Return to Love (13 page)

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Authors: Lynn Hubbard

BOOK: Return to Love
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Joanie smiled in spite of herself. She quickly wiped her face and nodded. He gave her a quick smile and released her. He talked quickly with Marc and the two of them went out first to look around carefully to make sure that the Bakers had left. When the coast was clear, he motioned for them to come on. He unlocked his door and ushered everyone in.

Joanie sat in the front seat between Brad and Eric, and Kate got in the back with Marc. Joanie sat up straight trying not to bump Eric’s leg since Brad was watching her like a hawk. Tiredness overcame her, and she soon fell asleep, as her head dropped onto Eric’s shoulder. Eric looked down and smiled at the angel next to him. Brad looked annoyed but didn’t say anything. When they got home Brad grabbed Joanie’s arm and started to drag her towards the open door. “Hey! Careful!” Eric said scooping her up in his arms effortlessly. Marc and Kate scampered out of the back seat, and they hurried up the steps to the apartment house. Joanie deep in sleep, snuggled against Eric for warmth, and he laid his cheek against her soft hair inhaling it’s fresh scent. Brad led the way upstairs and into the apartment. Eric carried Joanie into her bedroom and laid her down on her bed. She mumbled ‘Eric’ in her sleep, and he smiled as he slipped off her shoes and covered her up with her quilt. He gently kissed her forehead and snuck out of the room. Kate and Marc were chatting on the couch when Eric entered. Marc got up and left with Eric.

Marc snickered as he climbed into the front seat. “Don’t you think she’s a little young for you?”
Eric sighed. “I know she‘s young, but I‘m willing to wait.”
Marc chuckled. “I sure wouldn’t consider you a patient man.”
“Things change.” Eric said more to himself than to Marc. “Things change.”
Chapter 14

Kate woke up early. She got ready for school trying to make as much noise as possible to rouse Joanie, but to no avail. Unable to wait any longer she roughly shook Joanie awake.

“Wake up sleeping beauty.” Kate said sarcastically.

Joanie yawned and finally opened her eyes. Her mind still hazy she sleepily wondered what Kate was doing in her room. Then her eyes got large as the events from last night came back to her. Well at least most of them.

“What happened? I don‘t remember getting home.” Joanie mumbled shielding her eyes from the bare light bulb glaring down at her.

“I can’t believe you slept through the whole thing! It was so romantic.” Kate cried flopping down on her back next to Joanie. She quickly rolled over to her stomach and propped herself up on her elbows. “First you fall asleep on his shoulder, and then he carries you up all three flights of stairs to your room.”

Joanie‘s mouth dropped open. “He actually carried me? I thought it was just a dream.”
“Ha!” Kate said. “I wish my dreams were half as exciting as your life.”
“Oh no!” Joanie thought suddenly. “What did Brad say?”

“Nothin’.” Kate answered then she paused. “Well actually he said ‘please move Kate your sitting on my bed’. So I came in here and slept on your mom’s.”

Joanie’s alarm clock clanged loudly, and Joanie scampered to turn it off. She looked at the time and then back to Kate.

“How long have you been up? It’s only six thirty?” Joanie said making her way to her closet.

“I don’t think I ever went to sleep. There was just too much to think about. Marc is soooooo cute! He’s pretty funny too! Course he probably thinks I’m just a baby.” Kate sighed.

Joanie turned from the closet. “Baby! That’s what Eric called me last night. I’m so confused. He probably does just think I’m a baby. Heck, he’s never even asked me out.” Joanie sighed grabbing some clothes and laying them on the bed.

“Don’t say that! I think he really likes you. Maybe he’s just shy.” Kate offered.

“Eric Phillips shy? I don’t think so. Maybe he just feels sorry for me.” Joanie sat down on the edge of her bed feeling sorry for herself.

“Don’t say that. I mean he kissed you didn’t he? And there is no way that Marc would have carried me upstairs he would have just let Brad drag me out of the car like he tried to do to you. You should have seen Eric he almost tore Brad’s head off for dragging you across the seat like that. And then he scooped you up and cuddled you against his chest until he lay you down on the bed.” Kate sighed.

Joanie looked at her friend dumb founded. “How the heck could I have slept through all of that?”

“Beats me. I figured you were faking it. Mmm... That’s not such a bad idea I’ll have to try that sometime.”

“Ok so maybe he does like me. But why doesn’t he ask me out or at least call me? I mean what should I do? Should I wait for him to make the next move? Or maybe I should let him know I like him too. Kate are you even listening to me?”

Kate was peeking through the key hole in the door knob. When Joanie called her she stood up so fast she bumped her head on the knob.

“What are you doing?” Joanie asked trying not to laugh at her friend’s discomfort.

“Brad’s walking around in his underwear.” She whispered to Joanie who just rolled her eyes. “I think you should go for it. I hear he’s got his own place.”

“Really? How do you know?”

“Marc told me last night. He and Eric are sharing a place not too far from here. Maybe you can bring him a house warming gift.” Kate giggled as Joanie’s mouth fell open as she caught on to her meaning.

“You’re unbelievable.” Joanie said as she went out to take a quick shower before dressing. The warm shower felt great against her smooth skin. She swiftly lathered her hair and body. She rinsed off completely and climbed out of the shower. She reached under the sink and pulled out two old, worn towels. The same ones she had used as a girl. She thought about the thick, fluffy towels at the academy, and decided that if she had to choose she would choose these. She wondered how many times had her mother lovingly washed them and folded them; so many she couldn’t began to count. She towel dried her hair as best as she could and brushed it until it was tangle free. Then she wrapped her long, damp hair in one towel and tied another around her chest. The towel came about mid-thigh barely covering her behind. I guess I have grown she thought.

She opened the door and stepped out into the living room where she stopped dead in her tracks. Eric was standing by the couch talking to Kate and Brad who had finally had gotten dressed. When he saw her standing there in just a towel with most of her body exposed to him for his viewing he stopped talking in mid-sentence and stared openly. His eyes darkened with desire as his gaze racked her over her from head to toe.

“Good morning Eric.” She said trying to sound casual. Glad that her face was already red from the steamy shower.

“Mornin’.” He replied huskily. The slight tremor in his voice made Joanie's knees feel weak. Kate’s giggling brought her back to reality, and she excused herself and hurried into her bedroom to dress.

Ignoring the clothes on the bed, she quickly pulled out one of her nicer sweaters and put it on. The brown complemented her eyes and her flawless completion. Or that at least that’s what her stepmother Samantha told her. At least her stepmother had good taste in clothes. Smoothing out her skirt, she went back into the living room to find out what was going on.

Kate raised her eyebrows when she saw that Joanie had decided to wear a different sweater. She’d have to tease her about it later.

Since Kate and Brad were sitting in the chairs only the sofa was left, where Eric was waiting. She noticed that he was sitting in the middle so no matter where she sat she would be awfully close to him. Hesitating only a second she sat on the side closest to Kate. Eric’s eyes followed her every movement and Joanie taking Kate’s advice, gave him a brilliant smile.

“What’s going on?” Joanie asked taking the towel from her head and letting her hair fall free. She ran her fingers through it to get it out of her eyes.

Brad spoke up. “Eric came by this morning and brought me some gas. He’s gonna take me out to pick up my car.”

“After,” Kate broke in “he drives us to school.”

Joanie looked over at Eric who just shrugged and seemed embarrassed. And she got the idea that he wasn’t used to doing good deeds. Joanie blushed hoping secretly that she was his ulterior motive.

Brad stood up and looked at Joanie “Well if you’re ready we need to get going.” Eric flashed him a dark look but stood none the less. He turned around and offered his hand to help Joanie up off the soft sofa. Joanie took his hand bracing herself for the surge of heat that always went through her whenever she touched him. Or heck, just thinking of him for that matter. His large callused hand engulfed her tiny one as he gently helped her to her feet. She bent down to get her shoes and the back of his hand lightly brushed against her rear. She spun around to look at him, but he was off in a conversation with Brad. Maybe it was an accident she thought. However, she then noticed he was trying to hide a smile, and she thought two can play at that game. She grinned as she went to get her coat from the closet. Eric was there suddenly and took it from her. He bowed slightly, and she giggled as she put her arm in. When she turned around to put her other arm in, Eric quickly wrapped the coat and his arms around her and kissed her cheek. Joanie looked around the room surprised that Brad and Kate had already gone down. Eric turned to leave, but Joanie grabbed his arm.

“Please wait.” She asked.

Eric looked kind of sheepish, and he thrust his hands in his pockets. His feet were standing apart, and his head slightly lowered, so that he had to look at her through his hair, which was now hanging over his eyes. Joanie giggled he looked like a big sheep dog. He didn’t say anything and Joanie realized that he was letting her go first. She took a deep breath and started talking.

“You’re confusing me!” She accused. “You pop up out of nowhere and keep rescuing me. But you never talk to me. I want to talk to you the real Eric Phillips. Not the macho showoff you are in front of your friends but the softer one; the one who gives away his coat even though he’s cold too.” She took a step towards him and he nearly stopped breathing. She gently pushed the hair away from his eyes and was dazzled by their blue brilliance.

He took his hands out of his pocket and gently rubbed her cheek. He sighed. “Joanie,” He said so softly she could barely hear so she took another step closer.

“I care a lot about you. You’re pretty, sweet, and tough. But you’re also very innocent. I don’t want to hurt you. I’ve been around a lot of girls, and you’re special I don’t want to mess it up. I just thought if I could take it slow I wouldn’t scare you away.”

“Take it slow? If you take it any slower, I’d probably forget your name, since I wouldn’t see you anymore! The other night you told Baker that I was your girl. Did you mean that?”

“Are you coming or not! It’s freezing....” Kate busted in the door and stopped in her tracks noticing how close they were. “Well I can see it’s getting hot in here.” She ducked out before the couple could say anything to her.

Joanie sighed and headed toward the door. “Joanie.” Eric called following her. Joanie looked around her heart almost stopping at the intense look on his face. “The answer’s yes.” And with that, he grabbed her hand, and they headed downstairs together.

Brad and Kate were waiting by Eric’s car when they got downstairs. The girls quickly crowded into the front seat while Brad grumbled about riding in the back by himself. Joanie enjoyed the comfortable feel of having Eric next to her. Her head was still spinning she couldn’t believe that he called her his girl. Before too long they were at the school and to her surprise Eric hopped out of the car and ran around to the passenger side to help them out. Joanie’s happiness faded as she saw Chris and a couple of his teammates standing against the brick entrance way watching intently. They hadn’t noticed her yet and she was hoping that they wouldn’t. She had made Chad promise not to mention any of the incidents to Eric. Eric reached in and grabbed her hand helping her out after Kate. Kate was the first to notice Chris watching them intently, and she nudged Joanie. Unfortunately, Eric noticed also.

“Who’s that?”

“He’s nobody.” Joanie said but the nervousness that she felt came through in her voice. Surely Chris wouldn’t be stupid enough to try something in front of Eric. Eric nodded and pulled her to him for a long kiss that left her knees wobbly.

“Would you like to go to the movies on Friday?” He whispered still holding her close. Eric’s shoulders blocked her view from Chris, but she knew that Kate was keeping an eye out.

“Can we double with Marc and Kate?” Joanie asked remembering her dear friend.

“I can probably arrange something.” Eric said smiling. “See ya later.”

Eric turned around and stared hard at Chris until he looked away. He then waited until the girls were inside the school before pulling out. Brad had climbed into the front seat since it was vacant and stared out the window at Chris who hurried off into the building.

“So I guess it’s official huh? You and Joanie I mean.” Brad said not sure how he felt yet about the situation.
Eric nodded. “I guess it is.”
Brad nodded. “You’d better take good care of her. She ain’t just any girl she’s my baby sister.”
Eric turned to look at his friend. “I promise you I’d rather die than do anything to hurt her.”
Brad laughed and slapped him on the shoulder. “That’s good ‘cause if you do I’ll kill ya.”

Joanie had gotten to her locker and put away her books. She looked around wearily and seeing no one headed to the gym. She rounded the corner and ran smack into Chris. He grabbed her and pulled her tightly against him. He covered her mouth with one hand and drug her into a boy’s bathroom that was close by. He forced her back to the wall and leered at her. He held both of her hands above her head with one of his large ones and he squeezed them so tightly Joanie almost winced. He was hurting her, but she refused to let it show.

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