Read Rising Dragons Omnibus Online

Authors: Ophelia Bell

Rising Dragons Omnibus (34 page)

BOOK: Rising Dragons Omnibus
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She leaned in to rest her lips against his ear. “You have a beautiful cock. And you have beautiful energy, too. You feel so good.”

He shuddered under her touch. “Oh, God. How can you talk like that and not be fucking me?” he murmured back at her. His entire body trembled against her. She rested her cheek on his shoulder. She needed him to come for her soon.

She pressed her lips against his ear. “Your cock feels so hot in my hand. I want to feel your hot come all over my skin.” She hated a little that she’d said almost the same thing to Rafe and had to struggle not to imagine that it was his thick shaft she stroked. She closed her eyes stroked Trevor a little harder, leaning into him when his fingers twined through her hair and he murmured words of lusty approval.

“You need this, don’t you?” Trevor whispered, not even moved by what she’d said.

“I need you to come, yes.”


“Because when you do, it helps me.”

“How does it help you?”

“It helps me survive.”

His hands fell to her hips, clinging in a weird, hesitant way, but a second later his fingertips sunk in. “
Oh fuck.”
Trevor convulsed, his semen spurting in hot streams over her hand. The warmth of his orgasm seeped deep into her, replenishing the empty well with a refreshing infusion of potent energy.

She was too tingly with the fresh energy to even feel when he handed her the towel. She finally opened her eyes and inadvertently gazed into his eyes in that moment. The concerned understanding that met her gaze was more disconcerting than any of the alienated looks she’d gotten so far from the others. She was used to people being confused by her. But knowing her? She wanted more of it. First, she needed to finish what she’d started.

Rowan sensed three pairs of eyes on her. No one had made a sound while she jerked Trevor off, which told her one thing—that they were at least willing observers. The level of magic that had accumulated around the hot tub had reached a steady flow and lingered. It was nowhere near as dense as she needed it to be, but the act of watching her get Trevor off had more than piqued their interest. Trevor’s eyes looked glazed and he smiled at her a little drunkenly. She delicately wiped her hand and cleaned off his drooping cock with the towel, then turned to face the others.

Meeting their eyes now made her stomach clench with guilt. She was using them, plain and simple. Like she’d used men before Rafe, only her hunger had grown ten-fold since learning what she was and how to use the power that came along with being a dragon. She needed them and there was no sense denying what she was and how she would go about taking advantage of their desire.

“Well, Charles? Are you ready?” She expelled magic along with her words, letting it mix with the steam coming off the surface of the water.

“Where do you want me?” Charles asked, slipping back into the steaming tub.

“Hand the lube to Justin and bend over the edge,” she commanded with a nod of her head.

Justin looked both excited and terrified when Charles reached out with his offering. Justin’s throat convulsed as he swallowed and his mouth opened as if to speak. He finally managed to force out a strangled “Thank you,” watching as Charles turned his toned backside to the rest of the party. And it wasn’t just the few of them who were taking advantage of the hot tub who could view their activities. The tub itself was at the edge of the deck, and anyone on the deck or just inside the house would have a perfect vantage of Charles’ round, pale ass.

A light breeze blew off the ocean, carrying the magic-infused steam from the tub across the deck and the energy of the entire party shifted. The couple in the pool nearby who had restrained themselves before, began going at it again. The flow of hungry desire escalated around Rowan, exciting her along with the others. She forced herself to regain focus.

“He’s already hard, Justin, just look at him. He wants you to fuck him, so what are you waiting for?”

Justin stood a little shakily and waded over to Charles. He reached out, resting a palm lightly on Charles’ shoulder as though he worried he might get burned and meant to test the heat first. He grew bolder, sliding his hand down, exploring the length of Charles’ torso until his hand reached the round swell of one ass cheek. Charles looked over his shoulder and said, “That’s right, buddy, my ass is yours tonight. What are you planning to do with it?”

A strangled groan erupted from Justin’s throat and he seemed to snap. He bent over, bared his teeth, and bit down hard into the flesh of Charles’ left cheek, at the same time as he slipped one hand between Charles’ legs and cupped his balls. Charles yelped and flinched, but Justin had a solid grip on Charles’ cock and refused to let him go.

After that, Justin’s reluctance dissipated quickly and he shifted behind Charles, upending the little bottle of lube and aiming it at the top of Charles’ ass crack. Clear liquid squirted out and trickled down. Justin set the bottle down and with both hands spread Charles’ cheeks wide, sliding fingers back and forth along his cleft. Charles let out a loud curse when Justin sunk one finger into the opening and began fucking into him.

“You know what I think?” Justin said. “I think he needs something to occupy that smart mouth of his. Like maybe another cock. I’d do it, but I’m a little busy here.” He glanced at the two other men. “You two want to take turns?”

Rowan marveled at how eagerly the other men responded, both moving to kneel at the edge of the tub. The two women followed, clearly not wanting to feel left out of the game. Paige sat at the edge of the tub and took over stroking Charles’ cock while the other woman settled between Paige’s thighs, spread her pussy and gave it a tentative lick.

“Well, fuck me,” Trevor murmured beside her. “You really are something else. Are you just going to watch?”

“Just for a little bit,” Rowan said. “Until they come. You can join them if you want.”

“If it’s all the same to you, I think I’ll just watch, too. I’m a one woman kind of guy.”

“No men?” Rowan asked.

“Not generally, no.”

“But watching Charles get fucked turns you on.”

Trevor couldn’t deny his reaction to the scene. Justin had switched from fingering Charles and was slowly pushing his cock between the cheeks of Charles’ ass. Charles feverishly sucked on the cock in front of him.

Trevor tore his eyes away from the scene, glanced at his own raging erection and gave her a sheepish smile. “It’s the principle, really, but I don’t mind a little ass play sometimes, from the right person.”

The scene on the other side of the tub became frenzied. Without responding to Trevor’s comment, Rowan stood and went to the group. She paused by Justin and whispered in his ear.
“Wouldn’t you like to see the others take a turn?”

“Fuck, I’m about to come. One of you guys needs to take my place,” Justin said, shooting a hurried glance at the two other men.

Charles groaned around the cock that was shoved down his throat. The man who wasn’t being serviced moved down to Justin’s side to wait his turn.

Justin let out a harsh groan and dug his fingertips into Charles’ ass as he slammed in deep once more and quivered through his release. Rowan kept her hand on his arm, eagerly soaking up the energy that flowed through him.

They fell like dominoes after that, and she made the rounds, moving close and whispering words laced with potent wisps of her breath at each of them in turn. It was like standing beneath a fountain of endlessly flowing power and just drinking it in until she was full. Trevor only watched from his spot across the tub. He didn’t seem to even notice the thick spike of his hard-on between his thighs.

Rowan was dizzy from the intensity of the magic filling her, leaving her feeling like she’d just downed a very potent drink a little too fast. The group didn’t stop after the first round, either. The momentum she’d given them had spurred them on. They only switched places, with Justin eagerly moving in front of Charles, the others coming together in a tangle of limbs around them.

Rowan left the tub, eager to move on now that she was full. She paused, dripping wet a few steps away, shocked to see several other clusters of naked bodies scattered around the deck, tangled in lewd positions, fucking and sucking and generally debauching themselves.

She fled through, navigating them like a mine field, and ran naked up the path into the jungle.

“Rowan, wait!” Trevor called after her. She could have shifted and flown away in the shadows but didn’t want to risk him catching a glimpse.

“Fuck,” she muttered and stopped. She turned to face him. “I have to go. Just go back to the party and let me go, alright?”

“What are you, some kind of fucked up Cinderella who goes to the ball and leaves an orgy behind? I knew your kind was capable of some crazy shit, but that’s beyond what I’ve ever witnessed.”

“What do you think ‘my kind’ is, exactly?”

“If I had to guess, some kind of succubus, except you don’t suck up people’s life forces. If anything you left me feeling even better after that hand job. This family my parents work for…they do shit like that, too. Only not quite to that level. I mean…I’ve been seduced by someone like you before. My dad once told me if they ask, don’t say no, and that I’d never once regret it. I wanted her so bad anyway when I was eighteen, so there was no way in hell I’d have turned her down, but she was
compared to you.”

Trevor’s confession piqued her curiosity and she took a step back down the path. “Are you telling me you lost your virginity to someone like me? What happened after that?”

“Nothing, really. We fooled around sometimes, but didn’t see each other regularly. Then about a year ago they said she died. I don’t know how, though. Dad wouldn’t say. He just gave me this and said she’d wanted me to have it.” He fingered a small round emblem that hung from a leather thong around his throat.

“Can I see that?” she asked, closing in on him and reaching out to his necklace.

“Sure, but I can’t take it off without cutting it.”

She stood close to him and he lifted his chin for her to inspect the small carving of deep indigo jade that rested in the hollow of his throat. Inspecting it up close, she could see the shape of the tiny dragon etched into it and inlaid with gold. Her fingertips tingled when she touched it.

“What are you?” she asked, meeting his eyes with astonishment. There was definitely something special about him. Something Rafe had left out of their lessons.

“Just Trevor,” he said, giving her a sideways smile. “I just take these things in stride—have all my life. I know there are things in the world I have no hope of understanding. But I do understand one thing.”

“Oh, and what’s that?”

“You’re running from something. Or someone. I wish you would stay. Just long enough to put on some clothes and have a conversation over dinner? I’m a great listener.”

“Well, then listen, Trevor. You’re sweet but I’m not looking for anything long term.”

“Not even if I tell you I’m fine with you taking what you need whenever you need it? No questions asked?”

“That sounded an awful lot like a question,” she said, amused by his eagerness and intrigued by the offer. Her skin tingled beneath the gentle caress he brushed across the top of her hip, as though he wanted to pull her closer, but was trying very hard to respect her boundaries.

questions,” he said. “At least let me give you one for the road. Call me dessert.”

“You’re a little too persistent to be compared to food,” she said, shifting closer. Not only persistent, but adorable. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned in to whisper in his ear. “One for the road sounds delicious, though.” She brushed her lips along his jaw until she found his mouth. She nipped at his lower lip, sucked it into her mouth and then teased her tongue past his teeth. His fingertips clutched her hips, pulling her tighter against him. He succumbed eagerly into the kiss, walking them backward across the path to a bed of lush greenery, then lowering her to the ground.

“Fine, then you’ll be
dessert.” He pushed her legs apart and lowered himself between her thighs, humming appreciatively when his mouth found her already wet and throbbing pussy.

“Oh God, thank you,” she sighed. The need to replenish her magic had overridden her own desire. Even as turned on as the experience had made her, she’d been so intent on moving on she hadn’t wanted to take the time for this. Now she was immensely grateful to him for making her pause long enough to find this small bit of satisfaction.

When she came, she cried out a pair of names, both leaving a bittersweet sense of loss deep inside her. The familiar rush of magic passed through her, seeking out her partner, but not diminishing the ache of sadness. With human men the magic of her climax had never gone beyond her own boundaries, not as it had with Rafe or with Zak and Darius. Yet the energy easily flowed into Trevor. This signal of how special he was left her regretting even more the need to leave before learning more about him.

Trevor quivered with pent up need when he hovered over her. “I can go now if you want,” he said softly in the dark. Without answering, she reached for him, tilted her hips up and urged him back down to her. He kissed her hungrily as he pressed the tip of his cock at her entrance and slid slowly into her tight sheathe.

There was something even sweeter about the magic he gave her when he reached his peak. It may have been the fact that it was accompanied by the sound of her name falling from his lips when he pulsed inside her, or the last infusion of magic that left her feeling giddy and bubbling with a need for something she hadn’t felt since that first night with Rafe. She’d tried to explain the strange, subtly incendiary need to Rafe, but his expression had just darkened and he had told her it was too soon to explain, that he would when the time came.

She curled against Trevor’s side with her face buried against his neck and gave into that feeling. Instinct made her act, along with an overwhelming need to hold on to this precious moment, this precious man. He shivered as her tongue teased a small pattern just behind his ear near his hairline, then he turned and kissed her deeply.

BOOK: Rising Dragons Omnibus
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