Ride to Redemption (25 page)

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Authors: D. J. Wilson

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult, #Suspense, #Action, #Adventure

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up to Josie’s, I was relieved to see no other cars in the parking lot. That
meant for now, we had the place to ourselves. As usual, Josie met us at the
door with a fresh-baked platter of home made cookies. Today’s flavor was oatmeal/peanut

I began, “it’s my pleasure to introduce you to Victoria, Frank, Terry and Ron.
I’ve told them briefly about you and your incredible hospitality. Kindly show
the men where the beer is stored, while the women freshen up and I make a phone

at Candi and Victoria, I asked, “Do you need to freshen up?” They both nodded
in agreement. “Excuse me please,” I continued. “I’ll catch up on the patio.
Open a Molson for me while you’re at it.”

to be good to my word, within reason, I called Jim.

sir. Just checking in with you as directed.”

evening here. You’re still in Canada, I presume?”

presume correctly. Jim, I, uh, well, I, uh…

it out, D. What’s going on?”

I’m sorry. We have a situation here that might require your intervention.”

to the point, D. So far, you’ve been as clear as mud. I can’t help you if I
don’t know what’s going on.”

those rumors you’ve been hearing about the contract out on me are no longer
rumors. Second, you know that “family” we know and love so well? They’re here
with muscle.”

do you know?”
asked eagerly.

a really good question. Do you happen to remember the Air Evac you so
graciously called in for the Italians that were riding with me? They’re

tell me. You’ve been riding with the “family” all this time?”

sir. You could say that. As a matter of fact, I’d like to say that I’ve been
riding with the mob since the very beginning.”

can’t believe you’d be that stupid. Tell me, D, just what does your “banging
your brains out” girlfriend have to say about this? Wait, I know what’s wrong
with you! She’s banged your brains out so much that all you’ve got left to
think with is your little brain. And we know where that gets you.”

most of the time,” I replied.
I just had to say that.
“You’re just
jealous, Jim. Listen, I’ve got this under control. I’ve even got help; don’t
ask. Let’s just say the Marines have arrived. If something should happen,
you’ll be the first person I call.”

is, if you’re still alive to do so,”
Jim replied grimly.

well, I’m planning on that. I’m giving you a heads-up, just in case.”

I’ll make a phone call and let the Canadians know we might have a witness off
the grid who could be in danger. That way if something does go down, we won’t
be caught with our pants down, so to speak.”

works. Metaphorically speaking, next time please use a different analogy. I
can’t get past seeing you caught with your pants down. Yuck! Bye, Jim.”

my way through the inn, I found Josie bustling in the kitchen. “I’m cooking
dinner for everyone, D. No need to go out.”

wonderful, Josie. I’ll pass the word. I was wondering, why aren’t there any
other guests at the Inn right now? Did you make it so we’d have the place to

main break, D. Didn’t you hear about it? It’s all over the news,” replied
Josie, giving me a wink. “I regretfully informed our scheduled guests of this
and sent them to other equally nice inns.”

are no inns as nice, as yours,” I said, and meant it.

you, that makes me feel truly special.”

I announced, then corrected myself when I saw Vic and Candi walking in the
gardens, “and ladies, Josie is cooking our dinner tonight, so everybody drink

handed me a beer, “What’s the long version of this cluster-fuck? I’d like to
know what we’re up against and why.”

deserve that, Frank,” I acknowledged, taking a swig from my beer. “Here’s what
I know. Candi is a real daughter in the mob family. She successfully
infiltrated my pants in her search for certain documents the family wants
returned. Today, I’m proud to say, the docs are on their way south. The
wildcard now being played is this Harvard educated asshole of an ex-husband of
hers who’s still in love with her and wants her back. Guess who he perceives is
standing in his way? Yep, me!”

finished off the bottle, opened another one and continued, “If she wants to
stay with me and continue our ride, I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make
it happen. I know this isn’t your fight. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful and
humbled that you’re here. There was a time when I didn’t know which side you
were on, Frank. After I dropped off you and the dog at the airport, I figured
all you needed was a little help and you’d be set for life. I was glad to do
it. Then, when Victoria said you were threatening to tell your story to the
press, I was pissed.”

right there, D. I cashed in a few of those diamonds and got a place to live.
Then I sold a few more and replaced all my tools, bought a truck and started my
own business. I was trying to live up to what you’d done for me, and I paid it

mistake was helping out a friend by giving him a couple of those diamonds so he
wouldn’t lose his home. Do you know what that S.O.B. did? He cashed ’em in,
went to Vegas, lost all his money and came back demanding more. When I told him
to go to hell, he threatened blackmail. I guess he’d heard about how generous
you’d been to all these people in some newscast, so he just
was more loot to be had and he wanted it. I had to beat him to the punch.”

did that for sure.”

told Vic I’d always have your back, man, and I meant it. These guys with me
today know nothing about the diamonds. I served with them in Iraq and they work
for me now. Can you believe it? I’m the one who’s giving people jobs, not the
other way around. I’m paying it forward, just like you asked and it feels
awesome. It’s all because of you, D.”


inner is served,”
announced Josie, bringing our conversation to an abrupt end.

before us were a whole filet, grilled veggies, twice baked potatoes and fresh
sliced tomatoes and cucumbers. A feast for a king or an awesome last meal, I
couldn’t decide which ,nor did I want to.

Vic and Candi hit it off almost immediately. So much for my thinking they would
be adversarial like territorial cats in heat. I’d been afraid I’d have to act
as referee to keep them from killing each other.

at them, I said, “Vic, I’d like Frank and Terry to escort you into court while
Ron, Candi, and I wait outside and out of sight. Joseph wouldn’t dare
jeopardize Vic’s moment in court, so I’m sure nothing will happen until after
she recovers Gio’s passport. My guess is they’ll make a play for you, Vic, and
use you as leverage to get to me. Where they’ll try this, I’m not sure. But
what I do know is that I won’t let them succeed. We have three guys here that
the suits have never seen. That will be our element of surprise, that and those
short-barreled scatterguns. Any questions?”

have one. Where’s my room, D?” asked Vic.

I called out, “we’re done here. Would you please show everyone to his or her
room? Candi and I are going to go crash. Josie will serve breakfast promptly at
7 a.m. I expect everyone to be dressed and on time.”

Candi’s hand, I led her up the stairs and into our room. “We’ve not had much
time to talk, have we, baby? I’m sorry, but there’s a lot going on and you’ve
been knee deep with Vic. What all have you been talking about?”

Candi replied vaguely. “She really likes you, D. I know you’ve said you never
slept with her, but the way she talks about you, I’m not so sure.”

is further from the truth, Candi,” I corrected. “We’re friends, good friends,
but nothing more.”

no good for you, D. If it weren’t for me, none of you would be in this
predicament. I look around at Frank and Josie and Vic and I see that these
people would do anything for you.”

got into you, Candi? We’re going to get through this. Just watch, you’ll see.”

good is love if you’re dead? If I was out of the picture…”

it, baby. Don’t even go there. I saw the fear in your eyes when Joseph went
after me. He’s a loose cannon, and he’ll go off if pushed too far.”

as God is my witness, he’s never once laid a finger on me. He’s a good person.
He’s smart, intelligent and funny when he wants to be.”

being said, Candi, how does tomorrow play out? Will Joseph put up a fight for
you? I sure as hell would, especially if I had two goons to help me do it.”

not goons, D. They’ve been employed by my family for over 10 years. They’ve
always been respectful to me.”

good to hear, baby. So, when the shooting starts, who do you think they’ll
listen to, you or Joey two shoes?”

all family members don’t have nicknames. And Joseph doesn’t like to be called
Joey, ever.”

good to know. If he starts shooting at me, I’ll make it a point to call him
Joey just to make sure I piss him off.”

being mean, D. This is serious. I need to call mom again. Maybe she can help
diffuse this.”

luck with that, Candi. I hate to tell you this, but your mom doesn’t want it to
stop. She might even have orchestrated it. I can just hear her saying, ‘The
fun’s over. Bring her home, Joseph. It’s time my little girl stops playing make
believe and comes back to the real world.’ Can’t you imagine them having that
conversation? You’ve told her about me, I presume. How did that go over? Did
she say, ‘baby that’s wonderful, I’m happy for you’? Or did she tune you out
and say, ‘that’s nice’?”

don’t want to talk about it anymore. She wouldn’t do that, not to me, her only
daughter. Would she?” asked Candi, as she began to cry uncontrollably.

hope I’m wrong, Candi. Put yourself in her shoes, though. Who would you rather
have your daughter in a relationship with: a successful Harvard lawyer who’s
rocketing to the top of the family business or a broken-down has been in
witness protection, who by all known accounts is worthless?”

happiness, not hers, should be what matters,” cried Candi, slamming her hands
on the bed.

sure it matters, baby, as long as it’s within her parameters. I’m sure she’ll
tell you that your happiness is paramount, especially if the man you’re with is
successful, attractive, treats you and the children well and doesn’t disgrace
the family. Love, that’s irrelevant, can’t you just be friends?”

over to her, I held Candi in my arms and rocked her until her tears subsided.
“Parents aren’t perfect, baby. They fail, just like we do. Unfortunately, when
they do, it hurts a whole lot more. Sleep now, I’ll hold you till you fall


vibrating phone woke me again before it rang. I got up quietly, brushed my
teeth, combed back my hair and eased out of the room down the stairs. Vic was
sipping fresh-brewed coffee in the kitchen, as Josie was busy prepping for

asshole,” Vic whispered. “You woke me up at 4:30 again and you weren’t even in
the room. I was dreaming of you.”

sorry, Vic. Dreams that have me in them are usually called nightmares.”

baby, this was no nightmare,” Vic continued to whisper. “If you’d like to go
back upstairs with me, I’d be glad to recreate it in real time. I’ll make you
the star.”

are relentless, I’ll give you that, Vic. You know they make battery-operated
boys for that, don’t you?” I whispered back to her.

are you both whispering about?” asked Josie, handing me a steaming cup of dark
roast. “I hope you don’t mind, Jon David, but I’ve filled Victoria in on
everything I know about you. It was all good, I promise. Now get out of my
kitchen. I’ve got work to do. Ya’ll go play somewhere else. Remember, breakfast
is at 7 sharp. Don’t be late.”

on, Vic, let’s go watch the sunrise,” grasping her hand and leading her outside
through the patio doors. “You and Candi acted remarkably civil yesterday. What
all did you talk about?”

mostly,” Vic confessed, “she thinks you hung the moon. I’m serious, D.
She wants so much to be like you and to
make you proud. She sees how your generosity makes a difference in the lives of
others. I told her that’s why I’m here and Frank, too, for that matter. You
believed in us, and showed us, not just with talk, but with your resources.
That speaks volumes, D.”

resources, Vic. I was just the default trustee. Candi is a
good person, a little naïve in the ways of the world, but she’s growing up
fast — especially in these last few days. She’s seen the ebb and
flow of life, both the good and the bad. If anything, I hope I’ve inspired her
to see the world differently. Her family has done her a great disservice by
always protecting her. Maybe that was all they knew, being who and what they
are. I believe she’ll be okay now, whether we wind up together or not. I mean,
look at us. I have yet to bang your brains out and we’re still okay. Aren’t

for yourself. I’ll have you know, ‘BOB’ is not as useful as you think. His
batteries always run out at the most inappropriate times,” Vic cooed, gave me a
wink, followed by a wiggle.

guess it depends on who’s driving that train. Somehow, resourceful engineers
manage to take matters into their own hands when things go south,” I countered,
returning her wink, but not her wiggle. “Come on, Victoria, enough morning
coffee and sex talk. Let’s get everyone up and moving. It’s gonna be a long
‘come to Jesus’ kinda day.”

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