Read Revealed (The Found Book 1) Online

Authors: Caitlyn O'Leary

Revealed (The Found Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Revealed (The Found Book 1)
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“If I feel you’re in danger, I’m not focused, and I might make mistakes.” Her hips dropped onto the bed with a thud.

“Oh no.” He was right. “Noah, I wasn’t thinking. I forgot how connected we are.”

“We still are Kali.” He licked along the folds of her sex, around his fingers, tasting all of the honey he had been dying to sample.


He felt her explode, and it was amazing. He actually experienced her orgasm, and had to exert all of his control not to come. There was no way he was going to deny himself the pleasure of coming inside this woman’s body. Stripping out of his jeans, it took him moments longer to put on the condom than it should have.

Looking at Kali lying in front of him, he realized he had everything he could ever want. Somehow his life had come into complete focus. He was blessed, and he was going to die if he didn’t get inside her.

* * *

Kali realized Noah had used sex to manipulate her into agreeing. She resented it, but she couldn’t blame him when she had felt his anguish. She reached out and grabbed hold of him, he was her everything, and she needed him inside her. He started slow, he always did, like she was some kind of delicate thing. This time she was having none of his nonsense. She wrapped her legs around his hips and took him inside her in one fast plunge, rejoicing in the feel of him.

“Kali!” He looked at her, his eyes filled with concern and censure. She smiled beaming with contentment.

“You feel so good, and I needed you. Now move. Fuck me, Noah.” He hesitated for all of a second and then pulled out and thrust deep and hard. God it felt good. “Again, and again, and again.” They grinned in perfect accord. Kali looked into his eyes, as they turned from brown to black and filled her vision, filled her world. She saw her blue eyes through his, for just a moment, and they glowed like sapphires. Then both colors splintered into the night sky, and she flew with Noah.

They spent the night in the room, making love and talking. She was remembering the times with her Nana, and he had vague recollections of his parents in the other place. He told stories of his time on Kauai, of meeting Kapu, which meant Grandfather in Hawaiian. He explained his grandfather was literally the grandfather to many on the island, and figuratively Grandfather to the rest.

“I had an affinity for languages early on. Then during a game of hide and seek with some of the other kids, I found Conner in his secret place. There is no way I should have found him up the tree, but I knew where he was. He and I went to talk to Kapu, and he said I had developed another superpower. He didn’t make a big deal about it. It was his way. All of the children of the Island were made to feel special, and none made to feel odd or peculiar. I remember Anna had a stutter, and Kapu said she was practicing so she could eventually speak better than everybody else, and he was right she did. She became the president of our drama department.”

“He sounds wonderful. It must have been hard when he passed.”

“Oh, he’s still alive and kicking. He goes out and fishes at least twice a week. I talk to my parents, and he is mentoring all of the young children of the Island to this day.”

“Is it how you were able to find me, because of this ability to find things like you found Conner?”

“Partly. We finally had the intel you were being held in the abandoned business complex, but yeah, when we got there, I was able to tell which building you were in.”

“I don’t understand.”

“This time was so much stronger. I would have been able to tell what building a target was in. But because it was you, I could feel your pain. I knew what building you were in, sure. But Kali, I felt you. I knew
where you were in the building, and I knew we had to get to you fast or you weren’t going to make it.

“I wonder why Sarah and I don’t have any special abilities.”

“You do Kali, you have a way with children. That’s why they want you to teach, and why they need you in the school system. I suspect Sarah has some affinity for healing. They probably aren’t really major abilities, but just enough to make a small difference. Hell, everybody has something, not just
people. You know that. Look at your dad.”

“He is a born protector.”

“My point exactly. I think we’re just more in tune to what our purpose is.”

“Maybe.” She still wasn’t convinced. But then again, there had to be a reason they were here, didn’t there? “Noah, I don’t remember as much as to why we came here, I was so young. I remember you made the decision to come, and I made the decision to follow you. Why did you come here?”

“It’s still kind of fuzzy. I still remember somebody saying something about a tipping point. I remember it being really important. That’s about it.” Kali felt his frustration, and ran her hand down his chest, smiling at him as she reached his penis.

“It’s okay, Noah. Don’t stress about it. You’ve remembered a lot. Why don’t you try to relax? I think I can help.” Kali slid down his body, smiling. She soon had him tensing up again, but eventually he was totally relaxed.

Chapter Nineteen

“Sakuro took them all into custody, and we found Sarah’s Dan,” Nate said as soon as they entered the shared rooms. Noah smiled. He loved his team. Riley was there waiting for him.

“Hear your name is Noah these days,” he said with a grin as he waved from behind Sierra at the computer. She had an even a bigger set-up then when they left the room yesterday. Yep, it was definitely turning into a command post.

“You guys are an acceptable team.”

“That’s what we strive for,
,” Nate said with a grin. “So we have an idea of where the leadership is to this fucking organization. They are outside of Dallas. Since its Riley’s stomping grounds, he and Kota have tickets out in four hours.”

“How tight is the location?”

“Pretty good. They’re operating out of a business in Denton. They’re trying to blend in with the University there. It’s not a bad cover.”

“Actually, it’s just one little subsidiary of a huge organization called Rixitron. Rixitron is a multinational with its grubby little tentacles in everything. This subsidiary houses their Senior VP in charge of, get this, Undeveloped Acquisitions.” Sierra’s disgust was clear.

“Who is this Senior VP?”

“Some slime bucket who actually worked a Ponzi scheme back in the day.”

“So we know exactly who they are and where they’re located, that’s good.” Noah gave them a steely look. He knew when he was being handed a line of bullshit.

“We don’t know exactly who the people are within the business. Two of the people are this Dan guy’s contacts.”

“So you need me.”

“Nope. Riley and I have this covered,” Kota said with absolute conviction.

“You know I’ll find them.”

“You’re not going Lieutenant and that’s final.”

Noah looked over at Kali, she was amused. She knew his team was trying to protect him, and not being insubordinate.

“Sierra, book me on the plane to Dallas. Riley, I’m going with you. Kota, you’re staying here.” There was no more discussion. He could practically hear Nate’s teeth grinding, but his unit knew this was the best decision.

“Why isn’t someone in the room with Sarah next door?”

“I have eyes and ears on her, Lieutenant.” Sierra indicated one of the three computer screens in front of her. She was amazing.

“Is she asleep or awake?” Kali asked.

“She woke up about a half hour ago.”

“I’m going in to see her.” Kali let go of his hand and knocked on the adjoining bedroom door, waiting to be called in.

“So what didn’t you tell me?” he asked turning to his team.

“They have their sights on another target. He was never reported. He was raised on an Indian Reservation in New Mexico. Dan thinks he’s already been taken, but because it was handled by another team, he’s not sure.”


“Do we know if these are the same fuckers who took Kali?”

“Nope, we weren’t able to determine that either,” Nate said delivering the bad news.

“This just keeps getting better and better.”

“Noah?” He hadn’t heard her come back through the door. “Are you okay?” He went over to her, and kissed her forehead.

“Just ironing out some of the logistics of the plan, and realized we still needed a little more intel. Nothing to worry about.”

She gave him an appraising look, and nodded her head. He understood what she was telling him, she would let him get away with the lie at the moment, but she would be questioning him further later. He intended to be gone before she had a chance to ask those questions. She stepped back into the other room.

“Okay, how in the hell is Sakuro dealing with the fact he is now holding rogue Navy men?”

“He has them held by people he trusts on Kauai. He said you’d know who he’s talking about.” Noah grinned. Well it was one positive, at least the admiral was using his head. Those retired swabbies would bury those assholes so deep they would only come up for air when Sakuro wanted them to.

“Hey, I was just able to get you seats on an earlier flight to Dallas,” Sierra chimed in.

“Great. Riley, do you have contacts to get us armored up once we land?”

“Already taken care of Lieutenant.” He loved his team, even if they were only acceptable. When he said as much, Nate threw his empty candy wrappers at him. There were a lot of them.

* * *

“Riley and I will be back tomorrow night at the latest. If everything goes to plan, Sarah should be able to come out of hiding.”

“I notice you didn’t say I could come out of hiding.” They were back in the private room where they had made love. They were lying on the bed fully clothed, knowing they didn’t have much time together.

“We still haven’t determined this is the same group of fanatics that kidnapped you. Unfortunately the
have been targeted by more than one group of crazies. This doesn’t sound like the same group from what we learned from Dave Rydell’s interrogation of Mai’s kidnapper.” Kali wrapped her arms around Noah. It was obvious he wanted to fix everything for her, but sometimes he couldn’t.

“I know you, and now I know your team. You’ll figure this all out, and soon I will be able to go home.”

“Yes you will,” he promised. Kali felt their desire rise, she loved that she could feel his as well as hers. His was fiercer, more urgent.

“Yours is softer, it comes in pulses and waves.”

“So you can read my mind,” she rubbed her cheek against his shirt.

“Close your eyes, Kali. Just relax, let’s try an experiment.”

“You’re thinking about my breasts. You always think about my breasts.”

He snorted.

“I told you to concentrate, look deeper. Yes, I was thinking about your breasts, specifically your nipples, but there was something else too.”

Kali took a deep breath, she loved how he smelled, his heart beat under her cheek. He held her even closer. He loved her. He didn’t want to leave without her when they were children. He’d loved her then as a child, but now he loved her as a man.

“You want us to have children together.”

“And grandchildren. I want the whole nine yards, Kali. I know I don’t have the ring, but will you marry me?”

She looked at this man, the most beautiful man in the world, inside and out, and couldn’t imagine growing old without him.

“Of course I’ll marry you.” Kali reached to kiss him, and stopped. “I read your mind. I actually freaking did it. Oh my freaking God!”

Noah cupped her cheeks, and kissed her. She got lost in his taste, and color and feel. She pushed against him, relieved to feel his erection swelling against her tummy. He pulled away.

“Beautiful, we don’t have time. I have to leave.”

“This better not be the start of a trend.”

“Trust me, it’s not. Expect to be ravished when I return.”

“I do.” God she loved the sound of that phrase.

Chapter Twenty

“The first thing I remember is being squirted with water by DelRoy. It was the summer before I went to first grade. I was wearing overalls and in the backyard of my house. I was holding a squirt gun too.”

“That is really weird Sarah. Mine and Noah’s first memories are so clear, I would have thought yours would be too.” They were sitting on the bed in the adjoining room eating room service. Kali was pretty sure there was no food left in the kitchen after Nate placed his order. She had never seen anybody eat as much as he did.

“Apparently I showed up in their yard a month before, the same day you did, completely naked. But the neighbor’s dog had gotten out and pinned me down. They heard my screams and the dog barking.”

“No wonder you can’t remember the day, you must have been scared to death. You probably still don’t like dogs.”

“Oh no, my parents ended up getting me a puppy a year later, and I got to raise her. I loved her until the day she died. If they hadn’t, yeah, I probably would be scared of dogs to this day. As for the memory loss,” Sarah stopped talking and just stared at Kali.

“What?” Kali gently prompted.

BOOK: Revealed (The Found Book 1)
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