Reunion (Plus Size Loving): BBW Erotic Romance (4 page)

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finishing a good-sized portion and two buttery asparagus shoots, she set down
her fork. “Scott, even though we didn’t spend a lot of time together in high
school, you were one of the nicest jocks I knew. You never flaunted your
superiority over anyone. There was hardly a single person in our class that
didn’t like you. I never thought of you as pretentious.”

shook his head ruefully. “I tried my best not to let myself get sucked in by
clique politics, but I failed. I
got too caught up in it all and look at what happened. I let go of some very
special friendships…like ours. I’m
so sorry.”


was the worst mistake I’ve ever made.”

pressed her fingers to her trembling lips. “You don’t have to apologize, Scott.
It’s okay, really.”

took one of her hands and held it between both of his. “No, it isn’t. I should
never have let you go. Things could have… things could have become so much more between us if I hadn’t.”

smiled. “I always thought so too.”

smile returned, as radiant as she’d always remembered it being. Her heart
pumped a little faster as he brought her hand to his lips and pressed a gentle
kiss that sent a shiver down her arm.

would like to spend more time with you, Melissa.”

pulled her hand back and gave him a radiant smile of her own. “Then, what are
we waiting for?”

quickly finished the meal and paid for the check, then left the hotel and went
wandering about the city, hand in hand, with no particular destination in mind.
Melissa’s heart felt as though it had wings—she’d never felt so buoyant
in her life. The man she’d always cared for from afar was finally within her
grasp. Just the fact that they were holding hands made her giddy.

came across a theater a few blocks away and paused to glance at the showings.
Melissa looked down at their clothing.

don’t know that we’re dressed for this.”

cares?” Scott said with a grin.

purchased movie tickets for a rom-com after light-hearted debate and went in.
True enough, a lot of people glanced their way, lingering on Melissa’s dress
and Scott’s…
The women’s
gazes especially lingered on him for a long time and Melissa couldn’t blame them
one bit—he was hot. She held one of his arms close to her possessively
and gave them a small smile of satisfaction as they waited in line for popcorn
and drinks.

be right back. Don’t move.” Scott quipped, a twinkle in his eyes. He left her holding their tub of popcorn
as he went off only to return moments later with two ice cream cones.

… mint chocolate chip. You remembered!” She gave the
cone a long lick, her eyes fluttering closed. Scott stared at her pink tongue
and had the urge to take off his jacket again.

could never forget,” he said with a mischievous smile. “Partially because I
could never understand how anyone could like that flavor.” He laughed when she
elbowed him,
led her into the theater.

settled, he finally did take off his jacket, and sighed in relief. Being near
Melissa, especially when she looked so desirable, heated his blood. He tried
hard to pay attention to the movie, but more often than not his gaze lingered
on her expressive face. He loved to watch the emotions flicker across, in her
green eyes and in the twist of her features.

theater was nearly empty, with a couple of people seated in the front. They
were in the back, their chairs pressed up against the wall. He was in the
corner seat, Melissa right next to him. He imagined pressing her back up
against her chair and kissing the breath out of her. His groin tightened.

hand he’d draped casually around her shoulders began caressing her upper arm,
swirling in gentle patterns. Melissa shivered, but her skin was warm and he
didn’t think it had anything to do with the cold. With a smile he slid his hand
up the side of her neck so he could toy with strands of hair that had slipped
from her up do.

making it hard to concentrate on the movie,” she whispered after a moment.

could say the same about you.” He leaned in to inhale her scent, a mixture of
peaches and cinnamon that left him hungry… but not for food.

She turned to look at him with a scowl. “I haven’t done anything except sit
here and watch the movie.”

He cupped her cheek. “Just you being here is distracting. I have absolutely no
idea what’s going on up there on the screen. All I can see is you.”

was no mistaking the sexual tension between them now, Melissa thought. She’d certainly
been aware of him before, but now she could see the desire in his hooded eyes,
wicked promises in the curve of his lips, and fraying restraint in the lines of
tension in his body. Before she realized it she’d gravitated closer, as though
his desire alone had the power to pull her bodily toward him. Maybe it did. Her
heart was pounding so hard in her ears she could barely hear the movie. Her
breath came fast, and despite the dark she was certain her skin was flushed
like the glow of a lamp.

me,” she said, scarcely recognizing the breathy voice that mumbled the words as
she tilted her head up, her lips nearly brushing his.

closed the miniscule distance between them, and laid his warm lips against
hers. A tiny moan escaped her as he wrapped his arms around her waist, drawing
her closer. His tongue glided along the seam of her lips and like a magic word
being spoken at gates guarding a secret treasure, they dutifully opened to
accept him. Within no time she was plastered against his chest, his hands
pressing against her bottom to hold her between his legs.

a moment she forgot about everything but the pleasure he was giving her with
his deep and passionate kiss. She’d forgotten they were in a theater, a public
place, with a movie playing on screen and other people further down near the
front. It was possible she might’ve continued kissing him throughout the
remainder of the movie if it weren’t for his erection suddenly pressing up
against her belly—a very real reminder of what was happening. This could
easily go too far if she allowed it.

she pulled back, brushing strands of hair out of her face. Her up do was coming
undone. “I think we’re done with the movie,” she panted.

rose from the seat and took her hand. “I think you’re right.”

practically fled the theater, Scott already on the phone demanding his driver
to hurry and pick them up. The moment they were inside the privacy of the car
he grabbed her again, yanking her body across him as he lay across the seat.
Their lips met in a torrid tangle of limbs, and she was dimly aware of his
hands in her hair, yanking the pins out. Her brown curls tumbled free to form a
curtain around both their faces, as if to offer them privacy from the world.

couldn’t believe how hot he was for Melissa. Rarely had he ever wanted a woman
so much that he couldn’t wait until he was in the privacy of his own home. Up
until now he’d always been in control of his sex drive. Here, now, he felt as
though it were in control of him.

at the swathes of dark red material covering her body, he cupped her breasts
through her dress, feeling the soft mounds rest heavily against his palm. Her
nipples were hard enough that they scraped his skin through the material, and
he was rewarded with a soft moan as he rubbed them. He wanted that dress off so
that he could touch her properly. By the time the limo pulled up to his home,
he was ready to pull it off, to hell with the driver.

mind on one thing, he dragged her up the steps of his home. Four stories of
towering glass and stone mansion rose up so its towers and turrets speared the
starry sky. Inside, past the imposing mahogany and glass door, Melissa stopped
with a gasp to gaze across the foyer. A glittering chandelier hung in the
center of the hall, reflecting the warm glow from the ceiling lights and
bouncing it off the warm oak wood floors. A boldly patterned crimson and gold
rug spread across the floor; leading up to an elegantly curving staircase that
disappeared up through the ceiling and beyond, it seemed, to the very Heavens.

is gorgeous,” she whispered, almost as if she was afraid to speak aloud lest
some mighty being from the sky strike her down.

couldn’t help but smile as he pressed his hand to the small of her back. “I had
it custom built five years ago, when I decided I wanted a place of my own.
Perhaps later I can give you a tour.”

smiled, her eyes still sparkling with wonder. “That would be nice.”

started for the stairs, but he pulled her to a halt. “This way,” he told her,
dragging her to the keypad near the edge of the wall adjacent to the stairwell.
She frowned in confusion as he punched in a code, and then her eyes widened as
a faux panel slid back from the wall, revealing an elevator. With a grin at her
obvious surprise, he pulled her inside.

in a hurry,” he explained, pushing her up against the wall as the doors closed.
Then his mouth was on hers again and she forgot about the house. This time he
wasted not a moment in sliding his hands behind her and tugging the zipper of
her dress down. The fluid material slid down to pool at her feet, and he
flattened his palms against her sides, expecting to meet silky flesh. Instead
he felt lacy material.

a ding, the elevator opened onto the fourth floor, directly into the master
suite. Scott blinked in surprise to find that Melissa wasn’t wearing a simple
bra and panties as he’d expected, but a crimson and black corset with matching

blushed at his obvious scrutiny. “My friend Annie took me shopping yesterday.
She insisted that we should get something… special… in case something more
happened than a few kisses and a glass of wine.”

grinned. “You can tell Annie that I said thank you,” he told her as he pulled
her out of the elevator. She got a brief glimpse of creamy green walls, a
marble fireplace and more wooden flooring before he dragged her to the
California king-sized platform bed dominating the room. In contrast to his
obvious hunger for her, he placed her tenderly, almost reverently on the bed,
nestling her against the black comforter.

so beautiful,” he murmured, stroking a hand along her cheek, and then pulled
back. She sat up to watch him take off his jacket and shirt, exposing his
rippling muscles to the lamplight. His pectorals and abs were well defined from
what could only be hours spent at the gym or playing vigorous sports. She knew
they had been shaped by the latter, and most likely were maintained by the
former. She wouldn’t be surprised if he had a personal gym somewhere inside
this place.

shoes were the next to go—a pair of what looked like Versace loafers,
easily worth a month of her own pay, carelessly tossed aside. She held her
breath when he unfastened his belt and let it drop to the floor along with his
pants, revealing long legs corded with powerful muscle and lightly dusted with
hairs several shades darker than what was on his head.
A pair
of silk black boxers were
all that remained between her gaze and the
rest of his body, and she stared avidly, as though she could burn away the
offending garment through sheer will.

the boxers dropped away, and he was completely naked to her gaze. He looked at
her boldly as he stood for a moment, allowing her to take him in, clearly
telling her that he was not at all shy about his body. His cock stood tall and
proud as the rest of him, and looked to be nearly as thick as her wrist.

turn.” he groaned, the challenge rising in his voice.

shrugged, unsure of herself. “You might not like what you see.”

He closed the distance between them and she backed up instinctively as he
towered over her, suddenly realizing just how big he really was. Being taller
(and not nearly as skinny) than most women, she’d never thought of herself as
tiny, Scott made her feel petite. He allowed her no quarter, prowling across
the bed like a big, dangerous predator, his green eyes gleaming with a hunger
only she could sate. He crawled up her body then pressed his steel-hard cock up
against her.

this? Is this proof that I already like what I’m seeing?”

yes,” she agreed, trying not to let her eyes go wide. It was even larger close
up, longer than she thought it would be, the mushroom head glistening with pre-cum.
On impulse she flicked her tongue out, collecting a drop as if she were
sampling a piece of food that had been offered to her on a platter. A smile
spread across her lips at his groan.

hands slid into her curls again. “Take it,” he demanded, his voice rough with

looked up into his eyes for a moment, reveling in the breathtaking view of the
desire clearly reflected in his eyes. With one hand circling the base of his
shaft, she took him slowly into her mouth. It had been a long time since she’d
last done this for a man, but by his encouraging moans and the tightening grip
in her hair, she knew she was doing a good job. She massaged his balls as she
sucked him, pleased when he started bucking his hips, pushing his cock into

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