Return to Love (15 page)

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Authors: Lynn Hubbard

BOOK: Return to Love
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Joanie was cursing the dewy decimal system as she hunted in vain ‘I hope Kate‘s having better luck than I am’ she thought to herself sighing as she yet again went down the wrong aisle. The old wooden bookshelves stretched high above her head like the old oak trees they once were. Joanie felt the hair on her neck prickle as she thought of how frightening it would be to be stuck there all night. Hurrying up she finally found the right section and was dismayed by the number of books on Benjamin Franklin. Groaning she grabbed several and turned around quickly colliding with someone behind her. Books and papers went everywhere.

“Watch where you’re going dweeb.” April growled chasing the white sheets.

“Sorry.” Joanie murmured biting back her anger. She swiftly picked up the books and headed to the table leaving April to gather up her own jumble of things. She avoided the librarian’s eyes as she passed her desk and sat down at the table across from Kate. Kate was smirking at her, and she glared back in return. Kate smiled even wider and returned to her assignment. She had a book open and was staring at it perplexed. Joanie gave her a remorseful grin and delved into her own books.

“Kate did you know that Benjamin Franklin’s kite never got struck by lightning?” Joanie asked as she quickly made notes.

“Nope, did you know the library closes in ten minutes?” Kate replied as she lay down her pencil and massaged her cramping hand.

“Really?!” Joanie asked remembering her previous nervousness. She looked up surprised to see that she and Kate were the last ones there. She quickly marked her page and decided which books she wanted to check out. They gathered their things and headed to the checkout counter. The old lady sniffed at them as she signed them out. They bundled up to start the long walk back to Joanie’s house.

They left the warmth of the old building and stepped out into the freezing night. They were surprised to see April standing on the sidewalk. She looked over at them as if noticing them for the first time.

“You guys have a ride?” She asked hopefully.

Kate and Joanie glanced at each other Joanie shrugged, and Kate replied, “Nope but your welcome to walk with us.”

April hesitated for a moment, before she fell into step with the two friends. They walked for a block or so not talking much when they were suddenly blinded by a bright light as a car turned the corner and slowed down in front of them. Joanie’s eyes narrowed, and she stood a little straighter as Chris rolled down the window.

“You chicks want a ride?” He asked leering at them.

“I’d rather freeze to death.” Joanie retorted as she again started walking, Kate hurried to follow her.

“Come on sugar. I‘ll keep you warm.” Chris said hoping out of the car and blocking her path. Joanie could smell the liquor on his breath and turned away in disgust as he leaned toward her.

April stepped up to Chris slyly grabbing his bicep. “Come on now, why would you wanna waste your time on her when you could have me?” She asked whispering in his ear.

“Why indeed?” Chris asked himself wrapping his arm around her and quickly ushering her into the front seat between him and his pal. “I’ll definitely see you later.” He said winking at Joanie as he peeled out and headed back down the road.

“You think they’ll come back?” Joanie asked watching them squeal around the corner.

Kate shrugged, “I hope not, but I’ve got an idea.” She smiled deviously over at Joanie. Joanie groaned, somehow Kate's ideas always landed her in hot water. Kate started walking briskly to warm up, Joanie followed her wearily.

“Where are we going?” Joanie demanded as Kate turned right at the next corner instead of left towards Joanie’s home. Kate ignored her as she headed up the walkway to an apartment complex that Joanie didn’t recognize. When they entered the foyer, Joanie looked around uneasily. “Alright enough is enough where are we?” She asked losing her patience with her friend. Kate smiled broadly at her little trick “Marc and Eric’s apartment.”

“No!” Joanie practically yelled then realizing she was much too loud for their surroundings she quickly covered her mouth with her hands to stop the tirade that was about to come forth upon Kate.

There was an angry drunken voice that yelled through a nearby door. “Shut up out there!”

Joanie pulled Kate close and whispered “We can’t stay here.”

Kate feigned surprise “Of course we can’t.” She whispered back “It’d be stupid to wait around an empty hallway. We’ll be more comfortable upstairs in their apartment.”

Joanie closed her eyes wishing she was home as Kate grabbed her by her coat sleeve and drug her up the stairs to the second floor. “Have you been here before?” she asked uncertainly.

“Of course not! I got the address from the operator. But, if you’d rather wait outside until Chris drives by again I’m sure he’d love to keep you warm.” Joanie was about to retort; however, Kate had already found the right apartment number and knocked on the door.

She held her breath half of her hoping he wasn’t home, and the other half hoping he was. They heard footsteps crossing the floor and soon the door knob was turning. Joanie was frozen to the spot as the door cracked open, and Eric peeked his head out. He looked surprised to see Kate standing outside, then he broke into his lopsided grin, that Joanie loved so much, when his eyes rested on her. Joanie could feel her face turning red and was able to choke “Um hi.”


April giggled as she took her turn at the bottle. Chris’s friend had swiped a bottle of vodka from his dad’s liquor cabinet in hopes of a fun evening. They were currently parked in a playground. April watched the swings moving gently in the cool night air. The playground was next to a small patch of trees separating them from the main road. April looked over at Chris and giggled. “I am the luckiest girl in the world.”

“Yes you are.” Chris agreed sliding the driver seat back. He took a swig from the bottle and handed it back to his friend Al. April snuggled up to him laying her head on his shoulder. She was semi conscious of Al’s hands lifting her feet and sliding her shoes off. She stretched like a kitten as Chris chuckled and turned to her kiss her roughly. April kissed him back her body tingling from the alcohol. Her mind was fuzzy, and all she could do was concentrate on Chris’s hands on her back and chest. She broke her mouth away trying to think, to understand. Chris’s hands where on her torso so whose hands were on her legs? She tried to sit up but was pushed back down none too gently by Chris.

April’s eye flew open, Al! Chris’s football buddy was with them. What was she thinking? She tried putting her hands up and pushing Al off of her, but they just laughed. “Come on doll, I thought you were friendly?” Chris told her trying to keep her befuddled mind off of their actions.

“No,” April said shaking her head slowly as if coming out of a trance. She said it again more firmly. “NO!”

Chris laughed, “Don’t be a tease.” Chris covered her mouth with his and tried to push her back down on the seat. April panicked, reaching out she grabbed the only thing she could reach. Wrapping her flailing hand around the neck of the liquor bottle, she grabbed it and smashed it down on Chris’s head shattering the bottle. Turning the jagged edge towards Al as Chris grabbed his head in agony “Open the door and get out!” She demanded. Her adrenaline flushing the alcohol out of her system she forced Al out of the door as she struggled out of the car on shaky legs.

“Grab her!” Chris cried climbing out of his side of the car. Al the big linebacker’s body was as slow as his mind and April slipped through his fingers running for the main road.

Seeing the head lights racing towards her and hearing the shouts behind her, April ran out into the road to flag down the car. She froze in fright as she miss judged, and the last thing she remembered was blinding lights and the screech of tires before her world went black.

“Shit!” Chris cried as he and Al staggered back to the car and drove away.

Chapter 16

Eric’s eyes twinkled as he said “Hey hold on a sec.” He disappeared behind the door and shut it. Immediately Kate moved so that she could press her ear up against the door. She could hear some whispers and clinking of bottles.

“How cute!” she said looking over at Joanie “I think he’s sprucing up the place for you.” She resumed her pose not wanting to miss anything while Joanie stood restlessly. The door opened quickly a moment later almost knocking Kate off her feet.

“Come on in.” Eric said stepping back to allow them passage. Joanie took a step forward, and before she knew it, she was standing in Eric's apartment with the door closed, and locked behind her. She looked around the sparsely furnished apartment. It contained in the main room a well worn sofa two mismatched recliners a coffee table and a floor lamp. To one side of the room there was a connecting kitchen with an eating section. The eating area was filled with unpacked boxes some open some not, she didn’t see a kitchen table anywhere. There were three doors along the left wall, and she wondered what was behind them. Eric saw her looking at them and whispered in her ear. “The one next to the window is my bedroom.”

Joanie quickly averted her eyes blushing.

“What are you guys doing here?” Marc asked entering the living area from the closest door to them. Joanie assumed it was another bedroom and that the middle door was the bathroom. Must be nice having two bedrooms she thought of her small one bedroom apartment popped into her mind.

“We were just in the neighborhood and decided to drop by.” Kate said a little too cheery for Joanie.

“Ah huh.” Eric said taking Joanie books from her and then helping her with her coat. He laid it on a box next to her books and led her over to the sofa and sat down next to her. “I’m sorry about this mess.” Eric said indicating the entire place with a sweeping jester “We’re still getting settled.”

“Oh no it’s fine. It’s much bigger than I expected. It could use some curtains though.” She added looking at the old sheet hanging over the window. Eric smoothly shifted, so he could look at the window and slide his arm around her all at the same time.

“Your right, why don’t we go out Saturday, and you can pick out what I need.” She nodded barely breathing he was so close to her she was having trouble thinking. “How come you’re out so late on a school night?”

Joanie glanced over at Kate and Marc. She was sitting on his lap on one of the recliners, and they were lost in their own conversation. “Actually we came from the library.” She replied mesmerized by his blue eyes.

“The library?! And you were walking home at this time of night?”
Joanie bristled at his tone. She moved back from him a bit as she retorted “I am not a child. I can take care of myself.”
Kate guffawed “Yeah like you did this morning in the bathroom.” Kate piped in then covered her mouth as she realized her error.
“What is she talking about?? What happened? Who bothered you?” Eric insisted.
Joanie forced a smile. “It’s no big deal; I can take care of it.”
Kate climbed to her feet. “You have to tell him Joanie!”

Joanie sent Kate a scathing look as she sighed defeated. Kate was right maybe she couldn’t handle it, she had to tell someone. She took a deep breath “Chris Harper.” She said answering Eric’s earlier question.

Eric looked puzzled until he realized what she was saying. “The football player? He’s been bothering you?” Joanie nodded sadly. He shook his head slowly “Alright start from the beginning.” Joanie sighed and watched as Kate and Marc left the room leaving her and Eric alone. She heard giggles coming from Marc’s bedroom and blushed. Eric noticed nothing; he was staring at her intently.

She took a deep breath and told him everything from their first encounter at her locker to tonight. Eric seemed to grow angrier by the moment. Joanie nervously reached up to push her hair out of her face, and Eric for the first time, noticed the bruises on her arms. He gently grabbed her arms to look at them closely. He slid her sweater up over her arms revealing the extent of the blue and purple smudges covering her wrists. “He did this to you?” Eric asked angrily. Joanie looked frightened by his tone, and Eric cursed himself for putting her through more discomfort.

Sensing her vulnerability he pulled her onto his lap and the tears she had fought so hard to control came forth. She cried against his shoulder as he gently rocked her as if she were a child. He kept murmuring to her as he held her. That it wasn’t her fault and that he would take care of her. She eventually stopped crying and looked up at this gentleman, her man. And she felt a quaking inside of her. He wiped away her tears. “I was so scared.” She whispered and forced Eric to bend over to hear her.

“Shh its ok sweetheart you never have to be afraid again. I’ll take care of you.” Eric sat her back on the sofa as he hopped up to get her some toilet paper. She smiled gratefully and blew her nose. Wanting to believe it, she stared at him. He leaned closer and kissed her gently on the lips. Panicky she moved to sit on the edge of the couch as if she would bolt any second.

Eric chuckled. “I don’t bit Joanie.”

Joanie blushed. “It’s not you I’m worried about.” Eric moved forward so that he was sitting in a similar position and took her dainty hands in his. “I would never do anything to hurt you.” He said softly gazing into her eyes. “I would like to get to know you better though. Let’s play a game. You ask me a question then I ask you a question. Deal?”

Joanie smiled she was pretty good at games. “Okay but you have to tell the truth and if you don’t answer you get tickled. Okay?”

Eric’s blue eyes twinkled. “Alright but I get to go first. How come you didn‘t tell me about Chris before?” Eric said softly as he gently massaged her wrists.

Joanie shrugged, “I was embarrassed and I thought I could handle it. I guess I was wrong.” She said sadly looking down at her wrists realizing how very wrong she had been. She forced a smile never one to dwell on her own problems. “My turn now, when you gave me your jacket to wear that day you picked me and Kate up did you really want me to keep it?”

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