Bound Obsession (BDSM Erotica) (Club Taboo Book 1)

BOOK: Bound Obsession (BDSM Erotica) (Club Taboo Book 1)
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This book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language. It may be considered offensive to some readers. This book is for sale to adults ONLY.


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Copyright © 2015 by Veronica Wilder

All Rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of required fees you have been granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text of this book. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse-engineered or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known, hereinafter invented, without express written permission of 4Fun Publishing. For more information contact 4Fun Publishing. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content. This book is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogue are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.




Please don’t be stupid and kill yourself. This book is a work of FICTION. Do not try any new sexual practice that you find in this book. It is fiction and not to be confused with reality. Neither the author nor the publisher or its associates assume any responsibility for any loss, injury, death or legal consequences resulting from acting on the contents in this book
Every character in this book is over 18 years of age. The author’s opinions are not to be construed as the opinions of the publisher
The material in this book is for entertainment purposes ONLY. Enjoy.













Club Taboo Series

Bound Obsession


Veronica Wilder 2015





Chapter 1

“Why the long face, Abby?”

Abigail Fuller picked at her salad, her eyes fixed on her plate. Mariah sat directly across from her, but she didn’t seem to hear or see her best friend. Hanging her head, Abigail could focus on nothing but the ever-diminishing funds in her bank account. A waitress didn’t make much, but she thought that she could survive on the tips until something better came along.

And she had been waiting for eight months.

She sent out over a thousand resumes, some because she knew she was qualified, others out of desperation and the hope that someone would just take a chance on her. Abigail was consumed by the thought of how she was going to make her next month’s rent. She pictured herself losing everything, having to take to the streets with all the belongings that she could manage to carry on her back and huddling beside buildings or over heating grates in a futile attempt to keep warm. Winter was right around the corner.

“Abby? Hey.”

The sensation of Mariah’s hand on hers startled her out of her awful reverie, and she was suddenly trapped in her friend’s bright blue stare. How she longed to tell her, to tell someone. But what did Mariah know of struggle? Not one blonde hair was out of place, and her free, French-manicured hand tapped the tabletop as she nodded that it was okay for Abigail to go on.

“It’s… it’s nothing,” Abigail lied.

Leaning back, Mariah clicked her tongue and slowly shook her head.

“It’s one thing if you just don’t want to talk about it,” Mariah started. “But don’t lie. Not to me. I see right through you.”

Pushing away, Abigail shrugged her bad mood aside and lifted her fork. Spearing a cucumber, she started to bring the food to her lips, but as soon as the taste hit her tongue, she knew that she couldn’t swallow it down without gagging, and she spit the food into her napkin.

“Jesus, Abby!” Mariah cried. “It can’t be as bad as all that.”

But it was; it more than was.

Breaking down, Abigail didn’t resist as Mariah dropped her napkin and shifted from her seat to hold her close.

“What are you looking at?” Mariah challenged another diner when he looked at them too hard and too long. The man returned to his burger and fries, and Mariah sprang into action.

“Come on, sweetie,” Mariah said.

She helped her to her feet and led her to the ladies’ room. Hiding together in one of the stalls, Mariah tore off a generous hunk of toilet tissue and dried the tears from Abigail’s pale face.

“Just tell me,” she whispered. “Maybe I can help.”

Mariah waited for the full story, and Abigail could see that she thought she had the magic bullet. All Abigail had to do was ask, and the cure would be hers.

“I’m… I’m in trouble,” Abigail said. “I’m nearly broke. I can’t get a job. A real job. And I don’t… I just don’t…”

As much as she hated being weak, Abigail could not stop herself from breaking down. This was not how her life was supposed to turn out. They were both only twenty-four, but Mariah had it all together. Beautiful, a model. Abigail knew that that would never be her. But she was smart. She worked hard and finished a task if given the chance. And she had a degree. Maybe it was in philosophy, but she could always teach with that.

Those jobs were harder to come by than an admin in a small office. But Abigail would have even jumped at that in a heartbeat. She was ready to jump at anything.

“It’s tough out there,” Mariah said. “I get it.”

Her designer dress told a different story, but she couldn’t lash out at her friend. She was always sweet, and she deserved her success.

“Sure,” Abigail sniffled. “I know you had your hard times, too.”

To look at her now, no one would be the wiser, and that was a good thing. And Mariah was nothing if not generous. She was footing the bill for this miserable lunch, and as she reached into her purse, Abigail was convinced that she was about to offer a personal loan with no strings attached that Abigail had no hope of ever paying back.

“No, Mariah,” she said as she backed deeper into the stall and waved her hands in the hair.

“What?” Mariah asked, her brow furrowing in confusion.

“It’s nice of you,” Abigail said. “So nice. But I can’t take your money. You work hard for it. It’s yours.”

Abigail had seen some of Mariah’s shots in catalogs, her wide smile beaming as she kicked her leg behind her back and pretended to run. Time and time again, Mariah demonstrated the technique, and sometimes, after they’d had a few drinks, she convinced Abigail to give it a try. She always clapped and whistled as the short, brown-haired girl imitated the moves, but Abigail also always felt foolish when she played at being someone that people would pay to look at.

“Good,” Mariah said. “Because I’m not giving you any money, Abby?”

“Oh. Sorry. I just thought---”

“I’m offering something much better.”

Now she was intrigued as Mariah pressed an ebony card with red lettering into her shaking hand. Taking it without looking, Abigail’s face explored Mariah’s for an answer. With a sigh, the blonde leaned against the stall and curled her arms around her ample chest.

“Modeling?” she started. “That hardly pays my bills either.”

What was she talking about? Her clothes? her nails?

“But you… you haven’t had to wait tables in forever,” Abigail said. “So what are you---?”

“Just read the card, Abby.”

Turning it over in her palm, Abigail peered closer, and she saw the words
Club Taboo
. There was no physical address. Only a website and a phone number and what looked like a perfect lipstick stain.

“What is this?” Abigail asked.

Mariah lit a cigarette.

“Want one?” she asked.

A part of her did, but she felt certain that she would spit up more than the barely masticated cucumber if she took a single drag.

“I’m good,” Abigail said. “Now what’s this all about?”

Exhaling, Mariah stared at the ceiling, a dreamy look crossing her perfect face.

“I don’t tell you everything, Abby. But I’ve had to scratch, too. Couple months ago, when I was on a call that I had to get or…”

She stopped speaking and took another puff. Momentarily forgetting her own troubles, Abigail lightly touched her arm, and asked her what had happened, why she hadn’t told her if she was so low.

“Like you’re one to talk!” Mariah teased as she tugged on one of Abigail’s brown locks. There was no menace in her pull, and Abigail managed to smile when she realized that Mariah was having her on. Bowing her head in apology, Mariah pressed her fingers under Abigail’s chin and gave her no choice but to ignore the water running just beyond the flimsy walls and stare into her eyes.

“But I know, Abby. I know what it is to be at the end of a rope. When you can’t breathe. But then I found a way out.”

She pointed at the card, and Abigail’s mind filled with possibilities. Was she an escort? Truly selling her body to make ends meet? Mariah shouldn’t have to do that. It was just a few casting calls that hadn’t gone her way. But this?

Flushing her smoke, Mariah brushed her hands together and grinned.

“And then, out of the blue, a lifeline,” Mariah said. “One of the other unlucky girls gave me the hookup.”

Swallowing hard, Abigail asked her what happened next. Part of her was terrified to learn the answer.

“I got out from under,” Mariah said. “And you…”

Scanning Abigail’s shaking form up and down, Mariah appeared to be considering a possibility, and Abigail waited without breathing. Even though she had no idea what this was about or where it might lead, she silently admitted that she wanted to know more.

“I can show you, Abby.”

Flipping out her phone, she brought up the website, pressed the screen to full size, and held the images to Abigail’s face.

At first she only saw women. Some were scantily clad in thigh highs and heels below a series of leather bustiers. Some were wearing much less. In the still photos, they were smiling and licking their lips, every one as beautiful as Mariah and---

And then her familiar face joined the slideshow.

“What are you doing on this site?” Abigail asked, a hot blush turning her cheeks scarlet.

“Now don’t be a wimp about it,” Mariah said. “Just watch.”

Flipping to a video, Abigail bit down on her tongue and saw the girls mingling with men in suits, their faces blurred. At first there was nothing but close dancing and hands moving where they shouldn’t. Not that Abigail didn’t know what it was to feel a firm hand on her own thigh, but there had to be dinner or at least a proper conversation before---

“Whoa! Wait a minute!” Abigail cried out. “What is---?”

The dancing transitioned to dark rooms where the girls, Mariah among them, allowed their wrists to be tied to hooks protruding from the ceiling or brass bed posts. The ones that were not already naked were skillfully stripped. It was a sex club, and Mariah was selling herself to turn a profit.

“You can do this?” Abigail demanded as she wrestled the phone from Mariah’s grip and paused the video. She was in no position to judge, but Mariah was taking too many risks.

“What exactly do you think I’m doing?” Mariah challenged.

Was she really going to make her say it?

“You’re… you’re like sleeping with men for money!”

“Trust me, Abby. Very little sleeping goes on at Club Taboo.”

“You know what I mean---”

“And you don’t. Now look closer.”

Mariah started the video up again, and Abigail trembled as the image came to life. The naked girls writhed and squealed and talked of lessons needing to be leaned. Did she have it wrong? Was his some crazy counterculture where the most skilled one night stands instructed sad sacks in the ways of the flesh? That almost justified Mariah’s presence on the site. She always told stories about her adventures in the back seats of cars or alleyways as she came to the point of bursting while one lover or another climaxed and shattered at her feet in a puddle of grateful moans.

“So you’re pleasuring them,” Abigail said as she had to look away. “Good for you, but let’s be real. Me... doing that…”

She was average in bed. That’s why no man had ever stayed with her past the third, sometimes the fourth date. Whatever Mariah was mixed up in was not for her. She’d never make it past the first thrust.

“Look,” Abigail said, “you do what you need to. But I… wait… wait a minute.”

The scene swiftly transitioned into acts that she had not anticipated. Abigail watched without blinking as the girls on screen were subjected to what at first sight looked like torture. Belts hit their flesh; real live whips bruised their unblemished backs. But there was more. She saw ice cubes pressed between thighs, flames grazed over their captive bodies, and she saw stress positions so tight that the faceless men came without even touching them. One blindfolded girl kept screaming out for more as a man told her not to orgasm until he touched her hair, and when his fingers met her auburn locks, the girl screamed out in ecstasy as the man clasped her close.

“I… I don’t understand…”

But she was growing damp as she kept watching. Her fingers curled around Mariah’s wrist as her body turned to the point of swooning, and Mariah steadied her with a firm arm and light lips against her ear.

“I know it looks scary at first,” she whispered. “But it’s not just about their pleasure.”

She pulled up one of her own videos, and Abigail was transfixed as she saw Mariah tied to a chair, her legs spread wide. A smooth weapon grazed her cunt repeatedly, and she tossed her head back in what looked like pain, but when the leather left her mound, she was begging for another strike, calling the unseen man
, and when
honored her request, a new smack met her body. She flinched for all of a second, but then she smiled and asked for another. And another.

Abigail finally shifted her eyes from the screen, and Mariah hit pause, hid her phone back in her purse, and smiled.

“I know,” she said. “I didn’t think it would feel so good either. But it does, Abby. And when the night is over, you walk away a rich woman in every way imaginable.”

She trembled yet wanted to know more. What Mariah said was tempting. Maybe too tempting to pass up without giving it a try. But…

“What happens… what happens after… after?”

Mariah patted her cheek.

“So maybe you sleep with one or two here and there,” she said. “Most of them just get off with the screams. But it doesn’t hurt, Abby. Not like you think it would. It… it…”

When Mariah was slow to complete her thought, Abigail instinctively grabbed her arm. The feel of her friend consoled her, but she couldn’t do this. She wasn’t the type.

“I can’t---”

“You could, Abby! It’s easy money. And it’s fun. I swear.”

For her maybe. But who would want a scrawny waitress that had shuddered even as she went wet at the sight of the images on Mariah’s phone?

“I’d… I’d never fit in. I mean… maybe….”

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