Rival Revenge

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Authors: Jessica Burkhart

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Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing Division

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First Aladdin M!X edition January 2010

Copyright © 2010 by Jessica Burkhart

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ISBN 978-1-4169-9039-0

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To Ross Angelella, for coming up with “Versus”
(though the game's real name is waaay cooler)
and for having some of the best answers when we play at BF.
Best. Nights. Ever.
I feel like a cool kid when I hang out with you.


Kate Angelella, editor of amazing, you have no idea how there's no way these books would be even half as sparkly without your influence, brilliance, and constant guidance. The only reason we're on book seven is because of what you've put into them. And the glittery stickers kind of help.
Thank you, thank you for working on these like you do and for supporting me every second from outline to copyedits and beyond.

Thanks so much to everyone at S&S, especially Jessica Handelman, Russell Gordon, Karin Paprocki, Mara Anastas, Fiona Simpson, Bethany Buck, Bess Braswell, Lucille Rettino, Venessa Williams, Nicole Russo, and Brenna Franzitta.

Monica Stevenson, the awesome models and assistants, thanks so much for making this cover so stunning.

Alyssa Henkin, just thinking about how this started … and where the series is now … thank you!

My awesome friends for backing Canterwood and supporting my writing—Ross Angelella, Mandy Morgan, Lauren Barnholdt, Liesa Abrams, and Aly Heller.

My reader girlies—you're the best! I heart you all and thank you for being on Team Canterwood!

Finally, Kate, saying you're my BFF doesn't really cover it—I think it's more like fan-girl territory. For real.
I have the best times with you mocking really bad movies, dancing, and singing on the train. You've always got my back and it goes both ways. LYSMB!



indoor arena floor and helped drown out my own unwanted thoughts. He gathered himself, surged into the air, and bounded over the vertical with red-and-white-striped poles. We flew by the windows in the arena. Not even a hint of light came through—it was barely five thirty in the morning. I'd been at the stable since four forty-five.

My chestnut gelding and I were the only ones here. Monday morning lessons for the advanced team wouldn't start for another hour or so. My chest tightened at the thought. Callie and Eric would be here soon.

I urged Charm to keep up his canter. I didn't want to think about Callie, the best friend I'd lied to in order to protect her from the truth and had lost anyway. And I
couldn't even begin to think about Eric, my amazing ex-boyfriend who had witnessed something so horrible it had ruined our relationship and any possible chance of us getting back together. I'd barely slept for the past two nights and I was edgy and exhausted—ever since my little white lies had all come crashing down around me at my birthday party on Friday night.

Charm and I had been practicing almost nonstop all weekend. It kept me busy and away from my other BFF and roommate Paige, who didn't believe my story about my initiating the kiss with Jacob. Paige wouldn't stop asking me about it, so I'd spent as little time in our room as possible all weekend. But on Canterwood Crest Academy's campus, there were few places to escape.

I looked up just as Heather Fox walked into the arena. Heather, the leader of the Trio, was my enemy most of the time, but she'd helped me out the night of the party. I slowed Charm to a trot, then a walk.

Heather's blond hair was pulled into a low ponytail and she had on black yoga pants and a casual T-shirt. She didn't have a lesson this morning, so why was she here?

I stopped Charm in front of her.

Heather folded her arms and started at me—her ice-blue eyes seemed to cut right through my thoughts.

“What?” I asked her.

is that I get hard-core practicing, but you're being insane. If Mr. Conner caught you jumping alone—you'd be in so much trouble.”

“Coming from
?” I laughed, willing my voice to sound stronger than I felt. “You practice all of the time. You're here more than anyone. And it's not like I'm on the cross-country course—I'm in the stable.”

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