River of Secrets (24 page)

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Authors: Lynette Eason

BOOK: River of Secrets
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Amy knew there would be rough times ahead, crazy days and sleepless nights, but right now life was pretty perfect, in her opinion. She echoed her husband’s prayer.

Thank You, Jesus.


Dear Reader,


I so hoped you enjoyed your trip to the Amazon. I’ve always been fascinated with the rain forest and loved doing all the research, creating the characters and watching them grow closer to each other and Christ. As I was writing this story, I didn’t really have a theme. I just wrote the story God laid upon my heart, knowing he would reveal the theme in due time. Sure enough, after the manuscript was complete, (and still without a solid theme) I was having my quiet time when I came across this verse, Ephesians 6:14, “Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist.” I had come up with the idea for the birthmark long before the completion of the story so when that was the verse for my quiet time the day after I finished the manuscript, I knew I had my theme…truth. I pray Micah and Amy are characters that touched your heart and brought you closer to the God of love.






  1. Amy is searching for meaning in her life, so she travels to Brazil looking for it. Has there ever been a time in your life that you felt empty, searching, and God led you to fulfillment through an unexpected event or adventure?
  2. Micah, too, is searching for something. His memories, his God and answers to questions. Amy realizes who Micah is, but doesn’t tell him right away. She’s afraid of the repercussions she’ll suffer as a result. Has fear ever held you back from doing something you know is the right thing to do? What happened?
  3. Micah is self-conscious about his scars, worried about what Amy thinks of his physical appearance. She assures him his scars don’t bother her. Is there a physical imperfection that makes you self-conscious? Amy tells Micah that God sees his heart, not his scars. What do you think?
  4. Do you have a favorite scene in the story? If so, which one and why is it your favorite?
  5. Amy has the intention to tell Micah his identity, yet she procrastinates, partly from selfish reasons and partly because Lucas told her to wait. But once Micah remembers and realizes Amy has known for a while who he is, he is understandably angry. Have you ever procrastinated doing something you know you should do and it backfired on you? What happened, and how did you make it right?
  6. God spared Micah’s life over and over again. He finally gives God credit for it and decides it wasn’t just dumb luck that his assailant failed to kill him. Is there something you need to give God credit for? What?
  7. Amy carries a lot of anger and guilt in her heart because of her mother’s actions. When Micah approaches her about helping him find out if her mother has any knowledge about the attempts on his life, Amy refuses to call the woman. Has there been an event in your life that has held you captive, unable to face it due to fear or anger? If so, what do you think will help you face your fears and let go of your anger?
  8. Amy makes a pretty bad decision to go to Tefe by herself. She knows there is possible danger involved and yet she decides to go anyway, without making sure she is really well protected. As a result, she is almost killed. Have you ever made a bad decision that had a life-altering impact? What should you have done instead and what do you think the results of a different decision would have been?
  9. What do you think about Anna’s role in the events? Should she have tried harder to discourage Amy from going out on her own, especially into the jungle after Romero came down sick and couldn’t escort her?
  10. Micah feels torn between keeping everyone at the or phanage safe and leaving Amy alone to find her relatives. Have you ever felt torn between two right things to do, but could only do one? How did you choose? What happened as a result?
  11. Jonathas and Salvador both arrived at the orphanage under false pretenses. Jonathas took a situation and tried to do something good by watching out for Micah. Salvador wanted revenge. What do you think about these two characters, and could you relate to either of them?
  12. Unfortunately, Salvador had his facts wrong about Micah being involved in his family’s deaths. But he didn’t find that out until after he was caught. How do you think he would have felt had he succeeded in killing Micah and/or Amy and then found out the truth? What does God say about revenge?
  13. Amy and Micah turned a bad experience into good. They adopted a little girl that desperately needed a family. They offered help to the young man who’d tried to kill them. And Micah’s life’s work became helping victims of human trafficking. Have you ever had good come from a terrible experience because you stayed faithful and trusted in what God would do? Explain.
  14. Do you think Salvador is redeemable? Can God still reach his heart?

ISBN: 978-1-4268-2100-4


Copyright © 2008 by Lynette Eason

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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