Rise From Darkness (18 page)

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Authors: Ciara Knight

Tags: #demons, #Paranormal, #Angels, #Young Adult

BOOK: Rise From Darkness
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It was an angel, speared through the wing dangling helpless in the trees with a demon a few feet away. Her heart ripped to shreds with agony at the sight.

“Alex?” She whispered as she clenched the picture to her chest and sobbed.

Chapter Sixteen

“Where is she?’ Alexander touched down a few feet from Boon. Squaring his shoulders, he scanned the woods for any sign of the violet hue he’d seen moments before. He found nothing around the trees but the gray Spanish moss clinging to brittle bark.

“Where’s who?” Boon stepped to the side eyes downcast, like a dog that just messed on a rug.

The crickets chirped and seagulls squawked in the distance. Shouldn’t nature be silent in the presence of a demon? Something wasn’t right. “You saw her, I can see it in your
circled Boon studying him. “I saw an angel hiding in the trees watching the house. She’s here isn’t she?”

“Sammy’s not here.” Boon retorted.

“I’m not talking about Sammy. I’m talking about
. I know she’s here.”

? Who’s
?” Boon’s brow raised in question, Alexander saw through it. There had been an angel here. He knew it. He saw it.

“Listen, I just came to give an update on
. I believe he’s headed back with the weapon. There’s no sign of him right now so I’m going to stay in the woods between Gaby’s house and yours.”

“We’ll be fine, just keep an eye on Gaby.” Alexander couldn’t believe he trusted Boon to watch over Gaby.

“I will. I promise Alexander, I won’t let anything happen to Gaby or Bruce, but I don’t think
is after them. Why would he search for a weapon that will kill angels if he were just going to attack Gaby or Bruce? No, he’s after one of you.” Boon looked away his face sullen.

“There’s something you’re not telling me.”

“He wants to destroy you by harming those you love.” Boon looked up with water in his eyes. “He’s after Grace or Sammy.” Boon visibly shuddered at the word.

Did this demon really love his sister that much? How? Love wasn’t the nature of a demon.

“I’m going to make another round by Gaby’s house. Please, watch over Sammy and Grace,” Boon insisted.

Alexander didn’t have a chance to respond before Boon was gone. He stood there trying to comprehend the depth of affection he saw in Boon’s eyes. His insides twisted at the thought of Boon worrying about Sammy. It surprised him that he didn’t feel disgust but empathy when the demon mentioned his sister’s name.

No. He wouldn’t be fooled by him. That was their specialty, twisting emotions to guide you down the wrong path. He shoved his compassion deep down and made his way back to the house. No matter what it took, he’d save his own family.


“Sammy, thanks for meeting me here.” Gaby panted trying to catch her breath. She motioned for Sammy to sit down on a fallen tree at the edge of the clearing in the woods. “I didn’t know what else to do. Dad went to walk
and I knew I had to come warn you. There just wasn’t a way to show you over the phone.”

“Calm down.” Sammy placed a hand on her arm.

“No, I’m not losing control again. Look!” Gaby shoved the picture of the angel in Sammy’s face.

Sammy stood with it in her hands for a moment. “You think this is
murdering Alex don’t you?” Sammy’s voice trembled. “This doesn’t mean it will happen.”

“Yes, it does. There’s more though.” Gaby retrieved several other pictures, some revealed scenes that already transpired in her life.

Her father drunk and wounded.

A monster scratching Gaby.

A dog barking at a creature in the night.

“You see the one where the monster scratches me? I didn’t know it at the time, but I know those eyes and the darkness that surrounds it. Those are defiantly
’ distinctive four horns and there’s Alex on the ground.”

Gaby trembled at the sight of the four horns. She shuffled through the pictures handing each to Sammy as she explained what they detailed.

“Yeah, I can see that.”

“Well I couldn’t figure out what it was until after it happened. Since then I can make out bits and pieces of the pictures. It’s like a jigsaw puzzle. In this one I can make out the form of a demon in it but there’s no distinctive features to tell which one. And this one is evil fighting light.”

Gaby grasped Sammy’s hand. “You need to convince Alex to leave. It might be the only way to save him.”

“Gaby I know you blame him for—”

“My mother’s death? No, he didn’t do it. You can’t tell him though. If he knew he’d never leave and it might be the only way to save him.”

“But he’ll be alone again.”

“I know. My heart aches to be with him. To tell him how much I love him and to beg his forgiveness for ever doubting him, but I still think it’s better if he leaves. Just until we can figure something else out.”

Tears rolled down Sammy’s cheeks and she squeezed her hand. “I guess. I just—”

A twig snapped from behind and they both jumped. Gaby shoved her art into the bag and stood up to see who was there.

Why didn’t Sammy warn her someone was coming? Certainly she should have felt the presence of a human or creature approaching.

“Well, ladies, I hear there’s cause for celebration.”
appeared before them carrying a long object covered in pine green cloth with a gold braided tie.

“Where’re the rest of your goons? I’m surprised a coward like you would be out without your boys to protect you.” Gaby couldn’t control her hatred for him and stepped forward. Sammy grabbed her arm and pulled her back.
’ demon blood pulsed through her body, provoking her anger.

pulled a long silver object from the material.

“What do you think you’re doing
?” Sammy stood in front of Gaby. “You don’t stand a chance alone. I won’t let you near Gaby and you know it. I’ll fly off with her before you can even get close.”

“You have it all wrong sweet little innocent, Sammy.”
chuckled. “I’m not after Gaby.” The woods amplified
’ dramatic laugh.

“Well, I wish I could say I’ll let you live. But this is a special sword. I know because this is the metal blade that helped cause me to fall. You see a hunter found me and trapped me. He threatened the woman I loved, and when I tried to save her, he speared me with this.” He lunged forward, shoving and thrusting the blade into the air. “Ripping my wing and grounding me forever. After that, there was no reason for me to fight to live as a fallen angel any more. My wings were clipped. What good is an angel that can’t fly?”

Fear flashed in Sammy’s eyes. She stood frozen. Why didn’t she change and fly away. Could
be telling the truth? Did an earthbound hunter cause his fall? Would that sword harm Sammy?

“In a rage I tried to kill him and instead the woman I loved died. It’s been lonely around here ever since. So I thought, why not get some sisterly company for myself. It seems to work for our good
’ boy Alex.”

“Go Sammy! Go now!” Gaby shoved Sammy away from

Sammy’s wings exploded from her body as she grasped Gaby to take flight, but she barely lifted from the ground when
grabbed her. Gaby fell with a thud and looked up to see Sammy circle back for her.

“No, Sammy. Don’t!” Gaby tried to make her leave but she didn’t listen.

Sammy swooped back down between the trees as the picture she had drawn earlier that day flashed through her head.

“No, Sammy get out of here.” There wasn’t time to warn her.
climbed the branches with the blade drawn. Gaby sat on the hard ground in horror as
plunged the sword through her wing, pinning her to the trunk. Sammy’s shrill cry shattered the air. Gaby covered her ears with her hands trying to move to help her, disregarding the searing pain plunging into her skull as Sammy’s screams continued.

Gaby tried to shuffle forward, crawl or climb anything but she kept falling to the ground. When the screeching stopped, she let go of her ears and started yelling to Sammy.

The brush nearby wiggled and a massive creature jumped from the woods.

The most intimidating demon ever imaginable with skin black as night stood a few feet from her, snarling. Cords of muscle intertwined and shot out in all directions. It towered over Gaby by seven feet and snorted steam out of his horse-like nostrils. His razor sharp teeth were exposed as he hollered out a ferocious bellow. Claws longer than her arm arched ready to shred her.

She held her hands up in a feeble attempt to defend herself. Who was this creature that stood taller, wider and more ominous than Alexander,
and every other earthbound creature she had yet to experience?

It jumped at her. She fell to the ground covering her head with her arms but nothing landed on her. Looking up she saw the demon already half way up the tree. It looked back at her and opened its mouth. Was he toying with her?

“Get Sammy. I’ll deal with
.” The voice, powerful and commanding.

“Boon, you betray me?”
’ voice rang out from far above. “You will be destroyed for this.”

“Boon?” It couldn’t be little framed, pale skinned Boon.

The black creature chased
from the branch and Gaby knew she had to help Sammy. It was so high though and she was afraid she couldn’t reach her. Even if the branches would support her weight, could she deal with the height?

Sammy’s pleas and moaning grew louder. She had no choice. No one else was around to help.

One foot at a time, she scaled the tree. At first it was simple enough but after she glanced toward the ground, terror took over her body and she couldn’t move. It was such a long way down. She wanted to be back on Earth where she belonged but the adrenaline kept her going. One hand, one foot, she pushed farther and farther up the old swaying branches. Her entire body shook in protest. She swallowed down the burning bile threatening to escape.

When she reached Sammy, she gasped at the sight. Her body had transformed to a human state except for one wing. The sword plunged through her side and pinned her to the trunk. It didn’t look good. Blood trickled from above her hip, a flesh wound that she could heal easily. But the wing oozed a florescent army green and appeared as if layers peeled away where steel punctured it.

“Forget me. Help, Boon.” Sammy pleaded. “I can’t lose him.”

Gaby ignored her pleas and reached for the hilt of the sword. She carefully pulled the blade from the tree as Sammy wailed in pain. Gaby could barely see through the tears in her eyes as she grabbed Sammy, almost knocking her to the ground.

There was no way she could hold the sword while she descended the tree with Sammy in tow. She looked down and dropped the weapon to the ground, watching it bounce once and landing against the tree trunk.

“Sammy, you have to help me get you down. Try to stay conscious. If you pass out we’ll both fall to the ground.” For once Gaby was thankful for her oversized gymnastic shoulders. Without that upper body strength they both would have surely died. It didn’t hurt Sammy was the size of a child and weighed probably eighty-five or ninety pounds.

Concentrating on each move, she traversed down branch by branch. The smell of blood and decay made her gag several times.

When they finally reached the bottom, she discovered where the rotting smell came from. It was Sammy’s white ultra soft feathers. She touched the edge of the blackening wound and caused ash to fall. Another quarter of an inch disintegrated from the motion of sitting on the ground.

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