Read Rising Dragons Omnibus Online

Authors: Ophelia Bell

Rising Dragons Omnibus (43 page)

BOOK: Rising Dragons Omnibus
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Issa’s pulse fluttered weakly beneath his fingertips.
“Hold on, my love. I will keep you safe, or die trying.”


The voice vibrated through the air close to his shoulder, sending a current of wind through his hair. His skin tingled from the slight caress of Aurum’s breath, his ears still vibrating with ecstasy in response to the simple address. He’d never heard the immortal Gold speak before, and the fact of that one small word surprised him so much he paused to look up at her, amazed that he could find hope in only a single syllable.

She didn’t address him next, however, but the pair who stood behind him. “Are these your mates, my children?”

Aurin and Aurik’s worried looks transformed to identical defensive scowls, both dragons bodily moving to protect their mates.

Aurum puffed out an exasperated breath. “Fools, I wish to help the Catalyst. Did you know you were mated to not one but
Udara? I sensed them when they stepped foot on the mountain but couldn’t be sure who they were until they moved this close. You keep them well primed, I see.”

The Twins shared a surprised look. Aurik said, “We knew they were special. But the truth is, they chose us. I don’t think Aurin and I ever really had a choice.”

“It is the way with Udara. And it is Fate that brought them here. You must let them help.”

Dimitri and Thea both moved forward over the objections of the Twins. “Damn right we’ll help,” Thea said. “Show me the way.”

Kris buried his bafflement at their insistence and continued out of the Pavilion, leading them down the path.

Breath of Fate: Chapter 6

he two of you must stay,” Aurum said. The Twins paused a step before exiting the Pavilion and looked back, identical expressions of confusion on their faces.

Rowan was mesmerized by the synchronicity of their movements and their features. They might be the most beautiful dragons she’d ever seen, and their anguish over seeing their mates leave left her heart in a state of intense longing. She looked back at Rafe and Trevor, who stood side by side watching events unfold. They met her gaze and she went to them, gripping the hands they extended in each of hers, the simple touch conveying the depth of their feelings as much as their eyes did.

“What happens now?” Rowan whispered.

“We follow Aurum’s lead,” Rafe said. “The Verdanith will need to be charged to full power. Only dragons can accomplish that.”

The huge golden dragon bowed her head toward Rafe, indicating she had heard. “Yes, child. We will need all of you to join us in the Mother’s Glade, but your human mates will need to remain behind. It is a place where only dragons may go.”

“What are we supposed to do, just sit on our asses and wait?” Erika asked.

“On the contrary. Your assistance is needed along with the Udara who have followed Kris. The pair of them are ideal sources of energy for Issa, but they can’t provide a constant flow. When they pause to rest, Kris will need other sources. Your presence here is quite fortuitous. The six of you should follow Kris while the Court—and our new guests—join us in the Glade. When the Verdanith is at full power, you will know it, but the hours flow differently where we are going, so it may take some time.” The dragon’s glimmering eyes rested on Rowan and Rafe, her long tongue darting out in a distinctly eager lick of the air between them.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
Rowan said to Rafe.

His hand squeezed hers a little tighter.
“Which part? The part where we’ve been invited to assist the Council in recharging the Verdanith? I’ll give you three guesses how it works. And I think she has just staked her claim on having us to herself during the process.”

Rowan glanced around at the others, trying to gauge their various moods. Erika shared a long look with Geva, but neither of them appeared upset about the prospect of being separated. In fact, if Rowan had to guess, the pair looked excited. Her brother gathered his mate in his arms, and gave her a long, sensuous kiss, then urged her to go. Erika strode the few steps over to Rowan, her cheeks still flushed. The aura of her arousal clung to her brightly. Rowan hadn’t quite gotten used to the awareness of the magic and the eagerness with which all the human mates seemed to embrace the nature of their lovers. Erika might be one of the most enthusiastic women she’d ever met when it came to sex. She quickly reevaluated that assessment when the petite, blonde Camille walked up to them and nudged Trevor’s shoulder.

“Looks like we’ll get the chance to get to know you a little better,” Camille said, not even trying to hide the suggestive tone. She eyed Trevor up and down, then Rafe. “This one’s got a very talented tongue,” she said, patting Rafe on the chest, then glancing at Rowan. “You’re one lucky girl.”

Rowan raised an eyebrow at Rafe. He cleared his throat and gave her a weak smile. “I’ve been blessed with friends who are happy to share when they have a friend in need. She and her mates saved me much the way Trevor and I saved you.”

Erika laughed. “We are nothing if not giving. Come on Trevor. I promise we’ll take good care of you and I have no doubt your efforts will be appreciated. Kris and Issa mean a lot to us.”

“Um, all right, I guess. You’re okay with this, Rowan?”

“I think I have to be, as long as you are. Just make sure you enjoy yourself.” She nudged him toward Camille and Erika.

“I don’t think that’ll be an issue,” Trevor murmured, eyeing both beautiful women who were already leading him away to follow the others down the mountain path and away from the Pavilion.

“Where is this Glade? Do we need to fly there?” Rowan asked.

Without answering, Rafe pulled her toward the center where the others were gathered, linking hands in a circle around the glowing shape of the Verdanith that had embedded itself in the floor of the Pavilion. Around them the shapes of the dragons of the Council shimmered as they exhaled deep breaths. Colorful clouds of smoke coiled and swirled around them, the tendrils of each color twining together until it formed a twisting rope. The column of it arched over their heads and flowed into the center of the floor between them, sinking into the round opening at the core of the Verdanith.

As though a key had thrown the tumblers of a lock, the entire floor of the Pavilion shifted beneath Rowan’s feet. The world around her wavered and flashed, colorful smoke filling the air so thickly that it obscured her vision of everything around her. All she could see was sparkling, colorful fog, but Rafe’s hand still gripped hers tightly on one side and the smooth warmth of the golden dragon’s, Aurik’s, hand gripped tightly around her other hand. The mist seeped through her clothing, though not with the expected sensation of moisture. The ethereal cloud had the texture of silk sliding between her garments and her skin, whispering across every inch of her flesh like a breath. Before she could control herself she let out a soft moan in response, giving herself up to the pleasure. Her mind buzzed with the power of the magic that surrounded her, infused her with every breath. Vaguely she understood for the first time what the humans might have experienced in response to her own breath.

Her eyes fluttered open when the sensation subsided and she found herself and the others in a sun-dappled glade. In the center was a circular pool filled with crystal clear water. The center of the pool had a stone island roughly the size of the center of the Pavilion where Kris had stood when he assembled the Verdanith. The Verdanith itself was visible in the center here, as well, glowing with rhythmic pulses.

A pair of lips pressed against her bare throat. Another pair against her shoulder. Fingertips tugged at the bindings of her clothing and with barely a thought she dispersed the conjured dress she wore. She heard a splash and the sound of ringing laughter. Movement caught her attention at the periphery of her vision. She pulled her attention away from the teasing hands on her body to marvel at the tableau before her. The familiar faces of her friends had been joined by new faces and it took Rowan a moment to register that the Council had shifted. While human in shape, however, they each retained an otherworldly quality that surpassed even the quality she’d noticed in the dragons she’d met the last two days. Both the men and the women were taller, more muscular, the men imposing in their size. The black dragon, Ked, dwarfed the petite naked form of Racha who teased him from the water. He dove in after her, wrestled with her briefly until they came together beneath the water, Racha’s face abruptly transforming from mischievous fun to pure pleasure with the movement of Ked’s hips against hers.

The other Council Dragons seemed to have each chosen one or two of her friends. Kol and her brother flanked the beautiful blue Belah. Geva knelt before Belah, pressing urgent kisses down her torso while Kol cupped the woman’s breasts from behind.

On a smooth stone ledge across the pool, Roka was already tangled with Numa, her full breasts worshiped by his lips and tongue, her long legs wrapped around his waist as he fucked her.

Lovely, golden Aurin lay sprawled on the grass, the tangled crimson curls of the immortal Red, Gavra, moving between her thighs, while on the other side of them, Aurin’s brother was similarly engaged with the white dragon, Aodh, Aurik’s fingers twined in Aodh’s hair while the Council Dragon’s pale tongue and lips worked deftly at Aurik’s cock.

A beautiful face obscured Rowan’s view, golden eyes set deep. Aurum’s sweet breath hit Rowan’s nostrils first, and she inhaled. The power infused her with joy like a drug. She exhaled in response, sending out a red gust of her own power.

Aurum hummed her appreciation. “A game then?” the immortal Gold said. She pressed closer, sliding her hands up over Rowan’s bare breasts. Tender palms cupped both breasts, the pads of her thumbs brushing over Rowan’s nipples before Aurum moved higher, holding Rowan’s chin lightly with both hands. The light contact sent a buzz of pure pleasure through Rowan’s body and it lingered hotly at her core.

Aurum’s lips parted as she leaned closer, still a hair’s breadth from skin on skin. Her warm breath puffed out against Rowan’s mouth and Rowan followed her example, opening her mouth slightly and exhaling.

The warm velvet of Aurum’s lips made contact, her tongue pressing deeper. Rowan’s heartbeat thudded in her ears with every increment of the powerful breath that fused with her own, deep in her lungs. She slung her arm around Aurum’s neck and tilted her mouth against the sweet, soft kiss, opening up and exhaling again. The soft length of Aurum’s body slid against her, thighs brushing together, hands squeezing breasts, hips, and ass.

They traded breath until Rowan lost track of her surroundings, but through it all she remained acutely conscious of the other pair of lips and hands that kissed and caressed her from behind. Aurum finally pulled away a dizzying moment later. She shifted her lithe golden body around Rowan. Rowan turned and watched while she clutched Rafe by the back of the neck and pressed her lips against his.

Swirls of their mixed red-gold breath expelled from Aurum’s mouth, tendrils of it escaping from between their lips. Rafe pulled it into his lungs in a single inhalation, his eyelids fluttering and his lips twitching into a euphoric smile. When they parted, Rowan followed suit, pulling Rafe down to meet her own mouth and sharing with him the lingering combination of her breath mixed with Aurum’s.

Rowan had only a vague idea what needed to be done. Recharging the artifact could have meant all kinds of things, but the more understanding she acquired about the nature of her race, the more she realized there was really only one way that would happen. They must have been transported into some kind of magical parallel world, or a tiny pocket of one. The Council’s magic swirled thickly around them, arousing her to the point that the other dragons’ power seemed like faint background noise by comparison. When the first pair of orgasmic cries resonated through the air, Rowan looked up from the distracting kisses and caresses Rafe and Aurum were sharing with her and watched, mesmerized, as the bright green light sailed through the air from Numa and Roka and sank into the center of the pedestal. The Verdanith remained brightly lit for a moment, before subsiding back to its low, pulsing glow.

With disconcerting synchronicity, the six immortal dragons disengaged from their activities, leaving behind baffled looks of mild frustration among the others.

“It’s time,” Aurum whispered to Rowan. “Don’t fret, my dear. We will be gentle.” With strength far beyond what Rowan was capable of resisting, Aurum clutched both her wrists, twisted them behind her back, and urged her to walk forward into the water. Steps led down into the cool, waist-deep pool, then up again to the flat, circular island in the center.

“What the hell?” Rowan looked back at Rafe, alarm bordering on fear.

Rafe’s eyes widened briefly, then he seemed to come to some silent understanding. He looked back at her, resigned. “We broke their laws. Therefore they must administer punishment.”

“Punishment? For falling in love? Rafe! I didn’t even know it was a law when I fell for you. And I thought you said my presence would make them change it!”

“Darling, the only thing to do now is to accept it bravely. When it’s over we will be able to make our arguments.”

Belah moved to Rafe’s side and Rafe nodded, holding his hands behind him for her to restrain and drive him forward. They weren’t the only ones, Rowan soon became aware. They were joined in the center by Aurin and Aurik, who both looked as chastened as Rafe.

“What did you guys do?” Rowan asked under her breath.

In a sardonic tone, Aurik murmured, “Fell in love with the same human. Two dragons aren’t allowed to mate and mark a single human at the same time.”

“Well, that’s news to me, too.” She eyed Rafe from across the platform, finding it hard not to be as amused as she was irritated. “Too bad you didn’t give me a legal lesson when we met, baby. Is Trevor going to be alright?”

“He’ll be fine. No doubt he’s enjoying himself more than we are at the moment. Camille is nothing if not attentive.”

The fact that Rafe and the others didn’t seem worried or even afraid let Rowan relax a little. The four were positioned at the four cardinal points of the platform. She and Aurin faced each other, with Rafe and Aurik to either side of them.

The immortal Shadow, Ked, stood just outside their circle where the water lapped at its edges and gestured for Kol to move to the opposite side. Both exhaled deeply, their dark breath quickly fading to nothing as it left their mouths. Air currents that hadn’t existed before moved around Rowan, tickling her skin. A second later, the sensation of invisible silk bindings coiled around Rowan’s wrists and tugged her arms up in front of her and over her head. The others’ movements mirrored her own. Similar sensations coiled around her ankles, tugging her legs apart so she stood spread-eagled. The magic ties held her snugly enough that she could let her weight hang entirely from her wrists without any give, if she chose to.

Rowan had to crane her head around her arm to see Rafe. His dark beauty took her breath away, particularly with the slight shimmer of his scales appearing along the surface of his skin. She recognized it not as a need for power, but the simple response to intense arousal. The presence of his shining horns as well as of his erection were obvious signs as well. The Twins attracted similar swirls of magic. Rowan wondered if they enjoyed misbehaving for the simple sake of enduring the punishment. In spite of her own humiliation at being disarmed so, she found herself growing just as aroused at the prospect of what might happen next.

“It seems like you’re enjoying this, so how the hell does it count as punishment?”
she sent to Rafe.

BOOK: Rising Dragons Omnibus
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