the room, returning with Lily and lifting her back on the stool. I raised an eyebrow in annoyance at him, but he ignored me.

“Lily would like to see a movie today.”

“No,” he said, and grabbed a glass from the cabinet.

“Why not?” I challenged.

“Lily, why don’t you come help Nana for a minute,” Mom said, and led Lily out of earshot.

He slid his glass under the water maker of the fridge. “Neither of you is leaving this house, Payton.”

“Surely going to a movie isn’t going to put us in danger.”

“You said you’d give me the week,” he reminded me.

“To be all up in my grill, but not to keep me sequestered at home!”

Alex shrugged. “Until I know exactly what I’m up against, you’re here.”

“How are we going to look at houses?”

“We’re not.”

“What about the New Year’s party at Macey’s?”

He shook his head.

“Are you kidding me?” I snapped. “I’m not missing my best friend’s annual party, Hawk.”

“I’m not arguing with you on this subject, babe. Accept it and move on.”

“Bite me.” I stormed out of the room and downstairs.

* * *

Hawk stood in the kitchen and watched her leave. He wanted to fuckin’ kill Jenny… more so than before. He had no idea how he and Payton would move past this, but he had to keep them safe or he’d never forgive himself.

His phone buzzed and he reached into his pocket, pulling it out. “Hey, Kay.”

“Are you sitting down?” she asked.

“Not currently, no. Why?”

“Mike called last night—”

“Why the hell are you taking his calls?”

Mike was Kayla’s ex and, not only did he step out on her, he was a major douchebag in general.

“Just listen,” she stressed. “I didn’t take his call. He left me a voicemail and I called him back because of what he told me.”

Hawk sighed. “Yeah, and what did the fucker say?”

“He was at
The Pink Fox
, you know the strip club in Gresham?”

“Can’t say I do, but go on.”

“Anyway, it’s run by some Russian mob guys, and they offer services that go further than lap dances. Anyway, Mike was there, shocker, but guess who one of the prostitutes was?”

“I’m on the edge of my seat, Kay,” Hawk droned sarcastically.


“Come again?”

“Jenny. She was totally strung out, topless, and up for anything. Mike videotaped her screwing one of his work buddies and sent it to me. Gross, but he thought you’d want it.”

Hawk leaned against the counter. “And why would he think I’d want it?”

“Because she talked about you on the video. Just watch it. You’ll see. I emailed it to you.”

“Okay, babe. Thanks.”


“You okay?” he asked.

“Is it wrong to admit I don’t miss you?” she asked. “I miss Lily, but I have to say, not waking up at the crack of dawn is kind of nice.”

Hawk laughed. “Well, you got the week to enjoy it.”

“I bet Payton will love that.”

“You’d think.”

“What did you do?” she challenged. “Did you have a rational conversation with her, or did you go all Tarzan on her?”

“Coulda been somewhere in between.”

“Love you, bro, but you’re an idiot.”

“I’m not having this conversation with you, Kay.”

Kayla laughed. “Okay, okay, but if you drive her away again, I will kill you.”

His heart dropped at the thought. “I won’t.”

“Okay, gotta jet. Talk to you later.”


He hung up and loaded his email. Brock and Chuck walked in just as the video loaded, so he pressed pause. “Need anything?”

Chuck shook his head. “We’re done.”

Hawk nodded.

“Where’s Pay?” Brock asked.

“Downstairs I think,” Hawk said.

“I’m going to clean up,” Chuck said, and headed out of the kitchen.

“You okay?” Brock asked, and grabbed a glass of water.

Hawk sighed. “I’m missin’ somethin’.”

“With the Jenny situation?”


“Want to map it out?”

“Kayla sent me a video.” Hawk stepped closer to Brock and pressed play.

When the video ended, Brock shook his head. “She’s fucked up.”

“Yeah. She was a wacko before Lily, but add drugs to the mix, and she’s… I don’t know. Fuckin’ gone.”

“Where was that taken?”

The Pink Fox

“Shit, really?” Brock said.

Hawk nodded. “Why?”

“We busted a human trafficking ring a while ago. The bastards who ran the operation owned that club. Among others.”

“Who’s running it now?”

“On paper? A guy named Brian Nolan.”

“None of this makes any fuckin’ sense.”

“Forward it to me, I’ll look into it,” Brock offered.

Hawk nodded and fired it off to Brock just as Payton walked into the kitchen, rinsed her plate, and dumped it in the dishwasher… all without speaking. Brock raised an eyebrow at Hawk, waved his phone, and left the room, also without speaking.

When Payton moved to leave, Hawk grabbed her arm and pulled her against him. “I know you’re pissed.”

“You’re a freakin’ genius, handsome. Well done.”

“I’m doin’ this to keep you safe, Payton. Fuckin’ cut me some slack.”

“I might be a little more inclined to ‘cut you some slack’ if you weren’t so beat your chest, I am man, you are woman about it. I also might be a little more inclined to cut you some slack if you gave me some credit.” Payton pushed away from him. “But since you don’t seem willing to do that, then we’re at an impasse, bub.”

He pulled her to him again.

“Hawk,” she snapped.

Hawk wrapped his arms around her waist and slid one hand into her hair, tugging it gently so she’d drop her head back. “Baby, I don’t know how bad this threat is. I’m feeling a little overwhelmed that you and Lily might be in danger, so, if you don’t mind, could we just hang here at your parents’ place until I get a better read on the situation?”

He smiled when her eyes narrowed, mostly because she was trying to keep from smiling. “You’re a butt,” she retorted.

“So I’ve been told.” He cupped her ass. “Love you, baby.”

She rolled her eyes. “You should. I’m amazing.”

He leaned forward and kissed her nose. “I will make this up to you. I promise.”

Payton’s body relaxed and she sighed. “I want boat time… with play.”

“Fuck me,” he whispered as he kissed her neck. “Don’t say shit like that in the middle of your parents’ kitchen.”

She grinned. “Payback’s a bitch, handsome.”

“Daddy!” Lily exclaimed as she rushed into the kitchen. “Can we go to a movie? Pweese?”

He released Payton and hunkered in front of his daughter. “Not today, baby girl, but I bet we can find a movie to watch downstairs. All three of us. What do you think?”

“Can we have popcorn?”

“Of course we can have popcorn,” Payton said.

Hawk smiled up at her and mouthed, ‘thank you.’

Payton smiled back and headed to the pantry.


WAS WRITHING against Alex as his mouth licked, sucked, and generally made me crazy. My legs were over his shoulders and he held my hips still so I had limited movement, while he ate me. I was enjoying the process, but when he slid two fingers inside of me, I came so fast, I groaned in frustration. “Damn it, honey, I was enjoying that.”

He chuckled as he climbed over me. “I have never once heard a woman complain about fuckin’ comin’ until you, Payton.”

“Well, I happen to like your mouth on me and it’s always far too short.”

“Unless I’m takin’ too long and you want my cock,” he countered, and slid into me.

I arched my hips. “Well, yes. That’s true, but you should be able to read my mind by now.”

“Want me to stop and go back to what I was doin’?”

I grabbed his arms. “Don’t you dare.”

Alex surged into me as he covered my mouth with his. He braced himself with an arm on the mattress beside me and cupped my breast, rolling a nipple between his fingers. Before I could climax, he came, falling on top of me, his breath coming in pants. Within seconds, he pulled out of me and slid his fingers in, thumbing my clit while he finished me off. I drew my knees together and rocked against his hand, clenching around his fingers as I came.

I grinned and craned my neck to kiss him. “You’re forgiven.”

He wrapped an arm around me and pulled me close. “It won’t be for long.”

“You don’t actually know that, honey.”

“Your brother’s helping.”

“He is?”

Alex nodded. “I think it’s bigger than just Jenny wanting Lily.”

“Well, that changes things a bit.”

“Yeah, it does.”

I dropped my head against his shoulder and kissed his chest. “Can we at least look at a few houses? Together? I want our own space.”

“Give me a couple of days, yeah? Just need to see what Brock can find and then we’ll go from there.”

“Well, you better keep me and Lily occupied, then.”

He grinned and cupped my breast. “Promise.”

* * *

Two days later, Hawk left the safety of the Williams’ home, but only because Brock stationed a plain car on the street. He was meeting Brock and Dallas at the Portland FBI office and, after a little prodding, was able to get Payton to agree not to leave the house. She was getting antsy, as was Lily, but it couldn’t be helped.

He arrived and was ushered by Brock into a private office. Dallas shook his hand and they introduced him to Jaxon Quinn, another member of their close-knit team.

“We know who was at the store,” Brock started, and slipped a file toward Hawk. “His name is Arseny Bekhterev and he’s the baby brother of Boris and Vasily, whom we busted in the human trafficking sting. The family has been lying low, but it would appear Arseny has been working quite quickly to build the family business up again.”

Hawk glanced through the file. “So, how does Jenny fit into all of this?”

“Well, according to Jenny, who is currently in custody and going through withdrawals in a secure medical facility, he is her pimp.”

“Fuckin’ bitch got into prostitution?”

“Not on purpose. She met Arseny, fell in love, and he has been turning her out ever since he got her hooked on heroin. What we’ve discovered, however, is that she has done some very stupid things, including stealing dope, and they want payback.”

“Which means?” Hawk pressed.

Brock grimaced. “Lily.”

Hawk’s blood ran cold. “Are you saying she’s offering Lily up as payment?”

Dallas nodded.

“What the fuck!” Hawk stood, slamming his chair back against the wall. “Take me to Jenny. I’m gonna kill the fuckin’ whore.”

“That’s not gonna happen, Hawk,” Brock said.

“I can’t believe she’d sell my…” He dragged his hands through his hair. “Fuck!”

“We’re on it, Hawk.” Brock waved to his chair. “But there’s more.”

“Fuck me,” Hawk whispered and took his seat again.

“Ashley is your club president’s daughter, right?”

Hawk nodded.

“Well, she got a little too close to Boris’s son, Vadim, and he felt humiliated when Ashley dumped him. Jenny said the family wants to bring down the club.”

“Shit.” Hawk dragged his hands down his face. “Ash has been gettin’ death threats ever since she cut the guy loose, but he’s disappeared.”

“Well, yes and no,” Dallas said.

“What do you mean?”

“He has a few aliases,” Brock provided. “They all do.”

“Makes sense,” Hawk said.

“You may want someone to watch her,” Brock said.

Hawk nodded. “She’s already covered.”

“Good,” Brock said. “Let’s figure out what we can do in the meantime.”

Before they could delve into anything, a knock at the door brought a young agent, his face set with concern.

“Brock, Smith and Flores got an issue at the house.”

Brock and Dallas stood and left the room while Jaxon picked up the office phone. Hawk grabbed his cell and dialed Payton, his heart in his throat.

“Hi honey,” Payton said.

“You and Lily okay?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Fuck,” he said, his breath leaving his body.

“What’s wrong?”

He rubbed his forehead. “Somethin’s going on at the house. Not sure what yet. Do me a favor and stay close to Lily. Can you get your gun and have it holstered and on you?”

“Sure. Honey, you’re scaring me. What’s going on?”

“Don’t know yet. I’m on my way home, so just stay put.” Hawk pulled his keys out of his pocket. “Love you.”

“Love you too.”

He hung up and rushed out of the room. Jaxon was still on the phone, talking to someone internally, but Hawk couldn’t wait for information. He needed to get home.

“Hawk, wait up,” Brock called, and jogged to catch up to him. “I’ll walk out with you.”

Hawk pressed the elevator button, his stomach churning with fear. “What did you find out?”

“Pizza delivery. Guy looked off, so one of my guys patted him down. He was carrying. A little more investigation found the real pizza guy bound, gagged, and unconscious in his car a couple blocks away.”

“Fuck me,” Hawk breathed as they stepped into the elevator.

“It’s one of Arseny’s guys, but he’s in custody. I sent another car and two guys will stay in front while the other two do a sweep. We’ve got this.”

Hawk nodded, but wouldn’t feel better until he got back to the house and could physically hold his girls.

“Payton should carry at all times,” Brock continued. “Not sure what she should do at school, but we’ve got a week, so we’ll sort it out when the time comes.”

Hawk nodded again.

“They’re safe. Bailey’s there as well and she says they’re fine. My parents left an hour ago, so the house is locked up and the alarm is on.” Brock stared at the wall. “Bailey knows the drill, as does Payton.”

“I hear you, but until they’re in front of me and I can touch them…”

Brock grimaced. “I get it.”

“You comin’ home?”

Brock shook his head. “I trust my team. I need to find out what else this bastard is into.”

Hawk nodded and stepped out of the elevator with a chin lift to Brock as he headed back upstairs. Hawk pulled out his phone again. Brock might trust his team, but Hawk would only trust his family to his brothers.

* * *

I had been pacing the house for what felt like forever, occasionally peeking outside to see if I could see anything. I saw a man in a pizza uniform being led away in handcuffs and was irritated that our dinner had been destroyed… that was until Alex called. Then I was glad our dinner was the only thing that met its death in that moment.

At about five thirty, I heard motorcycle pipes, and glanced outside to see a million bikers driving up to my parents’ house. Okay, a million might be an over exaggeration, but there were a lot. I recognized Booker and Mack by name, a few others I recognized by sight, but just as many were strangers to me.

Lily came running into the foyer from the family room where she and Bailey were watching a movie and she smooshed her face to the window. “Uncle Mack is here. And Booker!”

She reached for the doorknob, but I held her back. “We need to wait a bit, honey. I don’t know if it’s safe yet.”

“But thewa dogs, Payton. They always keep me safe.”

I smiled. Her absolute faith in these men was adorable. “I know, baby, but with Daddy not here, I need to make sure first, okay?”

She sighed. “Okay, Mama.”

“If you want to check it out, I’ll wait here with Lily,” Bailey said, joining us.

I nodded and pulled open the door, making my way toward the group of some of the best looking men on the planet. Even the feds were gorgeous in a buttoned up, official kind of way. Of course, I knew them somewhat as they worked with my brother, but only in a casual capacity.

“Hey, babe,” Mack said, and gave me a chin lift as he approached with Booker.

“Hi guys. Did Hawk call in the cavalry?”

Booker chuckled. “Somethin’ like that.”

“There’s a little girl dying to see her uncles. Do you want to come in?”

“We’re gonna wait for Hawk,” Mack said.

“Oh, okay.”

I turned to leave but Mack caught my arm. “Where you goin’?”

I nodded toward José Flores, one of the agents. “I was going to say hi. I’ll be right back.”

“Hawk wants you inside, Payton,” Booker said.

“And I will be… as soon as I say hi.”

“Don’t think that’s what he meant,” Mack countered.

“I know these guys, Mack,” I said, keeping the irritation from my voice as much as possible. “It’s all good.”

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