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Authors: Caitlyn O'Leary

Revealed (The Found Book 1) (33 page)

BOOK: Revealed (The Found Book 1)
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The images sent ice through his veins. “You owe me more than a drink, Teddy.” Bob’s voice slurred.

The overwhelming urge to smash the empty bottle over Bob’s head heated his once chilled body. The knowing glint in the other man’s eyes made Ted knock his knuckles on the table instead. He signaled for the waitress to bring them another round. At the rate they were going, Ted was going to owe more than he made in a week, the alternative was something he didn’t want to consider.

Since Bob and his friends had come to town, Ted didn’t know what was what. One night he’d had too much to drink and the next he owed his soul to the devil, or in this case, Bob.

Memories of the night were sketchy, but Bob and the other guys were only too happy to fill him in, with video proof. Ted shook his head, he thought of the saying
there’s no use crying over spilled milk,
and wanted to yell at the absurdity. If only it was milk he’d spilled. His stomach churned.

The waitress brought over the tray of tequila shots and beer bottles. Ted didn’t wait for her to place them on the table and grabbed a shot glass off the tray. He needed more liquid courage and the sooner he finished the drinks the quicker she would bring more.

Ted tossed his head back, letting the liquid burn his throat before a pleasant numbness stole over him. If he could always feel this way, maybe he’d stay drunk for the rest of his life, which might not be much longer if Bob had any say in the matter. He raised his hand again, happy to see the bartender already refilling their order.

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About the Author

Elle is a wife, mother, and author who loves to escape into the worlds she has created, whether it’s the Ravens of War, the Mystic Wolves or the all new Smokejumpers. She burst onto the scene with her first two Ravens of War books becoming Amazon best sellers, and has just released book four.

As a Cancer survivor, Elle made a bucket list. At the top of the list, after surviving, was becoming a published author. She’s marked that off and is onto her next item.

Find out more about her current projects at
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Excerpt from

Destiny of Three

Love of a Shifter Series, Book Three

by Bryce Evans

Chapter One

“Do you know who I am?” Sullivan Grayson looked at the man in the black robe and shrugged.

“I don’t care. You’re name isn’t important, but your money is. If I do this and you don’t pay me then you will know who I am. You got me!” Sullivan spit down at the ground inches from the man’s shoes.

Sullivan wanted to jump back when the man’s eyes turned so red they almost glowed. He knew who the man was but it didn’t matter. What mattered was this money could make the difference in saving lives of thousands of his people.

“Ahh, I see. You only want the money. That’s good. Well now, let’s get started.” The man walked over to his vehicle. “My name is Regis Yulson and I’m a collector of sorts. I’m looking for something that many before you couldn’t find. I’m looking for the Powerful Three.”

Sullivan snickered and scrubbed his hand over his face. “You and everyone else in the world,” Sullivan could sense the dread coming on again. He had been feeling it ever since he got the message from Mac that someone wanted to hire him. “I have heard about the Powerful Three ever since I was a boy and still nobody knows who they are or where they are. Furthermore, who knows if they have even been born yet?”

Regis’ laughed at his answer giving Sullivan a prickling sensation all over his body. He had heard about Regis Yulson and his quest for every supernatural artifact known. Rumor has it that he found the Seal of Solomon, which was sought after by every known tomb raider. If this was true then it makes him a very dangerous vampire. This man was also a historian, which made sense that he would know all about the talisman and what was known of the Powerful Three. But why hadn’t he looked for it?

“I understand you are a Tomb Raider and a respected tracker.” Regis’ black eyes sparkled. “They say you can track and find people, and I’m looking for three particular people.”

“I don’t mind taking your money Mr. Yulson; however it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack. As I said before, nobody knows if the Powerful Three have even been born yet, or if they are men or women. I don’t think I would be of any use to you.” Sullivan started walking off.

“But you see I do.” Regis said cutting through his words, sounding intense.

Sullivan stopped in his tracks and dropped his head. He knew he should have told Mac that he was taking a vacation, but the money was too good to pass up.

Sullivan turned around and faced the vampire. “You know where the Powerful Three are at?” His voice was mild, and he hated that he couldn’t hide his curiosity. This man would pounce on it if he showed how much he was interested in folklore. This was something that the Elders in his old pack would teach the pups. He would sit and listen while his friends would sneak out every chance they got. Not him, he would rummage through all the old scrolls his grandmother had and read every myth that had been written.

“I’m a Seer, Mr. Grayson and I have seen the Powerful Three. I need to know now if you will take this job. I will give you half the money up front and the other half when you locate them. All I need for you to do is find them and I will do the rest. Do we have a deal?” Regis asked.

The man was going to give him one million dollars if he found the Powerful Three. He would pay all his expenses as well. This was too much money to turn down. He could retire on this, which would allow him time to finish writing down all the myths and folklores that were known about paranormals. Putting all of them in one place, would finally allow people to determine what was myth and what was true, and might allow them to cure some of the diseases that were plaguing their people. The lives of his people depended on him getting this money. Nobody had ever attempted this. This money would allow him the freedom to do that. The only problem he had was why he wanted him to find the Powerful Three.

“You only want me to locate them and then tell you where they are?” Sullivan asked curiously.

“Yes, that is all I want you to do.” Regis Yulson gave him the creeps. He had seen many things in his time but never had he seen a vampire as large as he was. He put off a certain amount of magic that worried him.

“Why don’t you find them? Obviously you have the resources and money.” Sullivan asked, but the vampire acted as if he had never heard his question. Something didn’t feel right about this. His wolf was telling him to leave now.

Sullivan knew he was making a mistake and apparently Regis knew he was about to turn him down when he sweetened the deal. “If you take this job I will give you an extra five hundred thousand dollars. This will give you one point five million dollars Mr. Grayson.”

Sullivan closed his eyes and smiled. He stuck his hand out to certify the deal. “I’m in Mr. Yulson.” Before Sullivan could pull his hand back Yulson turned it palm up and bit down into his wrist. Sullivan tried to knock Regis off but his guards grabbed a hold of him and held him while he sucked his blood. He couldn’t move as the vampire drained him of his life. The wolf in him wanted to rush forward but he was too weak from the blood loss.

Sullivan thought his legs were going to drop to the ground when Yulson let his hand go. “When you make a deal with me Mr. Grayson, we do it in blood. Your blood.” Sullivan was too weak to pull away when Yulson pulled him closer to him and whispered in his ear, “When the Powerful Three came to me in my dreams, I couldn’t see their faces, but I could tell they were two women and one man. They live together where it snows. I saw a beautiful log cabin behind them and they were playing outside in the snow. Whoever built the cabin has a lot of money. This was no ordinary cabin. This is all I know.” Regis started to walk off. His guards still had a hold of him as his eyes tried to focus. The vampire had taken a lot of his blood. He stopped and turned back around. He still had blood dripping down from his teeth and mouth. “Your half of the money is in your vehicle. Don’t disappoint me Mr. Grayson or it will be your last adventure.”

Sullivan rose up trying to get his eyes to open. He was freezing cold as he opened his eyes and looked around. He was sitting in the driver’s seat of his truck. Apparently, the guards had put him in there when he passed out. Sitting beside him was a black suitcase and some food. A gallon of orange juice accompanied the food. He grabbed it first hoping it would clear his head.

Shivering, he cranked up his vehicle turning the heat on high. His neck and back were stiff as he tried to straighten up. He wanted to bang his head against the steering wheel for being so stupid. He had a blood bond with that crazy vampire now, and if he didn’t come through for him, then he would come after him. “What the fuck, have you done?” Sullivan hit the dashboard mad for letting himself to be drawn into this job.

* * *

“She sure is hitting that bag, hard.” Ash glanced over at River with a questioning look on her face.

“Yep.” River replied to her friend Ash. “I wish Star would just have sex with Banks and Jansen then maybe that would help her with the anger she has built up. It sure helps me when I need to release some stress.” River snickered then looked back at her sister pounding the bag.

Ash’s eyes widened then started laughing with River.

“Hey, what are you two laughing at?” Star Johnson stopped punching the bag and looked over at her sister River and friend Ashland Wilder.

River just waved her sister’s question away and pushed Ash over until they both lay on the floor laughing until they cried.

Star walked over and just stared at the women. “What’s so damn funny?”

“Nothing,” River tried getting up, but fell back down on the floor laughing at her friend Ash.

Star shook her head and walked back over to the bag and started punching it harder.

“Okay, okay. Please stop.” Ash took a deep breath then lay flat on her back trying to calm down.

Both the girls rose up when they heard Banks walk in the room heading straight for Star. “You need to look at what you’re hitting or you’re going to hurt your hand.” They both watched as Star stopped hitting the bag, and then titled her head sideways at him.

“What did you just say?” River watched as Star’s voice became very calm, which should have scared Banks but he continued to stare at her.

He got closer this time and stated in a patronizing voice, “If you don’t look at what you’re hitting then you are going to hurt your hand.”

River shook her head. She had seen the angry look come over Star’s face before, but before she could warn Banks, she watched her sister jump up and punch Banks in the nose. He fell backwards against the table. Blood poured from his nose. He shook his head.

“Like that.” Star bellowed then quickly walked out of the room.

Ash and River jumped up and went over to Banks who was moaning. He held his nose as the blood poured between his fingers. River put her hand on his shoulder. “Are you okay?”

“What the hell is her problem? I only told her she needed to look at what she was hitting, or she would hurt herself then she punched me in the nose.”

“Yeah, we saw that. I guess you could say that she was looking at what she was hitting when her fist connected with your nose.” River pushed Ash who snickered.

“Sorry Banks.” River commented but held her lips in so she couldn’t smile or she was going to laugh in his face and he looked mad enough.

“What the hell is wrong with your sister?” Banks growled as he accepted the rag from River.

“I don’t know but maybe you and Jansen could keep your distance from her for a while so she has a chance to calm down. She’s~”

“Demented. That’s what she is. Damn woman needs her ass spanked.” Banks growled, with a barely banked fury.

“Well now that would require you being around her and like I said Banks, just give her some space.” River pleaded. “I think she feels like she has no place here and has nothing she can contribute. She isn’t happy at the furniture store. I think Jonas is going to have her help interviewing some potential members so she feels like she is doing something useful.”

“Are you crazy? Hell, with her attitude she will run them off.” Banks warned.

“Come on Banks. She isn’t like that with others, just you and Jansen. Maybe all of you need to get in a room together and work this out.” River shrugged when she saw Banks raise his eyebrow at her. Holding up her hands, she added, “Just a suggestion, or just stay away from her. Listen Banks, I know my sister, and she is strong willed. She had to be growing up. Living in an orphanages most of her life does that to a person. You don’t like people telling you what to do. You sound like you are ordering her instead of giving her some advice. Next time, if she is hitting the bag wrong then so what just let it go. Get someone else to tell her then maybe she will take it better.”

BOOK: Revealed (The Found Book 1)
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