Ricochet (7 page)

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Authors: Xanthe Walter

BOOK: Ricochet
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numbers was his forte.

"Very good. Continue." The waitress handed

Emily a menu and then tried to hand one to Matt.

He wasn't collared, so this was normal etiquette,

but Emily gave a hiss of disapproval and batted the

menu away. "My sub will have what I order for

him," she said imperiously. She nodded at Matt to

continue and then opened the menu and began

studying it, ignoring Matt completely.

"Uh, well, I guess the big news is that Rick

was late again today, so Petra ordered him to the

discipline room to take licks."

"Very interesting gossip, I'm sure, but that's

today. You seem to have omitted the events of the

previous seven days, and you know I like to hear

your report in chronological order," Emily

informed him, looking up sharply.

Matt took a deep breath, looked at Emily, and

tried to focus.

Emily was an attractive dom, and Matt knew

he was lucky to have her. She would have been

completely out of his league before he got the job

o n
Collar Crime
. She was tall and slender with

alabaster skin and long brown hair. Her eyes were

dark brown, and she always dressed immaculately,

in tailored suits that suited her slim figure. She had

a flat, angular kind of body, one that held few

surprises but was perfectly proportioned and

symmetrical in every way. Matt liked the neatness

of Emily and how completely smooth and unruffled

she always was. There was something blank and

restful about her. She wasn't complicated. She was

ordered and organized, and he knew where he was

with her because of that.

"So, Tuesday… I had to work late because

Rick was having trouble with a scene - and boy

did we all have to hear about it, over and over

again. I think he was having one of his 'look at me'

moments. And then…"

"Excuse me - waitress - what are the

ingredients in this dish?" Emily asked, beckoning

the waitress over again. The young woman knelt

beside the table, smiling up at Emily, clearly a sub

enjoying the part of her job where she got to offer

her service to an attractive dom.

Matt wasn't sure if he should continue or not,

but Emily waved her index finger at him so he took

that as his cue to go on. He wasn't sure how Emily

could possibly have heard a word he said as he

rambled through the week's events because she

was listening to the waitress the entire time.

Finally satisfied, Emily turned away from the

waitress and looked at him again.

"Which leads me to today," Matt said. "And

Rick taking discipline for being late. I must admit I

did kind of feel sorry for him. I mean, I know -"

"You felt sorry for him?" Emily wrinkled her

attractive nose. "He broke the rules and

inconvenienced everyone in the process. If I were

Petra, I'd have punished him severely months ago.

It's entirely what he deserves. He gives doms a

bad name."

"Uh… I wouldn't go that far. I mean, Rick can

be a pain in the ass, but he's fun too."

"Fun?" Emily looked disgusted. "You just

said that he caused you to work late on Tuesday

because of his childish, attention-seeking attitude."

"Well yes… but…" Matt trailed off. He didn't

know how to explain to Emily that with the long

hours they worked, Rick's energy and zest for life

could make all the difference between a hard,

boring day, and a fun-filled one. The downside of

Rick was the bad timekeeping and occasional

grandstanding during filming, but Matt thought he'd

take those any day because Rick made him laugh

so much.

"Very well. That appears to be your week. I

am disappointed, Matthew, that you still show a

lack of maturity in your approach to your work.

You're very lucky to be in a hit TV show - you

should exhibit a more serious attitude."

"That's not fair! I am serious about my work.

And yes, I'm lucky, but I do think talent might have

had something to do with why I got the role and am

successful at it. I work hard, Emily!" Matt


She fixed him with a hard glare. "I have not

given you permission to use my name this evening,

and for that little show of petulance you can sit in

silence for the rest of the meal while I tell you

about my own week."

She beckoned the waitress over again and

proceeded to order for them both, choosing

something that she knew Matt didn't like,

presumably to punish him for his outburst.

He sat and gazed at her obediently for the rest

of the meal while she talked about her week. He

couldn't drift off as she sometimes questioned him

about it later during sex, and if he got any details

wrong then she punished him - and it wasn't sexy

punishment. Matt liked the idea of sexy punishment

but her punishments were never sexy. They usually

consisted of him abasing himself in front of her

while she laid on stripes with the switch - hard

and cool and without any affection to lessen the


Emily had been very clear from the outset

about what form their sex life would take, and he'd

agreed to it readily enough. It had all sounded

very… sensible. In reality, he'd found it less

satisfying than he'd hoped, but Emily thought that

was his fault, and she was probably right. He knew

he had a tendency to overthink things, and he found

it really hard to relax and go with the flow during

sex. At least she wasn't overly affectionate and

never tried to hug him. Matt wasn't a hugger - he

didn't like people invading his personal space.

After dinner, Emily drove him back to his

place. "I'll come in for sex," she told him. "It's

been several days - I trust you haven't masturbated

during that time?"

"No, Ma'am. I know my penis belongs to

you," Matthew told her. Emily hated words like

'cock' or 'clit' or 'hole'. She insisted on the correct

terms for everything.

"Good. Although I'm not sure I'll let you come

after that little outburst in the restaurant. Go inside

and undress. I want to make some calls to the

office first, and then I'll come and make use of


Matt went up to his bedroom and undressed

slowly, trying to at least get close to being in a

submissive headspace. He wished Emily would

help, but she felt this was his responsibility. He

tried to imagine what it would be like if a dom

with the right kind of forceful personality

overpowered him and made him surrender, but

Emily insisted he surrender simply because she

said so, and Matt didn't find it that easy.

When he was naked, he got into position in

the corner, looking at the wall. He wondered if

he'd find it easier to get turned on if he was on his

knees, or kneeling on the bed, his head buried in

the pillows and his ass in the air. His cock

twitched at that idea, but he didn't dare alter his

position; this was how Emily liked him.

He was there for a long time. He glanced at

the clock on the nightstand a couple of times and an

hour passed before finally he heard Emily's

footsteps on the stairs. He felt his buttocks

clenching in anticipation, wondering how his dom

would use him tonight.

"Well, you've done that right, at least," Emily

told him as she entered the room. "So I will

reward you by having sex with you. But you may

not come until - and if - I say so."

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Turn around, come over here, and undress

me," she ordered.

He did as he was told, losing himself in the

act of servitude. He was very gentle and eager to

please and took great care of her expensive

clothing, which he folded neatly and placed on a

nearby chair.

When she was naked, she walked over to the

toy box in the corner of the room, and, to his

dismay, took out the switch.






punishment for your rudeness in the restaurant

earlier. I will not be seen out with a surly sub," she

told him.

He got on the bed, laid face down, and then

shivered in anticipation, wondering where the

switch would fall. She tapped his shoulders, and

down over his buttocks, and then he heard the

swish of the switch falling… onto the back of his

knees. He yelped and jumped - it was his least

favorite spot to take punishment.

"Hold still, submissive," she ordered

irritably, and he took a deep breath and waited

with dread for the next strike. It fell on his thighs

this time, and he yelped again. "That will do for

now," she said, returning the switch to the toy box,

much to his relief.

"Lie on your back and get hard for me, so I

can ride you." She pointed in the direction of his


He tried his best to think arousing thoughts -

the nearness of his naked dom should have been

enough but somehow it wasn't, and he found

himself returning to his earlier fantasy of a dom

who would overpower him with sheer sexiness,

hold him down and…

"That's good." Emily nodded approvingly at

his now hard cock, and then she got on the bed and

engulfed it inside her body in one smooth move.

She was perfectly in control as she rode him,

caressing her body idly with her hands as she rose

and fell.

"Can I touch you, Ma'am?" Matt asked,

longing to run his fingers over her small, pert,

white breasts.

"No. You were very naughty earlier, and I

don't reward naughtiness," she told him. "I'm only

having sex with you now for my own pleasure, not


"Yes, Ma'am," he said softly, and she

continued to ride him hard before coming without

making any sound at all - her breathing merely

hitched a little.

"May I come now, Ma'am?" he asked politely

when she was done.

"Not tonight, Matthew. As I said, I don't

reward naughtiness." She got off him and

disappeared into the bathroom, leaving him lying

there with his cock drooping in disappointment. Ah

well, Emily was the dom, and she was allowed to

deny him orgasm; he just wished it had been done

in a more sexy way.

He lay there, counting the shadows the car

headlights made on the ceiling as they passed by

outside, listening to the sound of the shower.

She returned to the bedroom a few minutes

later, towel drying her hair as she walked, and got

dressed again. He felt even more disappointed by

that. Wasn't she even going to stay the night? He

liked it when she stayed over - sometimes she

would put a hand on his thigh, and he could almost

believe he belonged to someone.

"You know, Matthew, I've been thinking," she

said, sitting down on the side of the bed and

pulling on her shiny brown shoes.

"Mmm?" He propped himself up on one

elbow and gazed at her beautiful white skin. There

was a kind of perfection to her that he found


"Don't interrupt. I've been thinking that we're

really not very compatible."

"What?" He sat up in surprise.

"You see, I don't think that you're really a

service-oriented sub - you don't take as much

pleasure from serving me as I feel you should."

He wanted to protest, but she had a point. It

wasn't that he minded serving - he liked it - but it

wasn't his primary fantasy, and she had clearly

picked up on that.

"You may speak now." She looked at him


"Uh… well, I do enjoy serving you," he

began, wondering what to say.

"A somewhat limp reply. I always did have

reservations about you. Your profession is a

disadvantage - I'm not remotely star-struck, as you

well know. I'm not merely interested in having a

trophy submissive, and I'm not enamored by the

shallowness of your industry. I feel that anyone

who wants to do the kind of work you do must, at

heart, be someone with quite different values from

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