Ricochet (14 page)

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Authors: Sandra Sookoo

BOOK: Ricochet
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The glare she turned on him spoke more than any words could convey. “I can’t sleep here.”

“You don’t have a choice.” While she cleared the frame, the door slid closed and sealed with the chilling hiss of finality. Stratton gestured to a short list of rules posted on the wall and chucked the datapad onto the bed. The information he’d gleaned from Chaf’s onboard computer bothered him, but he couldn’t process it until he’d dealt with Willa. No way could she become suspicious about his plans. “Says here all occupants are locked into their room for safety. As you’ve already experienced, life in the Belt isn’t exactly congenial, if you get my meaning. It also states the Hive supports a gravity simulator. Good for us. We won’t need the belts.”

Her gaze went from angry to frantic in the space of a heartbeat. “I can’t stay in here. It’s too small.” She spun around and clawed at the door. “What will we do for food? What if there’s a fire or an emergency? And there’s just a bed! Hell, it’s not even a proper bed, just a dressed mattress on the floor. It’s not enough room.”

As he watched, Willa began to shake. Her skin grew ashen, her eyes wild. “You don’t like small enclosed spaces, do you?” Of course she didn’t. Only he could have the luck of being paired with a partner who flipped out like this. “You’re normal in a spacecraft.”

“I’m fine as long as there’s a window, but here…” She cast a quick glance behind her, then rested her forehead against the door as her breathing became shallow. “I can’t do this.”

If he’d wanted to find a chink in her armor, he couldn’t have asked for a bigger rip than this—and it was the perfect opening to take advantage. Stratton couldn’t stop the grunt of victory that escaped him. “You can and you will. Your problem is you have no control over the situation. Tough break, huh?”

“Call someone. Tell them I’m ill.”

“No.” Unable to help himself, he stood behind her and brushed her hair over one shoulder. “There’s a replicator on the far wall that will provide us with food and water. I’m afraid we’ll need to provide our own entertainment beyond sleeping.”

She pressed her palms to the door while a low moan ripped from her throat. “I’m going to be sick.”

“The best way to beat it is to not think of being trapped.” Daring to push his luck, he dropped his hands to her shoulders and gently eased them down her arms. Muscles tensed beneath his fingers. She’d snap if she didn’t relax, and the best way to banish tension was a good old-fashioned roll in the sack. “The door won’t open until our release time in the morning. Make the best of it.” Hell, maybe if they went a couple of rounds, he could wash Willa out his system and have no qualms about leaving her to her fate.

Perfect solution. No need for guilt, since he’d be helping her as well.

Stratton grinned. The unease that plagued him vanished as his usual charm and charisma came barreling in. Gorgeous woman, quick sex and a great night’s sleep. Get back into the race, nab Chaf and collect the money with no danger to his psyche.

A shiver racked Willa’s frame. She shifted around to face him, a mask of near terror freezing her expression. “If you have any compassion in that rotten heart of yours, please tell the manager to open the room. I can’t stay here.”

“This is the reality,
. Get used to it.” His sexual aspirations were dashed when she didn’t melt under his caress, and his mind whirled to find a solution. “What you need is a literal reset.” Grabbing one of her hands, he pulled her into the tiny, adjoining wash area.

A basic porcelain commode and pedestal sink occupied one end of the rectangular space. Tile lined the whole five-foot area. “You can’t control the universe, Willa, so stop trying. Stop trying to take life at face value and start enjoying it. That’s all.” He slammed a fist onto a button marked On. Icy-cold water rained down from chrome plates in the ceiling and gradually warmed until it reached a hot, soothing temperature. A fine, nebulizing mist seeped from nozzles embedded in the walls. The steamy cloud swirled around them, wrapping them in a warm cocoon.

“Damn it, what are you doing? Our clothes will be soaked,” she sputtered, attempting to block the spray with her hands, but Stratton held her firmly in place.

“That’s the idea. You have no choice but to recognize it. This is tangible. You can wrap your brain around it. Deal with it.” He caught her chin in his free hand. Water seeped through his slick gear and flooded his abused body with its seductive caress. “Look at me.” When she met his gaze, his chest tightened at the emotions roiling in her eyes. “You
survive this.”

For a long moment, she stared at him, her chin trembling. Then she bowed her head. “I don’t know how to let go enough to try.”

The change in her demeanor left him speechless. Gone was the woman who knew what she wanted. In her place stood a woman—confused, exhausted and soft around the edges. Stratton worked to unstick his tongue from the roof of his mouth. Damn if she wasn’t sexier now.

Water trickled over his scalp, ran down his neck and into the collar of his suit. He didn’t care. As the steam welled up in clinging clouds, he wrapped Willa into his embrace. She stiffened, but when he held her tighter, her body relaxed, collapsing against him as if she’d given up the fight with herself.

And his battle had only begun.

Heat took control, and lava replaced his blood as her curves nestled into him. The floral scent of her hair teased his senses, and the faint, musky aroma of her arousal tempted him beyond good conscience.

He claimed her lips, slanting his mouth over hers with hungry desire. A tiny moan of surrender escaped her and fueled his intentions. No backing out now. They both needed a good screw. Her hands slid up his chest and locked behind his neck. The woman deepened the kiss on her own. Sucking on his bottom lip, she took advantage of his surprised grunt and pushed her tongue into his mouth.

As if it were a challenge, he met it, tangling his tongue with hers. Silky heat teased him. She tasted sweet, her lips softly accommodating and skilled in the art of giving pleasure. He wanted to feel them around his cock or whispering over his skin. The hell with it. He wanted her—now.

Wrenching away, he unbuckled her belt. It clattered to the floor. Fumbling at the zipper on her suit, he yanked the mechanism down until it hit the end of its track below her naval. His lust spiked to a new level as he realized he was inches away from pussy. With very little effort, he could have his fingers in her panties…

Easy. Get her naked first and make friends with her tits.

“What are you waiting for?” Desperation tinged Willa’s question while she toed off her boots. Quickly after that, she shrugged out of the top portion of her suit. “I thought you’d be one of those guys who ripped a woman’s clothes off, or at the very least chewed your way through.” As he stood rooted to the spot at the reappearance of her lace-covered breasts, she pushed the remainder of the slick gear off and kicked it away. “You’re supposedly a great lover. Let’s see if that’s true.”

Oh, this woman would be his death and laugh about it afterward. “Just be sure you can back up that smart mouth. I won’t go easy on you.” The tinkling sound of the shower muffled the plastic rip of his zipper. His belt fell with a clank. His boots landed on the floor with two heavy thuds, followed by his slick suit. They’d be a wet mess tomorrow.

“Who asked you to?”

That brought him up short. “What the hell happened to that scared woman on the verge of an emotional meltdown who came in here with me?”

Willa shrugged. “I just want to feel.” Her chin quivered. “That’s all.”

“Wish it was this easy to convince you of other stuff.”

“Don’t get too used to it. I want this on my terms.” She planted her hands on her full hips, her eyes gleaming. “I don’t want some half-assed attempt. If you can’t get the job done, there won’t be a next time. End of discussion.”

His blood burned when he contemplated another round. He had a feeling he’d barely be able to survive the first, so perfectly was Willa his match. He loved that she didn’t fall for his flattery or charm and that she held her own against his arrogance. This woman who countermanded his orders still struggled with insecurity. She was uncharted territory.

“Don’t doubt the job will get done and then some.” He tugged her against him, and this time his kiss left no room for discussion. Twisting a hand in her hair, he pulled and met her gaze as her head levered back. “You’ll beg for more.”

“We’ll see, after I critique your performance.” The glint in her eyes dared him to rock her world.

That was a challenge he’d gratefully accept. How many men had she been with before?. Didn’t matter. After tonight, when she thought of sex, she’d think of him first. He continued to pull until the creamy expanse of her neck was offered for his inspection. Concern flitted across her expression. Her soft lips parted in anticipation or anxiety—he didn’t know which. Ah, she wasn’t as confident as she let on. “Turn and face the wall.”

Shock replaced the concern he’d seen on her face. “You want to do this here?”

Maybe she wasn’t as tough as she wanted to appear. “Turn.” His order rang against the tiles. When she did as he asked, he grinned. Did she like to be dominated in the bedroom or was this an isolated incident? Desire plowed into him like a star freighter. The woman was unexpected study in contrasts. “Palms on the tiles, and don’t move them, no matter what.”

“Or else?” She glanced over her shoulder, a hint of her combative nature rearing up.

Stratton shrugged. “We’ll start again, and you’ll never be satisfied.” He hoped he’d be able to last. Already, his cock jutted hard and heavy. It’d be so easy to drill her now, but he wanted to know how far he could push her. “Doesn’t matter to me.”

“Bastard.” The shower stole her retort, yet she placed slender hands on the tile, fingers splayed.

“After tonight, you’ll call me the best.” He pressed a kiss to her left shoulder while he moved a hand around and found her breast.


Willa gasped as Stratton rolled her nipple between a thumb and forefinger. Tingles of sweet pain-tinged pleasure commanded her attention. Just when she’d become used to his play, his other hand fondled the ignored breast, and the pleasure increased, bouncing inside her body like a crazy science experiment. “Is that the best you’ve got, Ace? I can get that amount of stimulation by putting on clothes in the morning.”

It was a lie, oh, such a big lie, but she couldn’t give him the satisfaction of thinking she could come undone with one touch.

“Haven’t even started yet.” His hands left her breasts. “Take off the lingerie, then return to this same position. And”—he smacked her ass, and the tingle from the contact went straight to her core—“I want to watch your face while you get naked.”

A chill raced down her spine. “Fine.” Her hands shook as she released the front-fastening hooks on her bra. Holding his gaze, she shrugged out of the lingerie and stifled a gasp as the shower water hit her sensitive nipples. Stratton’s eyes darkened until the pupils threatened to swallow the brown irises. Willa smiled. He was desperate. She dropped the bra, then touched her fingertips to her breasts, pinching the distended nubs, moaning for his benefit. “How long can
last, I wonder? How much self-control will the legendary Sin maintain if I say you can’t have me?”

His cock twitched beneath the thin jockey shorts. “Too bad you’ll never find out. You want this as much as I do.” He crossed his arms over his wet chest and lifted an eyebrow. “Continue.”

She wanted to smack his smug face, yet knew he spoke the truth. She did want a good hard fuck, on principle. A girl could hold out against a man like Stratton for only so long, and the day had been stressful. Once they did this, she’d make him toe the line and get them back in the winner’s circle. She was here for the Nebulon Trike, after all, not to follow him around like a pup.

In the end, it didn’t matter. From the minute she’d seen Sin, she knew they’d come to this moment. Hell, he’d probably expected it, and that tiny point pissed her off. It made her seem weak and destroyed her credibility as an independent woman. Yet she’d never been as turned on as she was with Stratton. Damned hormones. As she ran her hands down her body, being sure he watched every move, she bit her bottom lip. Did that mean she could be classified like any of the other women he’d slept with? Maybe, but
was in control here.

Always. She’d need to make certain he knew it.

“Let me tell you how this will go.” Hooking her thumbs into her waistband, she slid the wet lace down her legs and stepped out of the panties. “I’m calling the shots, and I want to get laid on the bed. The shower is too…sterile, too cold.” Her gaze flicked over the chest she’d admired earlier on the asteroid. His skin was slick with water. Droplets clung to each dip and ridge of his muscles. Rivulets ran along his abdomen to soak into the fabric of his underwear.

“You don’t look cold to me.” Again, the smug grin lifted his chiseled lips. “In fact, there’s a healthy blush creeping over your chest and cheeks. Overheating, are you?”

“No.” She could barely force the word out as he shucked out of the jockey shorts. She stared at his erect cock as it proudly curled, thick and hard, toward his stomach amidst a nest of raven curls. The flared head was creamy brown like the rest of his skin, though a tad darker.

Dark as sin.

She caught a sigh of appreciation just in time. A shot of liquid heat surged between her legs, coating her folds. Damn the man. It should be a crime to be that beautiful. “I’m fine.” Who was she trying to convince, him or herself? She closed the distance between them. “Kiss me.” She eyed his erection again, ignoring the flutter in her stomach. Anticipation pulsed deep inside. No wonder the man was so popular with the females.

“First, you’re not my boss.” Stratton brushed his knuckles over one nipple and chuckled when she shivered. “Second, I don’t take orders, especially not during sex. And third, the more you tell me to do something, the less likely I’ll be to do it.” He bent and took the other nipple between his lips. As he ran his tongue over the tip, Willa clamped her mouth shut.

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